HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1984-08-21SPRINGFIELD CftY OF SPRINGF'IELD Planning Department August 2.I, 1984 Mr. Mrs. Richard Buss Q20 South 43rd Street Spri ngf i e'l d, 0regon 97 478 Subject: Zone Change Request (Appeal ) from RL to MHS, 832 South 43rd Street, Map '18-02-05-20-3002, Parcel #.I, Journal Number 5-84-07-23 Dear Mr. Mrs. Buss: As you are aware, the Springfield City Council approved your appea'l to have the subject lot rezoned from RL-Residential Low Density to MHS-Mobile Home Subdistrict.This'letter is to notify you of the conditions placed on the]ot as r.re'll as whatis required prior to the placement of a mobile home on the property. In order for a mobile home to be placed at 832 South 43rd Street, the following conditions imposed by the City Council on August 20,1984 apply to the subject property: t. Any mobile home placed on this'lot shall be a double wide. 2. The mobile home shal'l be skirted in accordance with OAR 814-23-070. 3. The mobile home shall be attached to a permanent foundation. You also need to be aware that prior to the placement of a mobile home on thisproperty, the following will need to take place. 1. 0n September 4, .1984 the City Council will approve an ordinance adopting the zone change. -2. Prior to the adoption of this ordinance, you can apply for the mobile home placement permits, however, the permits can not be issued until the ordinance is officia'liy adopted on September 4th. You can contact Lorne Pleger of the Building Safety Division at 726-3753 to obtain information on the issuance of aI'l required permits for the placement of a mobile home on this 'lot. 225 North 5th Street . Sprin#ield, Oregon 97477 o 503/726-3759 Mr. Mrs. Richard Buss August ?1, 1984 Page 2. Slqqt9 yog have any questions about the information I have given you or needadditional information, please call me at 726-3753. Si ncerel y, C^d;* Cindie Harmon Admi ni strati ve Secretary cc Finance Department Lorne Pleger, Public Works Department Bu Section 2: Findings of fact in support of this rezoning were approved by theCity eounEl-l and are heieby adopted ( ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING CODE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. I982, AS AMENDED, TO PROVIDE FOR THE ZONING RECLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED AT 832 S0UTH 43RD STREET (Rjchard Buss) (Journal I'lo. 5-84-07-23 Springfield Plannins Commissjon) BY 0UTRIGHT REZ0NiNG, SAID PROPERTY BEING L0CATED WITHIN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOI,JS: Section l: That the Comprehensive Zoning Code of the City of Springfield-.l982, as amEiEEl i-s hereby further amended to provide for the zoning- reclassification of certain property within the City of Springfield, said property being more particularly descri bed as fol lows : Pro ert located at 832 South 43rd St f ow Densi Resid ntialtri c o e u s tri ct 17- 0z-33-24-2101 Beginn'ing at a Point in the center of County Road No. 287, said Pojnt being on the West line of the David Arthur Development Land Claim #47, Township'17 South, Range 2 l,^Jest of the l^Jillamette Meridian, '1827.1 feet, South 0o03' I.Jestof the l'lorthwest corner thereof; thence along the South line of tract 3 of the Subdiv'ision for Robert F. Callahan as surveyed by Earl N. Thompson as shown on County Survey Print #6155 in Lane County 0regon Surveyor's office, South- 89"15'30" East,237.55 feet to the TRUE POINT 0F BEGINNING: thence leaving the South line of said tract 3, South 89".l5'30" East,.I70.00 feet to a Point, sa'idPoint be'ing North 89".l5'30" l,Jest, 29.00 feet from the East line of said tract3, sa'id East line also known as the center of a North and South roadway (commonly known as South 43rd Street); thence parallel with the East l.ine of sajd tract 3 South 0o02' West,80.00 feet to a Point on the South line of said tract 3; thence along the South line of said tract 3, trlorth 89".l5'30" West, .l70.00 feet to the TRUE POINT 