HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1990-07-25225 North |th Stt'eet Springfield, )r'egon 97477 Building Dtuision 7 26-37 53 !.J , P lurnb ing ical LiJ,ec Er a S rrPerrrcft;iz-t Electrician SI?E INSPECTION: Io be nade after*cao&f-;;; but pt iot, tc set up of fotme. UNDERSLAB PLU\EINC. ELECTRICAL & WQHIIICAL: ?o be nade before any GiE-liiirsopnd. FO)TINC & F)UNDATICN: To be naCe ayter tre'ncies areZecauated and forns an e erected, but prion to pouring ccncrete. UNDERCROUIID PLAMSrNC, SrW\ ht.ATER, DRAIilACE: To be maCe prior to fil-Tfr-liinehee. It ia the responsibility of the perzrtt ho'lden to aee that aLL inepeetions ate nade fron the street, anC that the pernrit catd ie Located at the ft.ont of the property. ^Building Nuision appro"*ed plan sfuzLL remain on the Building Sitc at aLL times. ?nocmUPE FoR INSPECII9!!_EIQWS!.'CALL 726-3769 (reconder) state youl, City Cestgnated job eadyfot,inspection'Contractonsoioa,n,s-,,c,,,e-andp7one: 'siLL be nade the sane dcy, "equests mcde after 7:00 qn vLLL be nade the ncct :nrking day. " RESID .lTlAL" APPLICAT ON/PERMIT SPFIINGFIEl.D Iour City Desigra.ted Job Nwnber fa: TNSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : To be nade after aLL insulaticn and required oapor: batniers ave in pLace but before any Lath, gApsutn bcatd. oz, tnLL eouering is applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. DRYHALL LNSPECIfON: Ic be nadei$ei-iTdfrilTt e in ptaee, but ptiot, to any taping. MASOIIRI: Steel Location, bond GidGlgrouting or oerticals in accotdorce Lr-Lth U,B.C. 9ection 24L5, I,IOODSTOVE: ccnpTetud. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APP,ON:After formsue ev,ecteC but prion to pouring concrete. SIDEI,IALI< & DRfYEIIAI: Eor all con- ct etenilfuCrtln stneet right- of-ter!, to be nade aften aLL erca- oating conplete & forn r,sork & eub- base nwtet"ial in plaee. I Date at the ptope" tine, that ecch aildress is readabie nwnber, job aCdress,of inspecticn befcre 7:00 annwnbet. Requestl l-1 uaomrLooR pLUt.:BttG & MEclrANrcAL:ttof floor ineulc.tion ot, decking. P1ST AND BEAM: To be nade prLot, toTiildTTillilof floor insulation or decking. R)ucrl PLU\|BUG, E|t.CTRICAL ,9 t|ECIl: ANICAL: No aork is to be couet,ed w:til these inspections haue been rnade and approtsed.. FI!?EPLACE:mc;;iA; tion. FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECHAIIICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL Pt"ior to plccir4 and before franing facing LnsPee- PRAMtlC: l4ust be requested aftey approoal of rough plutrbing, electti-cal & neclnnical. AL! roofing bracirq & chinmeys, ete. rntst be cornpleted. lto ucrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspectton lns'been made anC approxed. ?ENCE: h\ten conPlete -- ProuiCe gatee or mooable sections through P, U, E. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees,'conoletion of the required LanCsccping, cte.' nust be satisfied befone the BUfLDINC FINAL canbe requested. FINAL BI)ILDINC: The Final Building Inspection mtet be requested after the Final PlwrbingElectrical, anL tlechariccl fnspections ltqve been nade ard approueC. L Iat Lot ll -Assessots MaP fr Sttbdiuieion: c4_Asner:a/,l ^) Addtess:Phone: zip: Value t--l Neu r-_l h'onk: Date of App licaticn Additicn RenoCel General OR lalV seue? eapped at property Line ' Jli r l.rt ltt{ tf;/!r/t.,, .'}l :,; 1 i. . , } Septie totk punped and filled uith gra;tel - i4ten abcue itens at,e ccmpleted and uhen Cenolition is complete o! strlie- tune noueC and. prerrises cleaneC up. Iutobi Blocking and Set-up Plumbing connections -- sc1)e! and, uater Electtical Connection - Bloeking, set-up and plwnbing eonneetions rrust be apprcued befone requeeting elec*-t"ical inspeelion Aceessor,; Build'!.ng Pinal - Aften pctckes, skitting, decks, etc. a.te conpleted. PqelofZIAI,L IIANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS III)ST BE ACCESSIBLIi, ADJUSTIIE\II TO BE I,I.4DE /.T NO CCST TO CITY l u T T ur tr I [] I Job Locaticn: JOB NO. Building Pet'nrtt State ?otal Clwrgea ?otaL soLAR A"^Ess REQ.- Bedroons !!eat Fee: Date Paid r tl , Signed: Plasl Exctniner Date I HAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED the completed app Li-cation for permit,and do hereby eertify fltrther certifY that aLL infottnation hereon is true and eoruect, cnC I that ang ard aLL Dork Per'fotned alnll be done in aceor- danee ttth the ordinanees of the citg of Springfi eLd, an7. the Lqaa of the * State PANCY of wi lL be nade 1regon pertaining to the uork Cescribcd here'ln, cnd tlnt NO OCCU- Building Di- Building Volue & Permit This perrnt t is granted on the erpress condition tlnt the said constrwction slnll', in atl rZspeets,- conform'to the otdinance cdop.ted 6iy the City o.f spring.ield, inctud.ing- the Zoning Crdinance, regulctitzg tle ccnsttucticn ""d ""-e of buildings,- and mty be suspen-d.ed ot' reuokeC at cny time upon oic- lation of any prooisions of said 1rdinances. L-CO C Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, instaLl, alter or change -any neu-c? ecisti.ng ptthtLng or drainage systan in.alale or in patt, unless such person is the iegal p"osses"oo o1"o rtZlid pl*,Anr"s Lic-ens-e, ezcept that a pe"son nag d9 ptirntiig uork to property ihi"t, i" otsned, Leased ot' operated by the appli'- cant. * vision. I funther of any s certify Lianee uith CRS 701.055 tructure uithout permisaion of the that only contractors ar'd enplcyees wiLL be used on this Proiect Lot Faces - Setbacks P. L.House Can aqe Access. North East Fire South Iot Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lct Covetaga i of Ston'tes Total Height Iopogrqhy ITEM FTG X Va LOT ?YPE _ fntericn Corner Panlnndle Cul-de-sac I'latn Cnnace CarDort Accessoru ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c CHARGENO.FEEITEM Ftbtures Residential (1 bath) tf\ f I \S.oc)Sanitany Seuen \Wc.ter Plwnbing Pernit 9tate Iatal Electricql Permit Were Stnte Lau requites tlnt the electTical uotk be done by _an Eleott'ical Cont?aetor, the elictrical portion of this permit shall not be ualiC until the Label lns been signed by the Electnical Contractor' aill Dal *Total Nau/Eeterd Circuits Set'uice NC ntrP * Mechqniccll Permit bhanet Hoo,l llcodstoise Vent Fot PermLt fssuanee llechanictl Pemtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sectrtty Deposit Storage l,,laintenance Permit Curbcu Sidasalk 9ence Eleetrical tabel Mobil4t Hone )\15 glc)qDSCun T)TAL At'l1UNT DUE: ^q [\t uho are i;t * * \ )0 fi\'