HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-07-08Eo-22a --- .. RESITJ.NTIAL... APPL|CAIION/PERITIT 225 ilorth |th Stteet Spn ryfield, Oregon 97477 Building Dit:ision 7 26-37 53 tl SPF|INGFIEL.D ?.cee').il Date: rfi TJob bectiat: Tcz lat I ooAaceeoore lbg I tubdiu'iaiaa: ,-ler: Ad&ess:PTone: zip: Strt(ot g FA,L//L4- kPard,r/ffTT*@ Orrzt4 x Deecribe Eork: ACdixica L ?-, Value ) ltiarc of APgt ia.i.icn,/7 r/r/ rt/E , 0eneraL Sani'-atg eez,ter eqped =t prcpafi Linc Septic tork y.,qed ad filled vith gte':e! Pinal - l{hen cbcue itens are cc'rylecei cd uhet le:rcHeioz is cryiele or 8t?i3- ai"-"ir"i *e are::iises clZatei ry. i!cnes A Btocking od, See'ug Plutbing ccnnecticne ".lare:" d, ua'.et Etectrical Ccnneciiotr ' Blockit'rg, let'TD ot4. cltnbinc connectiona t;st be qptcr;ed' belbi e nequ-ea titlg electrical ins; ec t io:': Aeeessot'; guiltlr'g Pittzt - Aftct 7cne\.es, akirting, dec)'s, etc. de cavleted. ?:ia I of 2 cons@!b- tea,aar-3luldcrtptlatal,inopectiotts dre :-,ade at )he PfoPef tlne,t,L.at ccch cddress LS L')hc reeaoaaibiliiY of tb Pcari otrc'et, anl tlut the -Pct'n)t' V)vicio- cPPru^ed Plbt siel gee i'rbt'.,9ui tiu ccil,ta Lxated at the fr<nt of the progettY L rinee.ui.s raraan on tiE B.,ti Ui'q at aL ?zocsptlps ier nsPinrcil ,l:ctFSr;pALL 7 tequesced atd uken ':iou "iLLL ce "eccY io"'-'iil be rade the sate Ccy' requests nclio 26-376 9 (rccorCet)std,te gotE ci ty leeigr.zted JOD nmbet,iob aiiress' tYPe Pequests feceltett o f insoeclicn i*pection,Cotttactats ol A,ne"g raae ,td pvne mmbct.befcre 7 00 aftet 7 00 dtt aiL L be tuCe the nast *nkini dag. yOlt"Ctty'Deoigra,ted Job lll,;llrtbct,t3\q&-c > l: Z !,tJ(J'- - - rii ; ezcantcticn, :uv To Taae alter EPtLCf3e,uo of forns. uilps?sL;.3 ?Luttttvc. zLi:q?r!,lL I ;.eci:t;trcil! io- be tr.atie belate cng t:d,"( 't,8 ,,COCfeC. PCC?:rc , ?AU:|DAT:C!I' to be nl.e ffiate *cqtated arl fcrns are eteclai, but Priar to purtry e.ncieta. required oqoT batiers aa in Place La.th, gtlpsun bcad or is qplied, crd beJ'ore is concbaled. bltt before @ty txL ,cooeting insuLa'"rbn@tv E 4 'E t:71 DRvttALL iltSPgCfl?lt: 76 i6 ltaCelxl@;Tra.in Pbce, - but priot to G)1v ?d?L?19. --o [US1!lPl: Steel Locatiot, boad ffijgrotlin4 or vetticdls in aeoridce Lrith U.ts.C. Section 2415. UI'DEPIiCO? ?IIX,9T:IG ', :T|'?,4IIC1L: .lo be ncz,e arict to Ln3tcLLataon oJ floor inculction'ov Cecking. ?OS-I AitD 3ZA!,t: To be neCe Prlor +'o ffioi i'Loor irsulatict, ot d.eck;.tq. FCt-tc:l ?!'.r'!el:tc. iTzcPlcAt , :'!zc1- TiTist :a ':irk za ic bc coterea Glt- ii'.cse irsc ec iior-s'nsu e i e r:r: naie crd. qgrc:ie!.. F!?1PLi|LZ:' '*ior )o Pkcirq lcing ffiA; arti beJ'ore fr*ig inacec- tian, O <<4;t,?tltv<€ ??-4Pi!lC: itust be recuecteC cf'-er ffi,L of rcuqh 2lrrbin4, alect"':' &L t neeiwrica'i,. -ALt nofirg brccirq ! chi:trteys, etc. lrlac be . conoletcd. lto ';crk ie to be cot' - ce;Led until lhis insgecicn i,ae 'beet md,e ad cppmted. l-1 '"rOOOStO'n:L)@a.After ittstallat'Jon ia CUP.B & |IPRCACI| A?PN: Aftet .foneae erecteC but Pr-ot to Pclt?'ng @flr"ete. sIDtwtLK d DRI',TIIA'!: Fot aLL cat " ffi|;ffi strdet right- of-tzu'. u be ^cle ai'ler aL!- ezca' iLt;rZ'cr,roie'.e 3 for.