HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1999-03-12RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections:726.3769 OIfice:726.3759 ST,NINGFIELD JOB NLJMOETI €?o 3 35 225 Fiftlr Slrcct Springtlclcl, Orcgorr 97477 LOCATTON OF PROPOSED WOBI(: --3\5 S 4Z Pa PI.IONE CRSIAl'E:7-tP: I a q AD OWNER: CITY: DEMOLISI.I OTFIE':1 ADDITIONNEW_ REMooEL __lZ ADDRESS EXPII:1ES PIlONE CONTBACTOR'S NAME MECHANICAL: CONST. CONTI1ACTOR /GENEBAL: PLUMBING WATER rnFS UNDEfi CO on - OrrrCr. U&regon ouAo AFrEA: N0IICE:follow rules adopted by the Oregon UtitityLAND USE: TL!l$ pEgyp -.-_-$Je*ifk:ationxente r. Th oreod6reln t forth, OF BLDGS in OAR 952-001-001XPIBE IF.'*'-'0RZED OCCY GROU rH'S PEguilr$sNorTpe;nalI ino i nter. (Notg,OFS' l-/f-_.'- cA,, .".r r_/\, u\-/Llri_i::rrumberforthe Oregon Utility N-tuer is 1 -696Sd@ASa4[y Fr EAr: RN NGE: -SOUANI FOOTACE: NSSESSORS MAP: -- TAX LOl:0q 3ofLO'[BLOCI(;SUBDIVISION: Sitc lnspcction - To bc macJealtcr excavation, but l)rior toscttln0 lorrns. l-_| Unctcrslab plunrbing/ Elccrrical / - Mccltanlcal - prior to covcr.Elcctrical Scrvlcc - Mtrst lrca1>provetl to ol.:tain pcilnancr.ltclcctrlcai l)owur. Fircplacc - prlor to taclng; materlals ancl Irarning lnsp. [-l Franring - prlor ro covcr. Wall/C'cili,rg lrrsulatiorr - prlor to irral Mcclranical - Whcn allnrcclrartical ,,vorl< ls cornplc tc. Final [Juilclirrg - Wlrcn allrcquircd inspcctlons havc bccn;rpprovcd and truilc,ling iscornplct0d. O tlrcr Final - Attcr all rcquired lrrspcctions arc approvcd and porcl.rcs, skirting, clecl(s, and vcntln0 havc bccn lnslalled. Firrirl Elcc tr(catclcctric0l worl< i - Yr'hcrl all s corrrplclc. Footlng - Af tcr trenchcs arccxcavatcd. [-l ruasonry - Srcct locatlon, bonct - bcan'ls, groutlng. Foundatlon - nrtcr Iorms arcerected but prior to concrctcplaccrncn t. Post and Bcam - prior to lloorlnsulation or clccklng. Floor lnsulation - prior to dccl<lng. Sanitary Scwcr - Prior to lillingtrcnch. Slorrrr Scwcr - l)rior to tilling trcnc h. Watcr Llrre - Prlor to tilling trcnch, Rough Plurrrbing - Prior to cover. Undcrgrouncl plunrbino - prior to fllllng trcnch. L_l Dryterall .- Prior ro rai)ir.:g. Undcrlloor Plurnblng/ Mcchanical - Prior to lnsulatlon or ctccking. | | Wood Stovc - nftcr ln::tailation. MOBILE I.IOME INSPECTIONS Pltrrtrbirrg Conrrcctions - Whcnltolnr.: h;r:.; tlccn conrtccted towitlCr;tn(l SCV/()r. [-_l lnsert - Alrcr flrcJ.rlacc approval - and installatlon ol unlt. [l Btocking arld Sct.Up - Wlrcn alt - trlocl<in(l is cornplctc, R\ *\.: Elcctrir:al Corrrrcctiorr - Whcnt:lockirrg. sct.up. ancl plrrnrbingllrsjpcction:j ltnvc: l:ccr.t approvedillld tl)c ltolnc is conncctcd toth(.'Scrvic0 f)ancl. To rcquest an lnspcctlon, you rnust catt 726-326rnade the sanle worl(lng cIay, lnspcctions rcque aII I-l Temporary Elccrric 9. Tlrls ls a 