HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1981-05-12-t CIIY OF SPRINGIIETD COMEINAITCN APPTICATION / PERMIT INFORMAIION TINE 72U7753INSPECTION LINE 77e3769 tn Job Ad o,io^fL z Owner Sq. ttg. Other -New_-Add -Alrer-RcP.- -Fence-Demo-Chongei Ure -Other ENERGY SOURCES: Woter Heorer Volue of Work: Heot oo Fo Sq. Itg. Accesr. Permit lnfo: Residen Dercribe Work (i.e., Build Single Artoched Sq. Frg. Moin PhoneAddrer: il.uc o \J N \I) #IAddrerrPhone ne no.)(licr. no.)(oddress)DESIGN TEAM (nome)(expires) Slructurol Electricol nicol ne nomc)ACTORS no res) Electricol CHARGE Mechcnicol ,\AECHANICALPIUMBING FEENO. EIECTRICAT FEEC!-IARGENO. r I lr: furnoce/burner toResidence of --rq. fr,Eoch ringle fixture Applioncc vcnt 5epqrole New circuils, olte.oliont or exientions iRelocoted building (ncw fix. odcjirionoi)Slolionory evop, coolerSERVTCE5 S.F. Reridence (l borh)Vent fon with sinqie duciTemporory ConslruclionDuolex (l both) eoch Vent syslem oport from heoting or A.C.Amp:.Additionol both Mechonicol exhou:t hood ond ductWoter rervice Wood stove/ heoter Scwer Heol PumprEED ERS Air hondler to I0,000 cri{Ampr. Scwcr Air hondler over r 0,000 cFl,{ i ISSI,I.ANCE OF,PERA,UT Zone -Type/Con:r.-Units Sq. Ftg. Moin Flood Ploin -Slorier Occy Group-Sq' Ftg' Olher- TOTAI. CHARGESTOTAT CHARGESIOTAL CHARGES t/r,/ t t DAIEt*t+A t rcart oofrliorrlhirnot:holl unrilbcvqlidclcctricolthadoneE!erlrilhc Conlroctoz,Po permit<qlrhcctricolElebeworkwtARESREOUIbythot5rVJHEREATE d cheddlro rhelo olectri colEqnConlrsGlot ponel.bern o n lactricolho:signod bylobel de of ony s requireci ond ffur?heolllholhereoinformotionncorrect,lrue ond3docerliforondlyh erebyEDNtheiedleREFCAttUEXAr^l comP opplicotion permit,YVEHA'theqnd Lo theof ofStoteotheof Oregonofcilhewithrdino nces Springfieldl,lbetndoneccordqnceqosho llcerlithotondpe rforredonyfy furthertheolDi v isio n.Buthewithouilructure Idingpermi:sionoewillndNOthdtOCCUPANCYthcde:criixdwork her i n,I ngpertoin bothe It notedfor3rsoRS701tho,f.055,exemPt exemptioncleffebylnI5ondfullfor ceth8ui lder'rhc Boordihoimyregirtrolionertif y rhisnirh70ORS.055 bewill ouredtnIqnce proiGGt,owho re @mPondrubontrsclorgemployeerondthotonlyheron. Bosir lor Builder'r Soord crcmption; NA,\lE (pleose print) fOR OFFICE UsE ONIY SIGNATURE x ----Voluex Yoluc 1-Volue TOTAT VAIUATION .,r-0 c. Fire Zone-Ecdroomr occy lood Sq. Ftg. Access Sy5tems DeveloPment Choroe ( I .5?'o) Plon Ck, Comm/lnd 65iLl Blde Pet Fee Plon Ck. Rer 3o7o/8ldq Per Fee BUITDING PERAAIT Chorger ond S u rch orge: Fe nce Totol Comb. PermitDemo PTUA{BING PERMII Chorger ond Surchorges Sidewolk A/ C Povinq Chorger ond Surchorger ETECTRICAI. PERMIT 15 boTOTAT I I MECHANICAI. PERIAIT Chorger ond Surchorger Pltrmbino .H APGFNO. -BTU'S Curb Cut15 co--- .T;5- coMBTNAT|ON AppLtcATloN/pERMtT (CAp) l. Appliconr. to furnish A. Job Address B. Legol Description '1 . exomple-tox lot 100, Lone County Mop Reference IZ 03 432. ex#FC-Lor l. Block 3, 2nd Addiiion to Springfield Esrores C. Nome, etc. of owner ond construction lender D. Energy Sources lectricol ceili /or forceC oir go: 2 eoter,.ect /or-I61il--col E. Squore footoge or voluotion, etc-I. exomole-1250 sq. foot house, 50! sq. foot goroge 2. e x o m FIE- i ?rr e--w p r o i e c r, c h e c k iE-w - i i o d d i tio n, ci ec k odd, etc. F. Building permit informotion: l. exomple-construct single fomily house with on oltoched goroge 2. exomple-remodel existing goroge into fomily room 3. glffiFC.converr single fomily residence into restouront (chonge of use) G. Volue of work os defined in Section 303 (o) of the Structurol Speciolty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construction deloys, Building Division Sloff must be oble to contoct oppropriole persons regording design informotion or iob site corrections, etc. ll. Ab6revioted Plumbing, Mechonicol & Elecrricol Schedules A. Except where blcnk spoces occur in the description portion of the Mechonicol ond Electricol Schedules, the opplicont need fill-in only the No. Boxes odioceni to the oppropriote - irem(s) to be insrolled B. Full Plumbing, Mechonicol, ond Electricol Schedules ore ovoiloble ot the Building Division l. To conserve spoce on the permii form the schedules r hove been obbrevioted 2. lf the irem(s) to be insrolled ore not covered on the obbrevi-. oted schedules you should consult the full schedules C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES lll. Applicont to sign ond dote Whenever possible, the iniiiol opplicotion will be used os o worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Sroff will prepore o typewritten copy ond return it to the opplicont ot the time the oouol permit is issued for his signolure. lV. Fees ond Chorges Plon check fees ore due ond poyoble ot the time of the opplicotion, ond no plons will be processed until these fees ore poid. All other fees ond chorges ore due ond poyoble when the perrnit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT VALIDATION Qoo+ ocTt e6-tz c( Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDTTTONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: ( Additionol Pro[ect lnformotion: nome signoture dote PTANS REVIEWED BY: