HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-01-23; Jo ; at)x4 ,t;IJ OJ JSN ON Jy ATV\! gA Ot it'lfli,LsuTv 'i|'I1ISSAJJV aU nsnhl S'Lt^toNVuTc oNv Sg'tctlNLl/'l 1'1V* .]VJIAfilIE ']VNII eu?qun,a ,Du?t ?41 "i;t:ff*ll"#:dT"#n,1:*,i;'t!;1;rtril "ixil'\?:: 'J"r;1,1;t"tr"1r1i @ -peqsanba,t aq uDo TvNIt gNro7rng a41 a,t-oJoq pa{syyos aq ysnu ''oye 'buVdccspuo7 paalnbaa st11 jo ucylaXaiic 1sia4 laanis lo uorqoTyoi*k! atll sD ii"nt 'euovi'tpuoo lcatoac 7!v 'aco7C uz ?Daaa+our asDq -qns e Taoor u:,toj y aqa7duno 6ut4oo -Doua l?D aaqjo apow -1q6?r +oaals u1.tl?'Ln uaaq aiDq suot.icadsut asaLll 7?1tn | |paralo" cq 01 s? 4no$ oN :IV1INV N Iwl '5u74oap ao uoliD7nsuV ,too1{ io uc't7o71o4su? o1 ,rot-,t<l apnu aq oJ :friid'dfrime '6u74cap ao uc1?D1nsu7 ,too{ lo uo?+o1Ttt+eu? o1 ,to?ad aPow aq o,L : TvJrNVIiJsit 8 CNigilnld AOOTI\AOI'|q -7?J 01 ,totad apow |\|""ffiffi *-,Yr r ,lVJIIIVH)1I,I ZVNI,t 1ilIA;,inld 'lVlfit 'paaoaddo puo apDu uaoq. sot1 uotloadsu? s?U+ 7?1un pa?rac -uoc aq o1 s? >lacct oti 'paqaTdttoo aq $rul 'cqa 'slieuuttqc g Dutooaq 5utJooa i7y '7Deaua4caw p loo -tur+cale 'iurqan1d q9noa Jo Toaoaddota4lo paqsanbaa aq qstt41 :m,fiEi 'uo?1 -oadsu't iutuaal aaoJeq WD s7DanalDw buTocJ DuVotTd o? ,to?d<I :ajFfrEETi 'paoo,tddo WD apDu ."+aJouco iuVanod o4 .totad lnc 'pe7aana ato sw.tot wD PalDaDc8l:".!: 343lon+ !33J2apru aq oJ, :N)IJV1Nti2,t , cNLIooa 'Panaooc s? 4,to?t fiuo a,to.faq apDur aq oJ :|Vjifr'fijfu u 7 Lt r Enali-tv ril'tnd Svlsaxavn 'suao! 'uc?lDoDoia 'taq{o apdu aq oJ, :ti)Ll,)1dsNI aJIS aptw sqsanba,r 'frcp awDs a44 apDa aq ?Z?{.oot frpruu uq n?* non ,rri, pfr P, L 11V):JSA11EA NOTJ)AISNI UU san1ac1ud C parcaldo uo'Lr?a'y4 h.?Pi?ne, aqT 1c1!+ wD 'laan|s a41 uor! aql .lo fi1.t11qtsuoCsaa a4i 8L iI PiI.IJ 'A g9 t9'9Zt uo,Ls?o?O 0uVpTmg Zlrzd uobaao'p7a{6uV,zdg +aa.r+s q+9 4+,IoN 9zz n -*-q4 T?"rl$M 'fl'n'd 46noaq1 suoaloas aTgDoou,to salob'ap?aod.d --- aqeTdaoo uat7n, :AiNEi cq oq 'fitor-to L Ewtaod alaao W M -uoo lxD aot :trvtlflt|I\o I )t'lVllEOIS 'alaacuoc iuurnod oq aov,rd 4 nq palcaac anD sutzot ,:aqjy N)adv HJvoud,Iv I aanc ,mv 1er.o.t5 q17n pen* puo pa&nd 4tmq c7+das ai77 Alaodo.td p paddoc aae,ae fi.mituog s? uo?1D71D1su7 .nlJy 'dn paucaTc sastweid puo paaow aan+ -cu+s ao ala7Cwoc s? to?4?lot@p uaqa PUD palaTduco anD sua+? aacqD uaqjt - ZDU?g '9 LrA uaa+oag 'c'a'n q+?n aotmPnoocD u1 e?Dc?Tno ao qu|qnoab 'sunaq puoq'uo'rqocoT laals :|ifrdm 'buVd4 fiuc oq ,toVad qnq ' aooTd u? s?J7pnfrnp_J22_€3!! aPDu aq ctr :N)i,LJaasNI '.llvfitrUo Y 'palDaouoc o7 uo7-4o7nsu7 fiw atoJaq puo 'patTddo s7 DuVaaaoc 77rxt ,to paDcq wnsdfib '41D1 liun oac,Jaq qnq aoo'yd ut, aiD a,ral,nrDq aodoa paaTnba,t W uc?7ilnsu? 17D !a?.!! ??y?q_94a0 N1rJr'tol.tal :M,ti't{tsNr sJ ,fiqumN qo7 paqrra$'tsag liqt3 ancy .,6op EuV4aoa +cou aq+ apDw ?q 77?a t@ 66:7 aeqJo '-; 00:t aaolaq pax?aoaa sqeanbag '.tcEunu auoqC puo auDu s,lauo1 no s,r.c4oDn+uo3 'uoVlocdeu't ,.tct;oadeuV lo adfu 'ssolppo qot 'naqumu qot paqan9Vsap fiq73 anofi a+D+s (nap,rcoact) 69Lt-gZ 7D 4D ??!.5 DuVp7ing el7 uo u?anlact 77.s"a?1 7 'fr+aadoad bq+ to Tuoal aq4-?D pa?Doc1 6? ?'r_DpDaa s? 88asw uote 1D4? 