HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-02-23#..REslD*_,lTlAL.' zzs North stt, itonffPLrcATr,N/PERMrr SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Bui,Lding Ditsisi.on 7 26-37 53 SPEINGFIEI-D LQ Date ,.onl Et-S-3r7 J-c .L E)I Fa 2a.t,to yoltr CitA Deeigr,ated Job Number fs:g 2_ S G ? J. c t12 - f,i-L1- L /-ooot- It is the reepona,ibility of the pendt hoUa. to eee tlut all inapectiotts ee nade at the p?oper tine, that each addrees is req4ahle fwrt the etneet, atd that the penrtt catl. ie located at the front of tlte properfu.*Auilding D.iticion appto"*ed pl'an slnll renain on the Building Site -at aLL' tilnes,- PR)CEDURE FQR INSPEC?19!@WS!:CALL726-3769(recotder) state your Citg designated job nwnber,, job aldtess, type of i.nspeelicneadyforinsplection'Contlaetoisi,a*.,"",o^nL"apno7nnwnbil,..biq"ists,"Lnti;ZabZ7cre.7:00ant'iLL be nwde the sane dag' ?equests made after, ?:00 an rtill be made tke nert uorking day. Conatruction Lender : Raatc' no,l Taenaa*t' nao Job Loeaticn: lcc a I ODAesessors Map #?c,s Iat # +80 /{o Io*tt.(.-Cep4-svbdioision: B A,-.rOumer: Address: /?eX C-.,--ui J-$-Phone: , €"ty o/ Desct Lbe Work: o3_elr/! u value 53-Ooo r-P. Date of App Licatian Additian RemoCel ac GeneraL L.a_ ELectrLcal o+c 14echanieal Page 1 of 2 XSfiE INSPEC?ION:e2;auatl;;;61 ?o be rrude after pr"tot, tc set up of forne ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELEC?RICAL & WCEA-irlfCAL: To be nade before any t'lotk ie cotset,ed. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBTNG, SEWEP,'1.4?ER. QELI\UC.E: To be nwde pr"ior to fil-7@-f,-terchee. mad,e ard. approueC. FTP.EPLACE: ^at;frA;tion. Pl44!!g: l,lust be req-uested after @Fou-al of rough plu",bing, ilectri-cal & neclwnical. ALL toofing bracLtzg 8 ehi.nrteye, etc. rrust be . eompleted. Ilo wrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspeetton has 'been nade and apptooed. INSULATION /VAPOR BARRTER fiISPECTION : ?o be made aftez, aLL insulaticn ed requiz,ed oapor bawie?s @e in plaee '; but before ag lath, Wpsurn baarC ottnll cooeting is applied, and. befote oty iwulation ie concealed. l:1 DRYWALL INSPEtrf1N: Tc be nu.de I Xl@et-;TT@frs in ptaee, - but prior to ang taping. MAS1NRL: Steel Location, bond. beans, grouting ot oerticals 'Ln accordaee dth U.B.C. Section 2415. After installation is 0R !.:owD Sanitary easer eapped at g,operQi Line Septic totk y"onped cnd. filled trith gtatel Final - h1ten abctte itens ore eclnpleted and uhen Canoliti.on is canplete oy st?uc- tuz,e nooed otd. ptennees cleaneC up. HcneB Blocking ord Set-up Plunbing connections -- a€t)e! otd. aatet ELectyical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-up and plwnbing conneetions nt:tst be appta;ed before requesting eleclyLcal inspeetiol Accessory Bui.Lding 7,V roorttc & F1aNDATTzN: ro be nscel^ I A$iiTffi;-areacaoated and. forns ate erected, but prior to pow"ing ccne?ete. w tr floor insul,ation or decking. f il posr AND BEAM: To be nade p?iot, to d frffiffof floo, insulLtion ot deckirtg. r.,A ROUGH PLI]![BII|G. ELEC?RICAL & MECH-txt - .until these inspections haue been