HomeMy WebLinkAboutHome Occupation Application 1991-10-28SPFINGFIELO _ lTY OF S?RINGFIELD - :\:ELOPY.ENI SERVICES DE? LRTy':'!iT -.5 FIFTiI STREET :?3.rNGFIELD, oREGoN 974i7 ::01{E: (503) 726-3759 :,lltg OCCUPATION AIPIJCATION -JCATION OF PROPERTY -:,:IStING USE OF Pi,OPERTY +NE'(-otitoz,mGH= -J&Hr.(, =(, v1 lJ7lr,tnt2o ln o -,:ct-DTD.rTn)J n? DDnDnc r t.-V.! V. ...V. Vrr.! IA _1-?PLICr.lrI NAlti I nnPFea..Y,.UvJ c'rNER NA}{E(s) }.DDRESS -a t u' --i4' I I \ Nt\f..v =(rt,Ft -l Fl = tll riro FS()Crc)= Z\tH Ft FlF:l -l(, tir C' I oI t^,p I W O Y oA -Dr^ ak, PtsONE 7l" ^*, , C) titC)c)r{ titFEH trt litE,o tr,E f. tr, c) orI,- t, t.H o F:I ,-ft Fl x r{o-l P \s (,f., F c) *J o 1..l \ -.0 = \018 PHONE: -- 30){E cccl?.r.Ti0}t icl€:l,rEltr i_ ;cY3 occuPATIoN js A L.:....iut ffi ;':,,';; Iii, itf im l, :;:;it +i: H {t a* :,J r: : i;il I ;it i; :, ii:$; ;^i .r ;.r, r I a. ri! ?tly.riy USE OF Tiii BUILDIIiG IS .!. D;iLLIlrG; b. iii 0ccu?ATlol{ IS .i SECOND.TSI us5 Ti:;.T-_ioES tio? SjG!r'riic.{,:rlr }.iFicr r;;=i.tsiDr.irLl cH.ryJ.Crr.r or-iiE O'S!_r.rr*c i,i"irrGi.30iiro'D ; .!riD COilllI.rjici 'iITA TiE FOLLO'riitiG C0lr:DjTj(rtiS S:ii.t_L (rCCUt, .r.T i.LL TiyiS: r'' (r!i3 SIG!{ s3-r-LL 3E P=?JITTSD: ljl Ioti-il:-'L'yiliiTl) ":..r.LL S:cI jtoT !ic,i,3 T:iiji 1. \IZ SQU}J.! FEET iJ{ SIZE. r---r?.3 SEnLL 3E:io DISpL.qr;:iic3 i:g,Jr-)::ilic.:.ri r?ol{ ri:, i}TERiC,3, Tii.l.T ?i.::3LITLDTNG.'1s SErJrG 'usiD F03, .iJr:Y it;.rdsi' oi=ii Ti:.r-:r A iisrDENTr.a.t D,,,ilLrtrc,I:CLiiDIliG 1. , .r301i. I5:i'! saa'Ll EE iiO OursrD3 sroil.Gr cri y.-r.Tr?.ii-t s \iisi3li rioll ?u=Lrc t?.o?rir:03, .r-DJ3CEI\T ?3.iTtiE ?RO?EtTy. I:ic:.rl{ICt-L EQLiI?XEi\T, Ei:cEPT ?,j?JoSES, S!.I.LL 3E ?R0tItsITED. T:i.iT rl:iC3 IS CO},.?ITI3LE ';'ITil ?.ESIDE:{TI.r.L ) Ti:E?,! SI1ALL B3 NO OiiE]ISI\I3 IiOIS:, TI3!J.TiC]\], GLq!.E h:0TIci.r.3L3 .r.T 03, 3ETOtiD Ti:i !p.o?E3,T-t 0ccu?A?I0:{. sHcK!, DUST, oDCRS, I:EAT C3, LI!(3 P.ESLILTING TRO].I TliE iiOI{E 7 Ei _!9)tE occu?LTIoN silsi-l iioT ci.EtTE E.T.ZISDOUS T3.}-FFIC CO]\IDITIONS ORLTTILIZE ON-STP.EET P}IJ(Ih1G OF I{E33GY ?P.CIIB,TI,S. JF TE3 PROPOSED 3OY.I OCCUPAT]O]{ T€QUI?.!S I]iT }'ODIFIC}.TIO]{ TO TiiE Di'ELLI]iGCR i.CCESSORY ST?.UCTUB.I OF .i :i.I.TLE.3 Til.T iS IrOT TI?:C.I.LLY FOdliD IlI .I.1ESIDENTIiL "DISTi.iCT, TiiE PROPOSED iiO}I? OCCUP.T.TION S!,:.!.LL 53 CONSIDE!.ED JIiT???.OPF.IAT3 }I{D ??.OEI3ITED. :i0 |:Ei,C!iHiDiS!, 0T:.:3, TeAlt vir.T iS ??.0DUC;D ON-SITE sit.r.Ll 3E SOLD To Ti:i)il:l Tn iDnu :"rrrc:e- er-4v alrV.a a;gJrlJjJ. ?. Ti:E USE C?. STCI.: -i 0i :.:.