HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2002-03-07SF ,FIELO D EV ELO P M ENT S ERVIC ES D E PARTMENT Certified Letter March 7,2002 Michael A Goodwin 457 South 43d Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Subject: Substandard building located at 457 South 43'd Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. Goodwin: The structure located at the above address, more particularly described as Lane County Assessor,s Map l7OZ3234,TaxLot Number 004200, is an unsafe and substandard building as described in the Springfreld Building Safety Codes Administrative Code' Lane County.q.ssessmlnt and Ta:<ation records indicate you are the owner of this property' Section 203 of the Administrative Code describes buildings, which are substandard or unsafe as those, which are structurally inadequate, have inadequate egress, or which constitute a potential fire hazard or are otherwise dangerous to human life. The following items include, but are not limited to, conditions existing aithe structure classifying it as a substandard building: 1 lnadequate sanitation. Each dwelling shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtpb or shower. Although these fixtures are assumed to be installed in the dwelling, the lack of water service prodor"r inadequate and unsanitary plumbing facilities. 2. No electrical service provided to the property. Where there is electric power available within 300 feet of the building, such building shall be connected to electrical power supply. 3. Broken windows allow for weather infiltration. Every dwelling shall be weather protected so as to provide shelter for the occupants against the elements and to exclude dampness. 4. Dilapidation or improper maintenance has resulted in the collapse of the carport structure. 5. Defective or lack of Weather protection for exterior wall coverings or weathering due to lack of paint or other approved protective coatings. Section 202 of the Springfield Housing Code requires that structures classifred as substandard must either be repaired or demolished. THEREFORE, THIS IS YOUR NOTICE THAT YOU MUST SECI'RE PERMITS TO EITHER REBTIILD/REPAIR THE STRUCTIIRE WHERE IT IS DEFICIENT OR DEMOLISHED IT. Qfi,225 FIFTH SIFEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ge11 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 www. ci. s p ri ngf i eld. o r. u s o a a Certifred Letter Michael A Goodwin 457 South 43'd Street March 7,20A2 Page2 Section 104 of the Springfield Building Codes Administrative Code requires that the repairs must comply with the provisions of the Structural, Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical Specialty Codes. If the building is to be rebuilt or repaired, permits must be purchased and work must commence within 30 days from the date of service of this notice and order. If the building is to be demolished, demolition work must commence within 30 days, and must be completed within 60 days from the date of this notice and order. Completion means that the structure and the properly must be inspected and approved by the appropriate representatives of the Community Services Division. The sewer must be capped at the properly line or the septic tank must be pumped and filled by a person holding a sewage disposal service license as provided fir in Chapter 340, Division 7 of the Oregon Administrative Rules. If you do not seek corrective action within the time frame outlined above, the City may seek compliance with the Building Safety Codes through legal recourse, which may include Municipal Court Proceedings or the City may proceed to eliminate the hazard and charge the costs thereof against the property or its owners. Any person having any record