HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2020-01-24OREGON Web Address: www.springfield-or.gov Building Permit Commercial Structural Permit Number: 81 1-19-OO24O3-STR IVR Number: 811095042485 City of Springfield Development and Public works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 54L-726-3753 IELD i6 Permit Issued: January 24,2020 Category of Construction: Commercial Submitted Job Value: $250,000.00 Description of Work: TI - Duluth Trading Type of Work: Tenant Improvement worksite Address 3320 GATEWAY ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel L70322200t700 Owner: Address: CROSSROADS CENTER ONE LLC 840 BELTLINE RD STE 202 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Business Name PREMIER BUILDING SOLUTIONS INC - Primary License ccB Lacense Number 2L7538 Phone 406-2t2-2054 Inspection 1999 Final Building 8999 Final Fire 1260 Framing 1430 Insulation Wall 1440 Insulation Ceiling 1540 Gypsum Board/Lath/Drywall 1600 Ceiling Grid Inspection Group Struct Com Fire Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Inspection Status Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this proiect. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits'oregon'gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811095042485 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store permits explre if work is not started within 18O Days of issuance or if work is suspended for 18O Days or longer depending on the Issulng agency's pollcy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. Granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-00IO through OAR 952-OO1-O090, You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (503) 232-t947. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 7O1.O1O (Structural/Mechanical), ORS 479,54O (Electrical), and ORS 693,O1O-O2O (Plumbing). Ptinled oni !124/20 Page 1 of 2 C:\myReports/reports//production/01 STANDARD Email Address : permitcenter@springfield-or. gov TYPE OF WORK JOB SITE INFORMATION LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN FORMATION PENDING INSPECTIONS SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Permit Number: 81 1-19-OO24O3-STR Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Technology Fee SDC: Reimburcement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee SDC: Improvement Cost - Local Wastewater Fire life safety plan review Structural plan review fee Structural building permit fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (L2o/o of applicable fees) Printed oni 1/24120 Quantity 51 1.5 38.L7 25L.97 Fee Amount $206.46 $s 11.50 $38.17 $251.97 $ 1,166.95 $1,166,95 $1,795.30 $215.44 $5,352.74 Page 2 of 2 Total Fees: C | \myReports/reports//production/0 1 STAN DARD PERMIT FEES Ctrv or SpruNcnrELD, oREGoN Structural Permit Application 225 Fifth street o Springfield, OR 9741'7 . PH(541)726-3'7 53 . FAx(54 I )726-3689 SUB-CONTRACTOR INFORMAT]ON Name CCB License #Phone Electrical --TD RfD - Plumbing -TD tsrp - Mechanical_TD BIP- DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permitno.: l1qZ4O3 T Date: lS ?b rq H#t s1u This permit is issued under OAR 918460-0030. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL This project has final land-use approval. Signature:Date: This project has DEQ approval. Signature:Date: Zoning approval verified: ! Yes ! No Property is within flood plain: ! Yes E No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION E Residential fl Govemment dcommercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Jobsiteaddress: ZO1|.O biffifi.4 3f State: O4 ZtP:*"Ftf' Subdivision Lot no. Reference:Taxlot: [-] nb)])-OA PROPERW OWNER Name: [(4€Seafrfis (fr{@ or€ t r<, Address: tAO eB6LtrJ6 Rp Stf-1El/ StarcOl-zrp:Tl* Phone: E-mail: Building Owner or this application: Sign here: E This instalfation is being made on residential or farm property owned by me or a membcr of my immcdiate family, and is excmpt from licensing requirements under ORS 701 .010. CoNTRACTOR TNSTALLATTqN Business name: Address: City:State ZIP: Fax: E-mail:OCo CCB license Print name: Signature: \;llll-^, C.