HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1999-05-16BESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections: 726.3769 Oftice:726.3759 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORI(:I 1iPrIli.{GI:tELD ASSESSORS MAP:Ito>o 4 JOB NL]MI]EII ?ed"0 225 Filtlr Slrcct S1:rlngf lclcl, Orcgorr 97477 ooTAX LOT: LOT:BLOCI(:SUBDIVISION: _-- NEW - REMODEL ADDITION DEMOLISIl OT[.IE':I PI.ION E: STAI'E:7-tP ( rt 3,14 l-lm q1 +18 OWNER: ADDR CITYI DESCRIBE WORI(: N DDRESS EX P II:1E S PIJONE b- CONTRACTOR'S NAME MECHANICAL: ELECTRICAL CONST. CONTI]ACTOR / GENERAL: PLUMBING f _ DFFICE USE - OUAD AREA: , OF BLDGS: SECONDNTIY FIEAI': SOUNNti FOOTNGE: / OF E}DriMS: - // OF UNITS: ----_- WATEB llEnTER: .____ N OCCY GBOUP: r OF STORIES: ZONING CODE: FLOOD I)LN IN:LAND USE; To rcquest an lnspcctlon, you must cal made lhe sanre worl<lng clay, ln:;pcctions al tc num [-l Temporary Elccrric tions rorptrcstccl bcforc 7:00 a.rn. wlll bclowlng worl< c.lay. Firr:rl [)ltrnrbin g -. When alling worl< is conrplctc. Etcctr(cal - yr'hcn altal worl( is corl1plctc. Irral Mcclr;rrrical - Whcn allcclranical rvorl( ls cornplctc. [:in:rl Uuilcling - Wllcr] allrcquircd i,tspcctlons havc been;rpltrovcrl and builcllng iscornplot(rd. l-_l orhcr MOBILE I.IOME INSPESTIONS Plrrrnbirrrr Cortncctiotrs - Whcnllotnr: lt;.r:j bccn cotlt.tccted low;llcr,lltcl scv/or, Elcctrical Corrrrcction - Wltcnt:loclrirrg, scl.ufi. ancl plunrbing irtspcctions lr;rvc [:ccn approvcdilrld tlrc ltolno is connccted tothc scrvicc grancl. Rouglr l\1 :clranical - prlor tocovcr. [louglr Elcctricnl. - prior to c ovc r. Elcctricai Scrvlcc - Must bcal)provc(i lo obtain pcrrnancnt clcctrlcol t)ovr'cr. NS [-l Unctergrourrcl plurrrbincr - priorL-l to tllllig trcnch l-_l cryurall * Prior ro rai"rir.rg Sitc lnspection - To bc macJcaftcr cxcavation, but prior toscttln0 [orrrrs, Undcrslab Plunrt;ing/ Electrical /Mccharrlcal - prior to covcr. Footlng - nftcr trenches arccxcavatcd. Masonry - Stccl locatlon, bondbcams, groutlng, Foundatlon - A(tcr lorms arccrected but prlor to concretcplaccrncn t. Undcrlloor Plurnblng/ Mcclranical - Prior to lnsulatlon or decl(inO. Post and Bcam - prlor to floorlnsulation or dcclilng. Floor lnsulation - prior to d cc l<ln g. Sanitary Scwcr - Prior ro tillir.rg trcncll. l-_| Stonrr Scwer - l)r.ior to tilting - trench. Watcr Llnc - Prlor to filling trcnch. Rouglr Pluntbirrg - Prior to covcr. Flrcplacc - prlor to lacln0 materlals ancJ (raming lnsp. Franring .- Prlor to covcr. Wall/ Cciiing Insultrtiorr - prlor tocovcr. Vr'ood Stovo - n(tcr lnstalliltion Sidcwalk & Drivcw;rl, - Attcr cxcaviltior) is cornplctc, forrrrs an(i sut).batsc lnalcriill in t)l;lcc. Litroot Trccs - Wlrcn all rcqulrcd lrces arc plantcd. Final - Attcr all rcquired Inspcctions arc approvcd andporchcs, skirting, c,leckS, andvcntin0 lravc bc.cn lnstallecl, llrscrt - z\llcr llrcplacc apJ:rovol and Instaiiatlon ol unlt. [-l Oloctiing arrd Scr.Up - Whcn all - blocl<inrl is cornplcle. Curbcut I" AJtlrroaclr - Attcrlorrns arc crcclcc, bilt prior lo l)lacclncl) I 0l cortcrr,ltcr. F t:] tl eft, t_] E tl L] [--l Ferrcc - VVllcn cor.nplcrcd. OAB 952-001- by theOregon I--- Lot (accs Lot sq. ftg. Lol coveragc Topograplry Total lrclgltt Lot 'lypr^ - lntcrror'' --- Corncr .- Panlrartcllc -- Cul'dc'sac Sc tl:l(s P.L.HSE ACC N C t: GAR IS TI.JE PI]OPOSE,D WORI( iN TIlE . I-IISTORICAL OISTFIICI, OR ON TI{E IIISTORICAL REGISTER? - ll yes, this application must be slgncd and approvcd by thc Hlstorlcal Coordinalor prior to pcnnit issuancc. APPNOVED BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT Tl'ris pcrnrit is grante<j ort thc cxprcss condition tlrat tlrc said con:itruction shall, in all respects, con[orm to thc Ordinancc adoptecJ by thc City ot Springticld, including the Dcvclopmcnt Cocle, rcgulating thc construction and uso ol builclings, ancl may bc suspcnclcd or rcvolccd at any tlrne upon viol;rtion oI any provisions of said ordinanccs. Plan Clrccl< Fec Datc PaicJ Rcccipt Nr,rtttbcr: Rcccivccl By Plans RcvicwccJ lJy Datc Systerns Dcvclopmcnt Chargc is