0F BEGINNING, all in the City of Springfield, Lane County,0regon. Section 3: In approving this rezoning the City Council required the fo1'lovringcondiTlffi- 1. Any mob'ile home placed on this lot shall be double wide.2. The mobile home shall be skirted in accordance with OAR 8.l4-23-070.3. The mobile home shall be attached to a permanent foundation. Section 4: The Planning Director of the City of Springfield is hereby directedto-caGEJIe map attached to the Comprehen'sive Zoiing Cbae 6r tfre City of lpringfield- 1982, as amended, to show the foregoing changes of classification of irea and note thereon the rule with respect to building in the appropriate classification. Section 5: it is hereby determined that matters pertaining to zoning classifi-cationla-fFleE the pub'lic weifare of the City of Soringfield ani that an 6r.rgen.yexists, and that this ordinance shall therefbre ta"e aifect immediate'ly upon itspassage by the Council and approva'l by the tr{ayor. Richard S Tax Lot No. ORDINANCE NO. AD0PTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 4th day of September, .1984 by a vote of _ for and against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 4th day of September, I 984. ATTEST: Mayor F'inance Di rector siPRINGFIELD CIIY OF SPRINGFTELD Finance Department August 7, 1984 Itlyra Buss 820 South 43rd Street Springfield, 0R 97478 Dear Ms. Buss: This letter is to notify you that your requested appeal of the Planning Conmission decision has been scheduled for a Public Hearing at the August 20, 1984 regular meeting of the City Council. The City Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City HalI, 225 North 5th Street. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office at 726-3705. Sincerely, L. Pflug Finance Director pb cc: Springfield Planning Department 225 North 5th Street . $nrinSfreld, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3705 I il i\,lrll-lirll{riJu tg TO FROM SUBJEGT Augus r 14, I 981, ,. a[\fi-€lo)./\7 l_tml"layor and C i ty r,"-runc i I Gres winterowd, Plannins Director TRANSMITTAL AppEAL oF PLANN tNG coMM I ss I oN DEC I s loN DENY tNG N4ENfiOREZONING OF NULL AND BUSS PROPERTIES FROM RL- SPRINGFIELO - ENTIAL LOW DENSITY TO MHS-MOBILE HOME S UBDISTRICT I SSUE 0n September ll, 1984 the Springfield Planning Commission denied the zone change requestof Edward Null for property located in the 300 block of South 5lst Street, and Myra Bussfor property located in the 800 block of South 43ra Street. Each request sought rezoningfrom RL-Residential Low Density to RL-MHS Mobile Home Subdistrict. Mr. Null and Mrs. Bussare aPPealing the Planning Commission decision to deny these requests. These appeals are separate actions and should be reviewed accordingly. DISCUSSION The applications for the Null property (.to. No. S-84-07-22) and the Buss property (lo. No.5-84-07-23) were reviewed by the Development Review Committee (onc) on June i4, iggt*. The DRC found the requests to be in conformance with the goals and policies of the MetropolitanPlan Housing Goal and with the intent and purpose of Article 7 (NoUile Home Subdistrict) ofthe Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. The findings of the DRC were incorporated in the staff report (see attachments) and pre- sented to the Planning Commission on July ll, 1984. lt was the recommendation of staff toapprove the rezonings subject to the adoption of the findings of fact and the following cond i t ions: l. Any mobile home placed on these lots must be a double-wide.2. The mobi le home must be skirted. 3. The mobi le home must be attached to a permanent foundation. The Planning Commission did not agree with the staff recommendation and voted 4-3 againstrezoning these properties. The Planning Commission decision to deny both of these requests was based on the following: l. There are currently over 400 empty mobile home lots in the City. This numbercontradicts an I'assumed public need" and therefore reinstates the I'burden ofproof" requirement on the appl icant. No such proof was establ ished. The City, by allowing mobile home subdivisions and mobile home parks, has complied with the Metro Plan goal of "providing for mobile homes as an out-right use...". lnfilling on individual lots is not necessary to meet this obl igation. 