HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1978-03-14CIEAT OF SPH,I}.TGS-IEI-'D SPRINGFIELD' OREGON 97 477 March .l4, .l978 !46 MAIN STREET 7 26-?7 63DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Mr. Donald Greer 325 N. 38th Street Springfield, 0R 97477 Dear Mr. Greer: At your request, a-h.ousing inspection was made at 360 s' 43rd Street' by the of Springfielo suil;iil Uivliibnl-'ir,. iottowins-iiems were found in need of rection or repa.rr to meet the requiffi.;i; oi if,. City of Springfield Housing Ci ty cor- t Code: l.The2x4raftersofthepat.iocoverareoverspanned. z" The risers of the steps from the house to the patio can be a maximum of 7L'" ' 3.Atleastonewindowineachbedroommusthaveaclear'openableareaofnotless than 4 rqru.."i"ei'wiifr no dimension less than 22". 4. The floor damage around the hot water tank must be repaired' 5. The underfloor access holes must be screened' 6. Remove alI Of the 3 prong outlets from the underground circujts' 7 . Repl ace a1'l m'i ssi ng outl et screws ' 8. Correct the reversed polarity in all electrical outlets' 9. Install a weatherproof cover on the outside eiectrical outlets' 10. The electrical bathroom heater must be properly grounded' All necessary permits shall be obtained before work starts and all work must be accomplished according to uppiicable codes una inspected before a cert'ificate of ComP'l i ance wi l l be i ssued 't Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Diviston, 7?6-3753. Si ncere'ly, Marion J Bui 1d'ing MJ:mn o[, I nspector t@t Elesr,rical Inspection }report tWUI:3WIRING INSTALLER ADE,RESS rTY oR TowN) AOORESS OF INSTALLATION LAAEL TYPE OFSTRUCTURE usEEl HEIGHT OATE Hg_ OWNER CHANGES ctRDERED AOORESS ITY OR TOWN)-f ," { .t)/^e fr CO\/ER ,/Aryn-il-,* FINAL ACCOMPANIEO EYPECTOR L w!RlNGMETHoo,NoN.METALLlcsHEATHEocABLEI-l^",.o".ocAELE[-lco,.o,,'E-PowERco.- C- ;/'/r^;, -fl ^ur-n'r r/h OCCUPAIICY INSPECIION APPLICATI.ON EXISIING BUILDINGS CITY OF SPP.INGFIELD BUILDING DEPAR]]I.1ENI Dare: __ 2-27-78__ _ _ Job Adtlress;360 South 43rd Street No. of Unitrs: Otrner:Address:izr il 30b /rppl icant-:BAKER, Patrick Address: For Access to ProperEy - TelePhone: Remarks: 1 , A $20 inspection fee is reguired aE ttie time.of application. .. , . t,' hnrs'AppLrcATroN Foxry l,tusr BE srcNED By rnE otrlrER oF THE IROPERTT ro BE TNSPEGTED- oi.,IiER . - ..!h- _ '_ _F9R_oIFIC! lsI gMjY - - - Date of InspecLiorr:-/3'Datc of CofC: Dale of RePo5t:f:1,11 OK fr-ReceipE No-: OF v sh ^ i DEVELOPI.IEi{T SERVICES DEPARTIlENT GEIIERAL COI,IPLAI NT FOP,' TII.iE: DATE: 2',14 \u1 bt t rd*q Building Land Use Nu i sance Engineering TransPortat'ion l4a i ntenance B1 dg. Attendant ADDRISS OF COI'IPLAI I'IT: V I OLAT I OI'I/ COMPLAI NT : b C0I1PLAI NANT (opti ona l ) : ADDRESS OF COI1PLAII'IA PHOi'IE: t{Tfl t) TAi(iII BY ^/\ \Ma(h' - b),/l t OTHER: ( l-' CITY OF SPRINGUELD, 0REGON Bullding DepartmenE PI{-15 CERTITICATE OF COMPLIANCE This certifies that the building and property l0cated at Sou h rd tthas be en ins pected and f ound to comp ly_ ruiEh the ordinani es of the City ofSpringfte ld, O.rners Name t Oregon. Address 360 Sou th 43rd Street Cir S r'l field 0 97477n Items of special consideration are: 6-20-78 Bu lding I nspec E or