HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-12-16.. RES')ENTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North ith Street Spr"Lngfield, )regon 97477 BuiL&Lng Ditsision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFTELD Job tpcaticn: Aosessore Map #Tar Lot # 4 S'ubdiuision: 1tmer: Addtess:Phone Desq-ibe Hork: F lrcr-=Rr pftie. Date of Value TI t-t f Additian RenoCel Page 1 of 2 #2* of inspec=icn befcre 7:00 m frr;rv/ / /1"" / KffG E2 2/ /70 tr'l 1 Date of the pendt hodet to see tlut aLL inspections ate nade at the ptope? tine, that each address is v2atrq'nlp 2 GeneraL Conetmction Lendet It is tha tespontibi frotn*Bui the atree <74d fileDtid7^rt. ea;ao;non,Tt lding Nui t, and that the perttrit cion appro,*ed plan sha catd is Located at LL renain on tle Bui the front of the Lding Site at aL prope?tA L times. P.RO1EDUP\ FoR. IySPEffr?N I!-1yEST;CALL 726-3769 (veeorder) state Aour City designated job nwnber, job aCiress, typete1uested a-nd ahen you uiLL be ready fo,t'inspection, Conttactots o-r Asnets flarne Zrra pUi" nunbet.' -p.equests rebeLxZd,,viLL be tade the sane dcy' requests nade after ?:00 on uyLLL be nnde tke neot wtki{ day. YoLtaCitU Deeigr.ated EZA?,A ?o be nw.de after pz.tor tc set up of Job Nutnber fs: ?o be made after aLL insu required oapor bawie?s @e i.n place but before ory Lath, WpsurTt bcarC or tnLL couering is appli.ed, atd befoneag insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTI)N: Ic be nadeafter aLL dtyuall is in plaee, but prior to any taping. \IAS1NRI: Steel Loeation, bond beons, grouling on oerticals in accordotce ttth U.B.C. Seetion 2415, v00DST)r,/E: @ttpT;tA. After installation is CaRB & APPROACH APR2N: After fonnsue eteeteC but prior to pout"ing corL2r,ete. STDEIALK & DRf'"rEWAI: tot aLL eoa- crete pao@Affi stz,eet right- of-teA, to be made after aLL etca- oating eqnplete & forn Ltotk & eub- base naterLal in place. w DEtl1Lrrrcll 0R Scnitaty seuet, capped at properfii Lir:e Septic tank pu-,ped and. fi.lled utth grauel Final - ltthen abcue itens are cctnoleted and uhen Cenolition is carplete'or s*uc-tttte maoed and. prerrLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking and Set-up Plunbing connections -- sa)e? otC uater Elecbtical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-uD and plwnbing conneetione rnist be apprct;ed before requesting electrieal inspeetio;t Accessory Buildnng ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & WCH4-1|ICAL: ?o be made before anguotk is eouet,ed. UNDERGPOUIID PLUMDTNG, SEWR. WATER, DRAIIIAGE: To be maCe prlot, to fil-T@-l-renchee. forns. AilDEP,FLOOR PLUI.IBING & I|ECI]ANICAL: FNIAL PLUMBII\G FINAL I4ECHAIIICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL Ioben@o7 floot ineu1,ation or decking. POS? A.ND pEAl4: To be nade prior toGsifrTatl6n o7 flooz, insulZtion or decking. ROUGH PLU'IBIIIG. ELEC?RTCAL & I,IECH- ANfCAL: No aork is to be co-*ez,edGllTthese inspections hnoe been nade and approoed.. EIPEP\AC|: Pz.iot to plaeirq faeingnc-terLals and before fronin4 inspeb-tion. PRAllIllG: l4ust be requested aftet,approual of rough plunbing, electri-cal & neclnnical. ALI roofing btacing & chinmeys, etc. mtst be . eornpleted. tlo ucrk ie to be eon- . cealed until this inspeetion lns'been mad.e anC apptooed. tr E Firnl - After etc. are comp. pcrehes, Leted. skirting, decks, IENCE: l|hen conplate -- ProuiCe gates or notsable sections through P.A.E. ALL p_t'oiect conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, coltpletion of therequired Landscaptng, ctc., rmtst be satisfied befot e the B\IfLDING FINAL can be r,equested. FfNAL BUTLDIN?: The Final Building- fnspection rnust be requested after the Final PtwnbingElectrical, and Mechanieal fnspections iqoe been nade ard'approoed. E E *ALL \4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJASuTENI rO BE t44DE n? NO CCS? ?O Cry bol ' city: e epiuo -rL., ,= appu.otion / Z-t/6'8 7 Lisc. #Contracto?s Address Pltnbi.ns 't,/ I tt( gl t .,n, a, i. l I !:)):IIN} & F)UNDATICN: ?o be naCe;f;;Wes ""e ezeaated attd forms ote erected, but ptiot, to pout"ittg ccneret€. JOB NO SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co * Lot Faces - lleat DT,House Cdraqe Access North East II Fireplace South l Woodstoxe Hest l bt Sq. Ftg. I of Lot Cotsenaga ! of Stortes Total Eeight ?opography fntericr Cor.ner Panhanl.le CuL-de-sac Zone:BeCroons: IOT TWE "'--/ D-^^ Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the ecpress eondition tlnt the said-eonstntction sLnLL, in all respects, eonfonn to the 0rd|nance edopted fuly the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, r,egulating the ccnsttucttcn and use of buildings, and may be susperd.ed or reuokeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of dttlJ ptcuisions of said Oydirnnces. TOTAL VALUE ITEM F?G X Value *S.D.C. 1.5 t zz 3,* Building Pe"nrLt ?otal Clnrges State Reeeipt #: Date Pai.d: Check Fee:-a7 Signed: Plumbing Perrnit No pereon slu.Ll conshuct, instal!., alter or elnnge any nev cr ecisting plwttbing or drainage sgetan in ulole or in patt, unlees such person is the Legal posseesor of a oalid plwnbet's L'Lcenee, escept tlwt a pe"son nay do plwnbing uork to prope?ty uhich is oaned, Leased or'operated by the appli-qnt. FEE a? S N0. 7 Sani Seuer CEARGE Pi.atutes Resil,sntial (l batiz) Plunbing Perqrit Electricol Permit l,lhet,e State La,t reqtires th,at the electrical uopk be done by an Eleeh,ical Contraetor, the eleetrLcal portion of this permit shall not be oali.C until the Label lns been signed bg the Elecb,ical Contraeto!. vl 3a * Nau/Eotend. Circuits Semtice aState !otal ITEM FEE CIIARCE Mechqnicol Permit kl@nst Hood llcodstooe Vent F@l PermLt fssuotce Mec?nnicel Permit -- EIICROACHMENT -- Securtty Deposit Stonage Mai.ntenance Pendt Cvtbcut Sida,talk ?enee Electri.cal la.bel Mobile llorne TO?AL AMOUTI? DUE: */ "9 .2/ f HAW CAREFULLY EXAILfNED the eontpleted appli.cation for pennit, and do hereby eertify that aLL information hereon is true ard. cotrect, artC f further certifg that any ard aLL uork perfotmed shall be done in aecor- dance tti.th the Ordinances of the City of SpringfieLd, attd the Lat;s of the* State of 1z,egon pertaining to the wrk Cescribed herein, and tlat N0 )cCU- PANCy tritl be nade of any st"uctur,e