HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fire Damage Report 1988-01-20FlRE DAT4A.GE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD - # rf eo/? o-86DATE: _- TO: FRCM: SUBJECT: Buiiding DePartnent Springfi eld Fire DePartnent Structural Damage to Bu'i1di ng qqo,Yaq Address or location of bujlding 1/3 4 q 4 b3 Name of ov,ner Type of bui'lding (Dwe 11ing, Sto re, I^Jarehouse,etc. )Ar) L. L- Estimated val ue of bui 1 di ng Est'imated I oss to bu'i1d'ing /o o Date of fire Locarion or damage 'in buil d'ing /.1., /. zt Exteri or 'I nteri or 'etc. ) ( RCO Structural weakness as a result of the fire //f, Wail, ?J //o t n z L-i f)/ fters,aEams, Joists'alc'l (tsurned ra € d rl ( I F Addi ti onal Der+'i nent 'i nf or-'na t":on E'lectri cai l'lazard f c /- 0utl ets ,etc. ) Siqned i /,rft ^''ia //y /o t (I"lirino, 57/ /a/ - /'9-a ,a/t I /- f t tra 8. Addressee's Address Yif requested and fee t t 4-Articlo NumberPa>a q& ?)6 Type of Service: ! Registered Eldsrtified E Express Mail fl lnsuredn coo \ J.\ evwoa wst-.r CD-l8S- N L{}^"t Sf . [:^aQ,rld.9 3. Article Addressed to: T S 4-lv "g Always obtain signature of addressee or asent and EE-Q.ELIVEEE9' x Date of7 n PS Form 1987 r U.S.G.P.O. 1987-17&268 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT and 4. Put your card from rsturned to to whom Complete itams 1 and 2 when in the "RETURN TO"on the servlces ar6 doslred, and complets for additional addressee's addr6ss.Restrlctod I I I I F E ( .INITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS RETURN Print your name, address, and zlP Code in the spac€ bolow.. Complet€ items 1, 2, 3, and 4 onthe rgverss.. Attach to front of article if spacepermits, otherwise affix to Sackof article.o Endorse article "Return RoceiptRequested" adjacont to number. lililt TO I>name, address, and ZIP Code in i PENALW FOR PFIVATE usE, $300 l Z2- \81P- t * - U.S.MAIL -,n ( SENDER INSTRUCT]ONS Job Nurnber INSPECTOR G0.,, C!.J".*DATE ?rf CITY OF SRTNGFTE BUILDING DIVISION WE HAVE INSPECTED THE ELECTRICAT WRING THIS REPORT FOR YOUR RECORDS. TO 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 AND EQUIPMENT INSTALLED BY YOU AT THE PREMISES NAMED HEREIN AND SUBMIT OWI\ER OR TENANT 0"d n*^ffA TOCATION OF r ,, i AJoB -J^ J E WIRTNG APPROVED FOR COVER n A PERMTT tS REQUTRED f] APPROVED FOR SERVTCE E HEAT CA,BL,E APPROVED FOR COVER E WRING INCOMPIETE E UNDERGROUND APPROVED FOR COVER EI WlRlrNG COVERED WITHOLTT INSPECTION fJ CONDUIT SYSTEM A,PPROVED FOR COVER E DUE TO THESE PREMISES BE.IG tOCtGD AN INSPECTION COUILD NOIT BE MADE E DUE TO NO ONE HOME AN I,NSPECION COULD NOT BE IVTADE \"J^:h. ilry.+ E WTRTNG.APPROVED rOR COVERTNG T}IE FOLTOWING M fi" I X Lr\n @regon 4tl2,l5-8 2wl ? J -7 '{ r, o- "tt1 Y eM Al Lt L. t)) rE I FIRE DEPT. ALARMNO. DO NOT WNITE IN TIIIS SPACE EXP.CONTROL NO.NO. District of Incident 2 INCIDENT ADDRE.SS 3 OCCUPANT NAME(lrEt'FiB!. MI) STATE OF OREGON FIRE REPORT STATE FIRE MARSIIAL Countv /- an e 9r1(Ti!LiE) Vohe Sifnd Mui Alam Otber (List) Dept. ()oa> @;-l inr!trtrl E I'J #5ti>rr r< 1 o rE9 a; =i{FE tr, tt EE, HE-6> l.t oo =ru r{ t5,ltt4toE Ft{ a€ r{trl EI td(r) a arlI orlcctrl 1, frIt lnoz E D D D tr trE D L (lst, Firt, MI) 5 O\ryNER NAME (l8t,FiBt' MI) 6 BY (lrt, OF ALARM 8' RESPONDED 9 TYPEOFSITUATION rOUND Radb Verbal E vehid.r'* El B*h,c*,lo,- E r*n,Rubuitt Telcphone Diut Municipol Alam Syatem El P;vateAirmsyrtem E Noru-n-'a El NotcluifiodAbovc En StNcture Fire Other Prop. w/valw ll USE PROPERTY 12 ROOM/AREA ORIGIN E EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN IGNITION l3 11 FORM OFHEATOFIGNITION 15 LEVELOFFIREORIGIN Grade level to 9 fet t6 vILUE t oss 17 BUILDING.{GE (InYan) 19 CONSTRUC"TION El st*l&co."-t, l0 to l9 fet 20 t0 29 fet 30 to 49 fet 50 to 70 fct IO ME-THOD OF EXTINGUISHMENT I 2 203I 6 0 7 E Scr-EttinsuishGd E Male-shift aid! E Portaulc 3 to ,l rtori.c Havy Prctst. Stel CONFINEDTO; FIae Smolc Autoutic Ett. Syltcm Pre-rcnnet hre/tanh only Pre-connrt he/hydnnt, stlndPipe E H-a-uid to*/hvdmt' ilandPiPc E MuterStmDevie EI NotClasifredAbove Bebw grd. kvcl NotClEsifid Un&temined Undet€mhcd Not Clasifrd Abovo Ove! 70 fet ln l3 to 2a rroric. 