duc on all undevelopcd propcrlies wilhin tlrc City lir.Ilits rvhiclr are belng Improved, ADDITIONAL COMMENTS / By slgnaturc, I statc and a0rce, that I havo carcf ully cxamlned the complctcd alrplication and do hereby certlfy that all ln[ormatlon hcrcon is truc ancl corrcct, and I Iurther ccrtlty that any and all v,rorl< pcrformecl shall bc donc in accordancc with tlrc Ordinarrccs o( tlrr: City o( Springficld, arrcJ thc Laws ol tlrc Statc oI Orcaon pcrtairtlng to thc worl< describcd l'rclcin, ar'rd tirat NO OCCUPT\l.JCY will t-ie trracic of any struclurc withoul lrorrnission of tlre Buildlrrg Safety Division. I [urthcr certily tlrat orrly contractors ancJ cnrployecs who arc in cornpliancc'witlr ORS 701.055 wlll bc used on thls p roiec t. I further agree lo cnsuic that:rll rcquirccl inspcctions aro rcqucstcd at thc prol)cr tirne, lhat cach addrcss ls rcadablc frdrn ll-rc strcct,c pcrnr It card ls locatcd at the (ront of llre llropcr thc it)provcd sct oI plarrs will rcmaln orr lhe sitc sd ,'10 cons e S Igna tu Date VALIDATION RECEIPT NUMSEt.I DA-I'E PN ID AIvIOUNT RECEIVED r 1o fL( TOTA L AMOUNT DUE (cxcludino c'lcctrical) (4, B, C, D, and E CorttbirlccJ) VN LUE (^) BUILDING PERMIT Total Valuc Buildino Pcrrrtit Fcc State Surclrargc Total Fcc SO. FT. X $/SO. I:T,ITEM Main Garage Carl)ort SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) Rcsldontial Bath(s) Sanltary Sevrer Watcr Storrn Scwcr lylg)h!r^ t-|n119 PERMIT FEE N I:'l: [: ]'. FT. (c) Plurnblng Pcrmit Statc Surclrargc Total Cltargc PLUMBING ITEM Fix tu res I WootJ Stove/ lnscrt / [:lrcplacc Urrit MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Hontc Stalc lssuancc Statci SurclrarOc Sidcwall< -- It Curbcul -.- lt Dcmolltlon Stato Surchargc Total Misccllaneous f)crrnits (E) (t l_8__-__flJf -\Lrt- No nt lr' Vcnl Fan Drycr (D) MECHANICAL PERMIT Fu rn acc Exhaust l-lood Mecltanical Pcrrttit lssu ancc Statc Surcllilr0c Total Pcnnlt FIECEIVED BY _-.. q 14 I]NGFIELO :1", ,I,3 ",Hi::iX: itilil, i;:#:15f lj::,,, Zoning L6 n- 1-S-r225 FIFTB STREET DAIE i iliil8[ I 8fl *3 ffi 3 S' il!t$-s, ** "oFPICE: 726-3759 ELECTRICAL PLICATION Ci ty Job Nuruber 3. COHPLETE FEE SCUEDTILE BELOV A. Nev Residential-Single or Multi-FamiIy per dvelling unit. Service rncrudedt ,,"*" cost 1000 sq.ft. or less S B5.OO E"*O$l$gional .500 ; mEHnrfittSfi hil rxp r nE F rHF \rygfth IHTPERMITISNOT S 00 ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 1. LOCATION OF INSTALLATION i4\ < I..EGAL J&f,oDESWmUSEo ov tne Oregon {Jtilitr- 6 r. Those rules are set forth in -0010th Exp iration Date /O - i - Erectricar con traclor@{ xt-z Address 0.o L,.x zV?SS Ci ty Phone bt?-lUf Supervi-sor License Number s u32_s amps or less amps to 400 amps -amps to 600 amps --amps to L000 amps L000 amps/volts Sum Pe rnrio$D.afin: $BryFdralrsdqfl qbbt ttm{r]espri're i f v o rlhl fr no nS ierfie+. t1sbt u:tt Eb i el eb&Q nday s g I ^ i q n H-CRfti io* na t: ruWJn rim itt nnmtfln$p, r o r tB0 days. flr.ntrrr is , .s]cn-q32 -e3d4\. 2. COMRACTOR INSTALTATION ONLY B 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 60 200 201, 401 601 0ver Reconnect 0n1y 100. 130. 300. 40. s s s s s s $ s $ s I constr contr. Number )o 9C Exp iration Date lo-/ -OO Signature of Supervising Electrician 0wners Name {JeSfa ?"EDe.*, Address P6O S ctL(.tL Sf Ci ty Phone Zq t-)L73 OVNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, Iease or rent. Ovners Signature: a<DATE:.-J Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation c. 200 amps"or less 201 amps to 400 amps -0ver 40L to 600 amps 0ver 600 amps or 1000-l6Tfs 40.00 55. OO 80.00 ee rrBtr a566 D. Branch Circuits SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 32 Administrative Fee TOTAL $ 3s.oo 3Sg} s 2.00 Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit IEach Additional Circui t or vi th Service or Feeder Permi t E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included -Each installation Pump or irrigation sign/outline Lighting- Limi ted Energy/Res Limi ted Energy/Comm 3s s 40.00 s 40.00 $ 20.00 s 36.00 5 I RBCEIVED B 6\)