2 3, Springfield has provided more mobi Ie home opportunities,overall housing stock, than Eugene or Metro Lane County. 4. These requests are not appropriately located. as a percentage of The staffrs assessment of these requests has not changed as a result of the Planning Com-mission's decision. lt is our interpretation that rezoning these properties to allow mobile homes constitutes an implementation of both the policies of the Metro Plan and theintent and purpose of Article 7 of the Springfield Zoning Code. The City has adopted noordinance, resolution or policy that: prohibits infilling with mobile homes; requires nearby lots to be occupied by mobile homes; or establishes a ceiling on the number of mobile homes allowed in the City. Page 2 - Until such policy or ordinance is adopted by the City Council, staff will continue to evaluate applications for mobile home rezonings utilizing the existing format and require- ments establ ished in the Metro Plan and Zoning Code. RECOMMENDAT I ON Staff recommends approval of the Null and Buss rezonings incorporating the findings ofthe staff report and subject to conditions also listed in the staff report. ACTI0N REQUIRED Approval or denial of the appeals based on either the staff findings, or those of thePlanning Commission, as appropriate. Fft,--fu;i:::..,. (Attachments ) AGENDA ITEI{ 48 PAGE 5 EDIIARD M. NULL (Jo. No. 5-84-07-22 )c o Assessor's Map l7-02-33-34 Tax Lot 210l Located between 290 and 340 South 52nd Street. I r'cant's Re ues t Approval of a zone change from RL Low Density Residential District to MHS Mobile Horne Subdistrict so that a mob'ile home may be used as a res'idence on this prooerty. Backgrou4d The property is located approximately mid-block between Main and Daisy Streets. The lot is a fairly 1arge, deep 1ot with trees on the south and west propertylines. South 52nd Street is a gravel street with no improvements, other than street lights, except for the last three lots before intersecting Daisy. These southerly lots are fu11y improved and are occupied by mobile homes. The south side of Da'isy, both east and west of 52nd, is part of a mobile home subdiv'is'ion.All buildings immediately adjacent to thjs property are site built single family homes. Zone ChanQe Re quest F'indi ngs Section .l7.03 B. of the Springfield Zoning Code states: "The Planning Commission may grant a zone change of a particular property outright upon determining that the provisions of Section .l7.03 C. have been satisfied." This zone change request is for outright rezoning. Section .I7.03 C. of the Springfield Zonjng Code states: "Before the Planning Com- mission shall grant a zone change, the following criteria shall be considered: l. That the request is in conformance with the Metropolitan Area General Plan andthis Ordinance;" Metropo'litan Area General Plan - Resjdential Land Use and Hous'ing Element Fi ndi ngs: "3. The composition of the housing supply 'is chang'ing. Single-family units are decreasing relative to mobile, duplexes, and mult'i-family units.In .l970, the supply consisted of 70 percent single-family,3 percent mobile home, 6 percent duplexes, and 2l percent multi-fami1y. In January 1979, the supplJ/ consisted of 62 percent single-fami1y, 6 per- cent mobile home, 9 percent duplex, and 23 percent multi-fami1y."