{i:l' ii.:::y.::G .:i i::-..v: ':}:lC-:3 ::, - - lit? :: ?:?J:ITT!;. :::-r.'il' - .,ji?HiliT ...:it; i_i.:-',:i \i:Iclis si...L:, itrcl-uD3, 3ui I,l0T :: LiHiTED T0 TliE 'rJSl cF: SEHI-TiUCi'.St Ti.UCilS IliD T?J.CTORS, SlCi( Ii0ESr 3(t3 ci.TS, i,EFRIGELT.T(: TRUCKS, I-IV:SToCK TiUCKS, COXytiCi.r.L 3USES , FLi)l T*-CTORS, G.r3B.r.GE Tt,LICKS .{tD LOG TP.UCiI.S. 1,1. .rjiT HOHE 0CCUP.!.TI0:i IHICit REQUIP.IS l/.OiE T:-l\! O:iE VEiiICLE f0R' ITS 0PEPJ.T]0l'l Si:i.LL tsE PRO}II3iTED. THE ()IIE \IEi.i]CLE iEP.}iITTED Sii.I.LL BE L]}IITED TO ?.r.SSE:\IGE3, VESIC:-ES' PASSlllGEi' ViiiS ('P. ?ICK-'J? TRLICKS. j j. :.C i.tSIDEIICE SiiLLL 3i USED .:-S i ::.r.D0U}jTIRS ir3, DiS?LTCi CL:{TER ..'iitP.E ;vpr ni'EEq, (r?. STJ3CCIITP-qCTCRS nEtCRT ;0 T;e F,ESIDEIiCi T0 tsE DIS?nTC'i!D -..- -4. --J 3!!3.\tiLl,.L 12. T:ii ;.?;LICiiiT S.--L S:u:,1 T:iIS.r.Gi.!i11:liT il.TH Tl= CITT.:.C!t::'.'iI:,:11:a l:-::Si CO:iDIT10!iS .:.S;:r-! .:.S .!.DDiTl(tli.r.L CC,ji!ITIOliS D:Et{ED ::-:CISS.:-:.!:0 i.C.:i:ii CrJl:?LIIJ;C!. 13. CUSTOv.E3, i.CClSS:l::0Y3 OCCLj?.tTiO:iS St.a.LL:! LIHITED T3:i:! i:Or-?.S 0i 7 a ib 6 p.n. i. Ti9 IOLLOUIITG USIS S:.:.1!, !i ?ROtsIts]T:D .I.S A iO}"! OCCUP.T.T]C]i: *1 i.urol,.!3rL3 ii,?.r.:t, lticLuDri.lc :ur :.'or Lr)lrriD To r',jii:-; j s , .r.L:c::li::irs . 30DY-FE!\!DE3 r0?-(, !.r.:l;fi:lc, DET.I.ILilic iJiD U?iOLSTERItic 2'. i:i.r.!-TI s.i.L0:is,'ri..!ic3 STr!'l(,S , .r-:-:.03:C E.,.IiCI53 S:Ul: ('S . i:rj-r.?3 ..'r:J iLiDo itisriucTi0:i v;nTatI- l!.:il i.=!.'?1I i:;:r;e ..\.r. -v-.-! ! ---r. - v-J ?0''J ?IUCK S:3,1?:C:S u 1rITI?,I:{.L\T 'rjS!S (:::CLLr,a!:iG C.riE, GlCC,y.IliG -r-liD 3O.r:.DI:iG) 'r-::cLESJi.L3 Dis:3.i-:,-:i:0:i r-{(i:ic up },,c?€ T:--ft T:E iQ',Jr\;-r_LIii c: ro;E?.c!:r'T (iT::? FETvt?Y >;c;:.=!.i.r.t-.--ra .ri:r_.ruJ -tJiI 30y.e 0cCU?.r.T:0:l rIiCI iiAS iEE!{ i.i?ROviD Sy ST.r.FF S:j..:-LL Si SU3.liCT ?Ci.!v0c3-TI0!l 3Y ST.t:i Ii TI3 liO!.:E OCCUPr.Tiol{ is iourD T0 iE i:t \::cLr.TIot{ oi T}:3coNDlTiolts uh'DE3' i':iic3 Tii 30i{E occu?ATIO1't pEB.HiT \li.s r.??i.o\.ED. T:E ?.i\,oc.r.Tjot{D3CISIOIi y-AY tsE .r-??:.r-L!D TO TIE PLrli'](iliG COXHISsiot{ iN .r.Cc0u.!..lrci 'i'iTI TEt?ROVIS.iO:iS OF .ISTiCL: i5 Ci TIIS CODE. . ;ifY novE occu?r-T:o:{;::c3 E.ts BEEN.t??P.o\ED 3y TiiE ?LrJr:NIIiG CO}:i1ISSIO]{ S:i.r.LL 3isu3Ji.cr r0 ?,Ei'0c.r.Tj(,t{ :.i Ti:E ilil;NliG ggvvlssroi{ -ii i:r royi occu?i.Tro:r isiotijiD i0 3i i:{ Tic'L.r.TICll 0i Ti:= colrDlTlotiS L'itiDIt i-ijc3 ?ii ;oyi occ.d?.r.T:0:t?E?Jir '.'