24 lrour rccorcJln0. n llsted a[tcr 7:00 a.rn. will bc madc EQUIRED iNSPECI'IONS Rouglt Mcclranic:rl - prlor tocovcr. Rouglr Eicctricnl - prior tocovct'. covcr, Curbcut & Alrl.rroaclr - n ltcr(orms arc crcctccJ bul f)rior toplaccrncnt oI cortcrclr:. Sidcwalk & Orivcv.ral, - nftcrcxcav;1lio,l is cornplctc, [oilllS ancl sull.basc tnalcriill irr g.ll:tco. Fcncc - Wltcn coltlplctcd {itroot Trcos - Wllcn all rcqulrccl trees arc plantcd. lnspcctiorls rc(luca$tccl bcloro 7:00 a.rn. w lll bcthc (ollowlng worl( day. fl fin:rt [)ltrirrbing - Whcn alt - plunlt)ing worl< is complctc. -7 DESCRIBE WORI(: ELECTRICiTL: tl [] tl tl tl tl tl tl tl Lot laccs Lot sq, ftg. Lot covcraoo TopograPhY Total lrclgltt Lot'lYprr'' __ lntcrtor' --- Cornor .__ Panlrarrcllc ..-_ Cul'dc'sac Sc llt l(s P.L.HSE,GAR N c I5 TI-IE, PROI'OSE,O WOR l( iN Tl-lE ..}.IISTORICAL DISTRICT' OR ON TI.{E IlISTORICAL REGISTER? .- l{ ycs, tlris application must be slgncd o,',.t aPProvccJ bY thc Hlstorlcal Coorclinator prior to pcrrnit issuance' APPROVED: Dalc k-t BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT Tlris pcrnrit is grarrtecJ oll thc cxprcss concJitiorr that thc said consiruction sJlall, in all respccts' conform to thc Ordinancc ,i"o,"J tv thc City ot Springticld' including the Dcvclopnrcnt Coclc, regulating ihc construction and use of ["fl,ri"'gt, and may bJ suspc'rclcd or rcvol<cd at any tlme upon riofation oI any provisions oI said ordinances' Plan Clrcck Fcc Datc [)aid: Rcccipt Nttttlbcr: Rcccivecl BY: PIarrs Rcvicw cd l3Y Systcrns Dovelopmcnt Charge is cJuc on all undeveloped propertics witlrin thc City linrits whiclr arc bcinq; improved' ADDITIONAL COMMENTS J)7Let, / By slgnaturc, I statc ancl agrce, tlrat I have careIully examlned thc complcted application ancl do hereby certl,y that all ln[ormatiorr hcrcorl is truc arlcl corrcct, and I Iurtl'rcr ccrtify that any irncJ all worl< pcr[<lrmecl shall bc donc in accordance witlr tlrc Ordirrartcr"'ls ol tlrr: City of Springllcld, ancl Ilrc Laws ol tlrc St;rtc oI Orcgon pcrtainlng to thc worl< descrlbcd hcrcin, and tlrat NO OCCUPT\l{CY will l.ic rrracjc of any structurc without 1>ortrrission ot tlrc Buil<Jlrrg Sa[ety Division. I Iurthcr ccrtily that only contractors ancJ cnrployecs who aro in cornpliancc'with ORS 701.055 wlll bc used on thls pro jcc l. I Iurther a0rec lo cnsuic ll'rat illl rccluircd inspcctions arc rcqucslcd;rt tho prol)cr tinle, lhat cacl't addrcss ls rcadablc lrorn thc strcct t the pcrunlt card ls locatcd at the front oI tlrc lrropc tlrc a1.llrrovcd sct of plans will rcmain on tlre site cs dur 0 con on. Slgnatu Datc 34/ -fl VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUME]EF]7tt {1 f43Dnl'E, I'N ID NNlOUNT RECEIVED FIECEIVED 3Y _-.