HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2006-08-11A8/tL/2006 09:58 541344P- -7 tr8,'llz00 FRI 09:0? FAI 6 l0lcle ??5 Fifh 3EEt syriuddd. OI. 974?7 SCHOAPBUILDINGMOI'ER CID OF 3PRINGFTEI' PAGE @2 i& Orut CIIY ASSIOTJED IQB NLX{BEB: SrL \Ufb CITYOF !ilRINGTIELD BUILDING TilOvI}IO PERMIT EOMMT,,HITY SERVTCES DIVISION Frr 541-726-1616 Phonc 541-726-]?S3 "8,47L t6 5hs 6 u-A \BT fu lsr Nurbt: tbe f6r Ill,f,l{ovta LrncGogftrlan SurrtutBrEjliolrl Lro. D[0dlat P|.rra s45 ltQt rffi'|A&* cdtFtflGN'str:___ Movi{LD/ltJb c*a,* -.9--f,,/8*1 4 wdtwcmuin fuEn nfirnfa ltrntrr M= M.IXS &y ztra ctu Ptr,no Nncfre, ^ !Z-! K Lbl g,*,, - .[E=--:. - - - *. - ^" zip'?z4Jz_ etmtttr -- Drq fhdl&lb Uoiril lqut too;: , - ,, - u*os ,-rnr,- -1 E1---. Mnior rn*,-5-q 1-. - ll+rttq61ryr- &l ' - ,--tt#llecrionrht4lr{ourd:- I -"..rnao^*o fu!-*- tCnrc Ultt'_ vrlor of Stmctrnr(t),_._._- Irsorrd .. /-\g93cinj tr:,. Q (tmw, CoryldooDt Endirg 3d Drlcipum of Fryocd fmt Glnr thcf nm rlll rrnl illllrd tffl dlncdoarl *lom):Sar,{ 0N ,lZ u ubd'r oil fKruE'MLff c/')'4J- C{fiT fi44r (lMft( o{^) 7) {-tL SgtLL/zOgE 69:58 541344P-'3 scHoAPBU I Lp 1 516ytlr/ER v ^ . . ur' trlll rtul l6LIr OHLY. lsnit lob !{uirrttrtrEffi- Fitc 2 ?laltq?EEi,AtDCllAISl!: lriGroHirhsrrrrirtoottrhildtsiatorbccttyofsprisrfrrid"rhcrmiicrrrorrrrcrrtqilmuri.tl:o itel tpll d* r g'lc llrn lbr r* rir.DcB) 3s(1)r lhlhl qr olblltddm plrn &r tr nbcd hfabaAlrrDl&l.Drlit drm6nnl*cortrfiIlbt aid pdcto ny rto,vlila I PAGE 03 O ool' Cr rrd ftU idtlffln t trr .rd ooffiL 0n rtt rquirtd ootr*g lunc brct trrdc ud Gluiniqrrm ilal b focur thir FrrniL bguc of thc Drmhor of sgeocirs notiSal.bythcrty bqam(71 . FOR fuvfrDhthr lhYilhfrritAFGr.a Q? a a -r* Uitla IIFG C.m r rqouus ft r 116, dlcirtt ,rbclb qfi.rfr All ri jnrl ryrcrr riult x roi.ihrcd rum+g'fr, ;iii"tffiffi,T*.c*ricrsro r'rdmrtt D5* fllt orr(r) ^}{D Qoro(4 ur b*h nnoarite br:!. dm5; tr fitvrrc or pubtic trcrc,ry, IUoviry Poatirfpor{ Ittsrd{Pcral fhar. Mor{irnlt i$ct t\o\CI,C rbr rflB0 tu ovo:rr iftrr c6nty aEdct,o?.h.tr!)rtltEl oxrrrd by tta iE or rh. coBnty vroio tlr Cityr buudl,l:r &o r+ PAGE @4 SCHOAPBUILDINGMNVER A8/IL/7:ZOG E9:58 541344r-'3 Cl* J S cugr\r EutuDrnrs ilarP I +'in(ar D ,{oql< //oun- SuluLtAY G p^ 'fatlr B 5? s"{zd '9 1 bd n+ h;*L- @T 3' fllot.ttrx Qt)ott I zo * kUloftLt-O Pt,+u, ff* J+, Sfat'!"/lIr"> WtlU- UDN6 l.llbt'l 36' 38, at' T e I (. ^J --a' l,y lLb e ft:[t I.j \\J n)JA u.35t ttnaffi> E5'l T S Jz4 08/LL/ZAOE 09:58 541344P--3 tt7 / 1,5/OA rlrE I I : lt FAI 5a t ..IS79 SCHOAPBUILDINGMNVER DIST FIVE PERIiITS PAGE A5 CIooe B,ILDER Rbcrsrn^rroN No ffiOl NAIvtE& ADDRESS - Fr\):OF ANT e7u- PROPOSED MOVE DATE: {Z'/A" PRoPoSED MOVE rrME, _zE__4 sdaw =g) fu:-__ WILL YOU BE STOI}P'*C AT & ABIDINC BY TRAI;FIC SIGNALS? IE S _IF NO, DESCRIBE HOW TRAFFIC \14LL BE CON'TROLLED, TR,A.IIFIIC COFTITFRIOI- PI-A I\ILEEEIQ HOUSE MOVE !IEI{ICI-F. (SEE APPLICATTON FOR DTMENSIONS) Pu"oT vElilclE(s) IIIOVING SUppI.ym AFHC vEHrcLE(s) ONE WAY TRA E IE FFIC ON A TWo tAr{E Ro.Ar, --r OTIE WA}'TRAFFIC ON A FOLIR L,{\E ROAD ._-*-....- TRAFFIC ON A FOUR LA}'IE ROAD WI1H CENTER TtjRr\ LAIiE t rts-- +-. $-.|! ---| -+ -a ----) *-} TWO WAY ..-_tI___--I_--. MEMORANDUM CityofSpringfield TO August 16,2006 FROM: SI-IBJECT: Police Department Fire Department Springfield Utility Board Lisa Hopper Building Safety Community Services Division Structure Move 'A Attached is an application and proposed route for a structure move scheduled for Sunday, August 20,2006. The move is scheduled to begin at 6:00 a.m. and is scheduled to be completed by 7:30 a.m. on that same date. This structure is an approximate 1400 square foot building and will be moved in one section. This structure is currently located at 837 South 42nd Street- The structure will move from its current location andiravel south on42nd Street to Jasper Road' The structure will tum west onto Jasper Road to 32nd Street.The move will continue North on 32nd street to Main Street, traveling east on Main Street to 35th Street. The structure will then travel North on 35th Street to site. State andCounty moving permits are required prior to move. I apologize for the very short notice on this move, but the subdivision just receivedPlanning approval this morning. If you have any concerns, please phone me at 726-37goas soon as possible so I can eitherget you the information that you need, or direct you to the appropriate person. Thank you!! cc: Sanipac US West TCI Cable 911 Dispatch US Postal Service NW Natural Gas att Ih