HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1985-03-25SPRINGFIELD CIIY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works 1885- 1 98S Spilnglield Centennial veat lhrch 25, 1985 CRTIFIED !8. Elaine L. MarEin Dlr. ilohn E. Charles 5690 l4ain SLreet Springfield, Oregon 97474 !t. Blaine L. l4artin 6910 43rd Avenue S.E. Iacelfr l^Iashington, 98503 SUBJEf,T: Idotice and Order to Corply Wittr ttre Springfield Building Safety Codes at l*tt. Vernon Ilcad between 43rd & 44ttr Streets, Springfield, Oregon. Dear kotr=rty O*ners: Tkre sLrucLr:res located at tlre above referenced address nore lnrticularly described as Iane @urty Assessor's lhp 18 02 05 2I, Ibx Lot 08800 are, for reasons specified belor, attractive nuisances and sl:bstandard buildings as described in the Springfield Ilcusing Code (applicable code excerpts are attached). Section 4Ol (b) of tlle Springfield tbusing Code describes structures and 1ro1=rties vtdch are classified as attracLive nuisances -- buildings which are structurally unsound and prol=rties taving used rnaterials, trash, or debris in p:blic view uihich may prc /e hazardous to inguisitive children. Section 1001 of tJ:e Ibusing Oode specifies crcnditions constituting a strbstandard building. Ttre folloring iterns inclule but are not limited to crcrditions existirg at ttre structr:res in question, classifiring thern as attractive nuisnaces and substandard buildings: 1. Bottr structures are partially denrolished vdth trnrtions of suplnrtirg menibers missing 2. Both structures are oIEn and accessible. 3. Ebrth structures have not been rnaintaine,il ard have deteriorated to tlre point where exlDsure tns caused drlr rct arrl deterioration of vood srpports and streathing. Section 2O2 of ttre Hcusing Code requires tlrat structures classified as sr:bstandard as described above are pdclic nuisances and must either be relnired or dsnolished. Ileerefore, tJ.is is 1or:r notice tlnt 1ou rm:st secure tr>errnits to either rebuild the structures (Section 104 of tJre Springfield Building Safety Oodes Adninist-rative 6de requires tlnt they be rebuilt to ccnrply with all prcnzisions of tJ:e Springfield Structural Specialty Code and Fire and Life Safety Code. ) or to dernclish thern. If tl-e buildings are to be rebuilt, plans must be sukrnitted try April 25, 1985. Perrnits must be purchased and rork must ccmmence b1r l4ay I0, 1995. If the buildings are to be 225 North Sth Street o Sprinsfield, Oreson97477 o 503/726-3753 !iti. Blaine L. Martin Mr. John E'. Charles Ilctice and Order Mt. Vernon Road Betrdeen 43rd & 44tf- streetslfarch 25, L985 Page 2. derplished, dsrplition raprk mr:st qrmence by April 25, 1985 ard mr:st be ccnpleted tryrltlay 25, 1985. 9gnpletion Pns that the strustures and prolErty must be ilspectedand apprcnzed Uy Ee appropriate representatives of the Suiiaiig Sifety Oivision'. ftreseter must be capped at tl:e prcperty line or ttre septic tarft *usi be pnped andqiUed B- _" person ho_Idilg a se\^,age dislnsal ser:zice license as prcnzidled - for inchaPter 340, Division 7 of the oregon A&ninistrative Rrles. If-yo" do not take corrective action \.dthin the tine frames outlined above, t].e CitywiII seek crcnrpu-ance wittr tl1e Building Safety Codes b1z rternlishing both structures,rancxring the debris ard charging ttre costs thereof against tJle property or its O\^lne.rs. Any trrerson having any record tj-tle or legal irrterest in ttre prol=rLy may atrpeal frcnrtltis notice and order to the Building Board of Appeals, prcnrided that the-ippeal is made in rrriting and filed wit]. t]:e Building Officiaf within thirty (30) aa14s -iqn t].e date of senzice of ttris noLice ard order. Failure to ap;=a1 will crcnstitute a waiverof all right to an adninistrative hearing and detennination of ttre rnatter. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. P1ease direct all inquriries to t]:e springfield Buirding safety Division aL 726-3753. Sincerely, David ,I. R:ent Acting Sr:perintendent of Brilding cc: bn l"lcore, Buildjng Inspector Sally Johnson, Ervironmental Inspector Mike ltu&nan, Fire llarshal Joe Leatty, Assistant City Attorney attactrnents SI:DP/lh SPR FIELE' D EV ELO P M E NT SERVI C ES D E PARTM ENT MEMORANDUM Zft,225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541 ) 726-375s FAX (541) 726-3689 vvvvw. c i. s p r i n gf i e I d. o r. u s City of Springfield To From: Date: Subject: Myrna Buss Seven Gables Real Estate 820 S. 43'd Street, Springfield , ORg7478 Linda Pauly, Springfield Planning July 11, 2001 Residence at 185 N. 33'd Street The property at 185 N. 33'd Street is zoned Community Commercial and is in the Mid Springfield Refinement Plan area. This lot has permitted status for a single family dwelling. Amendments to Springfield Development Code Article 18.020 (8) Commercial Districts grants lawful, permitted status to single family homes on commercial property. SPRtrIIGFIEI.D CITT OF SPRINGFIELD Deparhnent of hrblie Works AF FIDAVIT OF SERIVCE STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane, L de Cantv ,b eing first dulY sworn, do hereby depose and say that I am a competent person over the age of 1-8 years, a resident of the State of Oregon, and not a party to or an attorney in the hereinafter mentioned matter. I do further state that I mailed the original of the attached letter dated Mereh 2(, 1eR( , addressed to Blaine L. Martin Mr- .Tohn F- Charles, 5690 Main Street, Sfringfield, OR 97478 from David J.t Department of Public Works by Certified ) ) ) SS I Irlail, return receipt requested on the 25th -day of 198_5. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to me this yof ht*J- NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON lvly Conmission Expires :8/t [olfib Irlarch *8j1 T_-1 225 North 5th Street I Springtield, Oregon97477 o 5o8/72[3-3753 F \ CITT OF SPRINGFMI,D Depa,rtment of htblic Works STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane, I Linda Canty being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say that I am a competent person over the age of 18 years, a resident of the State of Oregon, and not a party to or an attorney in the hereinafter mentioned matter. I do further state that I rnailed the original of the attached letter dated March 25. 1985 addressed to Mr- Blaine L- Martin, 6910 43rd Ave, S.E., Lacey l{ashington 98503 from David J, puent , Department of Public Works by Certified l'{ail, return receipt requested on the 25th day of March 1985. .L-rrb dayof ?71 &'L c" ) ) ) SS pcu ":) . BED AND SWORN to me this 198 NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON Ivly Conmission Expires :s/rv lsb-1 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 SPRI]{GFIEI.o AFFIDAVIT OF SERIVCE L SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works 1 885- 1985 Springrlield Centennial year Ftarch 25, 1985 CERTIFIED IErIER !8. Blaine L. Martin FIr. John F. Charles 5690 l,lain Street Spri::gfield, Oregon 97478 !8. B1aine L. t'hrtin 6910 43rd Avenue S.E. Lacry, I^Iashington, 98503 SUBIffiT: Idotice and O:rder to Oorply Wittr the Springfield Btrilding Safety Codes at 1,1t. Vernon bad betlreen 43rd & 44ttr Streets, Springfield, Oregon. Dear