-r-s -!-P??.0i'tD. :i:i ?.EVoc.r-Tiolr Dtcisior.r y..qy -:= r.??i.r-L:) To ?iB CITTcoiillcrL i:l icc0.".Di.lici "'iT3 Ti3 ?t0irisioiis ci ijtricli t5 0r r:rs coDi. Iie'i;'r'ocirr0!{ s:.r-:-L:i s::iT T0 TE3 -r-:iLjc.r-liT rlr -r?rr::.rc. ;::i:0y3 occ,J?irrc,jtsi:--r.Ll c!.{sE'irr?iN 30 D...TS OF Tii;.Ec:i?T 0i Ti:.E ?,EVOCrrro:{ )tcT:c:-. IT IS iLtrTi:g3, r-Ii:,:i S;:,:,1 :i:i.i i-?:i.Ci'.r.L : a :.-:9 .r.;;:-:C.i::O:t :,. :S ::.i: :)::y?T :i:I-!.P?LIC.rl{T fi.0}t T}:i i!C,'.j:i:}iljiIS C,i.;Jif 0Ti:ii Cijr* CCTDiS Oi, OiDI!i.r-.ttC-:S. Glt i.PPL]CA:.:T'(. I7i:\ c !{A \:I C:q.iUT:'10 J4*-Dzeisl:-i-(r i |: .$r) i:i T|1 l\ I tq .i' .'i' 4#L2 DECISTON OF THE DIRECTOR The application has been approved based on conformance with Section 15.100(5) of the Springfield Development Code as follows: A. The primary use of the building is a dwelling. B.The occupation is a secondary use that does not significantlyaffect the character of the dwelling or neighborhood. C. COUPI,IN{CE WITH THE FOLLOIfING SHALI, OCCUR AT ALI, TIUES 3 1. One sign sha1l be perrnitted: a non-illurninated, wall, signnot larger than one & a half square feet. 2 There shall be no display which would indicate from theexterior that the building is being used for any purposeother than a residential dwelling, excluding the one signperrnitted in L. , above. There shalI be no outside storage of materials visiblefrom public property or adjacent private property. Mechanical equipnent, except that which is compatiblewith residential purposes, sha).I be prohibited. There shall be no offensive noise, vibration, smoke,dust, odors, heat or glare noticeable at or beyond theproperty line resulting from the home occupation. The home occupation shall not create hazardous trafficconditions or utilize on-street parking of nearby ProPerties. If the proposed home occupation requires any modificationto the dwelling or accessory structure of a nature thatis not typically found in a residential district, theproposed home occupation shall be consideredinappropriate and prohibited. No merchandise, other than what is produced on-site shall,be sold to the public from the prenises. (No merchandisesha1l be sold the residence. ) The use or storage of hea'rn1z equipment or heawy vehiclesshaII not be pernitted. Heavy eguipment and heavyvehicles shalI inelude, but not be limited to the use oflseni-trucks, trucks and tractors, back hoes, bob cats,refrigerator trucks, Iivestock trucks, connercial buses,farn tractors, garbage trucks and 1og trucks. 