title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this notice . and order to the Building Board of Appeals, provided that the appeal is made in writing and filed with the City Building Official within 30 days from the date of service of this notice and order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all rights to an administrative hearing and determination in this manner. If you need any further information or have any questions regarding the above requirements, please contact me between the hours of 8:00-9:00 a.m. or 4:00-4:30 p.m. at726-4652. Sincerely, Bob Barnhart Building lnspector Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Joe Leahy, City Attorney cc: AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON) ) ss. County oflane ) I, Lisa Hopper, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: l. I state that I am the Building Safety Supewisor in the Community Services Division, Development Services Department, City of Springheld, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as Building Safety Supervisor, I prepared and mailed a copy of the original Certified Letter by certified mail and by regular mail which are attached to Leslie Goodwin, 1894 Avocado Court, Henderson, NV 89014 and to Jeremy Goodwin, PO Box 592,Barcow,l^K99723 delivering said letters at the U.S. Post Office with postage fully prepaid STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane On April 5,2002, Lisa Hopper personally appeared before me, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be her voluntary act. Before me: Notary'riblic for ore$fl My Commission Expires:r h"^u Ow,rv -< beK-Bob Barnhart sEND-ffi: -1 - tr Complete ilems 1 and/or 2 lor additional seruices. Complete items 3,4a, and 4b. E Pdnt your name and address on the reverse ol lhis form so thal vue can return this card to you. o Attach this ,orm to lhe front of the mailoece, or on the back it sgac€ does nol awile 'Retum Beceipt Requested'on the mailpiece below lh€ aillde number. o The Retum Receipt will show to whom the articlo was delivered and lhe dale delivered. 1 . tsFAddressee's Address 2. D Restricted Delivery 4a. Article Number z LAL 642 674 4b. Service Type fl Registered )CE Certified E Express Mail E lnsured E Return Receipt lor Merchandise E COD 7. Date of Delivery 8. Addressee's lee is paid) requested and ing to receive the follow- rs (for an extra fee): Article Addressed to: Jenanlz Goodtuin PO Bo>( 592 Bam^r, AK 99723 457 Souttr 43rd Street 6eu-{ o,,r or Agent) e 5. 6. PS Form , December 1994 1 02595-99-B-0223 rn Receipt .r?.rl.- Uureo Sreres Posr(-RVICE ililil -irst-Class Mail ostage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 o Print your name, address, and ZIP Code in this box r City of Sprj:rgfield Ccnmr:nity Senrices Division Buildinq Safety Bob Barnhart 225 FLtth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 '?d??+{t'? i ll'1,,1,.,1,1,,11,,'11,,,1,1.,1,11,,1,,,1,,'lll,l,,l,l,,ll,,,t ( (\.(,p o o an o o oE o Bob Bar-nh,art SEN tr Complote ilems 1 and/or 2 tor additional seruices. Complete items 3, 4a, and 4b. tr Prinl your name and address on lhe reverse o, this lorm so thal we can retum this card to you. El Attach this form lo lhe front of the mailpiece, or on the back i, spacs does not p€rmit. Ewile 'B€tum Receipt Requested'on lhe mailpiece b€low the artide number. EI The Betum Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. 