-t '.;ork I cub' base icterial ia Pl,a,ee. !illcg: '.rhen conPlate -' HovdCe @ or nouable- aectione through P, U, E. _.: .- ALl, proiect eadiiioas, suc!,: as the .lwzatlaxion of elreet- tr€e-s-., 2aQlci':cn ci' tiu required laruiscq;ril,-LtL" ','t ae eoxisiif,Z-oiil'"-ll" euiLDr:ic itlal :ca be taqttestac' FTiIAL PLAAI:IC FI;IAL :.II'HAIICAL ?!!tAL Ztieslc;i 7-q tIttAL B2ILDI:,1C: fhe Final Building lnagection 'wst be rc.qucsted t!'ter the ?iu'L ?LwbiaX (r ';;;Z,i:;i:'Ji iinii"zi iiizi'i";;i;; peen nade ad'epprovad' x x .ALL ilAilttCLZS AilD CLEAIICWS itUS? BE Alcef.j.fi1|, ADJUSi:li:i! :O 3i :''ltDE t? !t0 i:S? ?C Cfy -& V ,,orrr, ,*o tr tr tr tr -=.\ JOB NO.g ?86 SOLAR AC .SS REQ.- Penrit tlccl,aniczl ?ernit Ctpbe* 5DC Electricol Permit lfhete sbte tat teqtiree that th. elect:rical wonk be do-ne by -an llecttical Cit*Ltor, itw etictriial io*ion of thia _pennit ItaLL rot be ualiC tntil tlu l,abel -tua been aigred Uy the Etectrical contrccto"' Mechonicol Permit 7'?'83 2 L-CO :*Lt EeCrcoas: L a uac2 r HAW CAREFALU 1XA!,E||ED tle conr.olated agplication iol petnit' arui-d'o |"irav iirTify trai-i1i,-7"1'6-i:-ilo" heteoi ie t?ue ar'c' cartec?' ari i f;llb "roti'i'g lhat any "rA oLL xo.tk Telioaed -alal-L be dote in c'cccr' .'rlance,.nth th"-Ordii"i."ee-o7 ihe Ciry cf bprtngfield'.atd iha La,;a of :hc ' Sr-ate of ltegcn pettaining to the wi* Cesq":acC henein' al' :ilct :;0 occ!- ?tilcl nLLL ba nade i7-*ru"t"iitura vilhout germ:'asiott oi the ?uilCir'g Di' ui;srin. r futther i'rriii'g liit o"ty ccn-frcetors c'd aplcyees xi"o cre in Ligll"rn" ktn cas ?o1.0ss r,t'LLL be- used aa thia prciect 4-c'J Lot Fecea -l,ot Sq. Fa7, z cf Lct Caseraga ! of Storiaa lotal le'iEht logogqfu 65/6/82o2 =7'G??A -\ trt"nion Cornet Potitand.Le CUL-de-sac ?o ?O!.AL "'ALAE %7.83s.D.c, I.5 ; o2e7* Datet./z t: 2 /1 ,/z Building Volue & Permit Thispetmitiagrantedotthee-p|esecotd,.i'iontla.tthe,said,e.onetmtction "iitt., in aZL n-esgects, confctn'to th.e otdinarce edo.a.teC biy the f:l-7i-ipiifi"U, incll",zing- Jhe Zoniry Crdi,anc.e, regulctirzg th.e ccnEi.-.ci'.cn &a r"ol o7 Luiltitrye,'"ia ^ry be-suspentieC ot rbuokei at ct! t*te upcn uic- la;ian a1; *.y prcutJsione o! aaiC Cr4irances' a ?uilding Penit Total Clangea State Flbturea IReeidentbl ( I bath) Seoet 20,&2 4' y,f ' ao Plumbing Permit No pereon atlaLL canstntct, inslal!, alter or clcnge -anA neu-cr ezls;ir'g - ;lr;bfA "i dioinog" syeten in ultole or in part, uiless such petaon ie the i"jot pZa""rro, o7', uZlta pt^i"r'a Lic-ens-2, *3ept that.a pbtao? ffit q2 iiGt',ii *"k to propeitg ,hi"h i" ori'-ed, Laaaed ot operated by the qPli- Plnbtng Perrtt State Zg.Q i|a,t/Eztetd Ciraite Seaice -tFaa<.). O6 era So/ ts e6t<.Vcit lot 6A aaO 1<475o. ao ,:io ?6z -- etcPcAC!:i.E:!! -- Pelirtt /P 6 Si.Ce,lalk ?a' llobila llcrne 7. A3 7E5 :A!, )t!1lt:E 1uE:' -26' /?a{?r Lzca I a C;lA:lGE eao Qa- f't:a- /9 73 / lotal Cnatcee Etaztriaal Stcte cla-RcE Tmea *U'S *hanat Hoo,7 q iliod.stote ;7 gactiht DaDosit . Stotaoe Ita:-n+dila ?et=e Zlaetn'izal bbel VaVa PITTSgURGH TESTING LABORATORY FORM NO.49 REV EUG 3735 ESTABLIEHEO IAAI PITTSBURGH, PA. AS A MUYUAL PROTECTION YO CLIENI9, THE PUBLIC ANO OURSELVES, ALL REPORTSARE SUSMIffED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORIZ TIOXFOR PUALICATIOX OF STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROX OR REGARDIXGOUR REPORTS IE RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEil APPROVAL. Order No. Report No.17 REPORT (lF IN.PLACE S()IL DENSITY TESTS C lient's No.,P0 9632 E0 226= 554 =3554Client Harsch Construction Company proiecr_ llll South 44th, Springfield, 0R Soil Descripl;on 3/4" - 0" Crushed Aggregate - Eugene Sand & Gravel Mox. Dry Dens 124.6 lbs.,/cu. ft. Optimum Moisture 6.?% Method of Test ASTM D 698ffi MS DS DATE OF TEST TEST No.TEST !OCATION ELEV LI FT No. FIELD MOISTURE IN.PLACE DENSITY(LBs./cu. FT.)COMPACTION WET DRY 8-2-83 I 6' E. of Sl,j Corner at Foundation Line 4"I 7.5 129.6 .i20.6 96.7 8-?2 12' N. x I' t,J. of SE Corner 4"I 4 I 132.3 127 .1 I 00+ B-2 3 13' N. of St^I Corner at Foundation Line 6"2 5.3 129.6 I 23.0 98.7 8-2 4 l0' W of SE Corner at Foundation Line 6"2 5.9 I 20 I I I 3.4 9l .0 B.?5 Same as No. 4 with machine turned l80o 6"2 5.6 122.2 I I 5.7 8-?6 6 ' N . of SE Corner at Found at i on L'i ne 6"2 5.8 129.6 122.5 98.3 Remor Dens'i ti es determi ned b Troxler 34ll B Nuclear Densit Gauge. n ese areas on prep wer n cert 'r es NS CS tES resu s SE S CT MANAGER PITTSBURGH TESTING LABORATORY \ 92.8 CITY OF SPRTNGFTELD--BUTLDING DIVISION 346 MArr,r sr. 726_.3753 (BUSTNESS ) 726_3769 (TNSPECTTONS) APPLTCATTON FOP. ELECTRTCAL I,ABEL(S) BY A BUILD]NG OWNER The ElectricaL Safetya license as an electrstallation on property which is not intenCed Law of the state of oregon does not require a person to obtain'ician and,/or electricar contractor to make an electrician in- ,::'::r:: ;::::,r:,"ff:if or a member of his immediare family (PLEASE PRINT) APPLTCANTTS NAME /LS-/A (lo..ut, ADDRESS o ()a.4 10, . ADDRESS FOR PROPOSED !{ORK /// / ,/L L-1-PHONE 6 4*/a-/ 4o 9*8t J- BUILDTNG OWNER (IF OTHER THAN APPLTCANT) ADDRESS PHONE f certify that aI1 of the above information is true and correct, and that no portionof any wiring system reguir:-ng a labeI as applied for herein and intended to be con-eealed by any permanent portion of the buirding or structure shal1 be concealed untilinspected and approved' when the installation of the syste* i= "o*plete, an ad.ditionaland final inspection sha1l be mad.e. rnspections are generarly required for at least the following conditions and or stagesof construction: 4 5 6 I ) 3 Temporary Service Underground Service Service Rough Electric Cable Heat New Circuits or Extensions I further cert TRTCAI. INSPECT cal Safety Law of his or her ify that I will notify IONS are ready,a1 of the State f the Building Division when any of the above ELEC_1 work will be done in accordance with the Electri-, and that if not the building owner, I am a member Signature Date *4* I7_ INSPECTION REQUESTS SHOULD BE T.IADE ON THE BUILDING DIVISION'S 24 HOUR A DAY fNSPECTION LINE. THE INSPECTION NUMBER TS 726-3769. INSPECTICN REOUESTS WHICH ARE CAILED IN BE_ FOR 7 A.M. WILL BE MADE ON THE SA},IE DAY. LABEL ISSUA}ICE FEE //) 6C) LABEL NUMBERS RECEIVED BY FOR OFT'ICE USE ONLY DATE .4 3 6n 7. Mobile Home Connections 8. Signs 9. Swi:runing pools