25 to {9.tori6 50 storie or BoE 7 to 12 rtorior UDprct&t.MunryErt.& Prctct. Mmnry ErL & Wood InL PrctatcdWoodFtr@ E,(TENT Thc obirt oforigin Prn of rcD or !E of origitr Rom of origil Firc-nted wmp. of orlin Floor ofori3ia Strutun of origin Ertanded bcyond rtnrc{xn oforigin I 2 3 I 5 6 7 I 2 3 a 5 6 7 trtrtr Dtr D tr 9 No damt! of thc trrc (N/A)s0 2t 12 Follo* Up Invctigation N - If y6, who sill invatitlt of Injuricr Fire Seryie 2{ Member Mrling 25 Additi,onallnforurion fIMEBACK IN SERVICEb.rz ) ARRIVALTIME o 22 t ALARM TIME D2/ I*EEK E Moo E( w"a fl r; SaturOFTwThuYEARSun ?o DAYMO ISO CI-ASS 3CENSUSTMCTztP 71/( - .{?q / TELEPHONEDOB (optbnsl) -f-3/-4/ TELEPHONEDOB (optbnEl)ADDRESS TELEPHONEDOB (optbnal)4ADDRESS DOB (optiom.l) 1q7 - )/ og TELEPHONEADDRESS E n *i""d E cir"n .EI r'rlr I OTHER VEHICLES RESPONDED (donotincludrPAt) 2 t) , OF AERIAL APPARATUS RESPONDED, OT ENGINES RE"SPONDED3 Etr E sar"r" D Not Clasifred Ertinguirh ASTIONTAKEN E RemvcdHaand El st""a (Complcte linc M)PROPERTY COMPLEX (If applioblc) LICENSE 'SERIAL 'MODEL IGIIITION (Coopleta VOLTACESERIAL ' MODEL ITEM FIRSTIGNITED:MATERIAL FIRST IGNITED WAS MADE OF .m.00Vehicle.00Cantanta.moBuilding .00 .00.00.00.@.00 5O,000-99P99 sq ft 5OO,000 rq ft10,000-19999 !q ft E o-gge Ooty) ft 5000-9999 ft rO00-{999 tq ft SPRINKT,ER PERTORMANCE t El Equipuntopcntrd z E fquip.tboutdhrvcopc.-didnot e E nquip.pant6rtelutltoop.t. I E Notchreiricdrbow o D Un&temincd q not rcponad e E NoGquipmntpmt(N/A) SprinthnContnuodFin: YEs E No E I ofHadr Opcnrd DBTE TOR PERFORMANCE ErEzEa Et rDoEeEzEaEe Il mn of origin-opcr. Not iD mE of origin-opcr' In m of orlin-oot opcr-fire to roll Not in m of origin-not opc!, Iin t@ Edl ln mo of orfia-mt opGr. polva di@Dnct Not in n of origin-mt oD!t. pors diPD. In mm of origio-mt oper. dad bettary Not in mm of origb-mt oPs. &.d bctt ry NodrtElorpEDt E ro U"a"a-ir.a /-2a- 8 BDrtTitL D.tTitb rrd-dro-tn rR-861 Eequtad y -V Othcr E -ot.oob."I SPFrINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department CERTIFIED IETTER January 28, 1988 It lleyerhaeuser Co ?85 N. 42nd Street Springf,ield, OR 97478 Subject: Fire Danage fnspection at 423 N. 44nd Street Springfield, Oregon. City Job #880049 At the request of the Springfield Fire and Life Safety Department, the Building Safety Division recently conducted an inspection of the fire darnage at the above address. The inspection revealed damage which must be corrected in order for the building to comply with applicable City Building Safety Codes. The following items must be repaired or replaced: Mechanical 1. All mechanical equipment damaged by fire or heat shall be repaired or replaced. Electrical 2. Replace aII burned and heat damaged wire and electrical devices in the utility room area. The areas adjacent to the utility roon shall be inspected for damage after the walls are opened. Any damage found in these areas shall also be repaired or replaced. Plunbing 3. All plurnbing equipment danaged by fire or heat shall be repaired or replaced. Building permits must be obtained for the above itens which involve repairs or nodifications to the structural, electrical, plumbing or mechanical systems of the building and for any additions or revisions you wish to nake to the building. Please note that installation of electrical systens on property which is 225 Fift}r Street o Springfield, OR 97477 a 5031726-37 53 * Weyerhaeuser Co January 28, 19BB Page 2 intended for lease, sale or rent uust be done by an electrical contractor who is licensed by the State of Oregon. ff you have any questions or need clarification of the above requirements, please call the Building Safety Division at 726-3759. Sincerely, \ fl(04"-- Gary Andrews Electrical Inspector CC: Dave Puent, Building Official Mike Hudrnan, Fire Marshal