HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1983-11-05..RESIDtNTIAL.. z2s North stt, stoeffPLrcAT r,N /PERI'lrr SprLngfi-eLd, )regon 97477 Building tiuision 726-37 53 SPHINGFFT Ti ?ecei tt 0)Tabt#2 Job laeaticn: Aesesoo?s :lap ll Subdioisian: PlonaAd.dress: },tner: Deeu,ibe h'ork: Val.ue t--l :la) ldliticn L 1 Jn&-\^., Dde of Applicatian- i'!ecluriccL Sudlag seaer eqged ct proparQl Lire Septic tork yaryaC ad. fille<i rtLth 3re;el Fincl - ithen cbeoe itens ate ecnoletei a:d ulen Cqlcl:-tion is canplete o! sttuz- hse nooed o,l. prerLses cleaneC up. dciles tslocking otd Set-up Plwbin4 connectacns -- stde? otl. ualet Eleetr4ccl Ccmnection - Blockin4' ser-u, and. plwttbing eo'nnections mtst be qptcr:eC befor e requeeting eleclrn|cel insoecliot': Acceaso?i BuilClttg PiruzL - After gcnekes, skirting, Ceck-s, etc. @e cctnplelad. ConeJrrciicn_lendg!_ It ia the resgorcibility o1. tle perntlt itolder to see ;hat all inspectiona @e nad.e at lhe proper +.ime , that ecch cdltesa o)s rea.iab':e ;'ran tlu atreet, cnC thct the pendt cal ie Lzcated at qhg frcnt of tlte-property--r1uildir€ b)uiciot appru^e<i pLbt s\c.LL retP,in on thE Buildtng Siic at aLL ttnes. ?1OC1DURE FoR IttSpEmCN R?IWST:CALL726-3769 (tecorder) state your City l,esigr.tted iob mtber, iob aCitess' tgpl 9f inspec2icn @"adgforirspection,Corttractcrs,ia,n.r"-,,o,,e-,z'dplonenwlbcr,Pequesxsreceited,befcre7:c0,lt'-lil be nwie the sane dca, ?equests ncde afttt ?:00 611 trill be nale the nest'.nrking dai'assn vlour Citg' Desigla.ted' Job lhnbe? fs-' I TNSULA?TO il /VAPO R BARRIER JTISPICTIOII.: fo be rpde after aLL insulcticn ei requ|ned uqot baviers @e in Place but before ozy lath, Wpst/itt bootC or tnLL avering is qplied, otd. before ay insulation is concealed. DRYTA$L illSPlClfilt: Tc be nade;@Ztr c?!,:ffiTTis in ptace, htt prtor to crty taPittg. IIAS1NPI: Steel Location, bond @-otoutitt4 or oerriccls in aceordowe uith U.B.C, Seetion 2415, 'IOODSI1'/9: After irntalZation is anqleted. t - U:IDZiRG?9U:ID ?LUMz;vC. SI,ITP, ,J.1!9R.t I DPA;:|AGE: To be ,nae prJor to jil- Lirg trenci.ce. a wc*r.icR !,LiJ:Br::G 1 ltEC!.AtlrCAL:ttffiof floor insuia.ciott or deeking. 3IT9 I!SP!cif9!: To be nade aftet ffi prtcr tc se! ug of 1'orns. ANDiRSLAB ?!L'I.|9I\IC, ZLEC??IC,IL 1 iEClil.)liCAL: io be nacie beiore cnyG{G-loered. NOTITG 1 ?1AXDAYIC1I: To be oaCe @T*eaoated ard. folrrns are e?ected, but prior '"opourtrg ccnc*eta. ?CSA AND 38l,14: fo b) ,aie pr|ot to ffiof floor ittsulation or &ckittg. ROI]CE ?L!JiEI:,'C, !LJ:?P!CA' ) .',IZC1- ANICS.L: :lo 'h!k ia vo ce coe-ereaffit-chese ittscectiot:s',,:ue b esn nade nd. 4Vrcoei. FI?.1PLAC?: tu;-o? r.o pkr-r4 icingncterlala ail before 1'ro:dng inepee- tio/t- W!5: l.tust be req,ested after qproua! of rcugh plu,-,bing, electri-q,L 1 nechanical. ALL rcofi>t4 braeJng ! chi.wtcgs, ete. rntax be anpLeted. llo ..tcnk ie to be con- . cEcled until this inspecticz ina'beet na,Ce atd. cpprc"^ed. FI|IAL PLU:.EI;IG PTilAL ;,IECHAilTCAL ?I;IAL ILZEPICAL CIJRB & MPRCACH .4P.9CN: Aftet