HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1996-09-03CITY OF OREGON zi"rin{-r, and doosnot requiro specific land use i:pproval. SPFr.-iFlELD 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amPs -401 amps to 600 amPs - 601 amps to 1000 amPs- Over 1000 amPs/vol-ts - Reconneet 0n1Y Branch Circuits Nev, A1!fratioi"":+f, One Circuit T<€r Z- Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit - 225 PTFTH STREET SPRTNGFTELD, OREGON INSPECTTON REQIIBST: OFFICE: 726-3759 1. LOCATION OP I,EGAL q Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vithin L80 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for L80 days. 2. CONItsACTOR INSTALI^ATION ONLY Electrical- Contractor Address Ci ty L,o elLe)Phone (BL-Oq os Supervisor License Number 560 Expiration Date o I Constr Contr. Number 5 ++.3 'Expiration Date a Signature ing trician d Ovners Address Ci tY Phone OIINER ,6 q"7 INSTALLATIONs. 4l* EI,ECT?.ICAI PERUIT City Job Nruber 3. COT{PI,ETB PEB SCEEDIILE BELOIJ A. Nev Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home or ModuLar Dvelling Servlce or Feeder s 8s.00 $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 B. Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 97477,1. 72 Sum 00$s0 $oo $100 $130 00 00 00 I $300.00 $ 40.00 on Per Pane1 $ 35.00 ''A!t) I C Temporary Services or Feeders Installaiion, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less ior "*i," to 4oo amPs -Over 401- to 600 amps - Over 600 amPS or 1000 volts D bovea .00 .00 .00 ilrtB $40 $ss $e0 see S+ The installation is being made on Droperty I ovn which is not intended ?or' sull, Iease or rent ' 0vners Signature: 00 E Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) .00 .00 .00 -Eaeh installation Pump or irrigation Sisn/Outline Lighting- t-imi ted EnergY/Res _--- Limited EnergY/Comm SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge ii ia-r"istrative Fee TOTAL .00 ZO 2$ D $ $ $ 40 40 oo 5 DATE: BECEIVED 36 S;'i,i\l [ \ .,iri.:GOirl LrUlt-Dli'.lG CODt:S /\GENCY CO !.,,i PL!Ai.JC E IiEI]O TiT -', ir i i,:j i r r r'; C) clc.i ;-' s .f..(1 (r ; i i.:.., C o ir r pl l! ali.rce [:)rocl rarn 1 :>3i; Eoec,.vater ['{\tJ Salenr, Oregon 973i0 (503) 373-27t,1 F.,.--:l rl'Jitrll [- - TI-|IS REPORT IS TO 6E USED TO PROVIDE II.{FOT?I.{ATION P.BOUT POSSII-]LE VIOLATIONS OF CBEGOI'{'S BUILDING CODES AND OCCUpATICNp.L LICEi.:Sli.ic LA\VS. PLE,/l.SE ,ATTACIj ADDlTlCN,r..L PA.G.[S lF YOU REGUIAi: t,iOi?q. SP.riCi 'l-HAT CUn FOtli.,l PiiCYtUtrS. l'larne of /rlleg e d \liclaior: Brad Barnes Apprentice Agrelement /10200905 Dusiness lJame o{ A.ilegei \riclatcr i.iaiiing Adoress: 721 Kelly Blvd Irhcne ;'' civ Sorlnefield' Oregon AI-I-EGED \/IOLATiOi.I : il Wo*.;ng rr.rthoui a per.rnii Electrical Feratit li'pe il Vt,orkino vriihout a Contracto/s license E1e-ctrical il Worrcng vrithout a Journeyman's license T)'pn El ec.trical Typn D otr,"t Did you personally witness the alleged viotator perform the installation? lf the ansrver is no, horv do you l(nolv the alleged violation occr:ned ? O Yes ffNo On 8-8-9 ('t I received a complaint from his employer Rose Electric that Brad had wired n hot tub over a weekend on his or.m and with out Permits ' Dae he abged viCatcn was dx€r\.raC stooped ob and talked with owner 8-8-961 ,addess vfere lle atcgcd viJdicn oco.:ned 597 Sorrt 4l st Place crv Sorinsfleld, Ore son 4 97477 Namg and address of Witness(es) rvlrc pcrsonally oGerved or havo knowledge or ttte alleged violalor who performed lhe installaiion: Il-rr':eM 7 1,7 -Ol!? 1en ldiess 597 South 4lst Place '. 'iu '..1:1jj:r-J"--:rtr\ , .!.-.-...'.::r.l -.-... ., l '.-|,'.' '-.li;:t-:i!. t-;1i..:,.)i:/ /t-\;V 97 477 li is imporlant tltat the lollor",inq iniornralion be as conrplele as possible . Plea-se provide speciiic informaiiott suclt as a.detailed description of ihe alleged activitv; type oi siruciui'c invol.,,e anc1 r,.,;rc-i.p irr tlte struciure the installation occurred; supplies ancJ labor furnished by tlie alleged vioiato. statemenl, invoices, cancelled checks.or any other proof of pa;,n-1snt: and any oiher inlormalion you may have to assist us in the invcsticratiorr. Provided mat erial and labor to install wiring to a hot tub located iC 597 S. Alst P'l ace. Sorinsf ield.Ornmer relayed to me that she had approached electricianq working onanotheriobintheneiehborhoodforRoseEleccricalCorp.andadkedif'shecould geE a price to wire her hot tub. Brad Barnes. told her he could do it for her on a wppkend. -: Mrs. MarEen was not aware he did not have a Journeypan License. Enclosed coov of correcEions I observed'Location of work is a private residence' I,?rpur GefW t E/tq-r'ro<' t,o/s/ttzaq: -ft?Z/n/dfl&b to Ure bcst kncr,,4edge. lrvouh so teslify i{ call MUST BE SIGNED /IBOVE WILL (oo{Hutd,otatD ad-c. 7 7/2'7 (Dnytimolza- (Gl Stato, Zp) TIIIS FORI\d ,) . attest tlrat the infornralion in th's report's true ard lcd to appcar at an administrative hearing. ,/ ^zz- 76 'u*"/rrD 726 -34'63 'tolophono numlxr)@7% (Evoning lolophono nuntfu r) BEFORI= THI= ALLEGATIONS MADE BE II.IVESTIGATED. ,t City of Springlield / Development Services Building Safety 225 North Fifth Street 3raraotall.o Job Number lsb /o.z_.-7 Date .r- r*72, Job Address To zQa.'tt/dd- /Aft/'Do t,,qeD 1* EiZ"O Oda-</>-Cz}te' <).."L .y'a.u - a C /.<tC.4' c-- 7.t ' na-n, ,riz.>t!7-' //22-e./4 zZ/J tD<t- Z: Z(Z? 4--z/, Call for reinspection Inspector ************rr** Call for inspcction 726-3769 ****r! euestions 726-3759********** .i .' .:.-. .: