HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1992-02-19SPNINGFIELT) R;SIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections: 726'3769 Of f ice: 726'3759 JOB NUMBER 225 Fitth Street Springf ield, Oregon 97 477 27,/ se y'74257LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK: ASSESSORS MAP:/?-d?^r?- 3/TAX LOT:O LOT:BLOCK SUBDIVISION PHONEOWNER: CITY: .- ADDRESS GENERAL: PLUMBING STATE OR ZIP: DESCRIBE WORK NEW _- REMODEL X ADDITION DEMOLISH OTHER CONI-RACTOR'S NAME ADDRESS CONST. CONTRACTOB #EXPIRES PHONE z2z*efr- MECHANICAL: ---- ELECTRICAL: RANGE: FLOOD PLAIN:OUAD AFIEA: _ OFFICE USE _ LAND USE: ZONING CODE: WATER HEATER # OF STORIES Y OF UNITS: E OF BDRMS:CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE:SECONDARY HEAT -SQUARE FOOTAGE: OCCY GROUP: -- , OF BLDGS: .- - To request an inspection, you must call 726-3769. This is a24hour recording. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be ma(te the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. REOUIRED INSPECTIONS Temporary Electric Rough Mechanical - Prior to cover. Final Plumbing - When all plumbing worl< is complete. Site lnspection - To be made after excavation, but Prior to setting forms. Rough Electrical - Prior to Final Electrical - When all clectrical work is conrplete.COVET, Underslab Plumbing/ Electrical / Mechanical - Prior to cover. Electrical Service - Must be approved to obtain Permanent electrical power. Final Mechanical - When all rncchanical work is complctc. F Footing - After trenches are excavated.Fireplace - Prior to facing materials and framing lnsP. B Final Building - When all required inspections have treen approved and building is completed.Masonry - Steel location, bond beams, grouting.Framing - Prior to cover. OtherAFoundation - After forms are erecled but prior to concrete placement.Wall/Ceiling lnsulation - Prior to cover Underground Plumbing - Prior to lilling trench.Drywall - Prior to taping. MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS Underlloor Plumbing/ Mechanical - Prior to insulation or decking.Wood Slove - After installation. Post and Beam - Prior to floor insulation or decking.lnserl - After fireplace aPProval and installation of unit. Blocking and Set-Up - Wlten all blocking is complete. Floor lnsulation - Prlor to decki ng.Curbcut & Approach - After forms are erected but Prior to placement of concrete. Plumbing Connections - When home has been connected to water and sewer. Sanitary Sewer - Prior to filling trench.Electrical Connection - When blocking, set-up, and plumbing inspections have been apProvcd and the home is connected to the servlce panel. Slorm Sewer - Prior to filling trench. Sidewalk & DrivewaY - After excavation is complete, forms and sub-base material in Place. Waler Llne - Prior to filling- trench. Street Trees - When all required trees are planted. Final - After all required inspections are approved and porches, skirting, declrs, and venting have been installed. tJ Rough Plumbing - Prior to cover. -?