uithout pernission of the Building DL- oision. I further certify that otly eont"actops and enplcyees uho ote in eonpliance t'tith 1RS 70L.055 uiLL be used on this proiect TotaL /z -.le-Yl DateSigned > NC. ht?naae. P'v71'g /n-aS lbzr 4 rpi "f 25 Additional Dennis Shew If ya, *ho will invotigatc D ont. on bacl DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE CONTROL EXP.NO. NO. District oflncident 4 tsUSINESSOWNER (lst, FiEt, MI) 5 O\ryNERNAME(lis!.f iBt.MI) Tt+u 6 PIREREPORTEDBY(Ist,Fimt,Ml) S rvritl.U)ctn'r ALARM Tclephone Diet Municipal Alam Syaten Privata AIm S5nteo 8 ilOFTIRESERVICEPERSONNEL RESPONDED STATE OF OREGON FIRE REPORT STATE FIRE MARSHAL 9ll (Tie Line) Voice Signal Mui Alam D NoeU^n-'d E NotCbsifiedAbow . AEDEPT. ALARMNO. fl Hand-lEid hore/hydrant, etandpipe ! Mater Streu Devte ! Not0lasifiedAbove <-t-J /o 9 TYPEOFSITUATIONF'OUND X,tr Structure Fire Outside Struct. w/value r0 MmHoD or EXTIn.GUISHMENT u-,. ( (r M MOBILE PROPERTY 12 ROOM/AREAOFFIREORICIN /,e Verbal Vehicle Fin Broh,Gru,Iavq Trsh. Rubbish fl Sef-nttiosuish€d ! Uate-slit aiae E Poiable Ertinpisher N ! OtirerlLis0 I Autoutic Ert. Syrtzm Pre-@nnet h@/tanL only hoe/hy&ant. 6t&dpipe 30 to {9 fet f] rotozoret +-o 70 fer lwel f] ouj*t" u rtigut D NotClasined ! Undetemined oo-,> @Jlht< -l TtJ T6z4t Ed'6>t.F o 1z qFnd FHtt trl tsE, *Fii>l-F .) z r r5rl ItJ4 t.r U)i tIt 41 !t cn arl o€ I{ a1 tta zr" E EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN IGNITION I3 IGNITION FACTOR 14 FORMOFHEATOFIGNITION El ectri c i 15 LEVELOFPIREORIGIN l0 to l9 fct Grade lwel to 9 fet ! mtozgret l6 VALUE LOSS l7 18 BUILDING (ln YemJ+ .tD 19 TYPE Skl& 20 EXTENT Otr'DAMAGE CONFINED TO: I The objet of oriAin 2 Panof @m or .M of origin 3 Rom of origin { Fire-rated omp. of origit 5 Flor of origir 6 Structure of origin ? Ertcnded b€yond lmcte of oriSiDtrposq re- I NodaDsgeof thetype (N/A) 21 REMARKS (optional): 22 Foltow Up Invatigation Reqwtcd Y Nuber of Injuie Fire Scryie 2{ Member Making Report Smoke ;E 3E 1D5E6fI ?D efI Flame1E203Elfl5E6rl78 DAY 2Pol'1 MO I 1'71<11 YEAR DAY OF WEEK fl sun ! Mon ET"6D w"d I Thrt Ern f] satur ALARM TIME / tS t 3 ? ARRIVALTIME t 1 {13 fl TIMEBACK IN SERVICE) t7 t Ot'7 CENSUS TRACTztP 7 o z7I tso cLAss3 q/22,1 $tor/'n NAME (t-d. e,leer€s tt4,I DOB (optional) 74{ Pl5'3 TELEPHONE ADDRESS DOB (optional)TELEPHONE 77&g /77 "rlenztr /u, ADDRESS DOB (optional) 74L l(32TELEPHONE 337ADDR.ESS 5-D o/ 3 '4 DOB (optioml)726- oeL,/TELEPHONE ! neeivca ! Giva ;NNre ot , OF ENCINES RESPONDED # OF ABRIAL APPARATUS RESPONDED # OTHER VEHICLES RESPONDED (do not include PA'r, ?_ Etinguish Inv6tl8ation tr D Remved Hurd Stand By Salvage Not Clarsified TYPE OF ACTION TAKEN MOBILE PROPERTY (Complete irne M) YEAR MAKE MODEL SERIAL #LICENSE # EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN IGNITION (Complete Lire E) S-t-o,s<- ( Frr".re) YEAR MAKE MODEL SERIAL #VOLTAGE -z 2 <_, MATERIAL IGNITED WAS MADE OF Pl asti c Pl acemat .00 .00 Contertsot;o Vehiclc md Conuntr .00 Other .00 3r TOTAL .00G .00/o,4>r('0 scro .oo .00 .00 ./ 9 <zJ'z>.00 l3 to 24 sbrEs 25 to ,19 rtoriE 50 ahn6 or more 3 t 4 BtorieBI ? to 12 