HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-07-28" RESIDET.ITIAL"SPFTINGFIELE'APPLTCA?ION/PER]II? 225 Notth ith Street SprLngfteld, 2t,egon 97477 Building Di.uision 7 26-37 53 Job locaticn: Aeceeaore Map # /8 O A OS a Subdiviaion: Aotet: Addtess city: 2- w Phone: DfEtifuttork: \ 4*J-( -a/{ AAi.tian r-t RanoCel Date of Applicaticn_VaLue GeneraL DP Date: ?az lat ll SLeetricaL l.leciunie,zl Construetion Lendet lt is the.resaonsibility of the permit hoLdertrom xhe axreet, anC tlta.t the permtt eard isr7uildir,4 Diuiciot do-pro"*ed clan sizcll yenain -to see- that aLL inspections ue nade dt the ??ope? tine, that 2sah .-i,ltsss is vsasnT'.2Loeated qt -th-e ftont of tl.,e propertyon tle Build.ing Site at aLL'times.- ??CC:DI),?g FON lilSPic?rcil P!7UES?..CALL 7 :?2.ou3s;ea an-.ci ulzen -Eou uiLL be reatiy for;rLL oe nacie the sane dcy, requests mc<ie 26-376 9 ( reeorder ) state yout, City designated job ntnber, iob aii:".ess t'yte of ir-spee:icninspeetion, Contraccc?s cr O"mets rwne cni tnone nunDe?.cfter 7:00 an d,LL be naCe the nczt aorking aay. Icur City Desigzated Job Nurnber fs: Io be aLL Zb Pinal - hhen abcoe itens are cclaletei and. uircn Cernci'ttior: is corclete br stn c-tute nooeC ani prertses cleanei up. befcre 7:C0 a l l I U|DE.?SLAB -p[t::EItlG, TLECT?ICAL I:;;-iECl!.t-:iIC;L: ro be ,aci.@ngtnrk is couered..r---_ .- FO-OT.|NG 2, F)U\\D,ITICN: ?db;niC;afte.1 t?enenes are e.ccauated and. forms are ereeted., but ptiot, topour-lng ccncrete. 1W*rzw.qren.J ?-1!IttAGE: To be rAd@Lirq trenehee. I UNDFRFLOA.R pLUr.EIltG e raEClrANrcAL: -) l3 oe mao.e pricr to insxallation offloor insuT.ation or deeking. I posr 4_rp ailu: Io be nade prion toI instalT-aticn of fLoon insulation oydecking. I 9,0_.w! _p-Lu.!Br:tc. .EL.Ecrp rcA,L e MECH: I AttlLAtJ: do Do?k Ls to oc co.*ered - w:t-il these inspeetiors izante been _ made and. apOnoued,. I PfpWUCt: pt Lor to plccirn facinaI mcterials and before'franin| in"pnl_tLon. -1 rnu:ntc: ttust be tequested aften ) dpprouaL of rough plwrbing, eleetri_eal & neelnnieal. - ALL robfingbtactng E- chinmeys, ete. rrust be . cotfipLeted.. !1o wcpk is to be eon- -..cecled unti.l thi.s inspectton hae'' 'bee_n mad,e anC apptoued. cr-= rrtc:I^-,air.ffi;;,fr, fotme. FTNAL PLUUBTilG FTNAL UCCNANICAL FTNAL ELECnRICAL Io be nacie after prLar tc set up of tequited oapor bawiers dpe in place bat -before ory Lath, Wpsun bcarC orLnLL coue"ing is aoolied, otd. beforeoty irnulation is ccncealed..---l + _- \r DRYWALL fil1PtC?ION: rc be madeal-ter aLL CtyuaLL is in place,but priot, to cny taping. Sani:aty seaet cqtped =t ptoger4- lize Septic totk y.neci ed filled utth gratel .a IT4ASONR!: Steel beans, giroutina accordorce tLth 24L5. Location, bond or uetticals in a,B.C. Section LTOODSTOVE: After i.nstall,ation isecmpleted. CURB & APP4CACII AppON: Aftet forms@e e"ecteC but p"ior to pour.tng conctete. SfDEIIALK & DRf,,ZilAy: Fo? aLL eon- o,^ete pautng uithin street tight-of-txA, to be nale after aLL esca-oating eornplete & for.n uto?k & sub- base ttatertal in plnee. Dli^t a?. gateE