fonraoZ erecteC but prior tn paning cone?ete. SIDEWALK d DRf\T,nA!: Por aLL cot- ffiV@ffi street mght- of-rey, to be naCe aftet aL7, esea- uating conplete t i-ont uork & sub- inse tatercial tln plzse. l o IENCE: lthen conplate -- ?rotsil,e @ or nooable'sectians through P, U.E. ALL projeet condilicns, cuci ae the i.nseallation cf stteet ttees, cc:icLecion of the required i.anlsccpir4, atc., ia6t be satisJ'ied beibre ci".e tsllILDIilC FIIIAL ean be teqttested- ?INAL tsAfLDINC: The Pinal Buildin4 Insoection ntst be requested clter the liral ?LunbingElecxrical, otC tlectta..:4ccl inspecticns igtsa been nacie and'aoorouaC. IALL |.IAIIIICLES AIID CLIANOU?S I,!US! 8E .4CCESSIzLE, .1DJAS7:!T:II lO 9E ]:ADE !.! !:O :2ST ?C CITY_l -1:. . vJ . 7 ,,ourr, ,*u T u tr 9aaa 9 JOB NO soLAR CESS REQ.-L-CO G+ Receipt #: St-gted: Planbing Penit Peznit State Plumbing permit No- pereon slnll con'struct, instal|., al,ter or eharqe dna vea cr ecistingq!-yirrs ct, drainage su2r? i_n ahole or in part, ",ot""L "i"n !"ion is- theLegaL.posse€sor cf a ualid pltmberts Lieense, eccept tba,t a oZ:son may dopltnbag uork to p"ope?t! ahich is owted, LeZsed or operatia lg t*e oppll,-wtt. Electricol Permit lllete state Ia't requires ttat the electrtcal uork be cane bg an lleetr.tcalcont"actor, the electrical portion of this penrit slla.LL rot be oalic untiltlte Label has been signed bg the EleetricaL'Cont?acto". 1 -- zitcP.0Ac:1i.8:tT -- P LctL EianLriet f EAW CA.RiIULLy lXA.!4IttED tlu cottrpT,eted qoltlcation fot pemnit, atui dahereby eertify tlwt aLL *tfotnation hereoi ia trae anC cbrrecti and, tfattker _certiiy that ory ard aLL aork perfor.ned eltall be done 7n acco?- d,cnce vith the 1rdtnsrces of the CitV bf SpringfieLd, anl. the Laus of theState of )regon pertaining to the wrk Cescytbed here.ln, dd ti.a,c lto OCCl,t- P.I:XCJ ,all b-e ts,Ce of dry et?uctur,z without permtssian cf the 3u;.iding ?L-rieion. I fiuther certify th.at o:tly conttactore and. ryLoyees aha e-e incotpliance ulth CRS 701.055 uiLL be- used on this project lenee il2tt3 :e/Cor.st 3eitoons Building Volue & permit \ie -pernr-t -is grcnted on the esp"ess cond,ition thd,t the sail, constmet.l,onstlaLL, ln cll "esDects, confcrm lo the CrCirnnce tdocteC by the City oiSpringf'JeZC, i.nc-lud.ing lhe sonrng crdincnie, ,"g"i;ti;;- riZ "ii"i.r""l""otd'.use of buriding-s,. a,c n=y be,suapend.ed or rzuckeiLt "rg tine uton uic-LdtLo4 oi ny prcuis:.ons of saiC CrCirances. ieat Aecess. lAlAL VALUE tn Y J.U.C, l. i t ,r douse Lot Faces - EuiHirq Pqirlt ?otal lha:ges LCr ?w, _ fnter-tcr _ Corfle? _ Panhantile CUL-de-sac bt Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lct Caueraga I of Stor,)es ?otal letght, lopogqhg liztt;res Resid.zntial (1 bath) Seuer :io, llailktetd, Ciradts Semsice bhanst flooC Vent lct Dacoeit Tcodsto;se Mechqnic<ll Permit Penrit Issttctcz Meclnniccl Pet,mt Sto"21e !,,!dintqryy.e Pegdt / Sida,talk !1TAL !,.i.!Ouit? DUt:. II MobiT-e i{one :lc. htlri4g aq'U r 5 lotal (raqes Statc Swehaoe T56dr S.0.P.P. #T-4.1a @ DATE: /o -?8 -9? APPLTCANT (PROPERTY 0r.tNER) :e ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: .f7"' _ 4 zr4 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR 2ND DRIVEIdAY: APPLICANT'S TELEPHOIIE NO. :I The following conditions must be answered affirmatively in order fotr this applicat'ion to be cons'idered for approva'l : I ). Property is either a single fami.ly residence or duplex. YES { N0-. 