stories to l0OC'-4999 8q ft r0,00O- 19,999 eq ff, 5000-9999 fl 50,000-99,999 sq ft 5OO,0O0 sq ft Uoprctet. Menry Eru & Wood Int. Prctdt€d Wmd Frebe Unproteed Wood Frre Not Clsified Abovc unprctect. stel BldSHavy Timber Int. DETECTOR PERF'ORMANCE Dtr D tr tr D tr D D 2 I 5 6 7 8 9 Iu rcm of origin-opcr. Not in rum of origin-oper. In m of origin-not oper-fire te sull Not in E of origin-Dot opcr. frE te lbdl In mm of origin-not oper. poser di@nEt Not in E of origin-not oper. po*er dimn. In mo of origin- not opcr. d6d bett€ry Not in mm of origin -not opet. dad battcry ,{to una"t"-io"o I No d€tetor ptwDt SPRINXLER PERFORMANCE I I Equipmentoperated z ! nquip. aloutd ba,eoper.-did not D Equip. preunt fire te sruu to op€r. ! Not "l"r"ifi"d "bor" Sprinllen Contrclkd Fire: YES D NO E I 0 8 DF # ofHeda Opened Undetamined or not rcportad No equipmnt pwnt (N/A) ooNuber of Fatrlitier Fire S€ryice V "' ?- >z-?Z rilb Deputy re Marsha Date 1 T1 ITEM FIRS'I.IGNITED: Buildinr3 G, o{.a BUILDING SIZE (Gmd Flr Only) \o/ . /)1 F, .9lou.,' o fio'a 6PACE F-\P, lt H <f ^ %or-..- llouse: 1/1it S ,/ 7 iC,-l8 a rdEDEPr. (f slf- -j_i-{-)- aaaptr1 p6. r) I '-r I ct't'*' I ,la,,,. STATE OF OREGON FIRE REPORT STATB FIRE MARSHAL 2 ADDRESS NAME (Iat, FEt, MI) ,U 'L /' I BUSINESS OWNER NAME (Is:,, FiEt, MI) 5 OWNERNAME(Ld,FiEt,MI) ogz a:,ill F.' ItJ tr,1t It nYil;rt C)o1? -d FFI i5 rt Er t,JA dFE> F E (l ? r< 15,l t5 l. aJ E E' 15tJ) a-lF o.lcFttj4' Ftt,rDo2F Dtr tr tr tr D C EI D D Du trtr D^f, *{ ilrrrrf 6 FIREJrz,lh BY (L6t, FiEt, MI) Telephone Diet Muicipsl AlaE SystcE Privata Abm SysteE ALARM Redio Vcrbal NoAlam Rc'd ll or' E , OT FIRE SERVICE PER.SONNEL RESroNDED / O e /,trIrigF SITUATION FOUND t€l*::::,i:-,",". IO ME-THOD OF EXTINGUISHMENT Du ! Vehicle Fire Bruh, Grue,lrava Truh, Rubbirh Other (Liat) Ert. SystsE E Pre-@Dn6t heltink only f] Pre-onnect hosftydnnt. stsndpip€ 5t46EbG E zto tzatoria 911 (Tie Line) Voice Sigml Muni Alam Not Clasified Above 70 fEt E Self-Ertinguiehed E MaLe-Ebiftaid! D PortableErtineuiEher 2 stone E gtolatoria Flam Smoke Hand-laitl he/hydruq Etsrdpipe Mstct St@ Device D NorcLsiliedAbove ! Undetrrmined :e M MOBILE PROPERTY 12 ROOI\{/AREAOFFIREORIGIN North wall of house E EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN IGNITION I3 IGNITION FACTOR Exp osure from 347 S. 43rd 11 TORMOTHEAT fc.d ranl eclr OF ICNITION 15 LEVELOFFIREORIGIN Pa.r l3 to 24 8bri6 E zstolgato;a level fl Not Cisssified 1 sl. r l0 t! l9 fel 20tt29 fel 30 to 49 fet 50 t! 70 fEt l6 VALUE LOSS STORIES 50 ston6 or Eore I Btory Yem) 19 CONSTRUCTIONTYPE EXTENT OF DAMACE CONFINED TO: I Theobjatoforigir 2 Partofmmorrooforigia 3 Rmm of origio I Firc-nted omp. of origin 5 Fl,oor of origi! 6 Struturc of origiD 7 Ert4nded bcyond rtutln of origil t Ye c.s..J rc. 9 Nodamfeof thetypc(N/A) I 3 I 5 6 7 x 2I REMARKS (optiona.l):o 22 FolbwUplnvatis&Dn€qutrd VX-- X - If ya, who rill invatfuetc 23 Number of lnjuia Fire Senie DAY OF WEEX C s". ! uon ! rl"' ! rri fl s"t,. fl w"d YEAR Tue I ALARM TIME /15 ts ,7ztz DAv ARRIVALTIME ),{, l,'/ TIME BACK IN SERVICE)t) totT CENSUS TRACT ISO CLASSztP )77 DOB (optionall J -€-ly'7 q7-?arzTI]LEPHONE ADDRESS DOB (optional)TELEPHONE DOB toptronal) z- g- 3./7/ > - 7S.Sz TELEPHONEADDRESSfl?<)_st s 9a '//' > bJADDRESS DOB (optional) 7a-a D L6 t TELEPHONE I nai,ea I Givcn tl& *ln or , OF ENGINES RESPONDED2-lI OT AERIAL APPARATUS RESPONDED * OTHER VEHICLES RESPONDED (do rot include PA'e) Z _ Remved Haard Stand By Salvage Not Clesified TYPE OF ACTION TAKEN E Ertinguieh e lf" MOBILE PROPERTY (Compier€ lhe M) YEAN MAKE MODEL SERIAL i LICENSE # EQUIPMENT INVOL\IED IN IGNITION (Complep Line E) YEAR MAKE MODEL SERIAL ' VOLTAGE ITEM FIRST IGNITED: Paint Contcntr .00o Vehicl€ 0d CoDtents .00 O' .@ 0ther . TOTAL/o bvo .00 .00,rOO * O- .oo *Q-.m *so-.,, .00 BUILDINC SIZE (Gmd Flr Ouly)l00O-{999 !4 ft r0,00O-19,999 !q ft 50,000-99,999 !q ft 5O0,0OO sq ft Hevy Tinber Prctect. Stel unpmtet. stEl Bldg Prctet.ErL & W@d Int. Unprctet. Menry Ert. & Wmd Int. Prcttcted Wood Frme FracUnprctected Not DETECTOR PERIORMANCEtrtr tr D trtr D D tr I 3 1 6 6 7 8 I In mm of origrn-oper. Not in mD of origin -opcr. ID m of ortin-not opcr-hn to eull Not in m of origir-mt opcr. IiE te lorll ln mm of origin-not oFr, power di&trncct Not in m of origin-mt oper, po*er dion. Ia roo of origin- not oper. d8d battery Not in mo of origin-mt oFr. dEd battcry No detator pre*nt Undetemin€d SPRINKLER PERFORMANCE t E F4uipmentoperated z E Equip. should haveoper.-did not s D Equlp. prent fire t@ lBatt to oFt' 9 f| Notcheifredabovc O fl Undetcmlnd or not rePoird 8![ Noequipmntpwnt (N/A) SprinllcnContrclledFirc: YBS E XO E I ofHeds Oponod Number of b a "n r?- ?2- s7,r* &ov DataTitlc c 24 Mcmber Malias by o Other M, E mlor-l 3 t8 I 3 1 5 6 ? MATERIAL FIR.ST IGNITIiD WAST4ADE OF Paint .00 [8l? .00 Job Locaticn: Assessots Map #?c,s lot #o Svbdhtision: Asnet: Phone:Addtess: I Desct Lbe Hotl<: Rr ppipF trc. l-t fValueDate of App Lication Additian RemoCel " RESID-rlTlAL" APPLICATION/PERT,IIT 225 North Sth Street Spr"Lngfield, )regon 97477 Building Dtuiston 7 26-37 53 {z SPTII]{GFTEI-E) kr-FrvEP/ /" /4 ?.2/l/, .z K ffcl 2o GeneraL Conatmotion Lend.et -s_, SI?E INSPECTION: ezcauation, but lo be nade afterprior tc set up of WcEDqP+FoR,rllsPE :CALL726-3769 (record.et,) state yout, city d.esignated. job nwiiber, job aCiress, typenequested ar'd when uou fiLLL be ready fot inspection, ci*L.toi" oi aners-rrcrrr""ara plror. rutnbct.' nA;;t" rece;.i:bariLL be nade the sdtze dcy, ,"q,rn"i""^li" ij,t* ztoo-*, tyill be r";;ih:;';L:;;"i:.;rg'Lr. Date:2 to aee that aLL inspeetiotts ee nade at the puopet ttne, tl,at each cd,#ess .[s vsaiqhiglocated at the Lding Sitefroat of theat aL p?ope"tv.on tle Bui of inspec;icn befcre 7:00 an Iottt City Desigr,ated Job Nunber fs:a ? TNSULA?IOII/VAPOR BARRTER II\SPECTION,Iobem@ !.:owD fotms. ANDERSLAB PLUI,{BTNG. ELECTRICAL &wcyttlij@ny r,to;rk ie eooered. PC-Q?ING & FQUNDATICN: lo be rmCealte" t"enches a?e ercaoated and. forms ote etected, but prior to pou?inS ccncrete. UNDERGPOUIID PLI]MEING. S1VE , WATER, D.,q,,A,I\1AGE: Io be naCe prtor to fil-lir4 trenchee. UNDERFLOOR PLUI.IBTilG & IIECHANI CAL : To be mad.e prior to installatioi of floor insuktion ot decking. POST AND BEAI4: ?o be nade orior toilEdlilic-n oi ftoor ir*uhtion or decking. ROUGH PLURIIIC. ELECTRTCAL & I,IECH-ANICAL: ltouffiw:til these irapeetions lwue been nad.e and approoeC. FIPEPL.ACT: Prior to placirg faeingmdter.Lals and befot,e f"."i"S Zn"pnZ-tion- FRA].