Protrnrty Orners: The strustures located at tJl.e above referenced address rrDre lErticularly described as Lane 6wrty Assessor's }hp 18 02 05 2L, Tax Lot 08800 ELr€r for reasons specified belovr, attractive nuisances and sr-rbstandard buildings as described in the Springfield Llrusing Code (applicable code excerpts are att-ached). Section 401 (b) of the Springfield Ibusing Code descrilces str'uctures and properties \*Lich are classified as attractive nuisances -- buildings thich are structr.rral.ly unsourd and properLies tnving used rnaterials, trash, or debris in p:blic view which rrEry prove hazardous to inquisitive children. Section 100I of tl e Ibusing Oode specifies crcnditions constituti.ng a substandard building. ftre follo,rring itenrs include but are not limited to crorditions existing at t]:e structures in question, classifying tltem as attractive nuisnaces and sr:lcstandard buildilgs: I. Both structures EIre trnrtially denplished \dth lnrLions of suplnrLirrg menrbers rnissing 2. Both structures are open and accessible. 3. Bottr strustures have not been rnaint-ained arr1 have deteriorated to the lnint rattere exlDsure llas caused dry rot arui deterioration of r,rrcd supports and streathing. Section 2O2 of ttre [tcusing Oode requires ttrat strustures classified as substandard as described above are p-rblic nuisances and must eittrer be retrnired or demolished. l*rerefore, this is lour notice tl.at you nn:st secure pernits to either rebuild the structr.:.res (Section 1O4 of tJ:e Springfield Building Safety 6des A&ninistrative 6derequires that tlrey be rebuilt to crcrnply \^rith aII prcnrisions of the SpringfieldStructural Specialty Code and Fire and Life Safety Code.) or to dsnclish thern. If the buildings are to be rebuilt, plans must be suhnitted ty eprit 25, 1985. Permits must be p.rrchased and taprk must ccnrnence Lryr l4ay I0, 1985. If the buildings are to be 225 North Sth Street o Sprinsfield, Oregong7477 o 5O3/726-3753 - lrtr. Blaine L. llarLin !4r. John F. Ctnrles tibtice and Order Mt. Vernon Road Betbreen 43rd & 44th Streets lhrch 25, L985 Page 2. dqnclished, denolition r+crk must qrmence by April 25, I9g5 and mrst be ccnpteted tlz May 25, 1985. CcnPletion meclns that tlee strusLr:res and property must be i:rspectedarrl approved by C-appropriate representatives of ttre nrifaing Safety Division-. Ttre seuer must be calped at the prol=rty line or ttre septic tank nn:st be p-unped andfilfed b1z a person holding a se\,€ge dislnsal senrice license as protrided for i:r Chapter 340, Division 7 of the Ocegon A&n-inistrative R:Ies. If 1ou do not take correetive action within ttre tine frames outlined above, the Cityw"ill seek crcnrpliance w"ith the Buildi.reg Safety Codes b1z <lenrclishing bottr structures, rencnzing tlre debris ard charrging ttre costs ttrereof against ttre property or its OI/rnefS. Any tr=rson having any recrord title or lega1 ilterest in the prol=rLy rnEry atr4)eal frcm ttr-is notic.e ard order to tl.e Building Boaral of Appea1s, prcnrided tl.at ttre appeal is rnade in r,rriting and filed with the Building Official within t].irty (30) days from the date of senrice of tl.is noLice ard order. Failure to appeal will constitute a rraiverof all right to an afrnjnistrative hearing and determilation of tl:e rnatter. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. Please direct all inqr:i.ries to the springfierd Building safety Division aL 726-3753. Sincerely, hvid J. Puent Acting Superintendent of Brilding cc3 bn l'lcore, Buildilg Inspector Salty Jotutson, Ervironmerrtal Inspector ltike Hu&ran, Fire ltarshal Joe I-eahy, Assistant City Attorney attacturents SJ:DP/Ih O.