3. Article Addressed to: Ieslie Goodtrin 1894 Arzocado Court Herderson, lW 89014 I also wish to receive the ing services (for an extra ''l EI Addressee's Address 2. n Restricted Delivery 4a. Article Number z L4]- 642 673 4b. E Registered :GtCertified E Express Mail E lnsured fl Return Receipl for Merchandise E COD (Onty requested fee is paid) 457 South 43rd Street or o PS Form , December 1994 1025e5-99-B-0223 Domestic Return Receipt u(Srnres Posru SERvrce ( First-Class Mail o Print your name,P City of Springfield Ccnrnunity Senzices Division Building Safety Bob Barhhart 225 Eifth StreetSprilgfield, Oregon 97477 ll, 1,,1,,,L1,, ll,,,ll,,'1,1,,1,11,,1,,,1,,, lll,l,,l,l,,ll,,,l ilt D, I 2 3 4 5 6 7 RPR-43-2402 13144 EUERGREEN LFND TITLE 547 ?41 A6L9 P.AL/A? ( )_..( 5bg7 j:"',,1i", Hffi ',t/l;/ | Lo 25 1?t'.\ ltll l F 0,i IN TI{E CIRCUItr COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR IJNiIE COUNTY E No AFFIDAVIT OF CT,AIMING SUCCESSOR OF SMAI.,L ESTA'TE (INTESTATE trSTATE) 9 10 r1 t2 l3 14 15 l6 t7 STATE O s3. CounEy of \rir K I, LESLIE GOODWIN, being first duly sworn/ say: I am the af,fiaat/claiming EucceEBor' as defined in ORS tL4.5O5(1), to a portion of ihe deceden!'s estabe' I am hereinafter referred to as 'raf fiant". This aff idavit is hereinafter referred to as ,,aff idavit,, . This af f idavit ie made pursuant to ORS 114'505-114'550' l-. The decedent: (a) (b) (c) f ollowirrg inf ormation is given wj-rh regard Eo Ehe }TTCHAEI, A. GOODWIN 44 years Domicile;97418 (d)Fost Of f iee Add'ress t 457 S' 43rd SEreet' Sprj,ngf le1d, Lrane County, OR 97 47 A BHYCE R. JESSEN, OSE /74.184 ATTOHNEY AT LAW 760 Nonh 14rh Slrost Sprlngfiold, OB 97*77 (5411 744.r431 F"-. Iq41l 1L4"14)A Name: Age : 451 6. 43rd StreeE, Springfield, Lano CountsY, OR Page 1 - AFFIDAVIT OF CLAIMING SUCCESSOR OF SI.J!AI-,I.I ESTATE (INTESTATE ESTATE) Pl{ I+r I ' -'i I ;,r^ 'r"rr'-.:-'L\l-,-;Jtt I y ! In the MaEter of t'he Estate of MICEAEL A. GOODWIN, Deceaged. a. ) ) ) ) ) ) (z +,*- ffifpA, l8 19 20 21 27 23 24 25 26 __-v-* FPR-43-2S42 13:40 54L 74L A6t9 P.g2/97 (e) soeial Security No.; 541-70-6890 2. The decedent died on ilune ].2, 2000, dt McKenzie-hlillanette Hoepltal, Springfield, oR; a certified copy of the decedent's death certificate 1s att,ached and marked ae EI.#IIBIT 1- 3. The decedenE's property subject to adminietration in Oregon consists of Ehe followirrq: (a) Real property and walue thereof: Decedent ownecl real property located. in Iraae County, Oregon, commonly described as 457 South 43rd SEreeEr SBriagfie1d, OR 97478, and more specifically described as: See attached EXHIBIT 2 S.neorporated herein by thiE reference. The decedent' s intereet is val-ued at : S25, 000 ,00 TOTAL = -$.2E+-Q-Q.-0 .-a-Q. 4. No applicat.ion or petition for the appoinEmenE of a personal representative has been grant.ed in Oregon" 5. The decedent died intsest,ate. Af f iant is Ehe surviwing daught,er of decedent,. JEREMY GOODWfN is the remaining chil-d of decedent. Decedent was divorced. PursuanE to ORS 112.0451 (1), Af f lant is entitled to one-half. (L/2) of Decederrt' s inteeEate est,ate. iIEREtfy eOODwfN is entitled to t,hc remaining one-ha1f 1/2) of decedent,'s irrtestate estate - //// Page 2 - AFFIDAVIT OF CITAIMING SUCCESSOR OF SMALIJ ESTATE (TNTESTATE ESTATE) lnc\todd. mlism-cs(. rrl) BRYCE R. JES$EN, osB 17+158 ATTOhNEY AT LAW 78O Nonh 1 4rh Street Sprlngliuld, OR 9?477 (E411 7q4.1431 Eat, lGl,ll 1nn.-ltrA 19 EUERGREEN LHND TITLE I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 It t? 13 14 l5 l6 t7 r8 l9 ZO zt 7) 23 24 ,{ 26 trPR-83-2482 L3t4L EUERGREEN LtrND TITLE 54t 741, E6L9 P.A3/E? ERYCE F, JES$EN, OSB #74-1fiE 4TTOHNEY AT LAW 7€O North 14th Stroot Springfield, oR 974?7 t541) 744'1431 FcE: (E41) 744-142S (-'( DecedenE' B afflant are; Name Lee1ie Goodwin Pagre 3 - AFFIDAVIT OF CIJAIMING SUCCESSOR OF S},4ALL ESTATE (TNTESTATE ESTATE) (nc\qood-m\i-grn<(,r[I) 6. heirs and Ehe heirs' last addrese known to the B--e1_at.ipnshir) daughter Addf,epp 1894 Avocado Ct Ilendereoa, Nl/ 890L4 ,trereny Goodwj.n Eon P ' O. Eox 592 Berrew, AI( 