HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-06-10\ - SPFlTNGFTELD *8EO-219 2cce:- 2A Dare .. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s North sth streeAPPLrcATr,N /PERMT? SprLngfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 4$Job tocaticn L081 44th Street Aecesaore ttap ll l8-O2-O5-24 Tcz t-ot # 3500 Subdiuision: s,ld,ress:895 Country Club Rd A-2 Phone Eugene, Oregon 9740Ici- NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE VATTACI{ED GARAGE. Deecribe htork: Date ol Applica ticn 4-22-83 L VaLue $49,640 Additicn Harsch Construction and DeveCeneral 4 PLmbi P ,t'leclvriccl ,8,'.:OLiT 3L'ILD !:;CS Santt:c:-1 seter :qped =! Pr_cp€lri Lir.a Septi: ',a;2 p--ei atxi i'JlLzC t;ith Srztai lincl - i'$.er cbate itens are ecntleced a.d. uhen iencl'Jtion is cottale:e o!" .et:.:,l-'- tuye noueC,zri 2renises cieanei to. lz iicnes tslocking zd Sa;-'tP PLunbing conneczicng -- atursr a-y' uc:er llectriccl Ccnnect':on - Blcckirq' 8c;-u2 and pLu,nbing co-r.rections nr;st ie Q?t2tec beiorc recuest)nE elec1ttccl itspecliot Aecescor; 3uil,!'),tt ?inel - iitcr :crehes, skirting, de:ks, etc. ala e:ncla--ed. ?:je ! oi J Peter 987 Ccngttntctictr Lerler si?9 TNSP9C::O,^I: lo ce after x be naCe It io lha respoacibility of thu permit aolder co s.a :r@t aLL inapec_tions dre r.ade at )he pro?2r tine, ihet aceh ':'ldresa ie red':abie lboar the ttteet, anC ciat the-penit-c-ail ie. Laatcd qt -r\e. frc-\l of .ti1e-.Prq?e"try'ieuildi.g iviciot eprcv'ed plan skLL nenain on tht Building Jji; ci 2L! .Lnes. ?SCQSgUpg lgl?J!9pEElgllEgwL:cALL'..26-3769(record,er) state ,Jour City Jesigr.eted iob nu;,ber, iob cltucss, lvPe.of -ir'spec2icn ffibereadyforiwpection,Contractctsc"r-ame:".nc;nei,ypt.""nlnbcr.PequeslareceixedbeJ.cre?:00antlil bc nade the adte dcg, reqaests-icde after ?:00 stt viLL be nude the nc=t urking da';. _ ^(Zg lour Cifu'Deoigr,aced iob 'tunber "' 83 I b?'b ezeaud;Sn;but pticr ro ae: up of iorma.required vapor trtt be1bre a'y unLL couering ory insuLation "JnsuL;t.J:n ba,r"Jers a'e in tlace Lc.th, gypsun boari ct is cppliea, :nri beicre is concealeC. UYDERSL;B ?LL':.B1;IC, !LJC:RIC,''L 4 i!9Cf!).iliCAL: io be matie beiore inyffi7{irered. f.;-l ^reori;vG t FCtJitD,tTic:t: To be rnce L\ ;f;etffis lte c.cavated ari fcrms cre ereeteC, but ?riar to Wuriry ccncteu. fi utcaczcu:tc P:r'w::;c., ss{t:, 'i.t:i?.- l-^ I DPA;;IACE: lc ce n2-7e ?raor co iLL- Lir4 trenches. ly] uno*ttcoJ zq!,.snc i. :.:ici4nic,;r' .I ' \t io be noae a?'-o" ao '-n3ccLLaclon oJ floor inauixicn or decking. P.O'-tCr ?LCIIMG. !!.EC??!!A: ) IlCq: iffinz: ito 'mi-ls .o cc ac:eYed Gll'*eae ')nsceczicns haue beert nade drd a?g".uz:-. !W: P?':o" io plcc'.rq lcc.'ngncterials atd befcre lrorirq insoec- tion. O 1<48/lJ<€ fAA#I)lC: ltust ie recues;eC tfler ffi,t oi rough plw:cing, electr|- ca'L d neciuntiecl. AL! twoltrq braciry ! chitmcya, elc. r,tsc be coraletcd. ilo xcrk is )o be coz- cec'Leti unxil :his insgeccion ins been natie cnC approveC. [x FritAL PLUnBT:tG A FI:tAL MECHAI:ictL ,] DRYT ALL INSPgC!!)ll: ic 'ce ,taCa aftet aLL CryuaLL ts in Pi.ass, but pr.!.or to cny taPirc. iAS1NRl: Steel Location, bcnci ffijgrcr:ing or uerticcis '-n accord.oce ai;h U.3.C. Sectton 241 S, !!999EtOn: After instalia,:ion is .xtnoleted. pCS? AND iEA:.t: 76 ls r.aCc pr.Jor to ft CU?A a ppneeCg ppOtv: Aitet.forns ffiiffieToi fioor insulation or I 4'l ee erectec but prlor :o pcud,ng d,ecking, corL=rete. x SIDE\LALK .-CRI'..Ti;;Y: !,'r aLL ':cn-crece oaulrrg '.tichin sild.ii t'i;ht- oi-tay, to be naie ti)er t)J axca- uatina cqnoT.ate i .'br- '-tot'< 'l :ub' base -,,cterial in Place. !1NCE: ffhen conPl;te -- Pro'tiCejGii on nooable ;eccions :hrougl" P. U. E. ALL pro;ect, condizions, iuc: i:r ;18 !nsgallacion of ,taPeet erees.,- -'c-vlacicn.o,: che reqtdred LanCsccpir.g, Ltc., eust be satlsii,eci beiote ,he 3U|LDINC ?IirA.L :cn be reqaescad' PIIAL EUILDINC: The Fincl hiLdin\ lnsvection r:ttsc be:eo.uesced ci|er ti'e 9in^tl ?ltnbinS s L "; ;;;;;|:-'Jl. uic lran i",: L i ns o e c cio ns'itcu c b e en ncce cnti c=a tc v e d' ,AiL i.tAllHcLES A!,tC CL1ANOUTS tlusT SE,lciEr:i:3:i, .4cJt.;s7::r:t! io 3s :'J':i ''': ::0 ::s: :c cI:v x x X St mer: i;;[ ,-, 6) ?a L-co cSOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO., 3eitoons/Ccnst Tone:Lot Fdces ' lleat Acceo9.DT ? lnt Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Ccverage ! of Stories Iotal iteight ?ogogrc2hY Te2o AI fnterior Cotner Pdnhandle CuL-de-sac /8 ',4-z?o 6.9tG Lc? rYPE Value laz .