--o$-.*.l- t\ l. D. No.840-r,c LITIGATION GUARANTEE ISSUED FROM THE OFFICE OF EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO. 1317 North l8th Street Springfield, Oregon 97427 l.I9 0005 12 Policy issuing Agent for SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE LIMITS OF LIABILITY ANDoTHER PRovlsloNS oF THE coNDtloNS aruo sripuLATIoNS HERETo ANNEXEDAND MADE A PART OF THE GUARANTEE, SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANYOF OREGON, an Oregon Corporation, herein called the Company, for the fee paid for thisGuarantee, the amount and effective date of which are shown heiein, hereby buaranteesthe parties herein called the Assured, against actual loss not exceeding the liability amountstated herein which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any iicorrectness in theassurance which the_Company hereby gives that, according to the public records, on theeffective date stated herein, 1 The title to the herein described estate or interest was vested in the vesteenamed, subject to the matters shown as Exceptions herein, which Exceptionsare not necessarily shown in the order of their priority. , t a#x,r4a Secretary President zda/.;f*.// Authorized Signaturo LITIGATION GUARANTEE SAFECO Stock No. ORp-0024 (t -84)6f;AEHRP -190 Guarantee ts issueo tor the oenelll r^\ase the indebtedness Compa ny shall have the oPtion to Pu bv said mortgage ' .S uch-PU rcl pay ment or tender ol Of a tlol0gl 9i cr rrlui 19eYvr ir"TOTAL FEE ANO FOR T FOR TITLE 5EAHUi-t Arru GUARANTEE. - -- eecured EXHIBIT I 512 Guarantee No. LiabilitY $ 24 ,86?. )? Effective Date: JUNE ?9, 1984 Fee $ 190.00 i A. Assured:i . CITY CF SPRII{GFIELD B. The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Guarantee is: A FEE C. Title to said estate or interest at the date hereol is vested in: BLAIIIE L. liARTIll and J0HN F. Cl:ARLES D. The land referred to in thrs Guarantee is situated in the County of State of Oregon, and is described as follows: ATTAC IiED PROPERTY il E. The title to said estate or interest is subject to the following Exceptions ATTACHED , Litigalion Guaranlee SAFECO Stock No. ORP-0024A (1-84) ASAFECO!=./ rrrue INSURANCE PACI 2 E. The tit'le to said estate or intprest is suhject t.o the fol lovring Exceptions: l. Taxes, (See Exh jb-it A), l,aap l{o. )e 02 05 21 08800. 2. City Assessments, (See Exhibit B). 3. Easenent granted to the C'ity of Springfield, recorded June 5, 1980, Reception llo. 8028150, Lane County 0regon Records. 4. Easenent granted Enpire Financial Services, Inc., to the City of Springfield, recorded July 5, 1983, Reception llo. 8322993, Lane County 0regon Records. 5. Right, title and interest if any of Ernpire Financial Services, Inc. . 6. llortgage, including the terrns and provisions thereof, executed byvBla'ine llartin, to First Interstate Eank of Cregon, f'1.4.., dated llovember 25, l983, recorded liovenber 28, 1983, Reel )273, Reception llo. 83441J3, Official Records of Lane Countyr Oregon, given to secure paynent of a liote for $16,905. 12. (Address: 665 l'iain Street, P. 0. Rox 9, Springfield, 0R) 7. Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Gregory "1. lrarsch, Crantor, to l'lillarnette Val1ey Title Company, Trustee, for the henefit of Emerald tf-p'ire 0anking Corrpany, Beneficiary, dated 0ctoher 28, 1983, recorCed llovenher 29, 1983, Reel )273, Reception llo. 8.34441C, Off icial Records of Lane County,Oregon, eiven to secure payrent of a Note for $700,CCO.00. (Covers other property also) (Address: % Citizens Val'ley Bank, 5690 l':ain Street, Springfield, 0R) 8. Pight, title and jnterest if any of Gregory J. ljarsch. 