HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1996-10-23,CTTY CE OPEGO'Y SPRINGFIELcl DEVE LOPME NT S E RVI C ES DE PARTME NT October 23,1996 Nick Roehl 3205 Western Drive Eugene, OR 97401 225 FIFTH STEEETi S P R I NG FI ELD, OR 97477.: (s4t ) 726-s753\l FAX (541) 726-3689 1l ["' {t-t' Subject: Housing Inspection at 325 South 43rd Street, Springfield, Oregon. Dear Mr. f(oeirl. At your request, the Community Services Division/Building Safety conducted a Housing Inspection at the above address. The inspection revealed items which do not meet the minimum City Housing Code requirements and must be corrected. They consist of the following: /All attic space having 36" or more in clear height shall be provicled with an access opening having a minimum dimension of 22" by 30'u;y' /t,?c c /ro, wr,r) / 2. Rooms used 1br sleeping purposes shall have a secondary means of emergency egl'ess directly to the outside through a door or window having a minimum openable area of 5.7 sqr.rare feet. The minimum opening dirnensions shall measure at least 20 inches horizontally and 24 inches vertically. The height of the window sill above the interior floor or landing shall be no greater than 44 inches. 1J J'he interior bathroom shall be provided with an approved exhaust fan to provide'the required ventilation. 4. Smoke detectors shall be installed outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms and on each additional story of the dwelling, including basements and cellars but not including crawl spaces and uninhabitable attics. 5 Ilvery dwelling unit and guest room shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a roorn temperature of 68 degrees F. at a point thlee feet above the floor in all habitable rooms. 6. Provide engineering for the roof truss system and also for the foundation regarding the ability of the existing fbundation to bear the imposed load of the house. A*Y tl 4 t [{ousing lnspection 325 South 43rd Street October 23,1996 Page 2 [,Provide the insulation values in existing building components to comply with the Minimum Component Requirements of the 1996 Oregon One and Two Family Dwelling Code. #Building permits must be obtained for the above items which involve repairs or modifications to the structural, electrical, plumbing or mechanical systems of the building and fbr any additions or revisions you wish to make to the building. If you need any further information or have any questions regarding the above requirements, please contact me between the hours of 8:00-9:00 a.m., 1:00'2:00 p.m. or 4:00-4:30 p.m. at 726-3759. Sincerely, Rrlt R r**\.*r Bob Barnhart Building Inspector To: Bob Barnhart Building lnspector City of Springfield From: Nick Roehl 3205 Western Dr. Eugene, Or Phone 344-0183 Re: Engineering report of 325 S 4tlrd. St. Dear Sir, Enclosed is a copy of the engineering report done by Emil Mortier. I went to his office and asked for the copy to be notarized. I was told that Mr. Mortier's seal usually suffices for notarization. lf this is not acceptable please call me. Thank You. ,"{rtJ/u/ Nick Floehl 12t9t96 R{ MORTIER ENGINEERIN G, P.C. PO, BOX 139 . .1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97440 PHONE (541) 484-9080 . FAX (S41) 484-6859 November J-, L9g6 Nick Roehl 3205 Western DriveEugene, OR 97401, RE:w.o. #9441-ECM 1. STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN . FIRE PRoTECTIoN CODE CoNSULTANT o PLAN cxEcxirI6 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ' -- As you requested, on october 29, Lg96 r made an inspection at thisresidence which is in the process of ueiSV remodefed in order toadvise you concernj-ng itemg of code "o*pri.'rr;."-;;;;erstand thatthe cirv of sprinsfierd h;r iill":"r"'d rhat th; -?L.or.ti_on orremodelingr work required a permit ;;-il;pections-.r,a-t., requestedthat you have an engineer oLserr" irr" "oiaitions to report on itemsof code compliance' During ny.insf""ii-or r received informationfrom vou and had aiscussioi=__yl* -r-"-q;;a to rh;-;;;ovations andremodeling which is sti1l in_ progress. Based o' o,rr--aiscussions,the information received ana hy tu=".r.tion "i-gf,;-condlt'ons, rmake the fo110w1ng report 3n! -r1.naings-: (The attached Buildino3l"lili:=rf;!:?fi .stltemlnt of condirion-s ana'r,initatio-ns,, is a p;;E 2. 