HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-01-14-- RESIDENTI'r<r -- COI,TBINATION / APPTICATION PERMIT FECEIPI H SPRINGFIELD CET A! S?RI|ICFIELD 225 i:CffE .5?r SL?rE? sPRr;rcErEtD, oRECOtl 97477 tsuildir,4 Diuisio- ?26-37 63 3 b uL /5.o0 ,bo4% Job Location:L Subdiui sicn: TdE bt #!-ssegsors lla? # ArlneY +Phov #Addtess ci cuodsloue Plrrrul Deeavibe t'lotknllg.l n Adlitaon S,and.eL AEE oU) Contvncto?s ll@ne GenetaL lleeti.aL l.!ecitaicaL Coistflqtion Lcndet Page 1 of 2 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is tho responsibiUty of the p.nnit holder to see th3t all irspcetious are nade at thc PraPar tin., that each address l.s readable frcrn thc street, and tha: th. permit card is located at the front of the Property.* .{I1 manholes and c.Leanouts arc tc be adjusted at no cost to the Clty STTE IUSPECTICN:;ffi;f To bc nade after prior to sst up of rIREPLACE: Prior to placiag facing rnaterials and befere franing inspec- HOoDStovES: After installation !!@ea.forns.tiou. MIDEP.SLAB PLUI{BIN6, ELSCT.D.IC.qL 6 HECHAIICALT To be nade before any rork is covered. PR{I{IIIG: ]fust be requested after approval of rough plurnbing, elecfiii cal 6 mechanical. AII roofing' bracing t chinneys, etc. must b€ cmpleted. No work is to be con- ceaLed untiL this inspection has be2n rade and approved. CIjRB 6 APPR0ACH APPON: Aftet foltrs a-ffireetEa-EG-d6 to pcuring concrete. FOOTI}IG 6 FOUIIDATION: To be made after trenches are e::cavated and fornrs are e!'ected, but pnicr to pou:ring concretc. SIDEHALK 6 DRIVEiTAY: For al.L con- 6ffi street night- of-way, te be nade after a].l exca- vating ccmplete 6 fona work 6 sub- base rnaterieJ- in gIace. U}IDERGROUND PLUMBI}JG. SEWER, I{ATER, DMIIIIGE: To be rnade prior to fiJ.- Iing trenches. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION : To be rnade after all, i,nsulation and required vapon barriers ale in plaee but before any 1ath, gypsur board or LNDERFLOOR PLIJI,IBING 6 MECHANICAL:@or naJ.l covering is applied' and any insulation is eoncealed.OTHER INSPECTIONS: may bc required in accor:dance with Building CoCe, to be. indicated in ;lans or by no- tice from Building fnspector. fLoor insulstlcn or decking POST 6 BEA[: Gilji.ation To bc nade prior to of floon insulation DRY'IALL INSPECTION:;fr1!@.s To be nredej.n place, or Cecking.but prior to any taping. RCUCH PLUHBING, ELECTP,ICAL 6 !rEC!{- ANCIIIL: }{o eork is to be covered ffithese inspections have been aradc and approved. llAS0xRY: Steel location, bond Effigrouting cr verti.eal.s in accordance with U.B,c. Section 2rr15. ETNAL PLUMBING A11 project conditions, such as the installation of st"eet trees, contpletion of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before thc BUILDING FfNAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDIIIG; The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final Plunbing Electrical, and !