{cc ICTAL I/.J.LU' 7y ,.4c $s6.107,oo .r/A Receipc H Sigred Building Volue & Permit This cet:n'it ts Sranted on the etpress cond.icicn that tt"'c sa;i'constntction shall, in "lL rsaccts," "r"'ii'*'tL- ti.e ctdi'tattce ,doptei biy the C-!fl of SpringiieLi, )nc!'-,i"-ng':i,r':Zii"g CrCinarc.e' regulc"'i.r'g tl;a cc-ns-c--tc'-"!cn *d use oi cuilcitrs,'n;:,;^;t't';." siie'n"i cr rLvckec a'b d'v tine u2on v'ic' l.ation o1" ;trg pz':'.tisl-trts oi saiC Cri'"r;:tces' BuiUing Penrit State Total Clanges CHARCE;:0 Ft*utee 2'.nResidafiial (1 bath) SaserSqrti de/c ee a qa Plumbing Permit No person clnll constrtct, inalall'r- alter. or change -czry fleD.c? e=is;ing pltnbing ct dtainage "iii""';" "t-ie ot in Pa:'t' i"^1"'1 such person is the tesal poesesso? oI a ,:"i;;"Pi;;:;'11 lt"""t'"' i"",t t,at d Pelson ta'1 do plunbing uork to p.opnf,$'r't,if,i'i-, irn"a, Leased or operated by the cppli- ent. Pl'anbing Penit State Surcharge T,eIol Nzil/Estard Circ'ttits Sentice O, o Electricol Permit |therest(;teL,z,ltequireethattheelectrtcal,.prkbedonebyanEleetrlcal Contractor, t|r" et""*.iioif,o'lt';o"--of :his -perni! ElxzLL rot be ualiC until 7n -Ul"t'tna been signeC by the Electt'ical contrdetor' SEte Tctal C:IARCE;?3H E:hanet Hood ?aVeflt lor tlcodsto;te JPO1c4e&4+/<e A eo ?8.* /I 6 Mechqnicol Permit Petmit Issu'ctee Meclwniccl Penrit 6-a:a=-Tdte -el' I HAW 1AREFULLy |XA\LINED 6\2 aenr2leted agplication fo-," perwit' :nd co h.';;;; "iiitij:iinZt-"7t-iri"itilon hereoi is true arud co*ect' cat I'ilrrrl""" L"rt;l'g =hat anv o,a oLL o?.lk Pt:::*ec eltall be do:te ia accon' 'dance .ith th'a'Orciinai'ils-of the Ci:y of SpringfieLd, .atd th3 Lana oJ' tha ii\" Zf Or"gcn pertaininq to the uoik Cescr-JbcC hereln, ad :h,,j llo OCC.,- uacy itt oL ,oin o1 ona" rrr',i;*z uithori peotrtstion of the 3uilding D:"- vision. I\'urther certif',j that otly lcn.z?a3tore @'d t'lPLcgeeo uro dre Ln canpLicnce ,.tt, c'ns ?0i.b5: uiLL be used on this proiect To fltr.w 7"/D z cs -- ElcRcAc,u.l.!t:!T " Sectrlttl Dzcotit Stotdge !!d.intendnse Pcnrit /q.pCuabcua/' Zo f 2.-DSiCeualk?o' Y,nae Electrical Lcbel Jlobila ilcne 7y/,4e€.P-1. Fnoh ry'PYs r^6.7 ,tr,Arttt6 nll?. a1 v :.\ o ^rtvu tt I trw t./o ,; ,,?Signcd Data v e /F.z .. RESIDE^'TIAL.. APPLICATTU,- PERIIIT 225 llorth Sth Street Spningfteld, 1regon 97477 Building DiuisLon 7 26-37 53 )Pcce:tt . SPFIINGFTEI-D .tob Loeeticn:a) Tssessors Map ll 9u$iis'i,si6n; Tntet: lddtess: 2 2 -G rZ Tcs lat #u x Phone: DeseyLbe llotk:lla) Additicn Srrra.u 2.zt< ? Za, ?€/z<E- furu- P,7/ a-,^/ 6t< rfu c7c \<oasnalTzaa -5<a /6ZgJ RenoCel i!obi Date of App Licatian ld -/6-85 ,cnx?acaors ]etzeral ar-c Date: Value Iour Cifu Desigr.ated Job Nwnber fs:6oq, i .!.^L*; ^-l : onsyuetion_Lende!_ - _ _ --t ie the respottsibility of-tlte penrit ltotd.er-to see-trat_all inspecti.otl,s oe nade at lhe lzope time, that 242ft:;,;,tsss is v2arn-^-.g'io,rr.-tJp at?eet, and, tilat the,petmit eatl, ie l,xated at the frcnt'of the oraerht E'-rv' 'q"e' 't''v ' 3uilding btuiciot appro"*ed prbt sttcll temain on ti r"iiai"b- sii"-Lt''izt.li5Z"i'' ?cclDUPs FoR rNsPEtrrolt R!?IIESETCALL 726-3769 (teeorden) state gout citg designzted job ntmbet,, job aci:,ess, type of inspec;i,c-n - equested ari d':en uou uiLL be ready for inspection, conttaetcr" oi a,>ters ncne Lnd pule nunbei.' p.;A;;-;""eixed befcre ?:00 aniLL be natie the sdze dcy' ""E,niii"^Lin ijl'e;r l:oo'an urLLL be nad.e the nczt;nriing'*sL. DEI.lCLruIO!] OR BUILDI;ICS Sanitoy seuet eapped ct ptopetog* lir.e Septic totk gaqed attd fitZed trith gratel Pi.nal - l{hen abcoe itats ote cc=tpleteCcd uhen Certclition is eonplete o:r s*:zi:-tute mooed od. prarises cleaneC up. I'lobi Hcmes Blocking old. Set-up Pltnbing connections -- a.te? od. ualet Electrtcal Csnnection - Blocking, aet-u) and plunbing cotznections mtst bb apptc.u^-eCbefore nequesting el.eelrical inspecliot Accessory- BuilCing :. Fi.nzl - After pcnehes, skirting, decl<s,etc. oe cnnpleted. Page 1 of 2 SI?! !NSPIC?nON: To be nnde aftet escaDation, but prtar tc set up of rorms.tr AilDERSLAB PLUUBTNG. ELEC?RICAL At'sc!