2 The site is located on the east side of the improvedstreet. The ground surface is basically revel wit-h somesrope to the street curb. The residence is rocatedtowards the southwest portion of the site. The rest ofthe site is vacant. There is a gravel driveway riom-trrestreet at the northwest. There are some trees andlandscaping plants on the site and some g,rass areas. Theground surface is somewhat irregular. The soils andgeologj-c conditj-ons appear to be stable. structural: The wood frame portj-ons of the buildingappear to be capable of supporting or resisting existin{loads and forces. r found no evidence of piogr";=iv"structurar failure. The gable roof framing-has- a sag;however, the roof framing has been strelgthened uyinstalling a ridge beam and braces to stiffJn trre -roor and ceiling framing. you stated that you had FredrickrsReconstruction-company, which does sublstructure i"pii.=repair the underfloor constructj_on. There is rihiteaaccess to the underfloor area. r observed the condiiionas much as possj-ble from the section along the east warlwhere there is an opening below the floor construction.rt appears that the floor framing has been repaired. runderstand that y9u have a report from Fredricks nhoperformed the repairs. The floor surface appears to beadequate in that there is no noticeable aeitection orspringiness on the finished floor surfaces. The perlmeter concrete footings and foundations appear tobe providing -ade.quate support for the building.-' rn1r"are some cracks in the foundation; however, thLy do notappear to represent a progressive structurar'faifirre. rtappears that the interior pier footings are providingadequate support. weatherproofing: The new_ roofing is heavy asphaltcomposition shingles which app"a-r to be proierrvinstalled and therefore wiir provide- ia"i""t"weatherproofing at the roof surface. The extdriorpllrwood siding and trim appears to be properly instaileoto provide adequate weatherproofing. - rhe n6w exteiiorwindows are cl-ass 40 vinyl frame doubl_e glazed wnicncomply with current oregon one and Two ramiry or"iii"gcode. The new exterior door is an insuiaila -ano weatherstripped. assembly. The opening below the woodframe construction at the foundation at6ng the east wa:_lshould be filled in with preservative treated rooa,concrete or masonry construction with adequate underflooraccess opening and ventilat,ion openingi. The groundsurface around.the building perimeter sh-ould ne rediiaeaso that the soil is at least six inches below trre 6oiiomof siding. 3 4. 5. 8. 7 3 Insulation: I could not observe the attic insulation.You stated that the wal1s were insulated with R-11fiberglass batts and that the City of Springfieldindicated that R-Ls insulation is required. It is myopinion tfat the upgrading of the building for energyconservation, since the wall-s were previousiyuninsulatgd, is an improvement. I do not know of a wayof upgrading the wa1l insulation now that the interiorand exterior finishes have been completed. f observedthat there is no underfloor j-nsulation; therefore, itmay be an acceptable alternate to instal-l underfloorinsulation rather than upgrading the waIl j-nsur-ation inorder to improve the performance of the exteriorenvelope. I believe that this alternate shoul-d beconsidered by the City of Springfj-e1d. This would alsoinvorve the installation of a six rnil black polyethyreneplastic vapor barrier on the ground surface in theunderfloor area. r believe that the city of springfieldshould give recognj-tion to the considerable uplraAing ofthe building, which improves the energy conservationperformance with the windows and doors that exceed thecurrent building code requirements for retrofit or whatis considered the default values for the exteriorenvelope. Plumbing:. Most of the plumbing is concealed; however,the portions that are exposed appear to have beenproperly performed with materials in accordance with theOregon One and Two Family Plumbing requi_rements. Theremaining prumbing to be performed wil-r be exposed andcan be observed at the final- inspection for occupancy. Heating: Heating is with erectric warl heaters whichappear to be adequate and properly installed. Electri-ca1: Apparently al-most al-I the electricalequipment has been replaced with new install-ations,including a new electrj-cal service. you