99723 A copy of this affidawit showing the date of filing, will be deliwered or mailed t,o the heirs at their lasE-known addreee. '7. The irrterest in the decedent's property described in this affidavit to which eaeh heir is entitled, iB: Narqe Leelie Goodwtn InEe_r_es! ,fereny Goodwin Oae-IIaIf (L/2) of the regt, reEidue and remainder one-Ilalf fl/21 of the reEE, reEidue and remairrder 8. Reasonable efforts have been made to ascertain each creditor of the esta.te. The expenses of and claime against the esEaEe renraining unpaid or on account of which the affiarrt or any ot-her per6on is entitled to reimbursement from the esEate, including any known or estimated amount thereof, and the name and address of each cred|tor, aE knowrt to the affiant are: Bryce R, rleesen, Abtorney at Law, approximatelyr S500,00. A copy of the affidavit ehowing the date of filing wiI] be deliwered to each creditor who has not been paid in full- or mailed 1t f,PR-83-2842 t3t4t EUERGREEN LRND TITLE 541, ?41 A6t9 P.g4/97 Ehat the affiant (-) a peti tion f'or 6HYCE R. JESSEN, OsB r74-158 ATTORNEY At LAW 760 Norrh lrlth Stroot $prinqfleld. Ofl e7177 (s{11 744-1431 ( Eo t.he creditor at the LasE-known addrees. 9. The name arrd address of each person known to the affiant Eo aseert a claim against the estaEe which the affiant disputee and the Last-knot+rn or estimated amount thereof : Noae. A copy of thie af f idavit ohowing the dat.e of f iling wil-1 be delivered to each of Ehe abowe or mailed Eo each person at his or her IasE -known address. I0' A copy of this affidavit showing the date of filing has been mailed or detivered to: DEPARIT{E}IT OF HIrMA}I SERVICES c/o Senior and Dieabled ServiceE Diwislon EEtat'e Adminietralion Unit P. O. Box 1a1021 9a1en, oregon 97310 by depositing the copy of this affidavit in the United States PostaI Service in a sealed envelope, with postage prepaid' t-l. CIaims against the estate not lieted herej-n, ot in amourl[s largrer ESan those listed herein, ilEy be barrecl unless (a) a claim is presenred to the affiant within four months of the filing of this af f idavit at the addres-s set. forth. in this Paragraph or (h') a personal rePresentative of the estate is appointed within the timo allowed under ORS 114,555. Address r c/o Bryce R. ,reggelx, Atcorney at IJaw, 750 N. 14th StreeE, Springfield, oR 97477 ' L2. If there is listed one or more claims disputes, any such claim may be barred unlese - AFFIDAVIT OF CI,AIMtrNG SUCCESSOR OF SMALL ESTATE (IIiJTESTATE ESTATE) (fl c\good,nr\i.lnct, aff) Page +1f I FPR-43-2402 13.4r EUERGREEN LFND TITLE The address for Ehe Purposea af f ianE is: c/o BrYce R' \Te€aen, StreeE, Sprlngfield, oR 91477, 14. either sirrgular or plural aE the context requires, reference to the exhibiE is made. SUBSCRIBED AIID SWORN Lo 2002. AFFIANT/CI,AIMINO $Uqg-EESQB: . [.cslic 6oodwin | 89rt Avocado Ct Hcndar$on, I.I\r ECII4 (7o2) 431-6328 .qrroRNFy F9R AFFIANT/eLAIMING SUeCEss9B: Bryca R. Jtt".6, Q$! ?4158 Attorney Bt L[w 7150 N, l{th Succt Springfield, OR 97477 Telcphonc: (541) 7+4-1431 Far: (541) 744-1429 Ctlrg. Bor 077 Page 5 - AFFIDAVIT OF CIJAII,IING SUCCESSOR OF S}IALL ESTATE (TNTESTATE ESTATE) /f\c\pnnd,m\ i"rm.cst.a?l'l 541- ?4L 8,679 p.gJt@? ( summary determinaEion is filed within four months of the filing of this affidavit; or (b) a personal representatiwe of the estate is appointed within Ehe time allowed under oRs ]-L4 - 555. r3. of presenE.ing a Attorney aE Law claim Bo Ehe 7 60 N. l.lth Any noun ey verb used in this affidavit sha1I be--consE, a'r$ - L5 EXIIIBIT 1 and EXHIBIT 2 attached hereto are each hereby made- a part. hereof as t,hough f ulIy set f orth aL the place where E ore ffie this 4 day of February, {ir e Not ary Seal; ERYCE