-r.:{caL@ny uoz,k is eooered. A Fcp?rvc , FguNpAficN: ?o be tmCe U alt,er xrencnes ate ezcauated and, forms are erected, but ptiot topounng ccnerete. Fla 6-$*3 a aNDERcpourD pLut4p rltgr_En-",__vtAryR,\Lirq tTencllee. fl wlpproon prunrnc a uecgnnrcnr,'J '1O be mdo.e pricr xo instalLation offlpor insuktion or deckino.9aae >i/AE 3 7!l P.9sr 4t!D eEm: Io be nade prLot to) LnsDaLldxtcn of fLoon insulation or d,eckins. ?aea >/y-g= 4?- urtil these inspectiqns hatse beennaie and dootoued.. fl rrprpu,cti prton to placi.r4 fccinqt) mcterials and. befote frantino inepeb-ricn. 4J. 4,€lg4yaa \ tpl:,:tuc: tiust be reqtested aft,er/) approual of tough pturbing, electrl-eal & neciunical. AIL roofing btaetng E chittmeys, etc. rrust be . conpletcd. llo ucnk is to be con-. cecled unti,l this inspeetion l:la,s'bee.n made anC apprcued. {NS|ILA?IOil/VApOR BARRIER IISpEC?|1N :lo be made after aLL insulaticn eil yequ;.red oqot batiels cr?e i.n placebut befote ory Lath, Wpsun bcati ortnLL eooeting is applied, attd. before otg jnsuLation is concealed.ut PsAFlBdR yf*-> DRWALL fNSP1If1N: lc be nadeafter aLL ciryuall is in pla.ce,but prior to any taping. MAS)NPJ: SteeL Location, bondbeons, gtouting or verticcls in accord.otce Lrith A.B.C. Section 2475. l,lOODST)tlE: After itt-stal7.a.tion is ccmpLeted. CURB & A?PR.CACE AppON: After forns@e etecteC but p"io? to pout tng conc?ete. SfDEWALX 8 DR|IWA{: por all con-ctete pauing uithin st?eet right-of-txA, to be maCe aftet, aLL ecca-vating canplete & forn tnrk & sub- base natertal in pla,ce. tr m dt^t-8. gdteE l{hen eonplete -- prooiCe ot mooable aectians through T d x FTUAL PLUTIBITIC FITIAL I,{|'HA\IICAL PIIIAL ELECIRICAL P.A.E. ^ALL i'iAUHCLES AND CLEANOWS WS? BE ACCESSTBLi, ADJUSA!!E):? To BE tltDl A? t:O C}S? TO erly ALL proiect conditiona, such ae the i.nstallation of styeet trees, cc::rDletion of tierequired Land.sccpirq, etc. ' rlrust be .satisficd before the BUILDINC FMAL ean be requesteil. (B l:y!'.:t)^!:Dryc:- rhe Final, Buildins. rnspection mtet be requested cltet the pinzt plunbins \U ElectrLcal, od. l,lechax,ical fnspeetions late been made atd.'approuei. x Si.gred: l tr rl i .roe No. .L Lot Sq. Ftg. z of Lct cruetage ! of Stortes lotal !!eigh*- Topogrcphy SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- CceuDaner C"oJ= LCT ?Y?E -f n:tericn _ Corne? - _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac -- Fees -- L-co * cearoo.s 0. toue Building Vqlue & Permir This pertntt is qtanted otz the erp"eas cond.ition ttlat the sai.d constmtctioTs_ltall, in_all.respects, gonforn to the Ordinanee adopted 6;y the City ofSpringfield, inelud.ing the Zoning Cydinance, regulct'ing th-e ccnsawltibn and.use of buildirgs, otd may be suspended or rbuokeC Lt ory time upon uic-Ta.tion of otA ptctsisions of eaid Ordir,ances./, ra : Saq Jo a rfeZtcze fax oat4t4,74PtztT I Fe ,$a.zsa7> { [pt Faees - Seat ll0use Caraoc Aceess. | | w-ateIlortn-22'/5-' Ea.s t -??-ltx Souti't <, l,/est 24',ll VaLuc llain Goace Cd?Dc"t Aceessoru ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Euild.ing Pendt lotal Clntges I Szstzires l i Resiienti^a.L (1 bath) Sani Sq-^er PL;.rbing Perrit State Plan n-+^ D^-'s. Receipt #: bLnea: Plumbing Permit No person shall construet, instal!, alter ot elange dnA nel cn e:istingqlmging or drainage systan in i,thole or in part, unlesi such person ie- tLeLegal possesson of a ualid plmbez,,s License, eseeDt tha.t a pe"son na.7 dopltnbing uoyk to ptope?q uhi.h is ouned, Leased. or operatea q tn" qpti-@nt. rie. I i Neu/Ezter.d Circuits Sensi.ee Stcte lotal Electricol Permit Wet,e State La requires tl:a.t the electrLeal aotk be done by an gle*rica| cont?acto?' the electrLcal portion of this pernit shall rot be uali.c. untiithe LabeL itas been signed by the Electrical Cont?aeto". * I jJt I c.:.:.:u; h.ctzce 9?U'S ;!:!': I bhatst HooC Vent Fal llcodstotse Seetritu Pcrmit Curbatt Sidesalk PerrLt Issuance MecTnniezl Permft -- EIJCROACHME!]