stated that thiswas performed by a qualified electrical contractor andhas been inspected; therefore, r believe the erectricalinstallations are approved as complying with minimum coderequirements. conclusion: Based on our discussions, the informationreceived and my observation of the conditions, it is myconcl-usion that, this residence has been renovated andremodeled in conpriance with the applicable oregon oneand Two Family Dwelling code requirements except ior theitems noted. The work appears to be done in aworkmanrike manner with approved materials. r thereforebelieve that tl" city of springfield should recognj-zethat the building will be suitable for the intended 6. 4 residential occupancy when the renovations are completed and final inspections are approved. I hope this report is adequate for your purposes at this time. Please contact me if you have further questions. Thank you forthis opportunity to be of service. Very truly yours, Ernile Mortier, P.E. ECYI/rc roehl 12-31- |il,, /r, : 6,' b $aro tlr/ May 5, 1997 Nick Roehl To. Bob Barnhart Building lnspector City of Springfield From: Nick Roehl 3205 Western Dr. Eugene, Or 97401 Re: Compliance with Housing lnspection at325 South 43rd. Dear Sir, I believe that all modifications to 325 South 43rd , per your letter dated October 23,1996, have been completed. The electrical contractor I hired has indicated all work has been completed and inspected. AII other points have been attended to as needed. ! have provided a copy of your original letter, a copy of the electrical modifications made, a Iist-of the items the general contractor performed, and a copy of the engineering report. Please contact me if anything more is required. stnryb-// Phone- 344-0183 MORTIER ENGINEERING , P.C. PO. BOX 139 . .I245 PEARL STREEI EUGENE, OREOON 97440 PHONE (541) 484-9080 . FAX (541) 484-68s9 November L, L996 Nick RoehL 3205 Western DriveEugene, OR 9740L RE: w.o,9444 -ECM STRUCTURAL BUILO|NG DESIGN o FIBE PRoTEcTIoN CODE CONSULTANT T PI.AN CHECI(NG CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION As you requested, on octobet 29, Lgg6 r made an lnspection at thisresidence which is in the process of being rernodeled in order toadvlse you concerning. it,enri of cod_e compllin;". - iiri.ra"rstand thatthe eity of springf ield has inai.cate'a that tne - renovation orrenodeling work reguired a pernit ur,o irr=pections-urro-n., requestedthat you have an englneer oLserve the conbrtron"-to-'r"port on itemsof code conpllance. During my ,i1sp".iron -i-r""Ll""o informationfron you and had dlscussioirs -wlth'regard to tnJ-renovations andrenodellng which is sti}l in progress. eased on our disc1lssions,t'he inf ormation received and 'my tr="rvation "f -th" -conditions, rrnake the following report 3n! -fLna.ings: (The attached BuildingAnalysle Report st,LtemLnt of conditioni ano'LimitatJons,, is a partof this report). 1' Buildlng & Fitq-Qescription: This is a singte storyconventionar wood frame -ies.iaence supported on perimeterconcrete -footings and foundations. - rne Uui.faffi-i;-;;ft. by 22' G,r in slze with two reoioori- a bath and acombined rivins/dining/kirchen/ut,irity ;;;;. you sraredthat, . when you purchased the u"iiairg"' it was indeteriorated condition and that tne previLu" owners hadtaken out a dernorition permir ,iirr -tn. ciit ";; sprlngfield, which was unXnown to you. you statecl thatthe building was in. a very deterior,itra "onalirln-"ia-v",ielect,ed to renovate anci remod,el it. t[. remodelingapparently involv.ed tlr. repair of the wood decay andinsect damage ln the sub-strrjcture, new exterioi;;;,f i;;;siaing, windows and. doors, re-doinj irr"-Lfictricar andplunrbing installatlons, lnsulation i"a -1i", interiorgypsum board finishes. The work is comp-ietea exceli-;;;the instarlation of- 1 patio door uL tne northeastbedroom, completion of the plumbing rixiurelnstallation,cabinets and f loor coverlrigs. 