HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-05-29'ob Loccticn: Ica Iat llssessorc I'!ap # tubdioision: lDne?: Phone:ddress Desev,ibe lv'ov'k: Va?.ue I Iicaticn,5 LqqoDate of AppL u,p,tdditicn llcmoCeL .. REslD.__lTlAL.' ll APPLICATION/PERIIIT SPFIINGFIELD 225 North |th StYeet Spr"ingfield, Aregon 97477 Buildi.ng Diuision 7 26-37 s3 Date:4 ^,,e42 )nt r eneral J-urnbing echanica J.ectrica El-ec E.r:ic ianlrD Sanitary seaet eapped at propertg Lir:e Septic totk pwrped atd fi"Lled lrtth gra:sel Final - l'lhsn abctse ttens dre ecmpleted i,.d. ut nn denolition is eotttplete- o? otr.)c- li"-^or"a attd preni'ses eLeaneC up' BTocking and Set-ttP PT,wnbing eonnections '- acoe? and' ualet EleetrieaT. Cqmeetion - Bloeking' aet-ui-t ;7;1;ii"; eonneetion, nust be dq'P?cted f,,iV"il r"r; eting electtLeal i'nspec lion Accessor; BuitCittg Final - After pcreh'es' skirting' decks' ete. @e conPleted' srTE INSIEC:{0u: exca)atlon' cut forns. Io be nnde aftet' prtar tc set uP of 'ICAL any E E fo to fuoor insu or deeking. A iwpeetiox's hatse beenNo these nade and apProrsed. to plaei.r4 faeingPrLor ord b"1orn framtng inspec- tr W*ffi#ffi; '![3i'i'!'i*' To AWW#X":2,2:0X1" - -ior*" ore erected, but Pnior tc PourLng ecneret€' ww#w;,':"uo:,#":" ^ but Pr'i,or to cnY taPing' MASINRY: Steel Location, bond.'tffii7i*rting or verticals in"""iirao1"n dth u'B'c' seetion 241 s. -1-ll vooosrovt: After instal'l'ati'on 'Ls l# *-pT;iA. I POST AND BEAII: installatian oi floor insul,ation orTo be nade Prior to conc?ete. decking *WW;",12i,".1'1n1,'il'""'rlir'.-io Le ^ade after aLL exea- ;l;;1r'""rplltn a io* wrk & sub' bace natenial in Ptaee' E 1 rrprprltcj, -) mctertats t FRAPlIilC: lhust be requested after #,ii,'; ;; ;;; h Plirbins' -.e L e c *i- 7"'|1-irL"kit"iu ' r'tt roofing -"i*Z"irrq' sint'*.''lt' etc' rt.,,st be i:irl*'"1;r;'"r,ili\*i"'"L0":"ff"- ' ai|- ioa" anc aPProt cd' tion. gates 'P.U.E. ANt) CLlitl;lcu'ft I ete., mtst be h4ten conP Lete -- ProtsiCe or nooable seetians thnangh such as the i.nstallat;-on of s ootoT.cti-on of the iiiar' oo" be teq'uestea'lreet treea' satisficd before the BUILDINCALL Pt'oi ec b eondi' tj'ons r e qui,r e d Land s c cPtr'g' FITIAL WCHANICAL FINAL BUILDINC:. ELecLri.eal, olt'Mechar'icaL 'x,!i;n:*"1:;:,';nxxl: reqtteated after the Final Plwtbing attd aPPtooet'ffi rrul,r, PLUttBTItG The Fi.naL 6 A AD.ll tsmlilttl To l],F: tl\l'tE Pego 1 of 2 ]t'!'T Dn Accttssfnt'ti' *Ai.l, ll'lllltCl'E::-.*€-":) FINAL ELECTRICAL ,A,T IIO C1ST TO C'tlY 1 ,.,ouorn oo^" You" City Deoigr,ated Job NutnbeY ._-_--*P SOLAR ACC€SS REQ.-L-CO GI Bedvooms: JOB NO. Z of Lot Cooeruge;1fu # of Stories / rotal Eeight e ropogruphy A^7, LU ?YPE Intettor V coon"*1)-' Panlnrtdle - ,ul-dn-ro, Access. lteat qt t AF?CI?EM Faces P. L. Lot Sq. Etg. c tq488,2aItolhD{oMain ,.lDIbtqGeraae Catport Acceasoru TOTAL VALUE oclue) t.U,l', t.o & Date Paid:Al # 7r Signed: Building Vqlue & Permit l This permtt is gt'anteion the erpnecs co-tt'dition ttat the said'construction slnll, in all respects'-';";i;;i; ttrc ondiince ad'op.te'{ ?iv the ci'tv of s p n i ng f i e L d, i n c tudi n g' tiZl' il,ii "i" "; ;; ;;;'; : v e s u L ctTn s t h-c c c n c t r"t:l:" :', ^-rii- iL "f Luildirqs,u ana ^ry tn" """!r.ended or reuokec at cnll t'i,me upan olc- Tntion of any ptcuisions of sat'd oPd'Lnances' ,t * Building PermLt ?otal Clntgea State FTE CHARCENO €o?i.otutes Residential (1 