(rrr-A-2) POLI C I ES u21. Encourage a mixture of dwelling unit types in appropriate areas"(III-A-6) "26. Encourage in-fi11ing and utilizing existing undeveloped subdivjsionlots in urban areas. "27. Provide for mob'ile hornes as an outright use jn at least one of the following situations in Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County: mobile home subdivjsion, mobile home parks, or on individual res'identiallots." (lII-A-7) a o AGENDA ITEM 48 PAGE 6 o o b. Springfield Zoning Code - Art'icle 7 llHS l4obile Home Subdistrict section 7.0.l of the springfield Zoning code states: "The l'1HS Subdistrict is jntended for the purpose of allowing mobilehomes on indiv'idual lots in areas designated low density res'identia'lby the l4etropolitan Area General plan.r c. The request.is -in comp)iance with the Metropof itan Area General plan and the Springfield Zonjng Code. 2. "Tl,9t the granting of such zone change wili not adversely affect the ttetro-pol i tan Area General pl an or th j s Ori.inance. ,, Since the request_is_in comp'liance with the Metropofitan Area General plan and the Springfield Zonjng Code, there will be no adverse affect. 3. "That there is a public need for the zone change; the burden of proof beingon the proponent;', In this case.,_since the request conforms to the I'letropolitan Area GeneralPlan, the.public need for the proposal shall be presumeA anJ thus the burdenof proof issue is not applicabje.' 4. "That there is a mistake in the lrletropolitan Area General plan." In the event that the Plann'ing Commission does not make findings and conclus.ionsregardi ng a mi stake i n the t4etropol i tan Area General P'lan, i t ifrail be concl udedthat such criterja is not relevant to the proposal. Di scuss i on This is the first of two mob'ile home requests on this agenda. The planning Com-mission will recall that the'ir meet'ings of l4ay 2, .1984 ind June 6, l9g4 alio hadrequests for t'lHS zoning. Both of theie earlier requests were approved. The onlydifference between thii request and the previous two is the proiimity of this lotto other mobile homes. While the earlier requests were jn areas aevoid of mob.ilehomes,.thjs parcel js on the frjnge of the single largest concentration of mobilehomes in the city. Recommendati ons I 2 3 4 5 6 ApprovaI of the findings. Approva'l of the zone change requests from RL to t'lHS. Any mobile home placed on this lot shall be double wide. The mobile home shall be skirted in accordance with OAR gl4-23-070. The mob'ile home shall be attached to a permanent foundation. signing of an improvement agreement for south 52nd street.o o PAGE 7 PuBffi$ IIEHHIffiGise A Public Hearing will be held on this land use request : fipplication ffiH :ffi_:.;':xl. r€a,ed be,rcen 2eo ard340 S. 52rd St. on the west side. Ttre applicant is regr:estirg a zone clrange frsn RL r,o,, D€nsit /Residential to tIxS l,tobil.e Hore S,'oistri& i; Ur. 9;6; ;iplac:lg a robi-Le tsre cn tll.is lot. $lhere held VI[,L THIS AGENDA iTEI{ 48 HEARTM C[I: II]E PTANI\III,IG How to tgstify I*tr)t'il""ffim *?ffirils m=ff ET]"rotilHi*u,! Oe glAn or attenjt Ure p:U:.ic itrr-"- state lour vj.sls. P.m.,225 l\brth Sti Street, Springfield, OR 974j7 Area prcposed for larrl use J ET 5 Itlore Information loil,tc Dtsrnrrrs ! to, 6qnt1,, rrrld?nilrtil Xcdln o.nrlty R?rtd.nrtrlu Hlgh oe^ttty Rartd.nrrrt !t xergrbo.nooo Coq.ciri'LC C@lty Co.Erct.tClgt H.Jo. petat Itt Sp6ral ilqtq J66gq2rqrlFl ttdt6 lndultrt.llH Heavt lnduttiirtPt Publ lc t.nd! . !ut-0tsrRtcrJ fi: fili: HE su!-drttrrct PUo Pl.nad Untt 0cvrlomrtfi ff:;l;li';,i,*of,rrrmri f, fl@d pt.ti Ie Illl.atta 6.En, i-tu Ifie Plannirtg staff rrill. Frrepare a written repoft ard recornerrlati-on 91, tj+s apglication ,t,ici u.iff be .""if-Jf. on JuIy 5, 1984 arthe Plannirg Dqjart nglt office. If the Plannirp Cdrlrissicn decj.sion is appealed, the City CourrcilwitL ser a dat6 ror a ffi:.I;;;;-;"'F;rd"y, Ar.reust 5, 1984 ar7:30 p.m. to hear vi*ls for ". "q"j;J-';fs lard use request inthe Ci.ty CorrriJ. Clra:rbers. w Fq rtn a OA Any questions? ca, the Springfierd pranning Dept. at 726-375g SY '': i' MYRA BUSS (Jo. No. 5-84-07-23 Assessor' Located a g-llap *,-02-05-2 Tax Lot 3Z0Z (part of )t-825 South 43rd Street .E6,'t s. 43rd's Request ) AGENDA ITEM 4C PAGE 8 Commi ss i on ni ng that o Appl i cant Approval of a zone change from RL Residential District