/6-25n E tl E r tl tl [-_l Fence - When comPleted.r Lot facc's, Lot sq. ftg. Lot coverage TopograPhY Total height LoI ly,- - --. lnterior -- Corner -- Panhandle - Cul-de-sac Sr:tbacl<s PL.HSE ACC IS I H I]OPOSED WORK IN THE }lISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE HISTOFIICAL REGISTER? ----.,- lf yes, this application must be signed ancl aPProved bY the Historical Coorc.lirr:rtor prior to permit issuance' APPROVE,D:E GAR N S BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This pcrtnit is 11;rntcd on tltc cxl)re:ls conclitiorr tlrat tlte said construction shall, in .lll Iesl)ects, confotnl to tllc Ordinance aclopted by thc City of Springfield, incltrtltng thc Devclolttttcnt Coclr-', rr.'clr.llatittg tlte conslrttction;tnrl ttr;o rlI builcllrtiys,;rtr<l tttay bc sttspcn<Jctl or tcvt-tl<ctl ill :rrry litllo upon violation of ettry provisiotrs o{ said orclitratr<:es DatcPlans Rcviewcd BY Plan Check Fce: Date Paid Receipt Numbcr: - Receivcd By: VALUE /zT 24.66_(A) X S/SO. FT. Total Value Building Permit Fee State Surcharge Total Fee 2v-* 1.,/e BUILD!NG PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. M:titt G a t;-t1;t: Cat lrot t ?Fr-Z-rfrszzfr ,4a7ez7VA Systems Developtnent Charge is due on all undeveloped properties within tlre City lirnits which are being improved. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) ADDITIONAL COMMENTSPLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fix tu res Residential Bath(s) N]- Sarritary Sewer f]--- Watcr Fl- Slorm Sewcr FT' - Mobile l-lonte FEE (c) Plurrrbing Pertnit Sliltc [iutcllargc Total Charae Wooc, Stove/ lnsert / Fireplace Unit Dryer Vent MECHANICAL PERMIT (D) N0 Mectranical Permit lssu ance State Surcharge Total Permit Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent F:rn By signature, I stalc ;rtrd agree, that I have caref ully examincd the completed :rpplication an(l do hereby certify that all information hereotr is true and correct, and I further ccrtify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinarrces of the City of Springfield, ancl the Laws of thc State of Oregon pertaining to the worl< descrillccl herein, ancl tlrat NO OCCUPANCY will bc trrarlr-- of atry structure without lrcrtttission of tllc Building Safcty Division. I further certify that only contractors and ernpl<)yr:es who are in cornpliartce with ORS 701.055 will be used on lhis prolect. I f urther agrce to cnsurc tlrat all required inspt:ctiorrs are rcqucsted at the ltro1.rcr tirne, that cacl'r addrcss is rcarlablc from the strcet, tlt;rt tltc pcrrnit card is locat(-'(,1 ;rt tltr: lront of thc property, arrcl tltc apllrovccl set of 1tl;rnt; will rcttlain Signature Date Z. on llro sitc;rt :rll titrrr-'s tltlri g con ction MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mo[:ilc l-lorrte Stale lssuance State Surcharge Sidewalk --"- ft Curbcut --..==- ft Total Miscellaneous Permits (E) _/- aD Demolition State Surcharge 2-/2-az .ZB2DATE PAID AMOUNT R[CfIVED RECEIVED BY VAT.IDATION: RECEIPT NUMBEH TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excludin(l electrical) (A, B, C, D, anci E Combined) 46e tN!0tcE $TANDAfiD STRUCTUHAL PEST COHTHOL INSPECTION REPORT (Wood.Dcrtroylng Protr or Orgrnt*mr) This is an inspaclion roport only*not a Natic? ol C,omplelion.'