|I\|C:_ l,lust be requested aftet,approual of rough phlnbing, eleetz,i_cal & neclwnical. AL! r,oofing bracing & chinmeys, etc. nast- be . eonpZeted. llo ucrk is to be cdb " cecled until this inspectLon ftas'bee.n made anC approoed. requ':.red oapot burie?s @e in pla.eebat before ory ldth, gypsLun boatC or uaLL cot:ering i,s applied, and. beforeoty insulation is concealed. lQ DRIWALL INSPE}TI)N: rc I fl after aLL &guall is in - but prior to any taping. Scnilatn1 seuer capsped at propetei Lit:e Septic totk p;.oqed atd. filled trtth gta;sei Final - l{hen abcoe ttens aye canoleted and uhen Cq.tclition is catplete'ot sttuc-ture notled od. prenrtses cleaneC up. be made plaee, I tr WOODSTOIIE: @ttpGT;a. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gtoutirq ot uerticals in accordotee tith U.B.c. Section 241 5.Hcmes Blocking o'd Set-up Pltnbittg connections -- aaie? otd, oatet Electtieal Conection - Bloeking, set-up and plwnbing conneetions m;st be ap?rctbd before requesting eleclrical inspecliott Aceessory Bui.LCing Pinal - After pcrches, aki,*ing', d,ecl<s,etc. ue conpleted. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APPON: After fonnsee erecteC but ptior to pourtng conc?ete. SIDE\LALX & DRf,"WAl: Eot aLL eon- crete patsing uithin stteet fight- of-uny, to be made after aLL erea- oating canplete & forn wtk & sub- base rm.teytal in place. h4ten conplete -- Ptooide or nottable sections through P.A.8 FTilAL PLUUAIilC PINAL I,'ECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ALL proieet conditions, such as the i.wtallat:.on of street trees, co:rpletion of tietequired Landsccpir-g, atc., mtst be satisfied befote the BUILDIN1 FfiAL can be tequested.. ?INAL BUfLDING: The Einal Building fnepection mrct be tequested after the Pinal PlunbinSElectrical, od Meclunical fnspeetai,ona hqoe been naie atd'appnooed. *ALL I4A\IHCLES AND CLEANOUTS UUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIE TO BE tl4DE t? ilO cCS? rO Cny Page1of2, TI D m 17 ttlce' L) sates T JOB NO.SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-COG* t Beiroons Lot Sq. Ftg. Z of Lot Caterage I of Stortes Iotal Height, Iopogrqhy LOT ?WE _ Intericr _ Cormet _ Panltand.Le CUL-de-sae Aceess, th Df House Lot Faces - -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This pentrvt is granted on the erp"ess condition tlnt the said eonstntction slall', in al.L rLspects, eonform'to the ordinance adopted 6iy the City o-f Spningfield, ineluding the \oning Cvdinance, r'egulcting the ccnstructicn and use of buildings, utd may be suspended or reuokeC at cny tine upon uic- lation of anA prcttisione of said Ordir,anees. SQ. FlCITEM x Sigred: S.D.C. L.5 c -a 7 zz 35 TOTAL VALUE e Building Pemtit ?otal Clangea State Date Paid: Check tee: Plumbing Perrnit No pereon shall constract, install., alter ov ehdn4e anA ned ct existing plunbing or drainage systan in ulale or in patt, unless such pez'son is the legal possdasbr of a oalid plwnbetts License, eceept tlnt a Pe?son na'g Qopltmbing uotk'to p?ope"tA uhLeh is ouned' Leased or'opetated by the dpPli.