R. JESSEN, OSB #74.1 58 ATTONNEY AT LAW 760 North 14th Srroo( Springfiold, Ofl 97477 (6411 744-I631 Foxr (54I) 744-14?9 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEVADA Cr:unty ol Cla,4< DAVID J. ENGL,UND Juns 3U f,PR-B3-2002 t3t.4t l- 299547 l.D.TAGt{O. 1326'Lcd Fu€ NurtrEt BEGISTERED ATTHE OFF'CE OF EUERGREEN LHND TITLE CENTER FOH HEALTH STATISflCS CEHflFleATE OF DEATH trEElUL E3r+rirr trEHru4sqqn DE^ 541 ?41 4519 P.g6/47 Blaro Fllc NumFer flEilt aat Y.tlr, June t2p 2oo0 k,Yil4 OdE rl-vr#,#t) - OREGON DEPAFTTMENT:OF HUMAN SERVICESI HEAITI{ utvrgror.t -|Ilo {lP XUBBEE 457 South 43rd Stroet t0. 2000 tp$/ rd drlcrEhig D (Ldrd Elrh ".,Eugene, Oragon r.loutY. 'fimiraf Flrne 97477 {dSrl (lEnh,.Yt,ltu) 0012 Hr. M 1-, 2_--.--.-.-- ,t- 5--.-..----..:- 6_ 7 E- '$.' 10--'- l2 t3_ 14 oonlotllollli IF ANV trVHlCH 9AVE RIFE To TMMEOT^fE GIUSE STTTITiIG THE ''.IPCnLV|AG Lll/tsE Lr57 L___-_> l5_ 16_ l7- t7 T,I.Hilff,1"**^n D- COQXTY I -ne l, IItJr Ave. 7 nel OR 97401 ln d.Jilh mel !s Iiq O l{/a auto whil6 crosAlng street ch&tr, ftdar q Fud Fqi, ltntrr. grry ". 7*r,Erkl ot ar4 r,nrck Dy mln hls vhsel arr.l.4.tg{ lE,(r! {Jy{ anrr H;{i qfreAt, Sorinqfiofd {)li^:!*! JUN I s ilnT not vaLto IFIGATION OF VITAL RECOR FIale Eb. UE qlOa, 44 Elrf$.,6c .6E.tr.((yantt lh..DQr tq4 tahr oflLc Tlq{ofDFlIll&- Itrreet Care 1t, Dtrlr1136ed ts. I,ilE lll+ SBrlngflerd 97478 1lI, Rtu.-rli) of ot Ai{D l{cKenzie WiuaIlette llospital 1460 6 Str€et (n,Fl lrt/tldqr Fr- o,,t A.GOODTIIN flarnrt dnbrg Michaal 3et^t 541-70-8890 la. It€forestaticn l3r, Oregon lVhlte 17, F^THES.HAltE lhil Itgnas A. tiddt Oarru dDrmur D Oufilum Oo$r, yEIHOO 2l !. J- {i FOF fiEne g, NAME. TITLE, ^ODREEqL. Sanuel Vtckere 35, I'AME OF ATTENOIXq FHYSICIAN IF E7. TIHE OF DE{TH TO Yeail 2S. fo lho du, lD ol }' {6'b'tt*t ot cfltC\ .,t, C./nl,6 d Ac'rlilt@, Ail4. 17, O la. firu OAd"by Eunfr* rtr. oerEor $lunV(E6,qr,t@ 06/D./Oo H 4rh. tltrE r I]UURY Unx {1c, IiUURY AT WOnk? tto OUE{ C-|dUaAr b d4qlt rYrlbr4Etruhqdrrg ln llntaa/|ft\g $d.6y160 4ufl PA9lThCYtnuulscleroalEttpleandaxterlosclesotieho tal on r8 3+. IMI{EOIATE CAUEE rEd/Efl OiILY O,VE GIUSS PAHT El Pldl.E lor6&irlbn trtlrrda*nhA lierlra trt{dhirrE rttcfi E. xrb.ral )EJre4ril O s{ffi tr tlqnld(r al., PUCE O?lluLlfrl.^tEe$ rt6.luliirl lgtr,l5i,.Ur{. tEn . oalbStrs€t (AtriE UF ilf ,lrrr OATE fHt€ @FY --;:.:.q;.;,.1,.; 11 11 Y!!1 llragry rrtrE selr rilo ai,.,.,,,,,,,. ji.,.,;;;,i,,,ai;ii. 11 Ll )7 oB I I 't, l.', i. l DECEOENT PA Ii LTTTS t,ii url !'i I Itrl I l ',i:-ltt"':i f'il..rf FPR-43-2AO? 13t42 t.tl PIFCIA tr EUERGREEN LtrND TITLE Enorrr:il DESC?tlaIoN t7 -0 541 ?41 8519 P.@?/87 t c-:.; I t! '., ! . b4 q{4f**k' ft\"P N# n 1'?869 0 L"4, ^: r 'o42oa ,rt EXHIB Page TOTRL P.A? :., .. o4/03/oZ WED 14:40 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD @ oo1 ********************* *s* RX REPORT *** ***:1c*** *8***:l{ :&** ***** RECEPTION OK TXIRX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST. TIME TISAGE T PGS. RESULT 827 5 541 741 0619 04/03 14:36 03'12 7 OK Custom Tag for creating a date e variable Page 1 of5 LANE COUNTY REGIONAL LAND INFORMATION DATABASE Site Address: 457 S 43RD ST Map & Tax Lot #:17-02-32-34-04200 Special lnterest Code: A&TAccount#:0128650 . r=-' ATax MaP '; X-Coord: 1353431 $lte Addre** lruforn'rati*m House Suffix Predir 457 S Mailing City SPRINGFIELD Create Date: 1986-09-25 Land U** Land Use Code and Description: Use Code and Description Zoning Street Name PostDir. Street Type Unit Type Unit 43RD 'ST State Zip Code Zip+4 Carrier Route oR 97478 5920 C020 Update Date: Land use information has ncl been field verifted. Code: Description: 1111 SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING S SINGLE FAMILY Flease v*rifv zoriirlg i*formation