uttDERFLooR qLUI,BTNG & ME1HANT1AL, ffi ttooDsTor,lt: o1 lA) e,,tpTet&. g m CURB & APPRCACH APP.ON, d,e ei;;i;Anut wA After formsto pouring concrete. SIDE\IALK & DRI\BIAI: Eor aLL eon- c"et; pMAffi etreet right- of-teA, to be made after all etea- oating canplete & forn uork & sub- base naterial in place.PrLor to placirg faeing and before franing inspec- o FTUAL PLUAAING FINAL AWHANICAL TINAL ELECTRICAL ?ENCE: h4en eonplete -- PvouiCe gatee or mooable seetions through P.U.E. ALL project conditions, suck as tle installation of styeet trees, conpleti.on of the required Landsccpirq, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDIN? ELNAL can be requested. PINAL BUfLDnNG: The Final Building Inspection mtst be requested aftet the Final Plunbiry Eleetz"Leal, otd Meelu.nteal rnspeetions hae been made and approoed.w *ALL \LANECLES AND CLEAN)U?S MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTI\EN! ?0 BE MADE A? NO C1Sr r0 Cnv u Pitnl - Aftar pcnehes, skirting, decks, ete. are cotnpLeted. ! JOB NO.soLAR pa€Ess REQ.-L-COG+ Gr ..v Bedroons Lot Sq. Etg. ^et^<,/' I of Lot cooerage_ 23?zZ> # of Stories Iotal Eeight /t Iopogrqhy O-?% IPI ?WE /' tnterior Lot Faces -Sourees P. L.House Access Co"ner Panhat'td.Le CUL-de-sac tote ITEM FTG x Building Volue & Permit This pertnLt is granted on the erp?ess condition ttnt the said eonsttuctionshall, in all respeets, conforn to the 2rdinance edopted 6ig the City ofSpfirqfield, ineT-uding the Zoning CYdinance, r,eguLating the ecnstzwcticn otd use of buildings, otd nay be euspen-d.ed or reuokeC at dtA tine upon oic- Lation of dtA prcoisions of said Ordi.nancee. ?OTAL VALUE aa a,? Building Pelwit -a- aD State LO Date Paid:Aoa o6-6a t. ?otal Clurgee * Signed: N0.FEE CEA}lGE Plumbing Perrnit llo person slnll constm.tet, inetalL, alter or chanqe dlty nea cr eristing plutnbing or dtainage sAstdn in u?tole or in pott, unless such person ie tlte Legal poesessor of a rsali-d plutnberts License, escept that a pelsontnaV do plunbing uork to propertg ulrLch is olrned, Leased or operated by the qpplt- cdatt- Etbtuz,es Resil.ential C tott )€d Seuer ru aa a> a;/ aa Plurnbtng PerwLt State -)z * Electricol Permit Where State Ian requires that the electrleal uoyk be ilone bg an EleetrLcal Contractor, the electrical portion of this pernit slnll rot be oalil. until the label lus been signed by the Eleetyical Cont?acto?, O Neu/Eatetd Circuits ?anpotey Serice 60 2,2 e ? Pemit .2d Sa Total ITgM NC.ILL UilffiGL ,S Mechqnicol Permit khanst ilood Yent F@l --2 3-n a-A Ucodstoile GA Permit f;suance Mecltanical Penntt sa -- ENCROACHMENT -- Eeq?Lty Deposit Storage Ma'interwnce Perwit Cvvbeut //.20 Sida,talk 2?/20-9o !ence Electrieal label Mobile Honte TOTAL AI,IOUNT DUE:*/7 z7,oa Tuoe Sethaeks lleat Caraae Water lleatervorxn /7'Fireplaee Jouth /8' leet -- Fep,s -- S.D.C. L.5 x /-29' #.. RESID-\ITIAL... APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North |th Street SprLngfield, 1regon 97477 Bui,LdLng Diuision 7 26-37 53 Eo SPRINGFIELD *coz'1 J,G 2at,(O Iotg Desigr.ated Job fs z,equired oapon bavie?s @e in pla.ce but before ory Lath, Wpswt bauC or tnLL cotteting is applied, and. beforeay insulation is concealed. ID ) LQ Date: t?,s- 3,7 G 1- f,i-Ll- 7 ,&I tt- -oocL Sardtazy saser capped at ptope?t!