hhen conplete -- protil.e or mooable eeetions thnough P.A.E, AIL pro,iect conditions, such ae the installation of etreet ttees, eonoletion o1- tierequined LattCscqir:g' ete., naat be satiified befone the BUrL;iib FrltAL can be tequested.. FrNAL BIJTLD\N|: The Pinal Buitding. rnspection ilust be requested, cfte" the Final plunbing\-,/ Electrica!, *ra ue.i-riiii liJ,p"Zi'-.te 'i,ta,c t""i-idZ'i*i awtoved. tLr.t'Ll J tU:; e licnes Blocking od Set-up Plwbing connections -- actt)e? d. uctet Eleetrical Catznection - Blocking, set-u: and_ plwnbing conneetions nr-st bb' apprcxeibefore nequesting electrical i.nspeeiiot Aecessory BuilCing Pital - Aften pcrekes, skirting, declcs,etc. a?e eanpleled. Page I of 2 'ALL t'tANHcLES AND cLEANows lfltgr BE AecEssrBLE, A,DJatrl-iE To sE il4DE r.?no c?st 70 cM c -N-il l T l lll ll l Zone: SOLAR AC ss REQ.-L-CO G* OecuDancu Crot t:dearooT,si-ot Sq. Fxg. - i of Lct Ccoerage - ! of Stortes :otal Height !opography LCT ?WE _ Intenior Come? _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac heat LACC Lot Faces - Setbaeks Df House Ca"aae Access I'lo?th P-- + Sorith l4est I :?E:.1 Building Vc:lue & Permir This perwLt is granted on the express eond.ition tlnt the said eonsttuetion s-hal.L, in,a-ll.respects, confcrm to the Ordirnnce adopteC b1.1 the City ofSpr-ingfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating thb ccnstraeticn otd .use of buildinps, and may be suspended or r'euokeC -ot "*y t:-me upon uic-Tation of atly prcoisions of said Ord.ir,ances. TOTAL VALUE s.D.C, 1.5 c I SQ. FTC x VaLuc 1n"14 sc /s,rc bo ls.oD Euildr.ng Pernrit ?otal Clwrges :r:,'..' ,esiiential (i bath) Se--er D7.,-;:-- D^'*'+ Tctcl Check Fee # FEE Plurnbing Perrrit No, pereon sLta.TL consttwet, instalT-, alter ot, e?tange cnlt neD cr ezistit:gplwnbirq oz, dtainaqe systen in uhole or in patt, unless such teyson is tj..eLegal possessor of a ualid plunbet,s License, eteeDt t|"s.t a De:scn na7 icplznbing uork to prooerty uhich is o,-"ned, Leased or operateti by t'ne appli- cant. 15.'o .hc/5 Lo i 15, b7) 60 - ai--. -, - a-/Z=teni CincLits Electricol Permit l'Inere Stcte La reouiz,es t-t".a'c the electrical uork be done Contracxor, tne electriccl coyxiot of this Defiilt siu.Ll nothe Label ius been signec b'y tiie Eleecrieal' Jontxccic!. I I I t ce ia!^-e ut^-4L. . L ,-;:r:.-.l>ft/iechonicql Permit'-q -)a,a+ Uaa) tod.sto;le Permtt issucnce Mecitanicel Pez.rntt -- EI]CRCACHTIEII? -- PLan Lasnlner .-n ieuaLk L LAD€L bile Hane I HAW CAREFULLY IXAIIINED the completed aoplication for pernit, cnd <ic hereby eet'tify that aLL i:l,fo:,nction hereon is ttue arri correcc, cnd f further eertifs- that any ari aLL aork penfor"ned shall be dote ;r oeco?- <iance titlt the Ordinances of the City of Sptingfield, and thc Las of ti:c State of O?egcn pe?taininc to the uot'k Ceseribcd herein, a^d tl,,.t i,lC )CCU- PANCY DilL be nwde of any sttucture uithout permission of the 3uilding D;--tsision. f further certifi; that only eontractors a;;d enplcyees uho aye ir': eo;:rpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project JT i 15.