. .. {ilj A-1 Pest Control Termltr & Dry Rot Repalr 2400 G St. r Sprlngfl*ld, Orcgon 746'0,579 Stat6 Lrc. l{o. 00350*lnaurod TYPE OF LOAN: FED v.A. t l lNsPEcIpN oROsBEo 6V {NAME ANo ADOBESS} 8eu"E8',B ilA*lE AnO ADDnESS $'TATE FHA T]FAHMHOME N CONVENTIONAL N Orfgina, nolrofl K Suppsmntal Rrpod n *rrro.rr*3: SUB FTOOR LEVEL & tsELOW, WE ASSUME NO LIABILITY FO8 ANY NOTED ON THI$ NEPOTTT,OTHER FOHT|0N OF $TRUC{UBE UNLESS $PECIFICALLY |f,|POffiAHT NOflCE ANp EXCUJ$IONS rhrx rapon 16 only I ,.po.t ot our trndroue, b.rod on whll w&r ooo€rvid by ths rnlpocto, c tho ini,d hr rorpoctron Thrr rcpo( HOIGE: E$IIU',EOOESHOTINCLUOEI)AINI ']q PIUMTING.OIITEVELINO"NSIRESPQ}ISIBTEFORGRACKSTIIAI'MAYULVTIOP Eelow Rot ffi A SED PE$T COHTROL OPERATOR IS AN HIS FIELD. AI{Y EXPEHT RELATIVE TO THIS $}IOULO BE AEFERBED TO rr rlrown as mlcrtncc polnts only tnd arc not lncludrd ln zuYEIrg t{A|{e Ailo ADonE$s -.-- - t t ,rrlt 5rt ,StruoturtlfitlR sDr NOTE I ii I I {,. I 'I iI 1 t, i ii l I t i i I I I i { I i i I I I I , 1 I l II t {t 4Xtb I I : I I I 1 I I { : ; .t eczra r8LDG.ADONESS OF P8S€RTY INEPTGTEO CITY 4p Codrlbr Sro Dlrgnm BolonYerCodo v Exlitlng Vont!ST xrrglructurd oamage Inrect il Proporod Vontr $R t0 lnrdoquat6 ClearanceWB EM Struclwal Sub,loor Excostlva Mor*lure Condttiong IA lnaccergible Arcaf* CD Callulooo Oebrie ffi}(FI Furlhor lnaprclion NcododFT L lbr Lsak BslffiS., Sublorrrnssn Tormtles Termrles !\bod Eootlos AntB FG Faully Orrdo (loss than 6" cleerance| l$EC Erylh-wood Contrcu Othor I OthsrothtrE L4a e9or bld. i I I 1 i I l'1ilr , a n AD08ES{i OF LICENSE THIS I$ A l,lAME AN) NSPECTEO ,i I I It 'i I 1 ; L i I I I I I 'l 'I : !t' I ! I ,,ri !l srREb qJ OATE. OI 2_/, n I Furuur Grstvth, Treatltrlg - --.- f,_I i I i- t- l i + i I '| I i! ,\.\ REC( MENDED CollnECTIO;^ cJ darn,rged nd *-"-*** mudgilll, X - Bemove arrd replace ;ipprox. 2, *-* Remove and relllace dpl)rox. 3. . -V Remove arrd replace approx. +:,:** Remove ancl rcplace apt)rox. 5. - .. ', . Semove and replace approx. . ol clatttaged heador. siding jorst end(*l darnaged full length iotst(s) rop of bathtub. replar;e l,athtub shower kit,howcr, lutr walla as o0sded lo provent loakage Sfr()w(r pan in .. stze _._-.-* costs not included, rofer to Inslall lub-shower door in slze -*_._roplace darnagod bathroom wrndow in _ - . . stzg -.irdmaged L)dserrenl window 6. .X, lnstall approx.22 - h. ol new beairt to suprrorl joist splicc:, 7.;.-,.. flemovo and rcpli+g dpprox. *-.-""-.**ltnaal h. ol rlarrlagtr/ --..-- - suPpon boam 8. -,,..,-- lnstall appro*. -*J new piers and prer-blot.hs. f 'g. /t - Ramove and ruirlace approx. -- . ,-- darrfiqedl:rrer posts. i0'o$- Rsmove arrrt reptace rpprrr*.O*, (-{6;frrffi rt.rrnaged - subfloor. m; }S - Homovo all scattr'lrt:cl wood-r.lutrnu and lorm boattls lronr sulraroa, L.-, M--*-- H--_,-_-- 12. X - lnctalt s - 6 rnil va;ror barrrur over sntirg subarrl surfoco. tS. **- Pioca in mrssing valror trarrior in approx. flx)l area, 14. *..- Stlaighten sxrst,og vagr'r barrier as ne€dgd. 16, - lnutall a gravtty flow elrorrrlino fn:m subaroa approx. ----*"-lineal teet lo stresr, 16. .-.*- lnstall a suhrarea sunrp pump and approx. lineal tt, of drarnlino to *__- , ,_ . 17. -* Trench subarea as needcd, lo drirrn or sump punll,, as needed to alleyiate standing water conditiol. 18. *..