HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-12-26Job Loeaticn: ?at Lot llAssessors Map ll Subdiuision: 2tmer Phone:Z Ci Addtess 5ryVrzr Zrz*a *> Desctibe h'ork: ValueDate of Applica n areLe Home 7l/:tr /zzZc?.zs /a Additi.an RemoCeL Rcceip tt 1J6.. RESII-tr-TIAL..SPFII,rIGFIEL.D- Zzs North stu itoufPLrca-'0w/PERMrr Spningftald, 1r'egon 97477 ' Building DLtsision 7 26-37 53 {,1 Date resnt ractor ar General P lurnbing ical ec trica c].anElec trSue !.IOVED BU.DEI.IOLITIO!1 Sani.'-ary seaer eapped ct property Lire Septic tank panped and filled uith gra:;eL Einal _ h\ten abctte :utens ane catrpleted and uhen Cetnolition i,s conplete or struc- ture noued and premiaes cleaneC up' ile Hcnes Bloeking and Set-uP Plunbing connecti-ons -- saier ard uatet Eleetrical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-ut and olumbinq connections m;st be apprctei inforc requ-est'-ng eleclrical inspecliot Aecessory BuiLC'Jng Final - AfLcr pcrckes, skitting, decks' ete. o.Ye conPletad' Payte 1 of 2 It is the reeponsibility of the petmit ho-ld.er fron the etreet, and that the -pet'mit -cat'd ia *sui7-ding Nuicion dp?roDed pLan shcLL PemaLn Located at the front of the property on the Building Sitc at aLL tines' PnocEDUPE FoR INSPECTIOTT .E9-8'|!EST:CALL 7 requested and uhen lou DLLL be readA Jo"'aiil be made the sone day' r'equests mcde to see that aLL inapections ate nade at the prope? time' that each addreas is reacobie 26-3769 (recorder) state Your CitY Cesigru ted job ntm,ber, job aCiress' tYPe of insPeclicti inspection,contractot's or a,ners nctne and plnne numbet'. Pequests receited befcre 7:00 an after 7:00 an ti,LL be made the nest wt'ki'ng day Iour Citg Designated Job Nunbar Is 56u UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & utcnL,Yical: To be made before anY GoiTli-iStteled. PCOTING & FOUNDATICN: To be nPde after. t;;t1ctrs are ercatsated attd forns a.re et'ected, but Pri,or to pouring ccnc?ete. u NDIRGROU N D PLUMD rNq sErFR. t't.47.8t8. - DRAIIIAGE: To be nad.e prlor to J1'L- T@'66nehee. UNDERFL11R PLUMBING q MEC\q-NIC;AL: ^To be made pt'ior to instaLLdtlon oI floor ineulation ot' deeking. POST AND BEAM: ?o be nade Priot' to diTiTTilG{of floor insulati'on ot' decking. ffilTthese inspections haue been ma.de and. approtted. PIPEPLACE: Prior to Placirq facingnct;i;l; artd befoz'e fratning inspec- tion. FRA\IING: l"tust be requested aften appiooat of rough plunbi-ng, electri- cal & nechanical. ALt roofing btaei.ng 8 ehinmegs, etc. rrust be . comoleted. No ucv'k is to be con- ."ilnd unti,L this insPeetlon las 'been made anC approtted. )URB & APPR1ACI| APP.QN: After forms ee erected but Prio? to Pourtng concrete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAI: Fot aLL con- A;t eiaofr';lTd" s tneet risht- of-,xa', tu be made after aLL ecca- u"t+n, can7lete & forn t'sork & sub- base inaterial in Place' SI?E INSPqCTION, e*c"uano",-ilt fonns. FIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECIIANICAL FINAL ELECTBICAL DRYVALL INSPECTI0N: Tc be made aner'frTdw"tTts .in Pl-ace, but prior to cnY taPlng. WSINRI: Steel Location, bond Eifiijgrorting or oet'ticals in ac.ord&.e LtLth U.B,C. Seetion 2415, WOODSTO'IE: ccnaCm. After installation is Io be made after prior tc set uP of I N SULAT ION / VAPOR F.4 R R I ER T iI SIUCT]P N : T;T; ,r"de4te"-all insulattcn and rcouit'ed oapor bat'riers are in place bui b"fore antt Lath, gYPslm bcarC or tnLL cbuerin{ is applied, and befote oty insulatibn is concealed. I il w IENCE: h4ten conPlate -- ProuiCe @66 or nooable sectians through P, U,E, -.