with local jririsdiction. Lane Caunty overlayzanes aie nol currently shovrn in RLI*. Code: Description: SPR SPRINGFIELD LD LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Zoning Jurisdiction: Parent Zone 1'. Soundary 8a'*fonrnation General lncorporated City Limits: Urban Growth Boundary: Fire Protection Providers: Plan Designation: 2000 Census Tract: 2000 Block Group: Year Annexed: Annexation #: 1 995 Transportation Analysis Zone: Approximate Acreage: Approximate Square Footage: Environmental Findings Metro Greenway: Metro Flood Hazards: Metro Wetlands: L 1994 1 1960 167 .22 9,584 SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD LOW .DENSITY RESIDENTIAL View Tax Map Convefi to PDF DoCument $ite Address $t*te Plane Csordinates Y-Coord: 875318 I SPR SPR .../Main_report_rlidstar.cfm?taxlot id:I3473&site address_id:l41071&prop id:101 1238&Re4l1l20O2 Custom Tag for creating a datr. e variable Page 2 of5 FEMA Flood Hazard Zones FIRM Map Number: 41039C1162 F Code: x Soils Soil Map Unit Number: 56 Schools District: Elementary School Middle School: High School: Service Districts LTD Service Area: LTD Ride Source: SoilType Description: HOLCOMB SILTY CLAY LOAM Code: 19 282 313 6il YES YES EC Provider: Name: SPRINGFIELD MT. VERNON AGNES STEWART SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD DEPT OF FIRE & LIFE SAFETY Country UNITED STATES Country UNITED STATES Note: Somq parceis may extend onlo ad1acenl FIRful rnaps. Regi$tration between parcel bounCaries and flaod hazard zona$ ig apprcxiffiate. Consuli FlRlr4 maps or appropriate authority. Community Number: Posted Date: Printed Date: 4',15592 1985-09-27 Y Description: Areas determined to be outside of 500'year flood. Percentage of Tax Lot: 100 Ambulance District:Area: EAST/CENTRAL Emerald People's Utility District: Political Districts Districts Jrlay nst include recsnt annexation$. Election Precinct: 102504 County Commissioner District: 2 SPRINGFIELD County Commissioner: BILL DVVYER State Representative District: 12 State Representative Name: City CouncilWard: SPs City Councilor Name: FRED SIMMONS EWEB Commissioner District: Lane County As$e$$or'$ Otfice I Account Ntrmber: 0128S50 I ltfiap & Tax Lot: t7-S?-32-34-0420S Property Owner Ownerl Name: GOODWIN MICHAEL A Owner Address: 457 S 43RD ST City State SPRINGFIELD OREGON Taxpayer Taxpayer Name: GOODWIN MICHAEL A Taxpayer Address: 457 S 43RD ST City State SPRINGFIELD OREGON Remarks: Converted Record Zip Code 97478 Zip Code 97478 . ../Main_report_rlidstar. cfm?taxlot i d=1347 3 &site_address id:1 4 1 07 1 &prop id: 1 0 1 1 23 8&R 4ll12002 Custom Tag for creating a date .e variable Fropenty Legal ffi*scrlption Not Available Property Value and Taxes Land Value Real Market 2001 31,050 2000 30,40 1999 28,720 1998 26,840 1997 24,850 1996 20,370 1995 13,730 0 Exemption Amount Regular (EAR) Tax Year 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 199s Description: Page 3 of5 TotalValue Real Market Assessed 87,750 52,968 86,580 51,425 81,680 49,927 79,280 48,473 79,470 47,061 75,540 75,540 52,290 52,290 0 Frozen Assessed Value (FZNPU) Tax (See Explanation of Tax) . 836.98 816.76 825.69 802.68 895.61 1,287.58 1,028.69 lmprovement Value Real Market 56,700 56,140 52,960 52,40 54,620 55,170 38,560 52,968 Taxable Value Explanation of Tax The tax shown is the amount of tax which currently exists with Lane County's Department of Assessment and Taxation. lt is possible there is a pending value change on this account. To determine this, please refer to the Account Status indicators to see if Pending Value change is selected. lf a value change has already been processed for this account and year in question, the tax currently showing may not match what was certified for