? -- I Mechonicol Permit t r EAw CAREFULLy SYANTNED the eotnpleted applieation fon permit, and dohereby certify that aLL infottation hereoi is t*ue itd. eb*ect, anc r furthen .eertify that any ard aLL uotk perfotned sltall be done in accor-danee tith the ordinenees of the city of springfield, and, the La,tB of thct state of 1regon pertaining to the uork cescribLd henbin, cr,.d ttzat No occl- PANcy ttill be nade of a\v struetupe uithout permission of the Build.ing Di-ttision. r further certif'g tlat otly cont?ac'to"s ard. enplcyees uho arb ineotpliance uith CRS ?01.0ss uiLL be used on this projec't z Hobile Hane FE?O?AL NICU\:? DIJI:'rvo Signed DateI tlctey Res. So. fxc- JPRINGFIELD CrtY OF SPRINGFTELD Office of Community and Economic Development August 10, 1987 Northwpst Fundi nq 1633 [^li 1'lamette Street Eugene, 0R 97401 ATT: Debbie Subject: 1081 South 44th Strept Spri ngfi el d, 0R 97478 Dear Debbie: 0n August 24, 1986, the $pringfie'ld Build'ing Safety Div'isron was requested to oerform a fi nal bui 1 di ng i nsoecti on at the abovereferenced address. Finals for the e'lectrical, olumbinq and mechanical systems had already been insDected and aoproved as indicated in the enclosed inspection report. The inspection revealed that the dwe'l1ing was in compli.ance with boththe State and City Building Safety Codes with the pxceDtion of two, rel ati ve'ly mi nor, 'items. Correct'ions requested were f or the adjustment of the self-clos'ing hinge of the garage passage door and the ni ser hei ght of the steo( s ) from the dwe'l I i ng i nto the ga ragearea. If aoproval for occupancy of the dwelling would have been requested at this t'ime, an occuDancy certificate would have been issued to allow for the temporary use of the structure until the minor nepai cs were como'leted. If you have any questions, or if I can be of assistance, Dleasecontact me at 7?6-3668. Sincerely, Davi d Bui I d'i Pue 0f f i ci a I cc: De Little Property l'lanagement Assi stant #1449 J. nq 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 503/726-3753 q-r-- t SPRINGF!ELD . CITT OF SPRINGFIELD of Community and Economic Development November 10, 1987 Debbie Pasqua'li Northwest Funding LTD 1633 l{i I I amette Street Eugene, 0R 9740L RE: Under-floor drainage at 1081 South 44th Street, Springfield, 0R Dear Ms. Pasqual i: The purpose of this letter is to provide information re'lative to the existing drainage facilities located at the above referenced address. Section 2910. of the State Structural Specialty Code (S.S.C.) provides in part: lJhen deemed necessary by the Building 0fficial, the ground under every building shall',be sloped to a low point and drainage facilities insta'lled to provide positive drainage from the area under the building. If' the premises abut a curbed street and if the grade is favorabie, a gravity drain from under the bui'lding to the street gutter should be Provided. The low point of the under-floor area is provided with a three inch PVC pi pe, I ocated i n the southwest-iorner of ti're bui 1 di ng, that wi 1 1 provi de the posit'ive *.if,oO of drainage of the under-floor area as required' The drain pipe is continuous fr6m -tfre under-floor area to the point of termination at the street curb gutter. .The Qreqon Plumbing Specia'lty Code requires a minimui ii.p.-(iiuo"iUieiposttive gridt) ot L/8-incn per lineal foot of pipe be provided... Th;;;-i-t-i tor. !tus inch drop in grade'level under the rrousl- [o- tn"- "auyiiqniilg:'. of,'the pipe at the street curb' Subsequently, adequate drai nase' iliiii'f :..|i:t been provi ded that complv withtheappli.uut.buildingregu.lationsrequiredbyState]aw. Thesystemhasalsobeenf.ieldtestedandfoundtobeinworkingorder. Iflcanbeofanv.a{!i!ionalassjstanceorifyouhaveanyquestions,pf.ui. contact me at 726-3753' Si ncerelY ' Puent0 i1 di ng 0ffi caYid J. Bu ia1 CC: 225 North Sth Stteet t4an Sprrn gfreld, Otegon 91411 sorlrzo-3753 )it imJ co,,Pfif.wu Coile:qi November 9, L987 Dee Little City of Springfield 225 North 5th Street Springfield,0R 97477 RE: Springfield/LCC Project House 1081 South 44th, Springfield Dee, The following information perta'ins to the repair of the drain system on the finished single-story house located at 1081 South 44th Street in Springfield. The old drain system from front of house to curb was removed. 