9. Federal Tax Lien against "rohn F. Charles and Angel'ika l.i. Charles, recorded Septerl,.er 8, 1962, Reception No.8226819, in the anount of $17,619.08, plusinterest. (Address: lrYQS, Eugene, 0R) J0. Judgnent against John F. Charles, in favor of First Interstate Bank of Oregon, filed April 2), 1983, Lane County Circuit Court Case No. 16 8? 014-05, .ludgnrent Card lio. ?822 83, in tly: arount of $59,988.87, plus interest. (Address: FIB, P. C. Box 3)ffi-Port1and,0R, Attn: Foreclosure Dept.) I l. .!uCgnent agai nst .rohn Clrarl es, in favor of llend Interstae Associates, f i'led Cctober 20, 1982, Lane County Circuit Court Case [,lo. l6 82 08740, Judgr::ent Card llo. 7267 82, in the an:ount of 53),895.77, pius Attorney Fees in the anount of S2,0C0.00, plus interest, plus Court Costs in the ar,ount of $ 138.00. (Transcri bed fron, Desc hutes County, no addrel(avai 1abl e) a a I r:' y',PACE 3 .,PROPERTY'' Beginning at a point in the center of a certain l{orth and South road whjch point is South 89o l0' East, 437.)Z feet frorr a point on the l.rest line of the ? David l,rthur Donation Land C'laim No. 47, Torvnship l7 South, Range 2l.lest of ' the l,ti I I anette lleridian 1627 .I feet South 0o 03' l.lest from the llorthvrest corner thereof; run thence South 89" l0'East 145.0 feet to the true point of the fol'lorring described tract; from said beginning point run South 89" l0' East, 3AA.24 feet; thence llorth 0" 03' East 100 feet; thence llorth 89" l0' l.lest 30e.24 feet; thence South 0" 03' l'lest, lOC feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Cregon. EXCEPTII{G the liorth 5.0 feet thereof conveyed to the City of Springfield by Deed recorded January 17,1980, Reception llo. 8003095, Lane County Cregon Records. , -19o o ;', \ fn T I ! n\asI \ s \t\t I I I I .l\' t\ 1i I I I I I,I J -t :\.. i I I I I I tD au a.-\' // 8,'rz'/?. /o a2 ,, 5500 ,'"';'ii'ii" z"\- \ o\,\5400 zc r 2t.4./.ot. ili;*--r v t; o7 ,t fz e) i<T-. o, t- LrJ rJJE ,1 at I //8.35'// ?. ,5'/ 8, 15' a 0. /1'? I f/rq ,d:o't? 52'f./7,aa 5'q s \\\\5 600 1c, Jo'ol' ./. o2.587 5700s\/C'lO'O2/d/'t2'/a' r9 t- U I I I h\ 5 800 r#'i%rr ?. )t' ,v.e 2'ofs\ t ^(sir 8 801 t4 5' I 800 )o 8. ) 2 8.2/? \i\\rryJ/ h\ V er'5,2 t. 6000 \to t. C' to \61 oo .\ to8.l' .,y 1r,52 6200 \v taf.(' 89 00 4t 3 24',\ t5 \ t{ \T cs \ \ et.\loo\\ \ \ N r6 ? ,.ao' 5900 /d8. l' t N 9000 +t t.2'l' r5 IT,ISPECTION TINE t283769 CIIY OF SPFINGTIETO COA{EINAIION APPTICATION/ PERMII INFORMAIION TINE 72t3757 ENERGY SOURCES: Heot Wo tEt H"olea e- Vqlue of Worl: (lics. no.)(expirer)(oddrerr) .A Owncr Phone--Add.err\J "5Phonc (nome) I \scCO .13 Fomi Re:ide n<e Dercribe Work (i.e.,Euild Singla Sq. Frg. Accerr. Job Addrc:: Dercri Suilding Permit Addrcr DESIGN TIAM Primo Sq. Frg, A{oin Sq. F?9. Orhct -New-Add -Alter-RcP.-. -Fencc-Dcmo-Chongc1 Use -Other Structurol Electricol de no.ddrers)s MECHANICALPTUMBING CHARGE NO.Fea EIECTRICAT FCHARGE Electricol Mechonicol furnoce/burnar fo -BTU'S Residence oi fr.Eoch ringle {ixrurc Appiionce vcnt 5eporo te New <ircuilc, ollerolionr or exiensionr Relocqtad building (new Iix. oddirionol) Stotionory cvop. coolerSERVICES S.F. Reridencc (l both) Vent fon with ringie ductTemporory ConrlruclionDuoler (l borh) aoch Vent system oport from heoting or A.C.Ampr.Aciditionol borh Mechonicol exhou!t hood ond ductWoter rervice Wood stove/ heoterScwcr I I Heol PumpFEEDERSStor.m Scwcr Ampr.I crA,t Air hondler to Air hondler over 10,000 cFM tSstlANcE oFfPERAIIT WHERE