*(;o /5" 60 )a zo /4-.so czc .?AL A,'lOUii DUE:'W7 gc Signe<i JOB NO. Haoo.stol:e . 1,() a I ' 4lo EO 2L5 ..RESIDENTIAL.. 22s ttorth rr^ rrrn"APPL;cATr,N /PERI,rr Spdr,qfieLd, Aregon 97 -477 BUL LC"LNA DL1)1.3LON 7 26-37 53 SPF!INGFIEL.D d. Date: Job ioecticl.' 1026 44th Stree! Springfield A'sesiors Jta? ll lg-O2-O5-24 4000 Subd.i.tisicn: Lucerne Meadows br /e 3->ter: Empire Financial Services, Inc. Ad&ess: 895 Country Club Rd. A-200 ebug Phone: 686-8081 zip: 97407Eugene, Oregon Desertbe llork: NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE VATTAC}IED GARAGE l-*!)lq,t 1 s49.640VALUE Liae. iiontTc.cto?a A&iress Phone General Harsch Construction and Develgpment Company 484-2405 1pchariccl N,/A Sanita"l seaer cc,V?ed :t prcpertg Line Septie tank p'*trpeC ail filled uith gra:;zl lLnal - i.,hen abcre txens ee ecnoZecei ,zrd uhen lenclitton is eatale=e Zr s*:ic-iute noueC qri treises eleatzei uc. iicnes Blocking od. 1ax-u.o ?Lunbing connecticns -- saier d. wacer Electr\cal Cannection - Blcckitq, set-ut and. pitonbing connections rtst be apprcr;bi before request:Jng eleettical inspee2iotz Accesscry Suilitng Pina.L - Aftar :crekes, skirting, deci,s, etc. de ccnpZe:ed. P Al-ert Plumbi 10 Van Buren Ore Peter l-987 F te Ave.Eugene Const@:cn_!e-k!_ You! Ci.tA Designa.ted Job ltunber fs: CJTF J'lCDta-rarr. a^ \.v )e scaucnan, bux pricr tc 345-3055 688-8 720 l-t is the respot'tsibilitg of -tle penrit itold* to see that aL?- inspecCons @e nade at )he proper tlne, that eceh.-d.,lness is rea;ai1.a ;'roat tie st"eet, anC:iac the penrit card. is Located at the frcni of the rtooe"tu.*1ui!di:4 >)uicto, cpirw^ed pibn s7=LL remain on th.e i"l.Zal"lg- sii"-L"-ilt"-t;^i".'- PP?CSDUP?. F04 IltSPinI1N.lg=qyESf:CALL 726-3769. (recorCer) state gour City Cesiq,ated. jab ntolber, job aCiress, type of inspec=icnre.quested aii uhen ilou _uiLL be reai'g fo-t'inspection, Confraeta*s o-r a;ner'"-r-rre -crd pla)e nunber.' -pequests reLeii:'ed bZfcTe'Z:a2 cn'.iLL be natie the sane Ccy, requests nade after 7:aO q1t urill be naCe the nest:nriing'dag. AiIDgRSLAts - LU!,Bi:IG. ZLICIPIC,IL 2I ,ECili.iiijAJ: io be narie be.'oye anu - uotK ts cco??e1. M lcOlnc I ioL,:tDA?:c:t: lo be ::tCelL AFer .-r"-ne;;-;-ccanated arl. farna ote eteclad,, but prtot iopouzirg ccnc?ete. E iNSULAtIa[] /VApOR tsARRItR ItlSplC!fi tl : To be nade after aLL insulaticn ed. required oqor baviels @e in glaee bat beTbre ag Lc.th, W?fln bcatC cr unLL eouez,ing is cpplled, etd. before a! ,Jtsulation is eoncealed. DRYHALL I,ISPICTICN: Tc be naCe aftez, aLL c,ryua!,L is in ol.ace, but prior xo any taping. set u? of u lt DiRG?9Ultp ? tL'!.!3 I:i G, StUtp., t.1T E R, DRAillAGi: Io be nwie pt--or co ,.iL-Lirg crenckee, FIIIAL PLU!{9r:iC EI;IAL :,{EC1IAXICAL ?I:IAL ELEC!?ICAL fVl cupa & A?PRCAC| .a.ppoy: After Fotrts ta a'e e"eccecWTG to pctill"4 conerete. t{AS1Nl?Y: Steel beans, grouting accordarce uith ilCODSTOT,/E: **1 .- ^) After instalLation is SfDEHI.LK ,t DRIiTIAT: For aLL ccn- cr."-Ee pau@G;m sireet tight- of-,nc?