2. En'larged and elevated opening for current system. 1 3 Si nc 1y' &-/ Horstrup Department Head Industrial Technology Programs CH: cc Installed new PVC 3-inch drain pipe from under house to curb/gutter. N0TE: It presently has a four inch plus drop (drain Trom ground level under house to curb). 4000 East 30th Avenue. Eugene, Oregon 97405. (503) 741-4501 An affirmative action/equal opportunity institution. RE Nonrn\7Esr FuxDrNG, LrD. NOVEMBER 2, I9B7 DAVE PUENT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 NO. 5TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 1OB1 SO. 44TH,SPRINGFIELD BUYERS - ED & JULIE BLY DEAR MR. PUENT: IT IS MY UNDERSTANDING FROM BOTH THE BLY'S & JIM DOUGLAS THAT TIIE SUBJECT PROPERTY REPAIRS HAVE NOW BEEN COMPLETED. PER OUR CONVERSATION ON OCTOBER 23RD AND YOUR PREVIOUS CONVERSATION WITH LYNDON GREENE, OUR UNDERWRITER, THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTATION WILL BE NECESSARY PRIOR TO ORDERING THE FINAL FHA REPAIR INSPECTION: 1) A LETTER FROM YOU EXPLAIN]NG THE DRAINAGE SITUATION - THIS LETTER NEEDS TO INCLUDE DISCUSSION ABOUT THE DRAINAGE FROM THE HOUSE TO THE STORM SEWER(GRAVITY FLOW, STATE REQUIREMENTS, ETC.) 2) EXPLANATION OF THE DRA]NAGE PROBLEM AND HOW IT WAS FIXED(THIS MAY BE INCLUDED IN THE ABOVE LETTER) UPON RECEIPT OF THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND CLEARANCE BY THE FHA INSPECTOR WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO CLOSE ESCROW WITHIN THREE TO 5 DAYS. YOUR COOPERATION WILL BE APPRECIATED. SINCERELY, DEBBIE P LOAN OFFICER 484-6249 CC: BLY 440 East Znd Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 683-2400 16ll Willamette Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 484-6249 1230 NE 3rd, Suite .&166 Bend, OR 97701 (503) 382.3715 10110 S\(/ Nimbus, B-3 Portland, OR 97223 (503) 684.34e0 CIIY OF SPRINGFTELD Office of Community and Economic Development August 10, 1987 Northwest Fundi ng 1633 hIi I I amette Street Eugene, 0R 97401 ATT: Debb'i e Subject: 1081 Soutn 44tn Streptgpringfield,0R 97478 Dear Debbi e: 0n August 24, 1986, the $pri ngfi eld Bui I di ng Safety Di vis'r on was r^equested to Derform a final building insoection at the abovereferenced addness. Fina'ls fon thc e'lectrical, olumbing and mechani cal systems had a1 ready been 'i ns0ected and aOproved as i nd'i cated i n the encl osed i nspecti on report. The i nspect'ion revea l ed that the dwe'l 1i ng was i n compl'i ance uri th both the State and City Building Safety Codes with the pxceDtion of two, rel ati vely mi nor, i tems. Correcti ons requested were for the adjustment of the self-closing hinge of the ganage passage door and the ri ser he'i ght of the steo( s ) from the dwel 1 i ng i nto the garage anea. If approval for occupancy of the dwelling would have been requested at this t'ime, an occupancy certificate would have been issued to allow for the temporary use of the structure until the minor repairs were completed. If you have any questions, or if I can be of assistance, Dlease contact me at 7?.6-3668. Sincenely, David J. Bui ldi ng cc: #r449 Puen 0fficia'l th Little Property Management Assistant l;,'.i\i 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 503/726-3753 -SERI]{CFIELD "^\<- o^xkl,lu " RESIDENTIAL". APPLICANON/PERIIIT -;1125 Notth |th Street SprLngfield, 1regon 97477 Buildirtg Ditsision 7 26-37 53 & ?cceizt . SPFIINGFIELD .tob Loceticn: Assessots Map ll >\bdiuision: 1) lcz Lot ll G )sner:I iddtess: 2 2 ^< 71 Phone: Describe llotk: zip: x 1 ^*rrr"n1 n*oant 1 ,rourrn r^u j rraat pLutlBrttc lla) EIIIAL IISCHA:IICAL FII]AL ELECA.IICAL MASONRI: SteeZ beans, gzwutinq accord.ance vith 2415. vo0DSTOW: enpLeted. Location, bond or oerticdls in U,B.C. Secttbn After installa,ti,on ia 5r*a .u 2.zt < ? Vat z €z<1r futu-P7/6/Y ar? - rfbaS'c \<ar6zV e <zaz' 5€€ r/aa.ft 3 / 6zgJ 5c Date: Date of AppL Value -cnxr6.cio,'s )eneral :onstn ction Leder - dzen'gou L be ready for ir.spaction, Cont?dcta?s o? Aile"s tlcne md piate nunbct.be rade the sanze dcy,tequests ncde aft* ?:00 @n tiLL be nad.e the ncst tnrking daE. Iour City Desigr.ated Job Nwtbet fs: '.t ia the responsibility oi-tle petmit tzotd,er-to eee-tlut aLL inapectians oe nad.e at tle ptope? time, t?at eceh critness is vsa)a'^--gy.