- 2 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (cxclu(ling clcctricltl) (4, B, C, O, and E Cortlt>inotl)/I BUILDING PERMIT VALUE (^) so. FT. y. $/so. I:T.ITEM Main Garagc Carport Total Valuc Buil<Jing Pcrnrit Fcc Statc Surclrar0c Tolal Fcc SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SD (B) c) Rcslclcntial Bath(s) SanltarY Scv.,er Watcr Stortn Scwcr Mobllc l-lornc P ERM IT FEE N" [:]', l:'l: (\,, Plumblng Pcrmit Statc Surclraroe Total Charoc PLUMBING ITEM Fixtures WootJ Stovc/ lnscrt / t:l rc placc'Urri I MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobilc Hontc Statc lssuancc Stato Surclrargc Sidcwall< _-- tt Curbcut _-.- lt Ocmollllon Stalc Surchargc MECHANICAL PERMIT tCa,t Total Mlsccllirncous [)crtnits (E) 'rg 7J Z No 2b /d.d t (D) jw_p4 Fu rnacc Exhaust Hood Vcnl Fan Mcclranical Pcrll'lit lssu ancc Statc Surcltarl;c Total Pcnnlt /4) E __--_-- .INGFIELO EA 1,ff;;,:#x%3'jJ",.jitiTBH:1fi :,1:,f H:,*225 FIETE STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97.7 Date L77- 26-ttg9INSPECTION REQT'EST OFFICE: 726-3759 1 LOCATION OF rN#,lfih"frsdff""'" ryw?* o"to ELECTRICAL PERHIT APPLICATION ?"-D/2- -q ?70 3 ss DESCRIPTION Ovners Name Address Ci ty b8r-, (u.a Phone 'l.t.l -73af-r----I OVNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I ovn r.rhich is not intended f or sale , f ease ot' ren t . Ovners Signature: DATE: Ci ty Job Nurnber FEE SCEEDTII.E BELOV A. Nev Residential-Single or Multi-FamiIy per dvelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost oregorr iavv ibtiuiitrri y.J'-r {a, s 8s.00 $ 1s.00 s 40.00 Permi ts at'e non-transf erable if vork is not started vithin of issuance or if vork is sus 180 days. Address P o Go t )uraa, Ci ty Phone /e/P-/ 6, q I Supervi-sor License Number 211' 5 Expiration Date Constr Contr. tlumber 7D.P# Expiration Date o Signature of Supervising Electrician 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY B. Services or Feeders Erec r r i ca 1 con t rac r ot: vg nzc.Tetc,q ^et r o,Jil:l"i:l::: t ?:;' A1 t e ra t i ons Sum 40.00 55. O0 80.00 ee rrBtr a566 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps __401 amps to 600 amPs - 601 amps to 1"000 amps- rrn-rov€g 1000 amPs/voI ts -NI!IT SHALL EXPIRE IFTHE WORKc' Ifilt:liltl3iltfrFho&tl5ft"di'ieroca r i on , t,, ,l\ilL'01'iED FOR Over 401 to 600 amps' Over 600 amps or 1000-6Tfs s s0.00 s 60.00 s100.00 s130.00 s300.00 s 40.00 $ $ $ s s40 s40 $20 s36 D. Branch Circuits E Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel one Circuit I $ 35.00 33 Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit - S 2-00 Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/OutIine Lighting- Limited Energy/Res Limi ted Energy/Comm .00 .00 .00 .00 SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 3Z Administrative Fee TOTAL ?, BRECEIVED a 5 follow rules Notification /o- /-al . 1{* -tT-'16- 17 tD