HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-10-15.. RES \DEN'[ \AL' =PRTNGF.ELD' APPLTCAT. - ,PENMIT 97 4?7 Plone: ug. Iour City Deaignated Job lhnben fa: Date: res 620 7 -5989 25790 747-7445 ofr Sant !at11 oetset capped at propetts- Lire .drr>' Rcce"l ItJ*"...!}" 726-37 53 'b loeation: taeaaors Map ll ubdivi Anter: Addtess: ci 1- It ia the reaponaibility of the permit holder tran-,the atreet. and thit the petwit oatd, iatButlding Nuision appror:ed plan stu:tl renain to aee that all inonectione ara nade at the propep tine, that ecch cddrees ie readail,toated at the fi,ont of the oropentvon the 0uildin1r Sitc at alt'tines.' PR01SDUPE Fon rttsP9errov 'WuEsr'cauu726-3769 (necot'det) atate yout' city decigttt-ted job rutnben, job acd,teee, type of inspeelierequeatcd and uhen uou.iiLL be teady for. inapeotion, c.;l;;"l;;; on ailers_rarneZnd phone nunbcn.. IiA;;;, receited befone.?:0C e-t"iLL be oade the edte dcy, neEteats-icde afier z:oi'on'iil-iZ'i"ae the nctt *;*ir.J''aoy. x SI?E TNSPEEION: arcaoation, but fotme. To be nnde aftenpmor to ae! up of tr ^,.wt k ia coocred. W."Iz,\i#Io:, *" erected, but ptior topourlng ccncrete. Lt14 trenchee.c ,", floor inautction or ii.il"li":"" "t Z ffia*i;, i?.r:, Xli,Xii:; :Xdecking.a av !I!?EPI,ACE: f,rior to tffi' .i\zi","z rr#itr {:fr:r"_ ewtrw;,,i,1",,x1"Dut p?ior to any taping. !f9!!!!: ste.el location, bond.Decuw,, grouiing or terticala inac.eo-rctanee utth U.B.C. Section241 5. V_!-ODS.I?VE: After inetallation iaccmpleted. Wr,oi',;;I;*n "#W#ffi",12:::1,:;,:- ilFtr-,ii'Y|"#"L*,i,2{;i-oase natertel in ptace. IEI'C{: Men conplate*fr ...";;;,i1#lZlri,,1fl:;l;- Septic tank ptnped and fttted ttith gna.:te Finat - t{hen abcue ittanaoen'i.ilol;i;;"";?':"ff.,"r";?r"l':il,_ ture wved ard premtsea ;ir;;;i"ir.'"''"u- PRAIIINC: ttust be re ffi:Wtr;iffiJr:"2!;u:i*- iff"ffi:rt#"*i;;#i\#. PTilAL PLANBIIIC Pril4f,, tttEcft4wrclL @ tc,n Iot llaa Describe l,lotk: Q.e.s:da" cLaXlic !"":\y Date of Applica n Value Xl ,", Sr L add,ition RenoCel General Plumbing 114 SrrDe Iilec t r cliln llcnee Plunbing aonnections -- ac1/rep and ualet, tri jffik!ffi 4r;:wt\f;:i";{,:j, Acceosong BuitCjng i';:' ;"^ !;;il::d:" " o kt,' t i n s, d ecko, Blocking and, Set_up \ I Frtl, ELE(TL\CAL .nr,L ttLvilcLl., AtD (frrtrfrows tfit:? u,: ACCEc|II lLE, llDJUs11g117 TO BI: T,IADT: A? NO CCIT ,TO CrlY P'ttte ! of l ltftrm ) t, E so(A R4C ctss Ct nEg._ lor ?IPE 4 ,rrrnto, -- , Cotnen -- Panhandle Cul-de_oac t:L-coc* Carport -Aecesaoru rOTAL VALUE 66 b7z,7a .o S.D.C. 1.5 r lc"ti i"ii, 7.2f7 o/;-2?l { Building Perrrit Total Clnrges State ITEM NO.FEE Pi.stures Residential (1 bath) SaniLlry Saner I Il,later "21 EESrann,hzrz Plumbing Permit No peraon shall construct' inelall, alter. or clnnge -cny neD -cr existing -ilriii"g or dtainage syetan in uhole or in part, unless such person ia the iniit p"o""n""on o7"o uLlid pl*rbuo'e Licenae, except that a P?"s?n nav 40.pti^tiig uork to property ihi"h i" oumed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. CHARCE * Receipt ll: Signed: gz 2-e 2a-* Plunbing Pernit State Electricql Permit lthereStateLaltnequiresttattheetectrtcaluorkbedonebyanElectrical Contractor, thn el,ectr'7l"t ponlio" -"f this -permit ahall not be oaliC wttil It," i"t"t -hae been oigned Ay the Electrical Contractor' NO.1'I'EM 6a / q, * Nau/Etvct,l Ci.rcuits Seroice Sbate Total NC.FSE 6.oo(n*nace YTU:S-q-,Y-(Ethanet llood ?- /Vent Fa CiEru)/-@ ^ Mecho nicol Permit lleolatical Pentit -" Pernit Isgud@e ilobtle ilqne tSecurt Parnit 621httban'. Sidaxlk t rr,rrtlr lU/lllll'lt hllF' I /(r?-tf,t {baLe 4D t 7 ./a -17