-tJl" at?ee-t,.@,C, tllat the-pelntt,,edrd, is t*ated at the froai of the propettueuiuiry Diui=iot apvro"*ed plbz sltcll remain on thz tuilaing- sl,.l"-Lt-itt-7liZr.'- 726-376 9 ( yecorden) state yout City Cesignated job no;tbet,,job aCitess, tyoe of inspee--ictt P.equests teceixed befcre ?:00 an 1 SI?9 lttsPi:?rc\: ?o be nade aftet ) acaation, but prtar tc set up of JOnng._1 UIID.RSLAB PLUIBNYG. ELEC?RICAL dJ"v\)OrK LS eOUCled. A pc_oTilc t Fgu\pAficY: to be tnLe,)J alt.er trencnes are escatated and, forms- ane ereeted, but priot topourtr,g cdcTete. Fla 6-/t>a.lJ q7AIIIACE: To be nad.e prior to fi7-Lirq trench.ee. fl anoepprcon prumnc & t4Ec$ANrcAL:') r:ben@of _ rLriEiiE"WLod $.*i"n.1fi POST AND BEAil: To be nade priot to) installaticn of floor insulation otdeckits. paea >4-E3 4? - w:til these ittspeetiotts itzue beennaie and. aoroued.. fl prete\ec-e, i rrLon to plaeitq faeingt) mcterials and. before froning inepele-tian. Q. 4€UEj-r'/<€ I rna::tnc: ltust be recuested aftert) app1oual of tough pltmbing, electri-cal 6 nechanieal. All roofittg' btacing A chinmcys, etc. rrust be . cottpleted. llo ucrk ie to be can-. cecled unti.L this inspection las'bee.n nade anC apptooed. TNSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRI|R ilISPECTION : ?o be nad.e after aLL insulcticn e.d.tcquired oqor borie?a cpe in pl,ace bztt before ory la.th, Wpswn booC or tra.Ll coueting is applied, and. befoteoty insulation is concealeL.Lti>peAFtssB Hf*> DRYVALL filSP1trrOV: ?c be mad.eafter aLL i-nyntall is in pl.aee,but ption to dty taytng. E fi cuna a Appng\cs apryn: Aftet .fornsl:J @e e?ected. but P"io" to pouring coie"ete. lj SIDEWALK 4 DRrrFaAy: por al|, eon- I A I c"ete paoirlg tithin at?eet fight-of-try, to be maCe aftet, aLL ezca- vating corplete & for-,n uork & sub- base natertal in pla,ee. lEllCE: Vhen conplete -- fuouiCe. gates o? nooable seetians thtough ALI ptoject cottditiow, such ae the i.nstallation of street t?ees, cc::tDzetton of tierequired l,and.scqir4' etc.' rmtst be.satisfied before the BUfLomb FLNAL can be requested. EI\IAL BUfLDIN?: The Final Building- rnspection rrust be requested cltet the lind ptunbizSElectrtcal, otC Neclarical fnspections latc been nadi atd'approoed,. A x l Satitoy se-tet eapped at properti line Septie totk Vnced and, filled vtth groel Pina.l - l{het abcoe i*ens ate eapl,eteCad, uhen Cenclition is conplete or st-::-ture moueC otd. przr.rtses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blockitzg otd. Set-up Phnbing connections -- aa))e? ord. oaler Eleetrtcal Ccmnection - Blockittg, 6et-u,otd pltnbing cotnections mtst bb apptcx\C before requesting elecarical inspec.-io:t Aecessor; Bui\Cing pcrches, ekitting, declcs, Leted. Pi.nal - Aftetetc. ee conp Pcge 1 of 2 1ALL l'tAltHcLES AND CLEANOWS ttug? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJAS?:?E)E TO BE t,.4DE tr t:O C}ST TO eryy Sigred: E T rl @ i loe No Iat Sq. P*. z of L.t Cavercgc ! of Sxortes ?otal Lei-cht ?opogrqhy soLAR AC €SS REQ.- X Intericr Corner - Panlund.Le CUL-de-sac L-CO G+ Eeztoq.s: q toDe c\ c. Building Volue & Permit This-penntt is granted ort the eLTress cond.ition ttut the sai.d. eonsttuctions_ltall' in-all -respects, eonforn to the ordirance edoptec by the city ofspringfield' includrng the zoning c'ndinance, negulcting thZ ccnstnictiln(.rt. of buildings, otd m=y be-- susperd,ed ir yLuokeClt ory tine upon oic_la,tlon of @1y prcvisions of said Ordir,ances. r/ora: *q Jop rfeZtCze fon aa/et444Hntf l t*,9*is32 * CcraocDft10use Int Faces - eef, Ilortn 17-/5-' East -?7-Xl i'ircSotith_g llest 24' VaZue llain bace Cdrcc?t Aceessoru TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. I.5 c Euiltiing Pe.nit State ?otal Cltanges I ."zitrares i Resi<ienti.a.! (1 bath) I Sati Se;-er t te Paid: #: Signed: Plumbing Permit No_ person shall constraet, instal!, alter on cttange dny nel cr e:isting llun2ing or drainage systsrl in uhole ot in patt, -unles-s such person i.