'eunl aacoac aq+ 4D aPDa A.ID suotqcadsuT 1D ?Dq? aas o1 dapT -o :a+Do to dn ias c4 ,tcV"td lnq ,r I NA g d / N ('-r,trv 3 r'I ddv..lvlrN,olslu.. n 'Pe1a7 's4cap'6ui1at4s'ea4odcd brriptlnA f,aossacoy l:oyioaCsuV loola;oala duTlsanbaa aaoiaq ;ercaddo ai +sr"tt suo?lcauuoc 6u7qum7d puo in-7as 'bu'L4ooTg - uo?loauugo XDca,7+calg na4Da ?uo aaotzs -- guo?laauuoo 6u7qum74 dn-Pg pto buT4ooXg duoo am 'o7a delly - 7ra7g sawoll a adnsUTE3r.'1 .)I .{ I ra ,TuEqcaL{ uT qunT d TeJauaS S ol 'ucy7ooV7ddy lo a7vnaniDA 1 )Laoil aqanosal * aaN ull Ta?ouaa uc?1?Wy auoqd 11 ssanPpv :aauno :uo1s1a?Pqns ooLhoftbr EzrLI il ?ql y)i,g d--1,1 saoosassy 7 *r? 'TZ*[" L 95 :ucaltadl qor v iaaca - CTTSH9NIHdS ;e R EQ.- /Cor.st)l,one: dJOB NO.2 SOLAR ACCESS L-CO Be.Crooms ?irt'r'.r'Z;","o% -- # of Stories I ro,-al ttei.ght ru Topography 2-* LCT TYPE Lot Faces -Sout'c !leat * tntericr P.L House Aceesa ct Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac Fire L()ee toUe t -- Fees -- ITEI,I SQ. FTG x Building Volue & Permit This permib i-s lTranted on the etpres$ co^nd"ttion tlnL the said'constt'uction slwll, in all t'especLs, eonfctm'Lo tl..e. Crdina/tae adopte'iL by the Ci'ty of Springfield, includitt11 tt,L 2on;n11 Crtltna.tn.c' ra"TuLr:Ltttil Lhe acnstntcttcn and use of buikttrws, ";;,;';;;'L;''i-"p"n'lnJ or r'cuokec at ct.y Line upon uic- lation o7 ony ptt'cotsions of said Ordirutnces' TOTAL VALUE P vc aab.U,L 1.5 r Building Permit ae fee Date Pa*l Reeeipt #: Total Clnrgee =C Signed: ITEM N0.T LL CIIARGE Plumbing Permit No person slnll construet, instaL!,- altet ot' elnnge.cny net.cr e*isting iiriit'lrrg-o, iroirogn "iotl" l.'" it'"ie or in patt, inless such person is the legal possessot'of " rZ"tii p\,^Lio'i t+"nn"Z' eicept that a p'erson nag do plunbtng uotk to p"opnlti-,int.ii- ;." o,,rrnd, Leased o'r ope,ated by the appli- cant, Fistw'es Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer 4> arE2 ,* Platnbing Pernit State Tctal CHARGENOCEDI'IEI,l =2-9?fta.1?24Res. So. Neu/Eeterd Circuits ./5""fenpcrarA Serttiee 72-Sz 3Z?-* 4-rP ITNM .BState J+ Mechonicql Permit a4,- CIIARCE I'lcodstooe Vent Fcn Esharct HooC Perrtt fsauafiez Meclnnical Pefirtt aa a> -. ENCROACHMENT -- Sec,u,ity Deposit Stordge Maintenance Permit D^ae - Cltrbcut 2v,24sidanalk 58 Fenee Electrical Ia.bel Mobile llone I HAVE CAREFULL| EXAMINED 5fi2 ssnpleted application fo-r pennit, and do h":;;L; "irhfy-ln"i ott- l."foiatibn hereoi is t,ue att'd eorrect' amc r i;rib-;;;;i?a tiat ons ord aLL uo.t'k pe-r'!-otmed stnll be dote in aceor- dancie-d.th th"e" 1tdinancL"'of ilrn Cita of bpri.ngfield, .and the Lc;s of tha il.-tZ Zf- 6"L'g""- pi"iliing io the aoik Cesbribcd herein' cnd tlnt N0 1ccu- P/,NCy tlil| be nade o7 oia" "trro'iut'e uithout permission of the suildi'ne !,- oision. I fut,ther c-erti-fy that only con.tractot]s al;d enplcyees dho oxe Ln Liplior"n'ritt, cns 701.-05s uiLL be'ueed on this proiect ,l4Z Date//2f,.72.IOTAL AMOUIIT DUE:I Total &4 elz Tate - Electricql Permit Wetle State Lan requi"es tt",at the electli.cal uork be done bg.an Electt,ical Cintno"tor, the elictriiol iintio" of thts _permit shnll not be uali.C unttl the Label -hns been signed by the Electrical Contractor' State Total / - 7- 7 A _