to MHS I'lobile Home Sub-district so that a mobile home may be used as a residence on this parcel. Bac kground This property is located at the southe The lot is quite large with minimal veproperty I i nes . Severa 1 'l arger trees 43rd is a dirt/gravel street connectin neighborhood is'largely older, single residences. There are no mobjle homes nearest mobile home is in the county. Zone Change Request Findinqs section I7.03 B. of the springfield Zon'ing code states: "The planninq may grant a zone change of a particular property outright upon determithe provisions of Section .l7.03 C. have been satisfied.,, This zone change request is for outright rezoning. Section .l7.03 C. of the Springfield Zoning Code states: "Before the Planning Commjssion shall grant a zone change, the-following criteria shall be consid6red: l. That the request is in conformance with the l4etropofitan Area General Plan and thi s Ord i nance I " a. l'letropol itan Area General Plan - Residential Land Use and Housing El ement Findi ngs : "3. The composition of the housing supply is chang'ing. S'ing1e-fami'lyun'its are decreas'ing rel ati ve to mob'i I e , dupl exei , and frul ti -family units. In .l970, the supply consisted of 70 percent single-family, 3.percent mobile home, 6 percent duplexes, and 2l perc6ntmulti-family. in January 1979, the supply consisted of 62 percent single-fami1y, 6 percent mobile home, 9 pLrcent dup'lex, and 23percent multi-fami1y." (lII-A-2) POLICIES "21. Encourage a mixture of dwelling unit types in appropriate areas"(rrr-A-6) u26. Encourage in-fi11ing and utilizing existing undeveloped subdivisjonlots 'in urban areas. "27. Provide for mobile homes as an outright use in at least one of thefollowing situations in Eugene, Springfieid, and Lane County: mobjle home subdivisjon, mobile home parks, or on jndividua'l residlntjallots.,, (III_A-7) rn boundary of the City on South 43rd. gatation along the north, east and south dominate the western boundary. South g Jasper Road with Mt. Vernon Road. The family homes with some newer site built w'ithin several blocks of this site. The o o AGENDA ITEM 4C PAGE 9 t b. Springf ield Zoning Code - Art'icle 7 l,lHS Mobi le Home Subdistr jct Section 7.0] of the springfield Zon'ing code states: "The MHS Subdistrict is intended for the purpose of allowing mobi'le homes on individual lots in areas designated low density reiidentialby the Metropolitan Area General plan.i c. The request is in compliance with the Metropolitan Area General plan and the Springfield Zoning Code. 2- "T!9t the granting of such zone change will not adverse'ly affect the Metro-pof itan Area General Plan or this 0rdinance.', Since the request_j.s_in compliance with the Metropolitan Area General plan and the Springfield Zoning Code, there will be no'aclverse affect. 3. ."That there is a public need for the zone change; the burden of proof being' on the proponent; " In this case,_since the request conforms to the l4etropolitan Area GeneralP1an, the.public need for the proposal shall be presumeO anO thus the burdenof proof issue is not applicable. 4. "That there is a mistake in the Metropolitan Area General plan.,, In the event that the Planning Commissjon does not rnake findings and con-clusions regard'ing a mistake in the l4etropolitan Area Generat Ftan, it shallbe concluded that such criteria is not rejevant to the proposal. Di scuss i on There is no need to belabor this staff report with additional djscussion. ThePlanning Commission must judge this request on its own merits and not by itssimilarity to past mobile home requests. Recommendat'ion 1. Approval of the findings. 2. Approval of the zone change request from RL to MHS. 3. Any mobile home placed on this lot shall be a double wide. 4. The mobile home shall be skirted in accordance with oAR Bl4-23-070. 5. The mob'ile home shall be attached to a permanent foundation. 