-- tLe Le_gal -possessor of a ualid plunberrs Licensb, eueept that a pL-"onnay d,oplwrbing uork to ptope?t! uhi.h is ottned, LeZsed ot operatii fy- tt" qpli-@nt. chA;i5: ilcter PLcrCng Petrit State i Neu/Eier.C Citcuits Sentice * L Electricol Permit vhe?e state La,t re-quires tl':dt the eleetrtcal uork be done by dn EleetricalCont"acto?, the electrical portion of this pernit slull roi be ualid, untiithe Tabel ita.s been signed ly the Electttcal Cont?actot. ?otal I kharct HooC I cliA-acE Perrtt fssusrce Me:haniczl Penfit ?t*'r,s.ee 2!U:S Vent Fot Sectritu Storaoe Pcrqrit Cttbeu! Sidasalk -- EilCEOACHMEII? -- ?otal Cltcnoes ffi r tAw 1AREFULLY sxAr,,rNED tte eonpleted apptication for permit, and dohereby certif-y tltat aLL it;fo:rnation hereoi is tmte onC "ior""Lt', @d ifirther.cert?fV that cny ar.d aLL aork perforned shall be doi" in oo"on_dcnce vith the ordintnees of the cita of springfieid., ;"d1i; La.rs of the' s_?r^? of -)-regcn plrtaining to the ooikveszrit-"d. h"nlii,-"i-:t-t no occ!-Pl.ilcy DilL be n,o,d.e of any- sttuctsa uithout permissiott'of tt" Build,ing Di-vision-. r further eertilg thet otly cont"a;tors ""a. *ritoii.s ,ho are incanpliance u.!,th CRS ?O1.0SS oill be-used on thie projec't 1 ttobile Hane FE a?CTAL AECIT:T DUz:'rvo Signed Dzte FEi Mechcrnicol Permit I EO-219 Deecrtbe l'tork: NEVI SINGLE EAMILY RESIDENCE VATTACIIED GARAGE. ** tsLock'Jng nd, Sat-u.o Pknoing ccnnecaasns,-- aa)a:t ad, ucler ilectriec,L Ccnnection - ?Lcckir?, sc;-r,.., cnd pLumbing ccr.nections nr-st 'ce qpnn;ai bejore recues t'Jng elec:iccl inspec !io:':, Aecescor; 3uil,!i'4 Fittal - iilcr ;crc'res, skir.-'lng, 4e:ks, ete. cre c=ngZe=ad. \ E;[ ,-, Additicn RenoCel Ddte: Date of Apptica:i6n 4-22'83 value 549,640 General Harsch Construction and Devel t PLwb P rricaZ Peter 987 F cons@@t. -,. 12 ie 2ht rcspo,nsibility of lha penrtt iotd* co see lh.,t aLL inspec^tions .7e ,;atie ac lhe ptopet tin., ;h.t 3'sft 'ilr333 is rens'bit i'':oa th. ,tte'ea. ctl zha.t the pexwtc eati ie Lccated at the frcnt of the pro.oe"ty''t|uirli.V }lviciot qprcted pLZn aicll retm.in on tIE tsullding jiti,:i :L! a'-nas. r-l p!?pelgu?g FOR lflSpt:!rctt RIIU1S?..CALL 726-3769(yccordet,) statc 'gout' Ci:y Tesigr.ated iob n'anber, i-ob cl,'*css, typl 1f -inape-c:i^c't.adyforit,spcction,cont?actcfsc.rCane-s.,e.,"indpro)entnbcr.1equesiareceixadbafcre7:0Can :;iil bc rade the sdte Ccy, reqttests-nad,e after ?:00 en vtll be ouCe the nc=t'-nrkini C.a'g- ^ GJ- lortr Cifu'Deeigra'ted iob 'tunber "' 83 I b2rb Si?! tNS?9C?15:t: lo be nade afterffiGfr pricr tc ae: up oJ' 1brme. ult1eRsLAB ?!L':.BIitq, z[iei$liL -liEClliillCA!,: io be nacie beiot'e cny Gt7Gocred. lVOi:ltG , ?ClJtD,lTiClt: ?o be r,aCe aftet ttenches zre e:casateC antl fcrme cre erectad, but ?riat to Wuriry ccnctet€. rT'l urrJ-p6?cu:t g ? ll're:E)-Erttl-iJry !, :v I !tA) DiA;;tAc€: lc le na.:e pior co iil-lir4 trenci'.es. 7il unnrptLcoR ?LU:.sEtc ), '.!!crAtticAL: l.|'I /\l ':o t€Ae 'nir =a intxclkcion oJ' floor insuiticn c: tiecking. fr Pcst AllD 3EA:.r: To be raic prion to ! /\l ffilG#" oi fooor insuLalior, or C.eckitg. i)n?tf ! J? ?^rq lrrc =" ?r" ra.J t .) .,4ICll- AllICAa--;Frc* as :o ee ac,.'ereti Gif:hcee )nsceeticrs hs'se beer nc.de ard, apg?ale:.. FISEPLACS: Pr)or '-o plccirq fcc'tngncterials and 'teicre lranl.r4 insoec- tion. o 1<4&4/t<€ m F 4tlrlc: !,lust be recuesteC er")er, >l -. -if I aporovcl of roug-h plw:-cing,..electr|- cal d neci'aniecl. ALI tooiirq braciry ! chimcya, ete. ttlst be concletcd. ilo xcrk is lo be cor.- - cecl"ri until :his insoecicn i::a,s 'been nro.cie cni apotvueC. r )tsuLA! Io N / vnPO.? 3.1.?.?ri.? -- )ts ?!c? !0 ll : fo be ,rpCe a;'iei cil insuL;tisn c^l required vapor ber"Jers u'e ln glace bui beybre ay Lcth., gyFsttl bcasi ct taLL covering rs cppliea, ;ad beiare ay insulation is ccncealei. DRYJALL IitSPlC?!0tt: ic ie taCa &*Zfr@tT:s in ci;sce, but prior to cn! td?irc. WS1NRI: Steel location, bcnci iffigrou:ing o,terticcis in accordorce uirh U.3.C. Sectlon 2415. t/o0DS?)'