HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-06-19.rob Locaticn:S &r- Aesessore Map il L 'fatLotil Q e(Asner: Phone: " RESIDt*'f TlAL..I o zzs North sth stt,eeaPPlrcA?tvtl/PERMrrSpringfield, 1negon TZ4ZZ Buildtng Diutston 7 26- s7 53 SPF'NGFIEI.D Date l.lechan ectr a n(- *7O t -A..rr. Srrpervcf,z;ir^t c1ilnli1ecLr ,il A€, DEt^OLI?Nil OR Sanitatg aertet capped et property Lire Septic tank pwnped and filled vith gra:tel Final - l{hen aborte itetns are ccnpleted and uhen demolition ie complete ot, strac- ture norted and g.enrtses cleaneC up. Hcnee Bloeking atd, Set-up Plwnbing connectione -- s€1ie? qnd, ualer Electrieal Ccnnection - Blocking, eet-up and plwnbing conneetions mtst be apprct;ed befone nequeeting eleetrteal inspeclion Acceasovl Building akirting, decks,Final - After pcnchee etc. a"e canp|eted. Pr,Je 1 of :l Subdivision: i Addtess: ci Additicn RemoCel Date of AppL rs i Plumbing It ia the responaibility of tle petmi hodet to'aee |ITE INSPECIION: ?o be nade aftener"ao"fioryT; prior tc set up of forne. 7 v Describe I'loyk: Value Iour City Dexigrated Job Nunbet, fs INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPEC:IION : ?o be nade atter aLL insulaticn and required oapor bar,iers ave in pl.ace but before any Lath, gypsun boarC or rmLL couering is applied, ard. before oty insulation ts concealed. D\YWALL INSPEC?ION: Tc be made afteriTTdyntTta in place, but prior to any taping. MASON!?I: Steel Location, bond Effiilgrouting or oerticals in accordance uith U.B.C. Section 241 5. 2oo A,r\( Ser n c e L CircL^'i +3 L fron the st"eet, anC that the penmit cazd ia LocatedtBuilding D'Luisiot appro'"-ed plan sfu:Ll remain on the that aLL inspectione are nade at the prope? time, that eceh address is readabieat the ftont of the propenty. Building :itc at aLL' tilmes.- PROCSDUPV FoR INSPEIAN 3!flWElrCALL726-3769 (tecorder) state yout, City Cesigrated job nwnber, job aCd,reas, type of inspeetictreadyfolinapection,contractot,sit,a,lners"fwneindplo1enwnbel.biqueststecei,*ed'befcre?:00cnt"iLL be rmde the sane dcy, requests nide afiet, ?:00 on tttll be nnde the nert:,nrki.ng'day. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECIRICAL & MECHAIIICAL: To be tade before any ttot k is cotseyed. P)OTING & F)UNDATICN: To be rmCe afi er-tiencFis areixcauated and forns are erected, but prior to pouring ccncreta. UNDSRGROUIID PLUT{BINC. SEIIER, W.4TER, - Tfi-f,Finches. UIIDERFLOOR PLUI.IBINC & MECITANICAL: of floor insulction or decking. POSI AND BEAM: To be nade priot, to iiildTTi[G|of floor insulation or decking. ROUCil Pr.UMBntC. ELEqTRICAL ,t \IECH- GliT-thrse inspections haue been made atvl appnooed,. Ff!?EPLACE: Priot, to plccirg facingmate?ials and before franing inapec- tion. FRAIIINC: l,tust be requected after approval of rough pharbing, electri- cal & meclanical. Alt roofing btacittg E chinmeys, etc. rmtst be . conpleted. llo ucrk ie to be eon- , cecled until this inspection has 'been nnde anC approred. WAODSTOVE: ccrpGiA. After installatton is CURB & APPR)ACI! AIW: After fornsate etectAE; pffi to pouring concrete. STDEWALX & DRfVil,lAY: For aLL eon- ctete Woil6 uElfr etreet night- of-uny, to be made after aLL exca- oating canplete & form unt'k & sub- base naterial in plaee. AIL project conditions, such as the i.natallation of street tteea, conplction-of the required. Landscaping, atc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDING PINAL can be requested- FINAL BUfLDINC: The tinal BuiTding fnspection rruet be requeated after the Final Plwnbing Electrical, anC. Mechanical. Inspections have been made atd approoed. ln ln ln l.r FTNAL PLUMBITIC FINAL MgCIIANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL *AI,T, i,,ANIrcT,E!; AND CT,NANOU'|'S TIII:,T ND AC(,'DSSIB|,I|, ADJUS?III:NT TO RD T'I!1DE AT TJO CL'IST TO CIIY General tr I rmct: hthen eonplete -- ProoiCe l) wt".".ot, mooable sections thtough I tr tr JOB NO.SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G+ Bedrooms:t:ilone :0ecupancy Group: Enerau Sounces Tltnefat Faces - !leatSetbaeka llouse Cdraqe Access.llater leaterP. L. RangeNorth Fi.replacaEast--ilooEtooASouth West 7 of Lot Cooenage_ ! of Stortea Iot Sq. Ftg.LOT ?YPE _ fnterion Cotne? Panlurdle CUL-de-eac Total Height Topography Building Volue & Permit Thie petwlt ia granted on the eqress gondition tlat ttu said conatntction ",iilt', tn all r"eapecta,-irii"i'tr-li"'o"at""ce adopte'l liy the city o.f Spriw field, including the'Wntng Cndinanc e, regulatilry the cats ttwc ticn-riA i"r'" if Luildinge,- anil nay \i euapended or revokeC at cny tine upon uic- la,tion of any prooiaione of eaid ondinancea. TOTAT, VAT,UE VaFTCx * , s.D,c. 7.5 x Receipt fi Date Paill: PLdnBuiWing Pemit ?otal Clangea State Plumbing Perrnit No peraon slnll constract, i,natall,, alter or clnnge Gnll net -cr" eztsting'iiirlli ", ariiiiAL ey"t"n in uloie or. in part, inleas aueh person is bhe i"jif p"or""uron ol"o rLlid plu^tnn's Lic.ene'e, engept that a pe"aon,na! 40.plaliii,irk to pnopeity itt"h i, oumed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electricql Permit Where State tno nequirea th,at the electrical uork be done by -an Electrical'i"it""iL., 7in "lir.t"|iot pintto" _of thie _permit atall not be oaliC until the Label -laa been aigned by the Electrical contractot" FEE CHARGE , NO.I'1'EM L Stcte *4?otal ,)l-/- * Fisturee Iteeidential (1 bath) Seuen Pl,mbing Pemit State ttan/ktend Circuits Sentice NC.PE8 CIIARCEITEM bTrnzce YIU'S blwnet llad Vent For llcodstooe I Mechqnicol Permit Permit Isauallce Neclwnical Pertt tSeourt Permit 6tbctti Sidatalk ttobtle llone I ttAvl CAREFULLy E?AI4INED the conpleted appli'cati'on for permit' and do i";;;L;ii,iily'^u'"r::i#r"ri"J-y;#"nii:,-lt'rZ"i;;7'iff ir- til:Yk",:;',{: ,:hl"X:y","Yt1iiT;:;-,::i:'^yy,if:,:tr:,! "ff ,ff' ,flr olli'- t;ii"r",irt'"oT:,*f:r:r-;;:;" ut-,uzi-,i wr.u,out''iZii*Z'izl Lr. the Buitdins D'i- oiaion. r further ""fr1k'"ii'Z:'".;::i;;";*:itons o"d enplcveea uho are tn catpliance Dith oRS io1-'b"ss uiLL be- ueed on thie proiect ?otaL * Signed Dabe PLatr