2 2 The eite is located on the east side of the improvedstreet, The ground surface is baslcally rever wit"h someslope to the street curb. The residence is -iocatea towards the southwest portion of the slte. The iest orthe slte 1s vacant. There le a gravel drlveway-rroro trrestreet at the northwest. There are some trees andlandscapj.ng prants on the site and some grass areas. Theground surface ls somewhat irregular. The soils andgeologic conditions appear to be stable. structural: The wood f rame p.ortions of the buirding fppear to be capable of supporting.or resieting exrstiniloads and forces. r found no evidence of pfogieservestructurar failure. The gable roof frarnlng-has- i-=ug;however, the roof framing has been strjngth.n"a 6ylnstalling a rid.ge beam and braces to stiffe-n trre -roor and ceillng framing. you stated that you had FredrlckrsReconst,ruct,lon_ company, whlch does sublst,ructure iepairsrepair the underfroor construction. There i, rif,it"aaccess to the underfroor area. r observed the conditionas nuch as posslble fron the section along the east wa}lwhere there is an openlng berow the floor construction,rt appears that the froor framing has been repaiiea. runderstand that ygu have a report from Fredricks whoperformed t,he repairs. The f roor surf ace appears t,o beadeguate in that there is no noticeable a6irectlon orspringlness on the finlshed floor surfaces. The perlmeter concrete footings and foundations appear tobe providing .adequate support f or the bul]dlng,"'- -rn... are some cracks in the foundat,ion; however, thly do notappear to represen! a progressive structural'falli]re, rtappears Ehat the int,erior pler footings are provtaingadequate support. Weati-refpfoof ing i The ngw. roof ing ls heavy asphalt,composition shingres which appear to ue' pioierrvinstalled and therefore wiir provide la"iuut.weatherproofing at the roof surface, The extdriorprywood siding and trim appears to be properly inJtaireato provide adequate weatherproofing. - rde n,jr-.ii".ro,wlndows are crass 4o vinyr- frame double gtazeJ-rr.i"ncompry with current oregroi one and Two ruriiv- o*"iiingcode. The new exterior .d.oor is an insuiated andweatherstripped. assembly, \n. opening berow th; woodfrarne construction at the rounaatibn ar6ng the east warrghoul.d be fiLled in with preservative -treated wooa,concrete or masonry construction with adeguate underfl00raccess 0penlng and ventiration openings. fhe grounasurface around t,he building perimefer shbul"d be refraa"o "g tfq! the goil is at teait-six inch."-'b"1o, the bottomor sldIng. // 3 3 4 6. 7 5 .?-. rnsqlatlon: r courd not observe the att,lc lnsuratj.on.You stated that the walls were lnsulated with R-1Lf,iberglase batts and that the city of sprlngfieldlndicated that R-Ls insulatioa ls reguired. It is myoplnlon that the upgrading of the bullding for energyconservatlonr. since the walls were previousi|uninsulated, is an lrnprovement. f do not know of a wayof upgrading the waIl insulation now that the interioiand exterior finishes have been completed. r observedthat there is no underfloor insulation; theref,ore, itmay be an acceptable alternate to install underfloorlnsulatlon rather than upgrading the waII insuration inorder to improve the performance of the exterlorenvelope. I belleve that this alternate should beconsidered by t,he City of sprlngfield. This would alsolnvolve the lnstall-ation of a six mil black polyethyleneplastlc vapor barrler on the ground surface ln theunderfroor area. r berleve that the city of sprlngfierdshould glvg recognition to the considerable upgraal.ng ofthe building, which inproves the energy conserva{ionperformance with t,he windows and doors that exceed thecurrent buildlng code reguirements for retroflt or what1s consldered the default values for the exteriorenvelope. B_lumbing:, Most of the plumbing is concealedi however,the portions that are exposed appear to have beenproperly perforrned with rnaterials in accordance with theOregon One and two Family plumbing reguirements. Theremaining plunbing t,o be performed will be exposed andcan be observed at the final, inspection for occupancy. Heelinq: Heating is wit,h eLectric wa]} heaters whichappear to be adequate and properly installed. E]-e-gtrical: Apparently almost aIl- the electricaleguipurent has been replaced with new installations,includtng a new electrical" service, you stated t,hat thiswas performed by a quarified electricar contractor andhas been inspected; therefore, r berieve the electricalinst,allations are approved as complying wlth minlmun coderequirements. C_onclusio4: Based on our discussions, the informationreceived and my observation of the condltions, it is myconcrusion that