-.ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallaLion of street y1e-e-2, conPleLion of the required. Landsccpi.ng,"Lt"-., ,li2tt be "atisfiei- t'"ioinn- tl'n BUILDIN:G FIiAL ean be requested' F,NAL BttrLDrNc: The Final Bui.Lding rnspection mtst be tequested after the Pi'nal Plwnbing El,eetri.cal, @c Mechan;:';;i n"p""'iLti'i-'t'o'n been nade atd-approrsed' *AI,L I4ANHILES AND |LEANOUTS IIUST BII ACIESSIBLT, AD,IUSTIIEII| TO BE I'IADE /1.T IIO CCST TO CIIY x Pege z cSOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB N L-CO Bedrooms LCT ?YPE _ fntet'iot' Cot ner Panhandle CuL-de-sac Lot Faces -Sources Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Ccoerage_ I of Stortes Iotal Height P. L.Ilouse Access lopography -- Fees -- ITEM FTG X Building Volue & Permit This perrntt is granted on the erp?ess cond-i.tion tLnt the said consttuction slull, in all t'espects'-';r;;'i;;i;-li-e orairrunee adopted ?)v the gita 2f ip"i"ifliti, +nolludlng' til 2o"l."g crdinanc-e' r'egulatbtg the ccnstmrcticn ind u"u'" of Luild.ings," ond ^ry be'suspended oy yeuokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of any prcuisions of said }rdinances' TOTAL VALUE *cn^11+ Duilding Pez'wit Check Date Paid: State Receipt ll: Iotal Clnrges *Signed: ITEM NO,ILL CHARCE Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, install,,- alter or clwnge -any neln-c? eristing plitfW or dtainage systLy in uhole or in part, unless such person is the injor {o""n"*o, oi o ,LLid plu bu,'s Lic-ense, ercept that a person *aa 41 ptiitihg uork to pr:operty ihi.h i" otmed, Leased o, opez,ated by the appli- cant. Fi.xtures Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuet' Pl",unbing Pernit State TotaL * Electricol Permit Wet,e State Lar,t requiz,es th"ot the eLectrical uov'k be done by _an Electt'ical Contuactor,, the el)ctuical po*tion of this pemnit slnll not be oaliC until the Label Lns been signed by the Electrical cantrdctor' t Lr, * Nau/Ertend Circuits Semsice ze €? ELectt,icaL Stcte Total CIIARCENCFEE * Mechcrnicol Permit Vcodstope Vent Fan Eshast HooC PTU, S PermLt fssucrlee Meclnnical Pernrtt -- ENCROACHMEXT -. Seout*itu Deposit Storage Maintenance Permit Cu.rbcut Sidaoalk !ence Electtical Label Mobile Home /z-z*.ffi t L-2-/ - F? Total ,N)TAN AMOI]NT D{JN: ^,/2e(e /./- Date ara r HAW CAREEULLy SXAt:.fiNED the completed application for pennit, and_ do iereby certify that aLL infoi,mation hereoi is true and co,rect, cnd. f fut th"et, cent7iy that any ard aLL aork perforaed s.LnL-L be dote in accor' dan.e vLth thZ" Ordinanc-es of the City of Springfield, and the Laas of the * State of Oregcn pertaining to the uotk Cescz'ibed herein' cnd tlnt N0 )CCU- pl.Ncy ;LL bZ ,ra\e of any structure uithout pennission of the Building N- ttision, I further c'et'tiiy that only conttactors and enplcyees uho ate in conplianee with ORS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this pnoject