{echanica} Inspections have Seen maCe a:rd apprcved llo occupancy of the pnemises can be made untiL the Finat Building Inspection has been rnade and approved, and a CERTIFICATE 0F OCCUPANCY HAS BEEII ISSUED BY THE BUILDIIIG DIVI- FINAL ELECTRIC.{L SICN AND POSTED ON THE PREMISES rTNAL HECHA}IICI.L ON )state your Clty designated job nunber,s, tyPe and when you wilJ. be resdy for inspec- . Requests received before 7:00 a.m.tion, eontractors or ornens nane and phone nunbers vi1l be made the sane day, requests made aften 7:00 dav' youR crry DESIGNATED JoB NUMBER, rs: a.m. reill be made the uorking 726-3769 l rrl Sl tl /L/rrh n, ,/ Thn ra'rn < Addrees Li scrt EeTi."eg PhDne H PLunbinq 6u )n),r 2 R.EFIIRENCE NIII"IBERS L-COq !!JOB NL1IBER OCCLIPANCY CROUP IYPE/ COvSTR1ICTI0I[ZONE BEDROOI'1S Sa'-.::":es He4,tefllot th Edst South [,lest - SetbackeLot ?.ype Other !.at Souane Fta- :', c1' Lot Couetedi of Stories -otctL tlel,gh! lopog*qh-y Intertor C'lrnet Fta. iotace !*a l- ^r+. '3. -4 (J. - TOTAL CIL4RCE-( th.l.s perwtt is grotted on the es?r€ss candir-:on ttLtthe eaid co?tsttrtcti.on slu/,L, in ali "eeaecx.., confonto the Mitctteea atbpteci by the Ci=y o--' Spt4ttgjieki,incluiing the Zoning brdit&ce, regrrllot:;rrg :i"e- ccn-etFtction otd. zae of buildings, itc -.cr! ce rtaperd,ed,or re.soked a! dw tune u?on tyLolaticn bi -r-i picti- eions of aaid CrdLna'tcee. BAILDI Ii G VALLIE /PER!.!N P1-ot Chack ?ee Date Paid Reeeipt I Sa,tet Ilo peteon shalZ coiattuct, inetzlL, allet ct cltotge dry net/) or eczsting plunbing or dtzitage ega:an in uhole or in pot, tmleee such petdor, ia :he iegal posoesao" of a ualid pluber,s Licerae, eac.2t thata peoson nay ic plmbing uotk to p?o?er:! u?)ch ia or,med, Leased ot opetated. by the ap:Lloztt. PLTNBING PMTLTI SUBTOT.qL TMAL CWPGES State Strcharge Cota*uction ,Jhe?e Stale La,, tequinee tlat the eieedcai uork be d.one bg a Electrteal Ccntractor, tha elecL*)cal pot- ttoa cf tkta pezntt elull not be oalid lrnt:-i the la-bel las bean sigaed by the ilec*icci Ccnt!c,2+.o?. The Electp)cal Safety ta,t doee not !eq)-:re . ?e?sonb obtain a License as @t elect?tcian al,/oy elec-trica! cottractc" b nake dt eleettical ins::Llctionot p?o?e"tA uhich is cwted by hueeLl or a -rtbet ofkie i,trnedia-"e fantlA ulrLeh is not ietett=ed ;'tr sale, Lease cr tent. ELE*RTCAL PERIII! SUBTAIAL TO?AL Hood Vcnt ?@, ilooi MECEATIC.4L PfrMTT Stdta ElICROACITFEII? Seeurlty !.!ainenooe Permit IO?AL A!,!OU!T D!!E 5ideutalk Fenez ilectrical Label /saAI^OUII? DUC f AW CAREPULLy EXAMINED the cotpleted qplication for penrLt, aln do @rW ce"tifA tltat aLL infotaattoh hereot- is tme otd cortect,'sd Iptfut ce?t":fy that ory otrl aLL tnrk penfunted slull be fune in o..ot-d.oee udh the Mitwtees of tlte citg of -Sprhgfield, attd, the La,ti of theState of 1nogot pettatning to the llrrtk deecribed hetttn, @d. t at NO OC- |Y4ilry vill be tmde of otA ot?rcture tttltout penrtsrion of ttu tsuild,ingAi,:ision. f flttther certifg tlut ottlg eontracTore od. erployeee ulo atZin capliance tLth ORS 701.-0SS aiLL ba tsed on this projebt.- PL@t E afifle" at aLL uate tines. Nuision sha,1 onleneln Buitheptot ldnng /-/