/E: a6T;TA. After inst,zlic:ion is ft) cuns i .4PPts!le!_l!n-y-: Aite: formsl\) -';Z;"*;Z-A;;i; :o pcur)ns cortcfe te. t-.71 SIDlllALK .t CRI'.T|'.;Y.' .ic'p ;LL ccn- lX I fr;-r"tA-;fnn jir'e'.:i t'iuht- - oi-r.uy', to bc nade ;zlie:.' tJJ .:aca'- uating catolate 3 lorn 'xrk 'l :ub-? base ttterial in place. E aa :l lTilAL P!UI48IJA FI;IAL ME'ITA:ITCAL FI;IAL ELECIPTC;L I1NCE: 'rther: canPL;te -- k'c'tiCejfri or nouable seccions :hrcugl'. DI' ' AIL pro;ieat condi:ions, .;xc'.i i:J tte !nscallaclon oi' ,t:reet trees, :s-Vlaiio4-c/: .^c ."qrri""Z-iirAs"cpi"g, .tc., ,'ttst 'ce satlsiicti ccic:e .he 3U;i.tl:lc -t.f.Y.l; :'.n le rzqazscaC. ?Iit,1L SUILDI1IC: The Fincl 3uil.,1ln1 lnsTectiort ntet, be reo.uestad cller )ha !"r'zl ?ienbin€ glectn"-cal, attC Meclnr.ic,zl in:;ncccions -itcvc been ncCe cttri c=crc'Jal. 22s North sttt streeAPPLrcATr,N /PERMrr Springfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 ..RESIDENTIAL.. SPFIINGFTEL.D 1081 44th StreetJob Locaticn: Aesescore ttag ll J-8-02-05-24 Tcz Lot ,l 3500 Subdiuision: C-mer: Phones,!d,ress:895 Club Rd A-2O0 9740l-Eugene, Oregon De ::oLiT io::3t'rt0i:;rs Scll:c?! sa-ter :qpeC at ?rc?erri Lina Septic '.c.k -v,ryai *i iiliaC :ith gr:tel lincl - i{hen cbcue i;ens are ccnleced a.C uhen leacli'-ion ia conale'.e bt strt:- tuye naveC att preises ciaanei tg. icnas\t^; ?:-'a 1 ol ! x X ',liL :.:A::I!CLES ttt} CLS,ltvOUtS llUS! 3, .icjgji:::.t, ANit;Si::3:t! I0 .3:- .rlt'1f, ': ::C ::S: :C C!?v tr tr 6) L-co cJOB NO bt sq. Fts. 6Aa 7 cf lct ccv"rage Zt2z> ! of Stor[es I iotal lJ.eight /8 ' ?ogogqhy a-=?a Perwit Issuctce tlech.anic:.L ?errtit za SOLAR A(jCESS REQ.- X rnterior _ Cotnet _ Panhattdle _ Cul-de-sac Mecho nicql Permit 3ectoons.stZone:Gtolto:0cctt-1 ir.erov Sotrees ?roaLoi Fo"n" - W*5L 3 e tbacks ilater qoater ?i{ ous e t:.u'CQ e AccesgDT E'/f,Norch 27,East aote.r,South 1q'l,le st Value5C..r?C xrTca /9a1,,\b.in lazCddce :daaa,,t .lcces9ct'l ?26 ya.d6AF.l irr?l'=:J:AJ .,1te- Building Vqlue & Permit This getlm'Jt is Srcnted on +-he e'T"ess cond-i.ticn tha't thz said'constrtction siull, in clt rescccts,'ioi,iii""o- th.e 7rdinar.ce adogtei biy the C!:7 of ! p riib f t r ti,':ni1:.,alng' tii' zi": ng crcz nonc.e, r egu Lc t'ing th e c c-ns c-rte tzc n and use oi ou.ilc.!r,4s, *r;';'^;t'i;" siien'1"c "" rZ"sck"cit "t'1 tiae upon uic- l.a,tion o1'- ;ttg 7r:'tis"J:ns oJ' saiC Cri'"n:nces' BuiUini Pernit lota,L Cla:gea (s.r.c. I.5 =?y 4D otc $56.10 .44 Receigc t ;!0 CHARGE Plumbing Permit No person shall constt'trct, ins!al!,- altet ot cltanqe -c'tty neD.cr e=Js'-ing plwnbing cr drainage ";;,;" in uhole or in pos't' i'nlesi auch person is tlo legal poesessor oi " ":"1;;"pi;Z'i-'i li""""'e' esceoc tlat d Pe:son ta, do plmbing aork to p"op"f,ty'r'AiZi-it "r-"a, L.eased or operated by the cppli- ccnt. .ci.=f,u:res Residz?tti.a,L ( 1 bdth)?-O Sani Sa,ter 6e L Plttnbing Penit @ State D qa Electricql Permit ttherestateL,ntrequiteatl'attheelectricalr'ptkbedoneby-anElectricat contructor, the eleetJilcol port;o" of :his permi: etxzlL rot- be valic until ;;;bb;l t-i L""" aignec lv tne ELec*"JcaL contractot' I JE ttiu/E:tetd Ciratits Sentice a te e lctal Orarces o C!IARCEitc. \trece 9!U'S c/.*/*ltd.tit HooC ea?,-2 7.nVent lot l,lcoCstoue ,.*DO4,L4/r84a<e A, eo/azE.*t.//e.6/ I I}AW CAREFULL| ZXLLINED the conPlated application fo-n permit' tnd Co ;*';;;; ;:;;;r;'r-ih";-tt7t-inic.natibn hereon' is true aruc cbrrect' cn! r'i"r"f,L, ""rri;'g :nat, "iy "ia aLL uork pe-rforneC sha'Ll be dote it accor' dance ,rich tha arainenczi;r ,i" b*v oi 'spr)ngi:,ei-d,, atd ch.z Lc;a oi tha ;;;z;f-;.;,j""-)".t,ii7ils-"o- iir-*ii ces'cdbic here-Jn, a1a :tu. vo )cL'!)' pAttcy vitl be ta::e "i";;:;' ,i;;i"rz- ,itig peon-Js;tioa of the 3uild'-ns u-- vision. I 1-urthet certii;; thst otly 'on.-rac'tora ad' atp-icyeee uha are in Zipl.:L"i ,.th cp.s 7il.bss uiLL be used cn thie ptoiect Total Ocrccs Ctsbctt! tlobila ilane 5P-1.flt/ffi 4"/D -- iilc,a3Ac:!1.!E:!? -- Sectittl Dzcoait Stordge llaint etwt: e Pcntrtt ?a 2.-oSida,xzlk ?o' !ence ET.ectrical Lcbel 7/q.6ctSro/r) ,7/2 7A2.12%rptt Ea T0'!..1L :|CiJ:t! DUi:'/o12,R srs""; /fr* kfr Daae 2 I