SIAIE tAW REOUTRES rhot thc Electrisql work bc donc by the Elcrtricol Conlroctor, the clectricol portiorr of thir pe;mit rhall not bc valid unril o I HAVE CAREtULty EXAT INED rhc completcd opplicotion for permii, ond do hereby cerrify thol. oll informotion hereon ir ,ruc ond correcl, ond I further cGrtify thot ony ond oll work p.rfor-"j sholl bc donc in qcordoncc with lh. Ordinoncer of rho City of Springfield ond the Lows of the slote of Oregon p.rroini.g ro tia work dcrcribcd hcrin, ond rhot NO OCCUPANCY will bc mcde of ony ttruclur. withoul ihe pcrmi$ion of rha Building Divirion. I further ccaify rhlr my .Ggirnorion with rhc suilde/s Boord i: in full force ond effcct os rcquireci by oRS 70I.055, thot if exempt lhr boris for exemption ir nohd h:ron, ond thot Jnly lubcontroclorl ond cmploye.r who ore in complioncc wirh ORS 70I.055 will bc uscd on this proicct. DATESIGNATURE lobrl hor bon rigned bY on Elactricol Conlroclor ond ot oched to lhc clcstricol ponel' Borir for Buildcr'r Boord excmption; NAA{E (pleorc prinl) TOTAT CHARGES TOTAT CHARGES Zonr -fypc/Conrr.-Unils -..-Sq. Ftg. ltoin fire Zono-Bedroomr occy Lood Sq: Ftg' Acce:r Ftood Ploin --_----5toriar-Occy Group - Sq. Frg. Other - FOR OFTICE U5E ONI' TOTAL VAI.UAIION x ---Yoluc r Voluc a -Volue Syrtemr Developmcnt Chorqe ( I .59'o) BUII,DING PERMIT Chorger ond S u rchorg e: Plon Ck. Comm/lnd t Fec ec 6 30"6/ 8r Plon Ck. Rer Tolol Comb. Permit PI,UMBING PERMII Chorgcr ond Surchorgcr Fence Demo AI c SidewolkChorger ond Surchorger TOTAI 16.bcATECHAN ICAI PERAAIT Chorgcr ond Surthorgcr Curb Cut Prumbino (YLDfl CHARGEFEENO,Not TOTAT CHARGES 70 4 PERMIT VALIDATTONCOMBINATION APPLICATION,PERMII ICAP) l. Applicoru to furnish A. Job Address B. Legol Description l. exomole-tox lot 100, Lone County Mop Reference I7 03 43 2. er"-pE-Lot l. Block 3, 2nd Addition to Springfield Estotes C. Nome, etc. of owner ond construction lender D. Energy Sources l. exomole-heotrelectricol ceiling/or forced oir gos 2. exofr iG - * o t e r Te o-i6?l?lEZTiiIo I i o iJol " r-- E. Squore footoge 6r voluotion, elc. l. exomoie-l 250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot goroge 2. e-EmiG-iT;ew proieo, checki-ew-ii oddition, ciheck odd, etc. F. Buildinq permit informotion: I. exomole-(onstruct single fomily house with on ottoched goroge 2. exomoie-remodel exis?ing goroge into fomily room 3. exompG-convert single fomiiy residence inlo restouront (chonge of use) G. Volue of work os defined in Seciion 303 (o) of the Structurol Specio lty Code H. DESIGNI TEAM AND CONIRACTERS To ovoid design or construction cieloys, Building Division Stoff mus, be oble to contoct oppropriote persons regording design informction or iob site correclions. etc, ll. Ablirievioted Flumbing, Mechonicol & Electricol Schedules ' A. Except where blcnk spoces occur in the description portion of the Mechonicol oncj Electricol Scheiules, the opplicont need {ill-in only the No. Boxes odiccent to the oppropriote . item(s) to be insrolled B. f ull Plumbing, Mechonicol, ond Electricol Schedules ore'ovoilo.ble ot ?he Building Division l. To conserve spoce on the permit form the schedules .: hove been obbrevioted 2. lf the ilem(s) to be instolled ore noi covered on the obbrevi-. oled schecjules 7ou should consull rhe full schedules C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES,AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES lll. Applicont to sign onci dote Whenever possible, the iniriol opplicotion will be used os o worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Stoff will prepore o typewritten