this residence has been renovated anaremodeled In compliance with the applicabLe Oregon oneand Two Family Dwelling Code reguirements except ior theltems noted. lhe work appears to be done in aworkrnanllke nanner wlth approved materiaLs. r t,hereforebelieve that the city of springfierd should recognizethat the bulldlng will be suitable for the intended I r 4 regldentlal occuplncy when the renovations are compretedand flnal lnspectlons are approved. I hope thls report is adeguate for your purposes Please contact ne lf you have further queettons.thls opportunlty to be of service, Very truly youra, at this time.fhank you t;; R Emlle Mortier, P,E. ECtl/rc roehl 12-31- Ornvr* 8/rctrtc Snrrirn . WIRING . MOTOR REPAIRING 2370 WE6r 7TH PL. EUGENE. OREGON TELEPHONE 343.I 6A I I 2 3 4 Dec. 10, 1996 Nick Roehl 3205 Western Dr. Eugene, OR 9740L Re: 325 N 43rd St., SPringfield I met with the Sprinqfield Inspector to see what correctj-ons were necessary for this residence. The Inspector had been to this house prlviously when aI1 the interj-or wa11s were exposed. He will teqirire this residenee to be wired to the 1996 Elect- rical Code. This wiIl require the following: Install 4 wire cable for range. Install 4 wire cable for drYer. fnstall GFI outlets in front & back of house. Install smoke detectors in both bedrooms A living room. These need to be L2ov with battery backup and daisy chained together. Install 2 appliance circuits in kitchen. AI1 splice Uoxes in attic to be relocated to above the insulation.InstaII circuit to washer, had no wire. Install boxes for front porch light, bathroom light & smoke detectors, there are none Must have 3' clearance in front of electrical panel when washer & dryer are installed. As this is not possible, I suggest instatting a metermain combination outside. service mast is too }ow, will have to go through eve to meet Power ComPanY requirements. Ground electrical panel to water system with #4 CopPer wire. wall heaters must have 2 pole thermostats or breaker lockouts. Wat.er heater breaker lockoutn panel or plug in at water heater.waII heater in the }iving room has walI thermostat & thermostat in face of unit, connected in series, thermo- stat in heater should be disconnected. Lic. #13925 ccB #38001 5 6 7 B e) 10) 11) L2) 13) 14) K4/ ) ) FEI:II'1 : FRET}ERifII F'E'-PHr:ll.,lE l'.lt:r. : 541 f,r 7E 7AL TREDERICK [Ti o'r,-'i'i-nI-u I li ir c c 5/2te1 NICK ROEHI, REr i25 S 4lRD, SPFD. ()R DEAR NICK TltE FOLLOWINC IS A LIST OI' ITElvtS COIV{ILETED AT l!5 S 4-1RD, SPRINGFIELD' ORE(iON I) TIIE CEILTNC I5 I},ISULATED \\'ITII R-]tI FIBERCLASL' CtrLL,ULOSE I}'ISULATION A}ID \['E INSiTALLtrD DAFITLES AT VEI{T$ AND DUCTTNC TO E,XlrlTtl.l(i clc)Dtrl:i 2) THE SIIBAREA SUBFLooR ts TNSTjLATED WITH R-l') FIBERGLAIiS INSI'LATION WITH A 6 NTI BLACK PLASTIC \'A.FOR DARRI.trR GROTIND CO\'ER. ALSO TO CODtr l) TIltr \aENT rAl'iS ll{ TIItr l(lTClIE}i AND DATIIROO}"I \\'trRtr PROntrRL\/ INSTAILtrD TTIRLJ THE ROOT.{S PRtrSCRIDtrD B}' CODD lioTtr. TIUS CONTru\CTOR CAILtrD TIIE CITY Of: SIRINOI?IELD TL) ASCTERTAIN INI':OR-!'iATION lN ODTAINIIiC; nE,RlyltT:i I1OR Tt tE ADC)\rtr \[,ORK AND \[,AS TOLD ].lot.lL WIRL ]itr(1lls$AR\' FTTEDERI(]K D'ANNA I}I $Ftr C TO TVI'Rtr D E, R I C I(CTIOI.{ ]\/'{/ l:-kr{e)trdt il- -yL2fto DATE 3/L4/9't ,-''g 664 BILL TO; N: CK i1'.c ltfrct',; Qt'?-i EUGSI\E, Ci ti',0'- QUANTITY Please lemLt lo acicress be-ow., 541*3q2-4696 FAX *54L-342-22'78 DESCRIPTION P O. NUMBER PROJECT AMOUNT 569.86 1,050.40 -s1.00 -559.86 INVOTCE # TERMS Due on receipt RATE 150,00 -569.86 5 59 . I 6 1/C50.40 MATERIAIS ONLY . :\SUI}TIC]{ .{ID NETTING REPAIRS- I}JSTA:: tsLOWN-IN :}JSULAT]ON IN ATTIC, INSULATION :N SUBAREA, INSTAIL SLIDING GI.ASS DOOR/ R}NGE HCOD VENT, BAIHROOM VENT, .\ND VE}T P:PE RE-JMB5RSE TCR BA:,ANCE O!' W:NDOVI C}iARGA AT MI5-VAI.IEY JOB S:TE: 325 S. ,i3RD, SPFD. ?.&,rD CHECK * 2q32- 3/!4/9'7 ' - p,-O'S oi' MT01 - Tueend. TOTAL $!,2C0 .40 I EDERICK, ,FSTI{ c-fTTIi-TT -t IBILL TO CK ROE:i;, 3205 hESTERN DR. EUGENE, OR 974CL DESCRIPTION P O. NUMBER TERMS z/z/Jo INVOICE # t7 I PROJECT AMOUNT 1,3C0. C0 -i, 300.00 DATE Due on receipc QUANTIry RATE REPA:RED SUEFLCCR A.I(D ROTTED U}.IDERLAYME\T, ROTTED SUPPORT POSTS PA1'}4E:fT RECE]VEI) REPLACE JOB SITE: 325 S. 43RD, SPFD 1, 300.00 ?hanj< you far yps5 busj'ness. TOTAL s0-00 I