* ln6lall dpprox. yards of \" torun{! riv{rr rrick ilr subaroa lronche$. 19. - lnrtall a;:prox. ,.yards el th" round river rrick rn $ubarrod low spots. n. , - Excavate sub;rrt:,r tr,i dllow propcr irocess and cfearancr), approx, .--...-----.-cutric yardS. 2t. ..-* Trench autrarea trs rrtletled for access, approx. .--., lineal leet. ?2" *.- Make access t0 irr;rr;t:essiblo areau, as ngsded to illlow lurther rnspecuon tc(,br ol dry d4nr.gc5 luq^d n$r rr,rj,,rlrd m 5x!1, 23. X Funher iltspeclru_rr ty:rttlcd in rJamaged ateas whr:r,, rrrrticaied on rliagtam {cu:r ,,r rny ddnrd.Jo\tound nll ,,,(rud.d n lxdt 24. X- lnstall approx. ( ' leel ol nrotal flashing to corect eorth.wurld contacrs n1f&#porch. 25. .X*, Venl rltyer to urrlsrrlrr to prevenl dafiiage lrorn lire or condensatt{},t. dpprox. J-*-. luor. 26. -X* Repau lotrrrrjatron.tr*r. 27. **-- Chernrcally l.rjiil srit)strtlcture a,ei,r l.r eliminate Sullterranean lurrrrrtes 29. Chemically t,rat srrl)strulctufe area to eliminatg Darrrpwood J'eutrites. Chcrnically treirr sul,strrJcture aroa lo eliminats Powder Post boetles. Cherntcally trearl ir:. ri,rerlorl r,ri !r,rrirrrrl0 C&fp$nlu Ant infestatiOn Chemically treal siir.,rructurB,r.'i, ,,rirrJ to c(rrrrrot dryrot lungus )C* Spot .- -- 30. 31. 32. -**-" Beplace underl,rylrl,rrrl llooflng {r u..--'--*- approx aroa. 33. -*** lnstall ncw llnultlrrrrr rrr apptox. . -*-* drua 34. - --.* Reseat lorlul i,rr d rrriw wax seal. :x: x_- 36. ___- 36. **-* 37. _*" . _ 38, ** 3S. -_-__ 40. 4t. *_ - Caulk base -lnslall -_ *. _ Regroul slall s Replace leaky Eeplace or . - Reparr or Replace srlls lramos size42.-* . Cul oll brrse ol st.t[lncks al and rnslall concrete pad$. 43. -*-- Femove and rr:placu damaged slatr *.-.- lachs lrue44, -- Flu mbrng leakr rrotsd at *-_ horneowner should call plumbcr lo teparr (costs not tnuhi,led). 45, *.--- lnstall approxlmaroty lineal feol ol concrots block tourrr:atton .-*and loolrng at .*. 40, -- lnstall approximarury -- * of ---*-inch Concrote flashwall to corr$cl earlh.wood contact at 47, 48. 48. 50. 5t. 52. 53, 54, $5. 55 i7. '*-- Struclure wag occuprod at timg ol tnspection, COlts nOt inCludOd tOr any damage ff infestations concealecj t)y tsrl.rnt,s pos.': sossronE, applrances or otherwise nol visible lo viow. * troad al -*_*_*__ .... Lower exlertor grade level lo corrucl earth-wood contacts al -....-----* approxtmately --_ hrmal loet. Shortensidtngtocorreclaanh.woodconBol8at_---approximalely-__.leet -- ln8tall approxirnately lxocal lort on non.woodrkirting at _ _ size -*_"_ -}{- ln8tall -- -h - additronsl ventB througilt fim iorst UfA_qCh loundatron wail .-._--..Unblock .q2-_ existing vents aa notod. Ftoscreen y' t$aAlq{tsring vsnts,FleplaCe exrsfing venl framoa. , ,, lnstall _ - _ vent wolls 1to be made lrom pressura lrsated wood). lnslall - * ., crawl holg welle (to be msdo lrom pregsuro lreated wood). tnslatl ._- _--__ ngw crawlhole *.-j6__ lrame _ X, " venred door Sub area in:ur,rl.rtror.l pteventod a lotal insps'ctloa ol rubfloo( ioists, sill ancl header. and support beams. Any damago c,r rnfeslatnns lhat may exiel in lha6c aroas is not includect in report or brd. ri!FF**@ i :tF.-*1!ir : I I rl , ,tt;,.-l '' iil'fu.1. l I I