copy ond return it ,o the opplicont ot the time rhe octuol permit is issued for his signoture. lV. Feec ond Chorges Plon check fees ore due ond eoyoble ot the lime of the opplicolion, ond no plons will be processed until these fees ore poid. All olher'fees ond chorges ore cjue ond poyoble when the permit is isrued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PROJECT CCNDITIONS TO 8E . SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: Additiono.l Prcriect lnformotion: PLANS REVIEWED BY signo lure dotenome Permit Clerk INsPECTION TINE 776-3769 CITY OF SPRING'IEtD COA{EINAIICN APPTICATION / PERMII INTORAIAIION TINE 72th7757 CO Euildinq Permil lnfor Phone (licr. no.)(oddre::) wirh 5 '5Phonc Ro .,a If\.\ S-o Dercriba Work (i.e ., Suild 5ingle Volue of Work: Legol Dcrtription Job Addre:r Addrqrr DESIGN TEAM -New -Add -Altcr -RaP'-,-Fenca-Demo-Chonge/ Ure -Other ENERGY SOURCES: Heol Wotcr H?ore. _--.- Sq. ttg. Accerr. (nome) ETECTRICAL Me<honicol PTUMBING ,ttECHANICAL I CHARGENO. I I reeF:E CHARGECHARGArEl Ed <n fixrurc furnoce/ burner io -BTU': .Qeridence oi fr. Applionce vent Jeporo te New circvil:. slterolionr or extenrionlRelocored building (new {ix. odditionoi) Sloiionory evop. co o lerSERVtCES S.F. Reridenge (l both)Vent fon with single ductTemporory ConrlrvciionDuolex (l borh) coch oport from ,.c. Venl lystem heotinq or AAmpr.borhAd Mechonicol exhqurl hood ond duct\Molor r"rvi<e Wood :tove/ heoterI I 5cwcr .Heot PumpFEED ER5s Air hondler to t0.000 cFr*Ampr. Air hqndler over 10,000 cFM rSsuANcE oFfPeRMlT TOTAL CHARGESTOTAT CHA8GESTOTAT CHARGES I HAVE CAREFULIY EXAAAINED lhc compleied opplicotion for permit' ond do h certify lhor ony ond oll work pcrformed rholl be donc in ocrcrdgnce wilh lh p..roining to rilc wort dercriixd herin, ond thot NO OCCUPANCY will be mo ertify lh-ot my regirtrotion with lhc Evilde;': Boord ir in full force ond effect o he.o., o.d rttot Jntv rubonlrocloru ond cmployecr who ore in complionca w ereby certify thot oll informotion hereon ir ttuc snd correcl, ond I fvrther e Oicjinonces of the City of Springfield ond lhe Lows of the Stoie of Oregon de of any sfuclure without the permirion of thc Euilding Divirion- I further r rcqvireci by ORS 701.055, thdl if exemPt the boris for exemption is noted' irh oRs 70I.055 will be ured on lhis p'oi.Gt Unii; 5q' Ftg' Atoin Fire Zons-Ecdroomr occy qthiccf:holl unrilbcv(llidnolConlrEclactricolthaE!artricol alo?,porlion parmilthcworkEhGtricsldonabelhorREOUIRESthcbySIwllEtEtAwAIE fho ahstricol,oondConlroclor ponel.ottochedElarrricolonhorlobclbonbyrigncd Barir for Builde/r Boord cxcmption: N&\{E (plcorc print) tlood Ploin -------_5 FOR OFFICE USE ONI .TURE Lood Sq. Ftg. Accerl Zone -TyPc/Conrt. x -------Vqlue x Voluc Group . Sq- Fts. olhcr-;"r^, ,^,'*1,"J; Syrrcm3 DevcloPment Choroe (1.59'.)Plon Ck. Comm/lnd 6594/Bldo Per Fee Plon Ck. Rer 3096/ Sldq Per Fec BUII,DING PERMIT Chorger ond Surchorgcr Fencc Totol Comb. PermitDemo PIUAABING PERMIT Chorger ond Surchorger 5idewolk A/C Povinq I Curb Cur bboTOIAT MECHANICAI. PERMIT Chorocr ond Svrcho rger ..-!r. 1! : 'f,H\', ..qir- - NO. z() 4 ELECIRICAI PERMII Chorger ond 5urchorgar Additionol Pr<;iect lnformo?ion: PLANS REVIEWED BY: signoture dolenome coMErNATlON AppLrcATtoN, pERMtr (cAp) l. Applicont to furnish A. Job Adciress B. Legol Description l. exomole-rox _lot .l00, _Lone.Couqty Mop Reference I72. eE-EE-Lot l. Block 3, 2nd Addiiion ro Sprinqfi, C. Nome, etc. of owner ond conslruction lender !