- Line Septic tank punped and filled trtth gz,a;sel lltlr 2 r^t is the reeponeibi-Lily of tle permit ,DUd b oee tlnt aLL inspectiotts oe nade at'the p?ope? tine, that eeh addyees is reqlahiefln tlu etneet, ard tlwt the pernrit cad ie lacated at the frani of tlte orooetht.*BuiUing Nuisiol approxed plbt shall remain on tlte BunWing Sitc Zt aLL' tiines." PROCfuUP'L F04 IySPEtrI?N ,E!3|IEST:CALL 726-3769 (tecorder) state gout Citg desiqated job nunber, job aCitess, tgpe of inspeeli.cnrequested cr'd. ahen'gou -uiLL be ready fo_r inspection, contaactots oi asners lame Znd p,lone nunb*. Requests z,eeeii:Zd befcte'7:00 c:r'*'LLL be trude the eane dcg, reqrcets nade aft* 7:00 an urill be tnde the neot aotkittg day. Coaatmrctiott Lend.et FRAMINC: lhtst be requeated after approoal of rough plunbing, electr"i- .eal & neclwnical. ALI roofirq bracittg & chinmeye, ete. rntst be eonpleted. llo r,tcrk ie to be eon- eealed until this inspectton lue been nade anC approtsed. FTilAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL SITE INSPEC?I)N: ?o be rrude after fi,e=;aoatiouffi pz"iar tc set ip of W)fonne. . ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRTCAL & . WCHr'-llICAL: Io be made before anyw?k ie cooeted.s^\ 2 &furuc a riunottrrcu: ?o be rmd.e @ffi a"e qcauated and. forns ate etected, but prioz, to potmtng ccncreta. )c. )L_ UNDSRGROUND PLUMBTNG. SgWP, W.A?ER, DRAINAGE: To be nnde pt"tor to fil- .lirq trenchee.1i UTIDERPLON ILIMBING & MECLANICAL: o7 floot insulation or decking. P1SI AIP BEAM: To be made pr.ior toffi6of floor insu?)tion ordzcki,rlc. in. i ROUCH PLUIBIIIIG. ELECYRICAL & ME.H-_ ANICAL: No uoyk is to be cotsered .w: Tthese inspections haoe been mad,e azd. approtsed.. EIPEPLACE: h.Loz, to pkcirq facingna-tet"tals and. before fraring inspee-tion. m l-I1 DRYVALL rilSPEtrr)N: Ic I o\l ift"tZTT@tTts tn - but prior to any taping. Final - l,lhen abcoe itens ate ectnoleted avid uhen Canolition i.s complete bt stuuc-ture noted and. g,enn aes cleaneC up. g w w tr w w w be made place, 241 5. ffi vooosro,n: ifter irntallation isL4 I arnpleted. v -ru!!E: h4ten conplete -- tuooide gate6 o? mooable sections thtough P.A.E. l.tAS2NR : Steel Location, bond beons, grouting ot oerticals in accozdotce dLth U.B.C. Section CURB & APPRCACH APPON: After fornsee erecteC but prior to pour'[ng cono"ete. SIDEWALK & DRfIWAI: Eor aLL con- cz,ete paoing uithin street right- of-rxA, to be maCe after aLL ecea- oating canplete & forn wtk & sub- base naterial in place. e Hcnes Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing connections -- aare? otd. t'tater Final - After pcrehes, akittittg, decl*,ete. ae eanpleted. Electr"tcal Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-up and. plunbing cotneeti,ons trust be apprcxed befone requeeting eleclrteal inspection Accessory Bui.Lding \a - --- ALL g,oject conditl:ons, such as the installation of stteet trees, co,ryletion of tie reqtired Landscqir-7, etc., rmtst be satisfied befote the BUILDING FLNAL can be requested. 