/, tc be naCe aftar aLL etcc- uatina conolete & fotn ,L:otk & aub- base ncterial in place. Location, bond at ,tertieals in It 2 f Q^^+.'^< tTl uv.?r."..r:c0? ?!;ls rtG MlCtAtrcAi :tr't@of floor|naulcxion or Cecking. I V I P1SA AilD 3EA!,1: lo be ncCe pr-Jot lo , r i TGiiGlici 1-toor irsukzi.cn or Cecking. E 2atlca 2.lFtp-,ta 2??NQf -, | 2. 'E^tJ_ -itir,.1ffiutil ;kese )rsceclt)or,s 'nc:ue beer nade ctd. cpprcu'ed.. FIP!?LA1I: Pz.Lor to pl.ccir4 fcctngncterLai.s cr:d. befcre )rs.rira insteZ-tion. Q <<AiBrrtyld FRJ:|I,!-L: !,fttst be rec.uesxed cfler approu,il c1' rough pltu:bh,4, electr)-cal I neci,anica!. AL! rcoiirg bracing 2 chimneys, etc. mtsc be . cornpleted. llo ;crk is io bc- con- - cea'Led until this inspec;icn ia.a'been ttwd.e cnC appra;ed. 4a E ?tNC!: 'ihen conplate -- ?rouiCe gates a? nouable sections through Dill *ALL I4AIIHCLZS AND CLEAilCUTS YUST BE ACCESSitsLE, ADJUST:!3:i! IO BE:,!ADE !.? lIO:3Sr ?C CI?Y ALL proiect eozditions, sueh as tlze inseallaxion of slteet tz,aes, :c:a1-et,-Jon cf ti,terequired Land.sccping, etc., nilst be satzsi'ieC before tke BUILD|\IG FIieL lan be requested.. IINAL BAfLDfllC: Fne Einal Buildtng. Insoecticn xast be reqtesteri zfter the iir,al plw1bingEleetricaL, q,C l.lechattccl fnspecc;.ans 'nauc been neCe- ad.- ,ro*"i"i. / / x ?z7e 1 of 2 d 4-22-83Date of Applicatian_ l @ 9-aa I JOB N Lot sq. Fts. 4?/ 2 LCT TYPE X nterior soLAR, -CESS REQ.- Cor.ner PaniuruiLe cuL-ae-sdc L-co d 1 cf Lct 7a:etage 26 iotal tteight -W ?oposrqhy 0.222 Mechq nicol Permit Penot fssu.oce Meelanicsl Peontt 3ecraons: Lot Fece,s - J' l^,, - ^.lecess a, th :{VaLue ,l .{ 4^fraf trtra,c cna1<-',3O (E 7. Reeet-pt # ,5Lmed. Building Vqlue & Permit This permit is granted on th.e espyess condttion tlat the said-consttac;ion sluLl, in aZL y,escects, eonfcrt:o the Srdinance adopteC btg the Ci;1 cf Springfield, incluiing rhe Jonrng Crdinance, regulct{ng the co..strt-tct'.cn end use oi bur,Ld.ings, cnd nay be susoe'ruieC or reuckei at ct:'1 tine utcn ulc- laticn .cf .nly prcuisions cf eaii Crdir"ances. ?uilding ?enit To+-aL Cfargea State FEE .U 1 D'? ResiCenti.a.L (1 bcth)I cra Seuer ct- Plumbing Permit No pereon slell ca.stt"tct, ins!al1., alter or chazqe 6ny reu cr eaistir,.g plwnbin4 cr drainage syate"n in tshole or in part, unless such pet,son is the Legal possessor of a ualid plu,nberts Lieense, e.cept that a person nay do plut,bing xork to p"ope?t'! uhieh is otmed, Leased or ooez:ated by the appli- cant. Plwnbing Penrtt Total :io ,G Na,t/Estend, Circuits Sertiee Electricol Permif Ilhere State Lan requires tlnt the electrtcal aark be done by an Eleetznical Cont?ecto", the electz'Lcal portion of thia pernit shall rot be ualiC until the Label ius been signed by the Electrical Cont?actor. Per-.