6. 3 4 5 7. 8. 9 10.Any horae occupation vhich requires more than one vehiclefor its operation shaIl be prohibited. The one vehicleperrnitted shaIl be linited to passenger vehicles, passenger vans or pick-up trucks. 11. No residence shall be used as a headquarters or dispatchcenter wbere enployees or subcontractors report to theresidence to be dispatched elsewhere. L2. The applicant shall sign this agreement with the Cityacknowredging these conditions as werr as additionalconditions deemed necessary to achieve compliance. 13. customer access to hone occupations shall be lirnited tothe hours of 7 a.m. to 6 p.n. customer access is rimitedto appointments onry (drop in customers are not arlowed). D. TIIE FOLLOI{ING SIIELL BE PROHIBITED AS A HOUE OCCUPATION: 1. Automobile repair, including but not Linited to tune-ups,alignments, body-feniter work, paintirg, detailing andupholstering2. itealth salons, gIrns, dance studios, aerobic exercisestudios, karate and judo instruction3. Medical and dental offices4. Mortician, hearse services5. Tow truck services6. Veterinary uses (including care, grooming and boarding)7. wholesare distrubution taking up more than the equivalentof 40 percent of the priroary residence Any holoe occupation vhich has been approved by staff sharr besubject to revocation by staff if the horne occupation is foundto be in vioration of tbe conditions under which the homeoccupation was approved. The revocation decision may beappeared to tbe Pranning con:nission in accordance with theprovisions of Article 15 of this code. Any home occupation which has been approved by the planning commission shall be subject to revocation by the pranning conmission if the hone occupation is found to be in violationof the conditions under which the home occupation permit wasapproved. The revocation decision may be appealed to the Citycouncir in accordance with the provisions of ArticLe 15 ofthis code. The revocation sharr be sent to the appricant inwriting. The home occupation shaII cease within 30 days ofthe receipt of the revocation notiee. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD THAT APPROVAL OF THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT EXEI'iPT THE a,PPLICNIT FROU THE REQUTRE!'iENTS Op ANy OTHER CITY CODES OR ORDTNN.ICES. Er