HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fire Damage Report 1988-01-23TO: FR0t*1: SUBJECT: Bu i'l di ng Depa rtment Spri ngf i e'l d Fi re 0epartnent Structural Damage to Bui'ldi ng FIRE DA}4A.GE RTPORT OR ELECTRiCAL HAZARD q40, S\ao .x 8Bc0b3 DATE: 1'2i-BB \,?b h> Address or location of bui'ld'ing / pb o l/ </.^ H -, ./.// Name cf o,.rner ,4^ / .1, // n ,- Type of building r' .l,a .fr,.tntr- j,lr,zz (Dwell i ng, Store, l^larehouse, etc. ) Es timated va I ue of bu'i i di ng s Est'imated I oss to bui 1di ng //.,/L. d /, cd Date of fire /- Ai. att Locatr'on or damage i n buil ding frl ^ort .t4 or, / (Roof , hJal I , Exterior, Interior , etc. ) Structural weakness as a result of the fire l./.n .4 n , e4, .n' t,r{ (Burned raf ters , Beams , .r'o i s ts , etc . ) Additional pertinent infonnatlon Electrical Fiazard { , '--?.;., r-/,, t/ ./,y'2 y't {- cc: (r/ s Siqned (l,.li ri ng, 0utl ets , etc. ) &i,l- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPFlINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department CERTIFIED TETTER January 29, 1988 Robert Kelley 1860 N. 42nd Street Springifield, OR 97478 Subject: Fire Danage Inspection at 1860 N. 42nd Street Springfield, Oregon. City Job. #880063 At the request of the Springfield Eire and Life Safety Department, the Building Safety Division recently conducted an inspection of the fire damage at the above address. The inspection revealed darnage which nust be corrected in order for the building to comply with applicable City Building Safety Codes. The following items nust be repaired or replaced: Structural 1. A licensed engineer shall determine the effect of the delamination on the east glue laminated beam over the offices. Some checking and surface delamination is evident at the extreme laminations which may effect the capacity of the bean to carry the design }oads. Subrnit the engineer's report to this office. AIl other structural members appear to have only minor surface charring. 2. Replace aII darnaged ceilings over offices with naterial of appropriate fire resistive rating. Mechanical 3. Replace all danaged flexible air ducts. Electrical 4, Replace all fire and heat damaged wire, conduit, fixtures, and devices. fn cases where wires can not be pul}ed fron heat damaged conduit the conduit shall be replaced. Building permits nust be obtained for the above itens which involve 225 Fift}r Street o Springfield, OR 97477 o 5031726-37 s3 Robert KeIIey January 29, tgBB Page 2 repairs or modifieations to the structural, electrical, plumbing or mechanical systens of the building and for any additions or revisions you wish to nake to the building. ff you have any questions or need clarification of the above reguirements,please call the Building Safety Division at 726-3759. Sincerely, ,A"ru;* Structural fnspector YJ*\1R0;L**- CC Gary Andrews Electrical Inspector Shaw Plumb./Mech. fnspector Dave Puent, Building Official Mike Hudnan, Fire Marshal ur' SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Print your name, address, and ZIP Code in the space bolow.. Completo itoms 1, 2,3, and 4 on tho rev€rso.. Attach to front of article if spacepermits, otherwise affix to back of article.o Endorsa article "Roturn Rocoipt Requested" adjacent to number. l> .TED STATES POSTAL SERVTCE OFFICIAL BUSINESS llllll name, PENALTY FOR PRIVATE usE, $300 below.RETURN TO 7 ?\ -l E 2( Ol^tl|a"t Complete items I and 2 when addltlonal servlcee ar€ dorlred, and compl€te lt6m. 3 Put your addrsss ln the "RETURN TO" Spsco on the raverio 3lde. Fallure to do thls wltt preren{ card from bolng roturned t-o ygu. Thg return r€c€lot fe€ wlll orovld€ vou the name of the oer.on dellvered to and th€ date of dollvorv. For addltlonal fe€r themportmarter for feea and check box(e.) tor addltlonal servlce(e) request€d.1. E 4how to whom d6llv€r€d. datB,.and addresse€,3 addr€ss. 2. E R€.trlctod Dellvery t (Extto charge)l 'l @xta charge)l 4. Articlo Number? 3:q q{^e ?)r Type of Servlce: E flegistered EI'Certified EI Express Mail CE lnsured E coo Qob<'t (et ler-Itb6 N L{}4"( S,(, 3. Article Addressed to: Sp-,*g qM6$.-\"Q,o Always obtain signature of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. x x Delivery | - 5E-7 8. Addressee's Address requested and fee ( PS Form 3811, Mar.1987 * U.S.G.P.O. 1987-t7&268 OOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT 0 BUILD ING L ETTER REQUES T FORM pqqooq Sa1 utati on:3.,\p Date: Last Name Fi rst Name: lnsPe ction Address: 0wner' s Address: t JLo Review Date:)-t ProPosed Use: TyPe of B1d9' Number of BlOgs' I Header ParagraPh # A Is This Letter Formal? Yes / No Is This Letter Certified? 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TO W /7119 Darc<) lails' ,lL&mrT ?* euaaua*.i 4#tan/ 7o rTar %/06, *l-L ofTftx- _s4ztcelw*d mtuc**t ilr'€?r<- T? tffi "dq ,uil)a*-Wr)uz t ?_, ,(#hrc€ A"€4. b#r*ei afrLt*{ arztu- 'ffi^*r lqTVl, /1a,a76<tk{ ry #frry4t*r€ flZA 46/S7rzs A>+rnIZ. t, ^@ha M bzt**o*,) 7/*rc/C ha bht$. FIRE OAI,IA.GE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARO -ry 8Bc0b3 gATE: /-25-gB TO: FR0t'1: SUBJECT: Bu i'l di ng Depa rtment Springfield Fire 0epartment Structural Damage to Building Addres s or 'l oca ti on of bu i 'l d'i ng /tbo ,4/ ?^4 5r/1/ Name of owner ' ./ /, . i,. Type of buildi ng / /,) ././, i ln p (Dwelf ing, Store, l'larehouse, etc. ) Estimated value of bu'ilding S t d, lla 0 Estimated loss to bui'ldin9 ?c:? Date of fire Location or damage in bui'lding --flL42, -t4 or, ,4 (Roof, Wai'l , Exterior, Interior, etc.) Structural weakness as a result of the fire 1/n 4,qoclr,.t' , (Burned rafters , Beams , jo i s ts , etc . ) Add'i tional perti nent infornat':on El ectrica'l l'{azard S i qned 1ny'. ./z t- r,,Ji rinq, 0utl ets , etc. ) /- Ai- a45 c,{' ,., / ,/c,l ,., ../.,"/ STRUCTURAL INSPECTION REPORT tlt)t/zartr'aJOB ADDRESS owNER /fux. ,(e/.t.A, DATE PHONEt ADDRESS TENANT OR OCCUPANT TYPE OF INSPECTION:HOUSI NG OCCUPANCY COMPLAINT FIRE DAMAGE rl\ Ii.ISPECTOR