that particular year. Account Status O Active for the 2001 Tax Year (^ New Account Scheduled to be' Active for the 2002TaxYear 6, Locally Assessed C Pending Seg/Merge c Pending Value Change C Delinquency C Delayed Foreclosure C Bankruptcy C Code Split lndicator Land Characteristics Code: .../Main_report_rlidstar.cfm?taxlot id:13473&site_address id=141071&prop_id=1011238&R 41112002 Custom Tag for creating a datt re variable Page 4 of 5 General lnformation Property Class: 101 Statistical Class: 'l2O CLASS 2 SINGLE FAMILY HOME Neighborhood Code: 41130 Property Use Type: AccountType: RP Category: LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS Mortgage Company Name: TotalAcreage for this Account: .22 Fire Acres: 2001 Tax Code Area (Levy Code): 01900 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LANE COUNTY LANE EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT METRO WASTEWATER SERVICE DIST SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 WILLAMALANE PARK & REC DISTRICT V!er{ laxr_ng listri_c-!,lnformatrodrom Lane -Coun$ D-epa(ment qf Ass-essxnent and faxatton',qsile. Sales lnformation Sales Date: Sales Price:Grantor:Grantee:lnstrument #:Analysis Code: 10-21-1999 09-28-1999 08-l 1 -1999 Manufactured Structures Building 1 Characteristics Property lD: 0128650 Occupancy: SINGLE FAMILY Building 21 srAT 110 oR 1zo I ype: Class: 2 Year Built: 1952 Depreciation: 29 Elopr Basement: First: Second: Attic: TOTAL GOODWIN MICHAEL A AFFIANT GOODWIN GLENN T MANNING GLENDA GOODWIN MICHAEL A GOODWIN MICHAEL A GOODWIN IMOGENE EST OF 26-01/99089026 J 99-0086806 6 25-98/99086838 2 Map & Tax Lot: Roofstyle: Roof Cover: Heating: Exterior Wall: Percent lmprov. Complete: Finished Area 17-02-32-34-04200 GABLE COMP SHINGLE MEDIUM BASEBOARD WOOD BOARD & BATTEN 100 Bedrooms: 3 Full Baths: I Half Baths: Fireplaces: NO parki4g AreaBasq_Area Bsmt Gar sqft: 1165 1165 Att Gar sqft: Att Port sqft: Det Gar sqft: Driveway Sqft: 1'165 1165 Paved Patio Sqft: Seerehlellllq lNel Eropdy Seerctr lApplications Menu 450 330 306 ./Main_report_rlidstar.cfm?taxlot id=13473&site_address id:l41071&prop id:l011238&R 41112002 Custom Tag for creating a datr re variable Page 5 of5 .../Main_report_rlidstar.cfm?taxlot id=13473&site_address id=141071&prop_id:1011238&R 41112002 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON) )*. County oflane ) I, Lisa Hopper, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: l. I state that I am the Building Safety Supervisor in the Community Services Division, Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as Building Safety Supervisor, I prepared and mailed the original Certified Letter and a copy of the original certified letter which are attached to Michael A Goodwin, 457 South 43'd Street, Springfield, Oregon 97478 by delivering said letters at the U.S. Post Ofhce with postage fully prepaid thereon. STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane On March 7 ,2002, Lisa Hopper personally appeared before me, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be her voluntary act. Before me: Public for My Commission Expires / C,ITY OF SPRINGFIELD,OREGON SF .FIELI) D EV E LO P IVI E NT S ERVIC ES D E PARTM ENT Certified Letter March 7,2002 Michael A Goodwin 457 South 43'd Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Subject: Substandard building located at 457 South 43'd Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. Goodwin: The structure located at the above address, more particularly described as Lane County Assessor's Map 17023234,Tax Lot Number 004200, is an unsafe and substandard building as described in the Springfield Building Safety Codes Administrative Code. Lane County Assessment and Taxation records indicate you are