bath) d'€Seuet IS,"D 2-D 90) Plumbing Permit No peraon slwll constt'uct, install', alter. oz' changc .cnlJ ne'd.cv eeisting ;i#Z;;;"";'U;r;;;i;';;;t;"- i".ir'oin oz' in pott' inless such petson is the i"i'it"rit""ri, of ";1"1;;"pi'*'b;;'11l-i"un"'"' ercept tkat a pbtson nav do plmbing rtot'k to pr"p"f,ii*"iiZi-L" i"nna, Leised or operated by the cppli- canl;. Plwnbing Pennit State ?otal fo Nau/Exterd Circuits Semtice zae ?a Electricql Permit where state Lau ?equi?es t\",at the electtical uork be done by -an ELectrieal Ciiti."lir, li, "ti"tol,ial iirtion of this _pernit stu,Ll not be ualil until the Label -lws been si.gned by the ELectrical Contractor'E. F<zA/q4 ( zaff7fv9,aV 5ryk- -jzr* r?apmz,- /+z /zzz7V ,/.tz,'/ry2< Stdte ?otal ITSM NC,FEE CIIARCE ,I 6P E l@tst ilood Z 4.€o do Vent Eot 3 3 0'o @ Ilcodstooe 2 /s*3e'o eo - ?? 2-80 /lo Permtt fseuanca Meehanical Permit ,{ Mechqnicol Permit -- ENCROACITMENT -- Cttrbcut 7a Sideualk a 35FS' 7 Mobile ltone f HAW CAREFULLY EXAMINED t?e completed application foz, permit, and doheteby eettify tltat aLL information het'eoi is t,ue anC cbrrect, a,C. t fut'ther.cet't?fy that any ard aLL aork per.forned slwll be done in accozl-dance trLth the 2rdinances of the city of springfield, and. bhe La,;s of the* ltate of ?1egon pertaining to the uoirk 1eaZribZd t nnLin, cnd.- ttnt uO OCC\-PANcy aill be nace of anp sttuctwe uithout permisaionb1 ttn sil,zatng N-uision. r futther celti.ft- that o:tly contrac'tots aszd, anployees uho arL incazpliance aith 2RS ?0t.7ss aiLL be-used on this project {( Dtbe*TOTAL AUOUN? DUE:'{24,'7.?a Permit */*e rCITY tr t 225 YTYTfr STREET SPRINGPTBLD, oRBGON 97477 INSPEGEON RBQUEST:. tZ6_37690PPICE: 726-3759 1 rrni ts are n on- transfera and expireif vork is not started vl thin 180 daysof lssuance or if vork is. sus pended for180 days. 2. COIrTRACiTOR INSTALI.ATION ONLI Electrical Contracto Address Ci ty Phone Supervisor cense Nurnber Expiration Date lD " COI{PI.ErB PEB SCEEDUIA BBLOg Nev Resldential-Slngle ortlultl-Fanl1y per avltttng unit.Servlce Ine1uded SPI.--GFiELC One Circult Tvo to ten Circuits Each AddtrI ten oiportion thereof SIIBTOTAL OP ABOVE 5I Stdte Surcharge TOTAL ,fr EIJCTRICAI PERXTT A?PLICATION City Job Nuuber f terns Cos t s 8s.00 $ 1s.00 $ 3s.00 3 Sum 1500 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500sq. ft or portion thereof Each Hanufrd Home orHodular DveIIinq Service or Feedlr Servlces or Feeders (10 Branch Circultsine-Iuded) . rnstarlati;;, -Ail;."Iion, or.Relocatlon: _l_ f) \' 356 \ B c. D. 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps -401 arnps to 600 amps -601 amps to t0o0 aips-Over 1000 amps/volt Reconnect 0n1y s 3s.00 $ 60.00 s 90.00 s130.00 $300.00 $ 3s.00 Constr Contr. Number Explration Date 1 ture of SuperviSlng EIec trlclan lemporary Servlces or Feedersfnstallatlon, Alteration or Relocation 201 amps to 4oo amps T S 4o.ooOver 401 to.600 amps _ $ 8O.OO0ver 600 amps or.rboorolEs ;";-;i; aE6F Branch Cireuits Nev, :$Iteration or Extenslon. per panel Ovners Name, Address ci Phone 35 50 s s 00 00 OSNER TNSTALIATION The installation is belng made onproperty I ovn vhlch is not intendedfor sale, Iease or rent. 0mers Signature: Hiscellaneous (Service/feeddr not included)-Each lnstallatlon Pump or irrlgatlon S 36.00Stgn/outline Lightins- S ge.oo Signal Circuit orIimited energy panel S 36.00 s 1s.00 E 5 DATE: t RECEIVED BY: cx)