5 (o PUBLIT HEffiMI#G s{r AGENDA ITEM 4C PAGE 10 ,A Public Hearing will be held on this land use request : [pplication !fiRA HJss (Jorrrnal Nc. s-84-07-23) F- - I I The. applicant is rerJr:estirg a zone charge f::qr RL Lo., DensityResidenLial to t4HS Uobil_e Hqte Subdistrict for ttn p:rpose oiplacirq a rrcbile trcnre on t}_is lot. 's ltap L8-02- 'r-2O iax tot 3002 parcel ilI. Located at43rd St. betreen .l.tt. Ve-rnon Road ard Jasper Road on theside. THE SPRNGE'TFIi' PTAITIDX;@rtssIcw 9'IIiL TDI.D THIS PUBLIC HEARI}C D.IN. ,225 llorth 5t].Street, Sprrjltofiej.d, OR 97477 Area po:oposed for lard use Ttle Plannirg staff wirl prepare a r,rritten re@rt ard reccnmerdationon this applicati-on which !.r-ill be a'ailable 6n.fufy e, fgeaii-$,"Pfanning Departrnent office. If ttre Pfannirq Ccrtmlssion decision is appealed, the City CotrEilrrill set a date for a g:blic hearirg on rcnaay, August e , I9Aq at7:30 p.m. to hear rrials for or against tfris fard r:se reqr:est. Ttpneetirg rli'll !s held irr ttre Co:ncil Chanbers. HOW tO tgstilv He:i:'il"'Hm trffi*ilils iffi=#,ETt"rn3#i*u,J o?, 97477 or atterd trre-p:tii.c h""rirq-urd state lour vier*s. $lhere held MorE Inlormationo zoxli6 0tsrntcrs lbbll? Xa 5uo-dlttrtct|toblle X@ P.rt Pl.nn.{ Un I t O?rr loGntl?tldlnatal r?of.trtff.lxorglttl Supoo"t Flood ,lt{6Yg Yl I l.rtta c..adat nt lff ocntltt trrld?rtt.tni I.dlG Olnrtty R?rtd.rrt.lRX Ftgh ornrttt n?!td.ntt.lCf lklgnbo"n@d C67g11;CC Co;rlt, Comrct.i Cr{R ltjoi tat.illl- 59!cl.l Llqht l^dsrtil.lItl ltdlF Induttrtal,l{ Xr.r, lndutt.t.lPt Puol lc !.ndr 5U.l-0rlrntcrS nt!HI PUO n, NIn 4ilo ? Any questions? Call the Springfield planning Dept . atZ26-g759. SPRINGFTELD CMT OF SPRINGFIELD Planning Department July .l2,.l984 Mrs. Myra Buss 820 South 43rd Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Subject: Zone Change Request from RL to MHS, Tax Lot 18-02-05-20-3002' Parcel #.l, Journal Number 3-84'07-?3 Dear Mrs. Buss: I am writing to inform you of the Springfield Planning Commission's July 11, .l984 decjsion on the subiect request. Your request for rezoning to allow placement of a mobile home was denied by the Planning Commission based on their interpretation of the policies of the Metropolitan Area General Plan. You have the right to appea'l the Planning Commission's decision to the Springf ield City Counci 1 within '10 days of the Planning Conrm'ission's act'ion (July 21 , 1984). It was stated by the Planning Commission that should you choose to appeal to the City Council, and they uphold the Planning Commissign's decision, you may request a refund from the Planning Department. This decision by tne ptanning Commission is based on the circumstances sumounding your individua'l request. Should you have any questions concerning the Planning Comm!19ion's action, or require additional informatjon, please call me at 726-3759. Si ncerel y, Gregory S. Mo Associate Pla ch 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 o 503/726-9759 LAND USE REQUEST Journar No. S-14-0 7 4 3 CITY OF SPRINGFTELD ItiaoFtELt Applfcant's l{ame Appi icant's Request -f Zone change: (Check where appropriate) rrom_(L to 44 ft<; By Resolution of Intent to Rezone Planning Department AA,r, APPLICATION FOR ZONE CHANGE, CONDITIONAL/SPECIAL USE PERIVIIT, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, VARIANCE 1 ? ss =-_ Cond'itional Use Perm'it Special Use Permit Pl anned Un'i t Devel opment Vari ance 3. General location of property By 0utright Rezoning WL ^n C 4 5 Assessor's Map Nunberff-AL-O5-ZO Tax Lot l{umber SooZ, p"rnc-<.,| tt. Legal Description (Attach separate sheet if necessary) 6. Size or parcel , 8a'V l:O'.f/;, and/or square feet 7. Present use of property (f 8. Proposed use of property 9. Covenants or restrictions on property Explain why the request should be granted.' Show promotes the objectives of the Metropo'litan Area Ordinance. (Attach separate sheet if necessary) how the change is consistent with and General Land Use Plan and the Zoning 10. (/ / L-d.t-t 225 North 5th street . springfield, oregongT4zT o s0}/226-Bzsg I hereby certify that:1) the