HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1995-06-29r\.iirorized LOCATION OP INSTA LEGAL DESCTLITTION JOB I'17 Pcrnrits are non-transferable and expire 1[ vork is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork ls suspended for 180 days. 2. COI.NTIASTOR INSTALI-ATION ONLY B Iilcc trical cont rac torM t e A<lctr:ess ( e {h/il tt) ciry Eqfen e - r'ttone {t-t -3137 Supervisor License Ndnber 2s6oS Expiratio n Date ,/e -/-7f c Constr Cont r. Number A96ao E>:pi ra t ion Da te 23- prolect as submkted has the lollowing u8€ ELBCTRICAL PBTTU IT APPLICATION City J . q<t ob Number L ,J I cKl srgnarr" lv 14. COunr.nrn rrng SCTIEDULB DBLOU A. Nev Residentlal-Sing1e or HuItl-FamiIY Per dvelling unit' Service fncluded:Items Cost 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additlonal 500 sq. ft or portlon tlrereo f Each Manuf 'd llome or Mo<lular Dvelling , Service or Feeder $ 8s.00 $ 1s.00 s 40.00 Scrvices or Feeders fnstallation, Alterations or Reloca t ion: 200 amps or less ,' 20L- anrps to 400 amps - 401 amps to 600 amps - 601 amps to 1000 amps- Over 1000 amps/volts - Reconnect 0nIY 0fr Temporary Services or Feeders Installatlon, Alteration or Relocation 5a.t I lr.l Gl: tl:LlJ 200 amps. or less 201 amps to /r00 amPs - 0ver /r0t to 600 amps _ 0ver 600 amps or 1000 volt Tli t;,t"' ";*ino does not requiro sp€ci{ic land 225 IIIFTII sTRI*T I ,O/ iriuHcnrrr.u, oRtiGoN 97477 Zonins t-'-rz<--- INsPrcrIoN REQurfar z 726+37$921 b**-'!{ 0FFICET 7?.6-3759 5. SI'BTOTAL OP ABOVE 5f State Surcharge TOTAI, Sum 40.00 55.00 80.00 e rtBr affiifi s 2.oo o not included) 40.00 40. o0 20. oo tQ / .60 $ s0.00 $ 60.00 $1o0. oo $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 dD5L Y Si ature p Blectri cianI $ $ s ses ners Name Atl d rcs s Ci ty Ithonc OVNER IN:;TALLATION The installation is being made on property I own vhich is not intended for sale, Iease or [ent. Onners Signature: Branch Circui ts Nev, Alteratlon or Extenslon Per Panel $ 3s.00 D E 14iscellaneous (Service/ feeder -Eaclr installation Plrmp or irrigation $ sign/outline Ligtrting- S t iii tea Energy/Res - $ Limi ted Energy/Comrn S !, DATE: RECNI PT sqm-Irti('r.:Ivt:l) It ,at:lj i' 'l I 1. F, One Ci.rcui t Each Addi tional Clrcui t or vi th Service or Feeder Permi t