- @nt. FEE -I e? * CHARGE Fi.ttu"es Resid.ential (t bath) Seuer Plunbing Penit State Electricol Permit We"e State La requires that the eleettical uotk be ilone by an Eleetrieal Contracto", the electrtcal pottion of this pernit slall not be oali.C until the Label lns been signed by the Eleettical Contracto". NO. ?otal ,39 Nas/Erterd Cincuits Seruice a NC.FEE LIIMAL , llcodstooe Mechqnicol Permit bhanet ilooC Vent Fot Mechaniezl Permi,t gea*'itg Deposit Stotage Maintenance Permit C'urbcut Sid,a,talk Fenee ELect?LcdL LabeL Mobile Hone TOTAL AM2UIIT DUE: */"9 . zl4 f EAW CABEFULLY EYA),IINED the cotnpleted application for perrnit, and do hereby certify thwt aLL infotmation hereon is true and cotrect, crtC f fittket certify that any ar.d aLL aork performed slnll be done in aecor- dance tLth the 1rdinances of the City of Springfield' and the Laas of the* State of lregon pertaining to the uoz'k Ceseribed herein' and tlat N0 )CCU- PANCY Lril,L bb nad.e of any stzactw'e uittout permission of the Building N- oision. I further certify that only contraetors md enplcyees uho are in eonpliance uith cRS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie project -a> /z -. le -Yl DateSigned Receipt # PermLt fssudtce /2 STRUCTURAL INSPECTION REPORT S,2 ,-/- l +v ,arc tz/rr/a, PH0NE ? r/' -3 g,\L JOB ADDRESS OHNER ADDRESS zg (- lgt TENANT OR OCCUPANT TYPE OF INSPECTION: HOUSING OCCUPANCY COMPLAiNT FIRE DAMAGE {.\ln,</t}#> ; ,\fu E sffi', I 0 to 0 Ii'ISPECTOR a / Job Number INSPECTOR b *.t*!LoJ*..-DATE l;r i r.-?aiivffi BUILDING DIVTSION 346 MAIN STREET 726.3753 wE HAVE INSPECTED THE ELECTRTcAL wRtNG eNo eoLtpuENT TNSTALLED By you AT THE pREMtsEs NAMED HERETN AND suBMIT THIS REPORT FOR YOUR RECORDS. TO oryulER oR TENANT LOCATION OF,JOB tYl Lt: E WR|NG APPROVED FOR COVER E A pERMrT tS REQUTRED E APFROVED FOR SERVICE E HEAT CABLE APPROVED FOR COVER E]WRING TNCOMPLETE E UNDERGROUND A,PPROVED IOR COVER fl wlRll{G covERED WITHOUT TNSPECTION E CONDUT] SYSTEM APPROVED FOR COVER E] DTIE TO THESE PREMISES BEING TOCKED AN IhISPECTION COI.ITD NOT BE MADE E DUE TO NO ONE HOME AN tNSpECtON COULD NOT BE MADE EI\,VIRJNG APPROVED FOR COVERTNG ErcEpT THE FOLTOWI{G A K Brlggr Compony, lnc., Eugenc, Oregon a9t24.ffi Job Number i 'SPECIOR DATE I*. CITY OF S RINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION 346 MAIN STREET 726.3753 WE HAVE INSPECIED THE ELECTRICAL WRING AND EQUIPMENT INSTALLED BY YOU AT THE PREMISES NAMED HEREIN AND SUBMIT THIS REPORT FOR YOUR RECORDS. TO OVV}IER OR tocA-iloN oF -l *l -l i. .,-, El WTRTNG.APPROVED FOR COVER I A pERMtT tS REQUTRED E APPiROVED FOR SERVICE I HEAT CA,BL,E APPRoVED FOR COVER E WIRTNG tNCOMptrErE E UNDERGROU,ND APPROVED FOR COVER E WRII{G COVERED \,VlTtlOUT INSPECTION tr CONDUTT SYSTEM APPROVED FOR coVER [] DU:E TO THESE PREAAISES BEING LOCIGD AN INSPECTION COUILD N(}I BE MADE fl DUE TO NO ONE HOME AN tNSprctON COULD NOT BE MADE E WRING APPROVED FOR COVERTNG ErrcEpT THE FOTLOW|NG Go,,* CL^^I* A