foregoing statements and other information a ttached heretoare true andinterest in hol der who--h"as the 3) the owner 0wner's Name accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief; 2) I have the following 1ega1the property:owner of record;contract purchaser;I essee;of an exclusi ion to purchase;duly authorized to act fo-or a personfollowing lega I in terest andof record is knowledgea b e thi s app cat 'r on am not the owner. I 1 Address Tel ephone 74 6 3r Appl icant's rve opt .I M S i gnature By Address Te1 ephone 1A.7 ) 4O a/ \ Date Fi I ed Received By FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Journal Number Planning Cornrission Hearing Date Action TakenReceipt Issued To Resolution of Intent Number Appeal By Applicant Ci ty Counci 1 Hearing Date Action Taken Ordinance Number PETITION FOR APPROVA' )P A MOBII,E HOME TO BE PLA ,D ON PROPERIY, VACANr LOI, Al 826 -c0.43rd. Sf ., SPRINGFIELD, 0,1' ADDRESS /- Sa * N PH0ryP APPROVE NAME ADDRE PHONE APPROYE NAME ADDRESS PHONE DIS tr DISAPP PHONE APPROVE ADDRESS PHONE 'za?o DrsAPPRoYEfl 7{ ?a/ -1 ,62 5t 5 /' 777 /4 q APPRoVE E DrsAPPRovEfl ADDRES PHONE APPROVE El DTSAPPROYEAPPRoVE El DTSAPPRoYE E ,,n i t../NAME ,.,,i,t-L r,<,u ) .t.' '.- L c d ) ADDRESS g PHONE APPROVE 7s- 1 ( NAME ADDRESS PHONE ,LL /242^/t9- @ '39 DISAPPROVE EJ ,//f APPROVE o l-( t 6NAMEC.r' ADDRESS 7 3{z APPRoVE EI DrsAPPRovEfl PHONE APPRoyEf] DTSAPPRoVED NAIIIE ADDRESS PHONE APPROVE f] DTSAPPRoYE D NAME ADDRESS PHONE APPRoVE fl DTSAPPRoVE fl ADDRESS o ( NAI\M ADDRESS .1(-1{5. 43t PHOITE _:0 i1Ll? -tL(< ? APPRoVE K DrsAPPRovEfl NAME ADDRESS PHONE 6-e-3 APPRoVE El DTSAPPROVE D I n /)- W-- Dr ) W /1-os - 5.r-s 3 @o iToa I W-d 2sz 'c' / ,zi.r a?ruPl e ?7 y'qr- ',fu/az-- s/ s. &ad 3s"Do I n/tt-, -8@-bn 9so urg 3,),,v 4- fh."hp &rta gro! o-/,t-lrto,o 3oo3 O0M4JL4 4roo bau tu"r*, lrtl S/, / t let-lrr* Aso S.V LllL fl, Pa,rl^w bza s Vqv* a-qoo C_l^a,t_t - <b?o /^n a-.: ,- os/t-cz -+{-)- o 30oz- 6tat*--(Lt € a.raO 'Yrt rL( I dtoo *arr*'*'arrz-Ub-w aq O 5.S.,?. * a/ o/ 1l oo ll D "- 3 3oo 3?D d a 85 s.Sa 7Jd44-- ,r4 -nJtu 5 V) cttAz* ,,IJ s F fu, br&r)r.- a4tz ^JtS S ..s-/=' s o s- -s . .*j/=f P44r",e"-.1 C4?7Z-se @ i t I Iu SPRINGFIELO ivMRA BUSS (Journal No. 5-84-07-23) Assessorfs trtrap lB-02- 5-20 ?ax Lot 3002 Parcel #1. Located at 825 S. 43rd St. between ltlt. Verrron Road and Jasper Road on the west side. Ttre appU-cant is requesting a zone change frcrn RL Lcr^/ Density Residential to l4HS l.bbile Hcrne Subdistrict for the purpose of placing a rrpbile hcr,re on this lot. THE SPRIIIG'IELD PIAINDIG CO\,}{ISSION I^IILL HOLD TIIIS PUBLIC HEARING ON: F.m. ,, 225 North 5th Street, Sprinofield, OR 97477 Send a written statsnent to the Plaruring Ccnmission prior to the meeting c/o the Plaru:ing Depnrtment | 225 North 5th St., Springfield, OR, 97477 or attend the puJclic hearing and state yor.:r vievus. The Planning staff will prepa.re a vrritten rer:ort and recunnendation on this application vhich will be available on July 6, l9B4 at the Plan:rilg Department office. rf the Planning Ccnmission decision is appealed, the City Councilwill set a date for a pr:bIic hearilg on l{onday, August 6, t9B4 at 7:30 p.m. to hear viei,trs for or against this land use request. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers. Area }:roposed for land use A Public Hearing will be held on this land use r€euest : lpplication $lhrrg held How to testify lrlore Inlortnation _l( t F ZONING DISTRICIS RL Low 0ensity Residential RH lt'ledium oensity Residential RH High Density Residential Cl{ Neighborhood Commercial CC Coflnunity Conmrclal Cl4R l{ajor Retai IHL Special Light Industrlallll,l I'ledium Industrial |'lH Heavy IndustrialPL Publ ic Lands SUB-DI STRICTS l'US lbbile Home Sub-district HHP l{oblle Home Park PUD Planned Unit Oevelopment RP Residential Professional HS Hospital SupportFP Flood PlainIG llll lamette Greenway T. +N r E tf) !t I A ny questions? call the springfield planning Dept. at726-3759. l3a .