-rit F3Z Eshanst Hoo,l. Vent Fat oc AE llco<is'to"*e ac> /2,G ,5?, 4 -- E:IC,'.CAC:;:.8:]? . - €4*93Tdr- f HAW CARE?ULLY IXLL|I:IED t|,e ccrnpleted copl,-catior,. for petnit, cni da hereby certify tlnt aLL ,infotnatian hereon is trae arC carrecv, amC f futther cettify that ang ard aLL uork periomed slull be done in aceor' dance vLth the Ord.iner'ces of the City of SprLngfield, anC. lhe Laua of lha* State of lregcn pertaining to the aork Cescr"JbeC henetn, cnd. 1|tct n0 1cCU- PANCI vtLL be nad.e of ctlA srructule uithout pennission of the Suiiding Dt- uision, f f,trther ::ertiroE th.at o:tly ecn*aetcrs ocd arplcgees al"-c atz in cat::pliance ulth CRS 707.055 aiLL be used cn *.his prcieet L Sec-un)ty Dzcosit Storaqe i,lainter,cnce Permit /^/8'Ctpbcttt {-4A?.tes :/1./1 SiCe,taLk qrl'),to L LeCt?LeX. L Le.De L Mobile Hcme 7ty.€o*_c-_PWtr&s b1loh 70T.1L lnVAUlT DUe:r Da /q,# 7 / /,/./ Tota1. Chmoes ?enee Vayg ENGtNEERtN6 PtnN I,evteN JOB # 83/64oerE Jog TAX A00Q6s /0 20 S, lltfu AJSe.fS6( nA?# su 00r u r.frdN Lazazrur 7tluzaau5 + +Tqx Lor {*#Lor /oB Lt( 4PAntT,aN Str€ Puntt -Sr4,'.r lt.4 ves tr tr& EIrl tru sEweRAy NOtr E] EI u F tsI tr AVAILABLA STvSAe? our To pRo?e?ry LtN€ U N oeA cotttfl.nc r ACCE:PT€ONa corvruE:crtaN uprrc ACceptEO BtBopo R..'e.v,REo r M Lteo oF /.ts6Js^46^rt cHAQGet THC C,n Ove A M ovNT: Stzg otr L,Ne:aePnti Lo cAT I aN FRoru N./-r hJ. PAoPeRrv LtN€:'I 4 o SANTTTTRY EeNE< CONN-- CTioN: sroRA 5ew54 NO E ArarLAALE lrE( tr S t2€6F L r^J€ : F Po lvt o€pw: LO CATT,N N., s., €.t hr. /popeBrv LtN€ STARFI SEWEQ CaNN€ CrIoN i fupa ocitN,lpouTt A.tD F,vNzATloN oRA'NA€e 70: < Up,B oIHER i b t?Ctl:_ CR.,vE]^tAy yEs E tr tr srANoAp0 CoN < P.6E CULVEPT CJN<R,CTE APPP OACH APRON RCAVIPSg <,O QTJ QAIURN APPROACH P,EAV IP.EOQ€QVIB5V - CoNrAcT TH€ PIAINTENAN1a CVRB <uT WtoTH: ntp.:,/L Fr., A4y.// fr., 0RTVQWPl Poprtavo Norr; WITHIil TH€ PvBLIL RI6ur oF wA? A AdPRaur: - cPudHE2 At-t- Ext sTtNG UN?S€O cuCB curt dHAut- Bg Fu..L HeGHT CvR,B AN? &1Ewnu4. NAtr 6 F O€PARTAENT '7 FLAR6: ) Tx S VRFAC E CEMENT coNc pE'rE: .I+{ALL Be: Roc4: _ REC-'or2eo ro ovE R sfQ?zT // Y€S tr s to €'lrAL]< tNForzrvl.+rlon' Nd E AOO trtoNnL At6Hr OF WAY R€Qbt R.EO: F ttrPQovz;1''19117 AGR€ErteNr 2.e@vtae:d FoRtr tr tr E EAs€tvlENr Cs ) R.e&.utaeo: M fugL,c Ar€ht atr lvAY ENCRoAIHAqNT P€AAr REA\ilP5O ,eoR.' StZ€ oF CUT: Srn,eer Nrtr\E TYPE St0e w*cK WTOTH TY F6 Gaaveu a. c. ,a4r CURQ,T 6urrsR Ft/LLy tnPtpve0 UNOER (aN.(rR cvQBttoe S€-rBA.K 5. V'fo r r f X NoTe.'. l, RefarR oQ AepLAc€ ,4NY oaFtci€NT (to€WaLK oQ firBcx APPp.o46v 7.wH€N€V€R A <uAB or2 €t01"y2s14 ls cor.tSTRvcrED, !t-tppovgr1 OA Q,6t*tP€oAT ,4e,t PotNT wHtctt 6,v6s P,€A,S.!age1 Accedt To 4 CRo,S,J,NauK AP€a, TH4U A BrK6/ ntHcELcHtu( &+me SHALL Be <aNsrptcr60 ,^, AcCollg*N66 Ivr7ll Cty aF,fPgpGe,*D {T'ANLAROS Ho {?EctFtc.*ilcarJ 4dPaR op,s ++-t.3to. -fe€crAL RE&.?tQAM6,N[S / NorEJ Itfr ( 4 -z c-a3 C,TY EN4I 4 P.EVlEw60 BY DfiT€ ( CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Departrnent of Public I'Jorks 225 I'trorth 5th Street BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISIOI{ JOB NT.TMBER: t3l /"+1- JOB ADDRESS:24s Ot /14 4 DATE:/a Tn.!V. NOTE: U))a -C * A,I ,//t/n tqr{7* ? .-2,,? ,--?nr.< u /t*''d,s' ,fr-/:/3-kZ .[NFOR}{ATIOII: INSPECTION: 7 26-37 53 7 26-37 69 X CALL FOR" REII{SPECTIO}I INSPECTOB.:6, Ka'd,r4"fx tz6.-t /h*r 7-z az,