the owner of this property. Section 203 of the Administrative Code describes buildings, which are substandard or unsafe as those, which are structurally inadequate, have inadequate egress, or which constitute a potential f*ehazardor are otherwise dangerous to human life. The following items include, but are not limited to, conditions existing at the structure classifying it as a substandard building: 1. lnadequate sanitation. Each dwelling shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub or shower. Although these fixtures are assumed to be installed in the dwelling, the lack of water service produces inadequate and unsanitary plumbing facilities. Z. No electrical service provided to the property. Where there is electric power available within 300 feet of the building, such building shall be connected to electrical power supply. 3. Broken windows allow for weather infiltration. Every dwelling shall be weather protected so as to provide shelter for the occupants against the elements and to exclude dampness. 4. Dilapidation or improper maintenance has resulted in the collapse of the carport structure 5. Defective or lack of weather protection for exterior wall coverings or weathering due to lack of paint or other approved protective coatings. Section 202 of the Springfield Housing Code requires that structures classified as substandard must either be repaired or demolished. THEREFORE, THIS IS YOUR NOTICE THAT YOU MUST SECURE PERMITS TO EITHER REBUILD/REPAIR THE STRUCTTIRE WHERE IT IS DEFICIENT OR DEMOLISHED IT. h,225 FIFTH SIFEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541 ) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 vvww. ci. s p rr n gf i e ld. o r. u s Certified Letter Michael A Goodwin 457 South 43'd Street March 7,2002 Page2 Section 104 of the Springfield Building Codes Administrative Code requires that the repairs must comply with the provisions of the Structural, Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical Specialty Codes. If the building is to be rebuilt or repaired, permits must be purchased and work must commence within 30 days from the date of service of this notice and order. If the building is to be demolished, demolition work must commence within 30 days, and must be completed within 60 days from the date of this notice and order. Completion means that the structure and the property must be inspected and approved by the appropriate representatives of the Community Services Division. The sewer must be capped at the property line or the septic tank must be pumped and frlled by a person holding a sewage disposal service license as provided fir in Chapter 340, Division 7 of the Oregon Administrative Rules. If you do not seek corrective action within the time frame outlined above, the City may seek compliance with the Building Safety Codes through legal recourse, which may include Municipal Court Proceedings or the City may proceed to eliminate the hazard and charge the costs thereof against the property or its owners. Any person having any record title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this notice and order to the Building Board of Appeals, provided that the appeal is made in writing and filed with the City Building Official within 30 days from the date of service of this notice and order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all rights to an administrative hearing and determination in this manner. If you need any further information or have any questions regarding the above requirements, please contact me between the hours of 8:00-9:00 a.m. or 4:00-4:30 p.m. at726-4652. Sincerely, Bob Bamhart Building Inspector cc Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Joe Leahy, City Attorney I