- D. Energy Sources CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Ciry Holl Springfield, Oregon Deporlment of Public Works OFFICIAL RECE!PT ,r3l Jtlo. B 56876 PERMIT VALIDATION 03 ,t3 I. exomole-heotz electricol ceilinq/or forced oir oo:l. cxomote-woter neoter. electrtcol/ or solor E. Squore footoge or volusyi.., .ta.l. exomoie-l3lg ,q. foor house, 500 sg. foot gorog2. elGfriE-i?Ew p ro i eo, check iEi-i i od d i t io n, .'iodd, erc. F. Building permit informotion: l. exomole-<onstruct single fomily house with on ol goroge 2. exornoie-remodel existing gioroge into fomily roc3. ;En1oi-e-converr :ingle fomiiy residence into rcsrouront (chonge of use) G- Volue oi work os Ccfined in Seciion 303 (o) of rhe Strucrurol Speciolty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTERS To ovoid Cesign or construction cleloys, Building DiviStcff must be oble to contsct oppropriote persons re design informction or iob site correcticns, etc. It. Abliievioted Plumbing, Mechonicol & Electricol Schedulr A. Exceot where blcnk spoces occur in the description p of rhe Mechonicol onci Electricol Scheiules, the oppii need fill-in only rhe No. Boxes cdiocent to fhe oppro item(s) ro be insrolled B. Full Plumbing, Mechonicol, ond Electricol Schedules ore'ovoilo.ble ot the Building Division l. To cons€rve spoce on the permii form the schedul, . hove been obbrevioted 2. lf the irem(s) to be instolled ore not covered on th,. oted schecjules you should consul, the fuil schedul C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FIIL OUT ALL FEES A CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES lll. Applicont to sign oncj dote Whenever possible, the iniriol opplicorion will be used or worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Sroff \ prepore o typewritten copy ond return it to the oppliconr the time the oouol permit is issued for his signoture. Dole F Addres Received For: (' Amount Received ( ( { r { { { \ ( ( (('; ( (.( (( ( b t-I AUTHORIZEO SIGNATURE EUGENE OR 9"OI lV. Feer ond Chorget (' Plon check fees ore due ond coyoble ot the time of the o \- ond no plons will be processed until these fees ore poid. {- other'fees ond chorges ore <iue ond poyoble when the permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE UsE ONLY Permit Clerk ( PROJECT CCNDITTONS TO 8E . SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: ( / "t .- \ 180'S'STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PH0t{E 747-1187 A LICENSED PEST CONTROL OPERATOR IS AN EXPERT IN HIS FIELD. ANY OUES. TIONS RELATIVE TO THIS REPORT SHOULD BE REFERRED TO HIM. ABC Pest Control MITE YR(IT REPO FIRM LICENSE NUI{BER 344 Springfleld, 0regon CITYSTRTET South h3rd. Street 8LDG. No. 803 ADDRESS OF PROP ER TY I NSPECIEOorri olxy3[flEI ,Sarne ahnrmReport Senl to (Name and Address) Bruce i'Itrite ( uuyer )0wnei's Name and Address License No. tL?l4 e LL77 lnspected By Roberb & tiel Sruith Are there inaccessible areas? THIS lS: .v,frnRlGlNAL REP0RT tr SUPPLEMENTAL REP0RT \r. X x'F. \5 LL \D tL\D!{ \\ I \D \x H rq \s\\*\ 9 I I NOYES B. CONDITIONS FAVORING WOOD DESTROYING ORGANISMS I INOYES A. WOOD DESTROYING ORGANISMS xCD (1) Cellulose Debris't IF. (1) Fungi (Rot) EWC I 2 Earth-Wood ContactI xI.ll Excessive MoistureEM (3) xX (4) lnsuflicient Ventilation DT (2) Dampwoo-d ST (3) Subterranean Termites CA (4) Carpenter Ants Termites xFG (5) Faulty GradeWB (5) Wood-boring Beetles xx x Dirt x (6) 0tfqrTF (7) Treatable Fungus xIPF (8) lnadequate Porch Flashing x(9) 0ther xxls lurther inspection recommended? \t Q T B I I : i \ tl. \\F a U t1\ E : \ \ \ t \ x tnspectionorderedby(NamcandAddr.rr, IaVorufe Adanfs of AdanS ?galty lC (7) lnadequate Clearance I :- i *. -,itEI, :1\