1\1\ FrNAL BUTLDTN|: lhe Final Building rnspeetion nult be requeated aften the Final Plwnbing Y/ Eleetrtcal, od. Mecltanical, fnspeetions lwue 622n nade atd app"oved. Job Locaticn: lso oL 0ry/ooAesessors Map #Tas lat # * 9ct /r(oo f, o- tSvbdiltision:u B ,tt fA,mer: Addtess: / ?e S- L -. *.u-i J-{-Phone: ,€?o/ Deset ibe l,lotk: value 53.uoooaDate of App 5d R.n o.I &V AiWitian RernoCeL Contractot,s Adlress Lisc. General F*/"u- A Ao.n, o Page 7 of 2*ALL I4ANIICLES AND CLEAN)UTS MUSI BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST\ENT rO BE \L4DE A? tto c1ST tO Cr?y -Jt-lJ9, lo ? soLAR AccEss REe.-r--co #JOB NO. Interior Cor+1e? Panlnndle CUL-de-sac Accegs. 4 1/ Z BeCtoons: SouneesIat Faees - House Lace tou'e INT TWE Grc Lot Sq. Ftg. Z of Lot Cooerage ll of Stories Sotal Height Topogtqfu -- Feee -- Building Volue & Permit This penrLt is granted on the erp"ess eotdition tlnt the sciid. constmtctionalull, in a|,L rbspeets, eonforn to the Ordinance ailopted by the City of Sprin4field, ineluding the Zoning C'rdinance, regulating the ccnstructicn otd. use of buildi.ngs, otd mag be suapended on reuokeC at dry time upon oic- lation of ory prcoi.sions of said Oz,dinances. VaLue TO?AL VALUE I?EM F?G ao )o S.D.C. 7.5 x a,2 .')) .60 o6-6a *l'Receipt #: Bui,Lding Pe?mLt ?otal Clangea State n^+^ D-:5. -a- oD Plumbing Perrnit No pereon shall eonsttuct, install., alter ot change 6ny neu cr ezisting plutnbing on drainage sgstet in olule or in part, unless such person ie the Legal posseasor of a oalid phtmber's Licenae, escept tlat a pe?son ndg do plwbing uork to p?opett! uhich is otned, Leased or opetated by the qpli- eant. Plwbinq Perwtt EEE CHAI?GE €aru s State * 6'6 Fi,rtures Resid.ztttial C toth) Seuet,ao Electricql Permit l{here State Lan reqtires tlnt the electrLcal uovk be tlone by an Electrical Contractor, the electytcal portion of this permit slnll not be ualil. until the Label lna been signed by the Electrical Cont?acto?. 2,>e FEE a ctD * G>6 t-l * Il ez,l,/ Ect end. C it cui t s Serice State ?otal CIIARCE 6 50 1r2z ,a V ,+ Mechqnicql Permit bha.tst Hood llcodstoite Vent Eqt 6a cii\ Permit fssuqtee Meelnntcal Pemit -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Secar.it! Depoait Storage Maintenance Penrit Clsbant //.2a Sida,talk 7?20_9a lence Eleettteal label Mobile Hane 7-,/g-*g Date' f HAW CAREPULLy EXAI,|INED tle contpleted application for pennit, and do hereby cettify that aLL infotmation hereon ie true and. cotrect, and. f furtker certify that any ard aLL uork perforned slnll be dane in aceot- dance ttith the Ordinarrces of the City of Springfteld, and the La';s of the* State of o?egon pertaining to the uork Ceea,ibed herein, od tlat llo occ!- - PANCI viLL be nud.e of atty struetute uithout permtssion of the Building N-il oision. f further iertiiii that only contraitors ad enp'Lcyeee uho ar"e in .. conpliance uith 2RS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie pnoject ti, Total *rr-&V ?OTAL AMOUNT DIIE:4 /7 zz.oa Signed Date 6,2z--