HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2019-12-19 (3)SPRING a ONEGON Web Address: www.springfi eld-or. gov Pcrmlt Issued: December 19, 2019 Building permit Commercial Slgn Permit Number: gt t-19-OO27OS_SIGN IVR Number: Bl 106119861 I City of Springfietd Development and publlc Works 22S Fifth Street Springfteld, eR97477 54t_726-3753 Email Address: permitcenter@springfield_or.gov TYPE OF WORK Cltcgory of Constructlon: Sign Submltted Job Valuc: g0.00 Deecrlption of Work: Sign (1) Wall BenchMark physical Thera pv Type of UUork: None Specified JOB SITE INFORHATION Worksite Addrcss 5707 MAIN ST Springfield, OR 97478 Parcc! 1702334400800 Owner: Addrcss: MCKENZIE CROSSING PARTNERSHIP LTD PO BOX 1328 EUREKA, CA 95502 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Buslness Namc SALEM SIGN CO INC - Primary Liccnse Llccnsc Number 65297 Phonc 503-371-6362ccB PEI{DING INSPECTIONS Inspcctlon 6999 Final Sign 6940 Sign Attachment Inspectlon Group Signs Signs Inopcction St tus Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Call or text the word 'schedule' to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811061198611 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store p.rmlts axpirc at wort 16 not atlrtcd within 1EO D.ya of isDurnce or it work 13 su3pGnded to? 18O Dayr or long.r dcpcnding on the leruing egcncy's policy. A1 provl.lotrs o, l.wo rnd ordinanccr govcrning thl. lypc of work wil.l bc complicd wlth whcthcr tPaciflcd hcrcln or not' Grantlng ot a permlt doc6 not presum€ to glvG luthorlty to vlottte or c.nc€l the grovlsionc of any othcr ttatc or locll llw rcauhtlng conitruction or thc Pcrformancc ol congtructlon. ATTENTIO]{: Or.gon |rw rcquiier you to follow rutcl rdoptGd by the OrGgon Utllity totificatlon Centcr. Thole rulcc are set torth in OAR 952-OO1-OO1O through OAR 952-OO1-OO9O. You mly obt ln coPict of the rulG. bY c.lllng thc CGntGr lt (5O3) 232-19t7. All pcrson. or ontltic|. pcrformin9 wort undcr thl3 pcrmit rrc rcquirGd to be lieGn.Gd unlccr cxcmpted by ORS 7O1.O1O (Structur.l/lrlechanical), ORS 479.sao (Elcctticrl), tnd ORS 693.O1O{20 (Plumblng)' printed on: t2l19/19 page I of 2 C:\myR€ports/reports//production/01 SIANDAnD It ^-, Permlt Number: 81 1-19-OO2705-SIGN QuantitY I 1 Total Fees: Page 2 of 2 FcG Amount $6.70 $88.00 $46.00 $140.70 FGc Descrlptlon TechnologY Fee Permanent sign - 0 to 35 square feet' per sign Sign plan review, Per sign Print d on: r2119/19 P.ge 2 of 2 C: \myReports/repofts/ | prcducltonl Ol STANDARD PERHTT FEES CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON SPRINGF!ELD &225 FIFTH STREET * SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 * PH: (541)726.3759 * FAX(541)726-3689 Site Addrcss: Assessors Map(s):Tar Lot(s): Owner:Phone Number:.-TlL 4lel",a- strtn'(A ap, Q5{o7z OREGO city Job *u,,0.,, ;5:.HHf,T;:ff,.ffi'iffiiil|I'-X,'flffi'[;lltl#3i[,fi,"' , Addre"ss: Business Name, Flrm, etc: DESCRIPTION OF PROFOSED SIGN(S) TYPE OF WORK: Please mark all that apply: New: \ Replacement: -Alteration/Relocation:eUANTITY OF SIGN TYPE(S): Please lndicete how many of each sign you propose to install: l.Wall: l' Frccstanding: _projecting: _Roof; _ Marquee: Billboard: Othcr: _Pedestrian-Oriented Sign (Downtown Sign Disuict ONLY. See Municipal Code 8.250): WindoVIVall: -or Blade: -DESIGN & PLACEMENT: Pleace attach additlonal lnformatlon if more than one sign is proposed: Single-Sided: \ Oouble-Sided: - Non-Illuminated: - llluminatcd: Intemal \ ot Extemal -Square Footage: 25 Vertical oinrension:lltlfiorizontal Dimension: I4O '' Distance from adjacent grade to bottom of sign f..r' P'(n. Total height above grade: 40 n, FOR WALL SIGNS; Lrngth of wall on which the sigrr is located: 20 ft. FOR WINDOW SIGNS: Gross glass area of all windows on the side that the sign is located: -sq. ft. installation: Yes:X No:(If "1€s," additional electrical permit required.) Alunur,rw r Act Value rsl: f fco Electrical Malerials: Llst AIaL exisdng slgnage and attach a photograph ofeach slgn: (a) Type: (c) Type: Ft.: Ft.: (b) Type: (d) Typc: z Ft.: Ft.: State:6L zip Expires: Contrrctor/Installer: Address: Construction Contractors Registration Number: PrlntName: [\c+i Rtl^,y'r- Signature: OFFICE USE: Sign District:Zonlng: By signature, I state and agree, that as owner or owners agent, that I have carefully examined the completed application "na Oo hereby certlfy thet all information herein is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springlield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this proJect. I further agree to ensure that rll required inspectlons are requested at the proper time, that project address ls readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved sct ofplans will remain on the site at all times during the installation of the sign(s). Signature: Edited 07ll 7i201 9 BJones Date: ?q I NO ? R P m1ffi$*l+srnt#sffi' E a40L SITE P LAN *=SIGN Benchmark PT 5707 Main St Springfield,0R crrY OF SP.RTNGf IELD, OREGON /2 t nr. . f,;.- er 't$g: -n{ -."t*g-r**,.' -;' €t ; ,'lr' s fl ; +-ilwj.q cf .trtr'{. ' ft I J rhj tt r. !, l:fi I g:. &.".: Total Square Feet = 24 STOREFRONT SIGN . DAY VIEW SECTION VIEW l\lall (Buildiry Fascia) Raceuay LED power suply LED lighb Acry,lichce Secondary low vo[age power Seabd perctratlm lhru urall Alumhun refurns Trinrcap ffiffio I-" '14.50" AnchoB as roquired .. COLOR SYSTEM o ;PIS076 WHITE 4O Rockbridge Rd, Suite 20O, Lilburn, GA 300{7 E 770-381-9300 fl BigMouthSigns.com Designer: Steve Langrfo rd 5ales Rep: Bridgette polak Emait bridgsngpbigmouthsigns.com Page s ' 27-7J106.75' RACEWAY MOUNTED SIGN SPECIFICAT]ONS f xl- Raryay. 6 reqdrsd. RacMy 1 U Tl IE Riir\o f- t)-H h"/S* Electrical 1ZOv Company: Benchmark pT JobTitle: Thurston, OR Sales Order: TED Oate: I 1-15-2019 Revlslon: -Note: Ihe an(lcrr'd maiicj and lJyc!t are ir! ex(:u5i!e,rorerly ol hrq .nouth siqns nnd (an not l,c,.rp-olL:!'d. fr\v bqtrd o, fltCxjd rr.1ny rvJ)iltl'cql ilCrrprai< p(.rnrraian ot g, Mouthlrgr5undy t\c r+n3lt) of ,ns:lic<rurl oroierr; r.ghts 09rG{m0nl lhc (olo.s listcC !nd shotrn htrcJrcrep't!:nlJlion! o[ pJntore nB(tIiltx ]J5ttir .Solo15 d,tl v!ry belseh dey (e, Jn; p;.ntcrs. u5c a piiliGne (olor 5:c. :o Ji.,vi:h,, rc:, L)l aalc6 thit are roprerenied rn lhiS do(uh!n: Proof Apprnvet ! Approved (OK as ir1 ! eoitins r{eeaea ru No produ(tion wiil b€9in without and dated (opy ol thir docunent a signed 140' Blet PotuctGd lrcNt€sclffi BenchMark THERAPY {t} T tl -* ,+i IT i' T Drt Proof I $g Total Square Feet = 24 STOREFRONT SIGN . NIGHT VIEW 140" SECTION VIEW Wall @uiktiB Fasr$) Racaray tED pover sqty tfD lighls Acrylic face S€cooddyhrYdbge power Se*d ganehation lhruwal A&rdnum r6h/nrs Tdrncap Anchors as required @ "tI tA l,'" COLOR SYSTEM PSAo PUS 076 tYHmoo ; n-Ig;Er-I.E aO Bodbrtulge Rd, Suite 200. Ulburn,GA3@iu E 77G:El-9:100 E EigMouthsignsrom Designer: Steve Langrford Sales Rep: Eridgette Polak Emait bridgene@bigmouthslgns.com Page RACEWAY MOUNTED SIGN SPECIFICATIONS Om $t oI hlenBly ilutrirEbd qh.m, bt}[s L.d ltlc@l Usl.ldim AumiNm 66lrudon. Bld Rlt trs, Bacf T*Ep WhIo Adylic FaE on bftE. Bulundy Rcd GE, ild geck PelforalEd THElrEnt flrn owrlays s logo to b6l mdr @lPoBE cdr3 Lett Emdntldodmilulffira 7" x f Raryay. Rffiy nulEd br.I rlh lffiiE.ftlE6 6 €Srtod. R@my paint.d to @tch SIV 6186 dtbd fiyE ' zt-ts" N0TE: ELctdcal Requirrmrnts 1 20v 2 Company: Benchmark PT Job Title: Thurston. OR SalesOrder: TBD Date:11.15-2019 Revision: t{otc: Ihe €rcloSed irnaic5 and byout n,i'thc erclu!i!e properly ol hig trrou:h rignrand (.n nol be IcAtoiruccd Dillt,bulcd o, /rltcrlld rnJny rvoy vnthoui rhc ciprcrs |rcrn\i$ioool 8.9 lloLth SEnr u(drr th( p!ildl(y ot i.ilBlle(tldt grspcrly riglrtt n0,!(hcnt Ths (olorr li5rcd Jnd rhca/n hcrr, irc r€prrtetrtabonroraanton!nl.t(lriq r'!t?ln Colcrj rvrll vtr, behyccn dcv,(c! and pr,ntc15 Ulc ,r Prr::onc (o'oj hool tovrcL! $c a(tunl (olortlhat orc rcprc!€nicd ra ihs do(uoeD: ProofApproval ! Approved(OKasis) ! ediringNeeded Proof 1 No produ(tion will begin withouta rigned and dated (opy ofthir documert ! BenchMark ,t PHYSICAL THERAPY J.{ x ww"'