2). The proposed drivervay wi'11 take direct access from a minor street (not a collector or arterial street). YES K N0_. 3). The driveway will have a minimum setback of 30 feet from the curb return of an intersection (for corner 'lots). YES X N0_.. 4). .The proposed driveway (parking area) must have a minimum depth of 20 feet between the front property line and the garage, carport, fence or wal1, if any (identical to setback for garage). YES x. No_. 5). The second driveway must have direct access to a garage, rear yard or the side yard where the vehicle, trailer or. wi I I 6e stored . YES {2- N0-.--.-" 6). If the vehicle, trailer or boat is to be parked/stored in the side yard, there must be a minimum setback of 5 feet between the stored vehicle and the side property 1ine. This setback is for fire fighting access and to comply with the intent of the zon'ing code. Setback sati sf i ed YES,r<, N0_. 7). The proposed parking/storage area must not create a visjon obstruction to adjacent property driveways or to any vehicular movement on a publ ic street. sati sf ied YES.2( N0_. Applicant hereby agrees to install the requested driveway to City of Springfield standards. The appficant further agrees to have 6" of concrete in the sidewalk area adiacent to the proposed driveway and further agrees to pave the area behind the back edge of the sidewalk adjacent to the driveway with a minimum depth of 3" of asphaltjc concrete or with a minimum depth of 6" of portland cement concrete. The area behind the sidervalk shall be paved to the property line or for a distance of 4 feet which ever is greater. The appljcant agrees that if he/she does not pave the area beh'ind the sidewalk within 30 days of cuttjng the curb opening, the City of Springfield has the authority to close the driveway access by the removal of the curb cut. All incurred costs shall be assumed by the applicant and if unpaid, said cost shall become a lien of the property -2- carport, boat (, )- APPLICATION FOR A SECOND DRIVEWAY S.0.P.P. #T-4..la When this application is approved by the City, the app'licant (property owner) must obtain a driveway permit from the Public l^lorks Department BuildingDivision. PERMIT FEE 0n an improved street (existing curb): S12.00 plus 129 per lineal foot of curb cut. 0n an unimproved street (not curbed): $.l2.00. 0n currentiy unimproved streets that are under- construction: $l 2.00. PROPERTY OI^INER'S SIGNATURE : DATE: APPROVED BY: DATE:/- BUILDING PERMIT NO.: a 6,l.{*\w ffi b c DATE: TRA 9.I ATTACHMENT: 'sa Cjty of Springfield Standard Drawing No. 3-ll Dated 10/8/Bz \glF -1 E3?ZDK