HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1998-12-22,OREG 225 FITTN STNEET SPRINGFIELD, OnEGoN 97 477 INSPECTI0N RRQUBST 2 72.6-3 OFPICll: 7?.6-3759 1 'rf4l'.'Urg5 IUIJ#' t'^r r oN Thtr {ollowing ploject as submin& has thszon,rrg, ancJ dOeEnot require epeciflc lend ueoapr.:lr>val.pl L Authortrsd sI I(IFIELD BI,ECTRICAL PERIIIT APPLICATIOII Cl ty Joh llumbor scnEDULE oEros q y//q Permlts are non-transferable antl "*/1,r"I I vrori< ls not started wl thln lB0 daysof lssttanee or 1f uork ls susperrrled forlB0 days. 2. CONTRACTON INSTAI,T,ATION ONI.Y Neu Resldentlal-Slngle orHultt-Famlly per dwelllng unlt.Servlee Inehlded: A1iti\ii"i0l\:urtsgorfihemequire$p&tto Sun foricw rules adopted bv the Oreoon Utilitv 1 000 sqtirbutioo t)dres Those ru les $rd 5effihn Each ia&l4RS6ECIb1ffioth6ugh OAR 952-001 "-sq. ffil90V4ott'lobtain copies of the rules b,, - t h e re o& I I : n g-the cenre r. ( \lglgllr e tBrebfioflg Ea e lr Hnuu 6OatO oreooegdnTti tity N otiiication Hodu I a r Due:}}tngs t -gort -gsz-igdat. Servlee or Feeder S 40.00 A T,EGAI, DESCRIPTI JOR DESCNIPI'ION d 01) Installation iE IF THE WORK Electl ical ContraetorOlsson Industrial Adtlress P.O. Box 70413 Cl ty_-nlgege Plrorre (541)747-8460 Sttperv I sor Ll cense Numller 33345 Explratlon Date 1O-1-OI Constr Contr. Number 63473 Explra t lon Da te L-26-99 Slgrrature o Supervl slrrg Eleetrl cl an Ovners l,lame Springfield Schoo1 District Addr:ess 725 N. 42nd Street Cl ty Springfield Phone 744-6375 OTINRR INSTAI,I,ATION The lrrstallat lorr ts belrrg matle on proper ty I or.rrt r,rh I elr I s rro t I rr tenrledfor sale, lease or rent. Ouners Slgnature: DATE: NECEI n. Servlces or FeedersInstallatlon, Alteratlons Electricor Relocat lon r 200 amps or less 5 201 amps to /r00 amps - 1101 amps to 600 amps -601 amps to 1000 amps- Over 1000 amps/volts Reeonnee t Orrly 50.00 60.00 loo. oo 130.00 300.00 /r0.00 250.OO$ $ $ $ $ s $ $ $ s C. Temporary Servlees or FeedersInstallatlon, Alteratlon or Reloeatloh 200 amps or less 201 amps to /r00 amps -over /r01 to 600 amps -Over 600 amps or 1000-v6Tfs 40. 55. 80. 00 00 00 ee x3,f a[6frE- 2 .00 D. Braneh Clrcul ts New, Alteratlon or Extenslon Per Pahel Orre Cl reul t I S 35.00 35.00 Eaelr Addl tlonalClrcult or ulth Servlceor Feeder Perml t SUBTOTAI, OF ABOVE 5Z State Sureharge 32 Admlnlstratlve Fee TOTAI, $ E Hlseellaneous (Servlee/feeder not lnelUded; -Eaeh lnstallatlon Pump or lrrlgatlon Slgn/Outllne Llght lng- Ltml ted Energy/Res l,lml ted Energy/Comm $ 4o.oo $ 40.00 $ 20.00 s 36.00 2g5.OO -ATfr-u.55 NE(:IIIVRD R 5 307.80