^sv.4.^. 5J,-"-fr tJl lfrfiac*r.lr NArOhlil fi'€'rJtLD f+sfrP W-t"+rrs r2o7-.1a,tr-81|3 tnAf"A+r^Wt"v'^B' @w\ FEE SCHEDULE 1. Valuation information (a) Job description: 1€rJlt1)f tWfe{^/€,rt4,E^rf Occupancy J( Construction type: \l, B Square feet: Vq45 Cost per square foot: $l OO Other information: Type of Heat: AAS - en^ Energy Path: E ncw I addition (b) Foundation-only permit? ! Yes E tto Total valuation: 4'l.W roOO $ 2. Building fees (a) Permit fee (use valuation table)$ (b) Investigative fee (equal to [2a]):$ (c) Reinspection ($ per hour): (nunrber ofhours x fee per hour)$ (d) Enter 1 2olo surcharge (.12 x l2a+2b+2cl)$ (e) Subtotal offees above (2a through 2d):S 3. Plan review fees (a) Plan review (65% x permit fee [2a])$ I iGU,qS (b) Fire and life safety (65% x permit fee [2a]):$ (c) Subtotal of fees above (3a and 3b):$ 4. Miscellaneous fees (a) Seismic fee, lYo (.01 x permit fee [2a]):$ (b) Tech fee, 5%o (.05 x pennit fee[2a]+PR fee [3c])$ I'OTAL fees and surcharges (2e+3c+4a+b):$ Lasr editcd 5-5-2019 BJoncs Fax: ,., *fDv J.( SPRINGFIELD $ OREGON www. sp rin gfi eld-or. gov Worksite address: 3320 GATEWAY ST, Springfield, OR 97477 P ar c,el : 1 7 0322200 1 7 00 Transaction Receipt 81 1-19-002403-STR Receipt Number: 472776 Receipt Date: 10/23119 City of Springfield Development and Public works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 permitcenter@springfield -or. gov Transaction date 10t23t19 Units 1.00 Ea Description Structural plan review fee Account code 224-00000-425602- 1 030 Fee amount $1,166.95 Paid amount $1,166.95 PaymentMethod: Checknumber:16852 Payer: Faster Permits Payment Amount:$1 , 166.95 Cashier: Katrina Anderson Receipt Total:$1,166.95 Printed: '10/23119 10:13 am Page 1 of 1 Fl N_Transaction ReceiPt-Pr Ir Fees Paid OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET JOURNAL OR NAME OR COMPANY: LOCATION: MAP & TAX LOT NUMBER: DEVELOPMENT TYPE: CROSSROADS CENTER LLC 19-002403-STR 3320 GATEWAY ST 1703222001700 COMMERCIAL BASE CHARGE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) $ 10,434.09 x s% STORM DRAINAGE ADMINISTRATION FEE: SEWER ADMINISTRATION TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION FEE: LOCAL MWMC ADMINISTRATION FEE: 828 LOT MWMC: 820 ITE:EXISTING DEVELOPED AREA (S.F.): ,AL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE TOTAL STORM DRAINAGE SDC: x Cost SQ.FT. REIMBURSEMENT COST: IMPERVIOUS SQ. FT. IMPROVEMENT COST: SQ.FT $0.00 $0.00 x $ 0.303 PER SF $ 0.437 PER SF sF= $ 0.740 $6,990.s0 $l$l REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBEROF DFU's IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF DFU's x $ 83.99 PER DFU s 2s4.49 TOTAL LOCAL WASTEWATER SDC (see reverse 4l 4l x $ 170.50 PER DFU $0.00 $ $3s,91 1.s5 s 397.26 x x x x $ 19.86 PER TRIP x 0.65 NTF 0.65 NTFx $ 377.40 PER TRIP x $ 19.86 PER TRIP 0.65 NTF x $ 377.40 PER TRIP x AREA TGSF X TRIP RATE X COST PER ADT X NEW TRIP FACTOR 90.00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION REIMBURSEMENT TOTAL TRANSPORTATION SDC: TOTAL TRANSPORTATION COST: 30.91 REIMBURSEMENT COST: 90 x 30.91 0.65 NTF REIMBURSEMENT COST: -90.00 x 30.91 IMPROVEMENT COST: -90.00 x 30.91 $0.00 $0.00 $6,990.30 $83,358.00 I@ ITEMS I 90.00 x 90.00 x x90.00 AL $77,67 PER FEU 5926,20 PER FEU $I3.04 PERFEU x x x TOTAL MWMC SDC: & REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's COMPLIANCE COST: NUMBEROF FEU's $77.6"1 PER FEU $926.20 PER FEU $13.M PERFEU REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's -90.00 IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's -90.00 COMPLIANCE COST: NUMBER OF FEU's -90.00 CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REV-EEsE'I- TOTAL MWMC REIMBURSEMENT FEE: TOTAL MWMC IMPROVEMENT FEE: TOTAL MWMC COMPLIANCE FEE: MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: I@ re I- ss2 I .70 0.0c 52r.7C 0.0c 0.0c $ 10,955.79tU8t20t9TOTAL SDC CHARGES 90,000.00 DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT (DFU) CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES X UNIT EQUIVALENT = DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS FOR ONLY THE NET ADDITIONAL FIXTURES NEW OLD UNIT FIXTURE LINITSALENTFIXTURE TYPE BATHTUB DRINKING FOL]NTAIN FLOOR DRAIN, FTOOR SINK INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE/OIUSOLIDSiETC. INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND/AUTO WASH/ETC. LAUNDRY TUB CLOTHES WASHER/MOP SINK CLOTHES WASHER - 3 OR MORE (EA) MOBILE HOME PARKTRAP (1 PERTRAILER) RECEPTOR FOR REFRIGERATOR/WATER STATION/ETC. RECEPTOR FOR COMMERCIAL SINK/ DISHWASHER/ETC. SHOWE& SINGLE STALL SHOWER, GANG (NUMBER OF HEADS) SINK: COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN STNK: COMMERCIAL BAR SINK: WASH BASIN/DOUBLE LAVATORY SINK: SINGLE LAVATORYiRESIDENTIAL BAR URINAL, STALL,AMALL TOILET, PUBLIC INSTALLATION TOILET, PRIVATE INSTALLATION MISCELLANEOUS: NUMBER OF EDU'S* 0 0 0 2 10 24 0 0 TOTAL DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS: r 4l 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 I 3 3 6 2 J 6 t2 I J 2 7 3 2 2 I 5 6 3 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 3 7 *EDU (Equivalent Dwelling Unit) is a discharge equivalent to a single family dwelling (20 DFU) set at 167 gallons per day CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: BASED ON ASSESSED VALUE IF IMPROVEMENTS OCCURRED AFTER ANNEXATION DATE IN TABLE, CALCULATE CREDITS SEPARATELY YEAR ANNEXED CREDIT FOR PARCEL OR LAND ONLY IF APPLICABLE IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION DATE) RATE PER $1,OOO ASSESSED VALUE $1.4s $1.2s $1.09 $0.92 $0.72 $0.48 $0.28 $0.09 $0.05 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 x x $0.00 $0.00 YEAR ANNEXED RATE PER $I,OOO ASSESSED VALUE 1992 l 993 1994 1 995 1996 1997 I 998 l 999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 1979 I 980 198 l 1982 I 983 1984 I 985 1986 l 987 I 988 I 989 1990 l99l or before $s.29 s5.19 $5. l2 $4.98 $4.80 $4.63 $4.40 $4.07 $3.67 $3.22 $2.73 $2.2s $1.80 CREDIT TOTAL I so.oo COMcheck Software Version Mechan ical Compliance Certificate Section 1: Project lnformation Energy Code:2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Gode Project Title: Duluth Project Type: Alteration Construction Site: 3320 Gateway Street Springfield, OR97477 Owner/Agent: Section 2: General Information Designer/Contractor: Kathryn Duytschaever RTM Engineering Consultants 4436 N. Brady Street Suite 102 Davenport, lA 52806 Building Location (for weather data) Climate Zone: Springfield, Oregon 4c Section 3: Mechanical Systems List Quantity System Type & Description RTU-1 (Single Zone) : Heating: 1 each - Central Furnace, Gas, CapaciV = 235 kBtu/h Proposed Efficiency = 80.00% Ec, Required Efficiency: 80.00 % Ec Cooling: 1 each - Single Package DX Unit, Capacity = 120 kBtu/h, Air-Cooled Condenser, Air Economizer Proposed Efficiency = 11.20 EER, Required Efficiency: 11.00 EER + 11.2 IEER Fan System: FAN SYSTET\,4 1 - Compliance (Motor nameplate HP method) : Passes Fans: FAN '1 Supply, Constant Volume, 4000 CFM, 2.8 motor nameplate hp RTU-2 (Single Zone) : Heating: 1 each - Central Furnace, Gas, Capacity = 235 kBtu/h Proposed Efficiency = 80.00% Ec, Required Efficiency: 80.00 % Ec Cooling: 1 each - Single Package DX Unit, Capacity = 120 kBtu/h, Air-Cooled Condenser, Air Economizer Proposed Efficiency = 11.20 EER, Required Efficiency: 11.00 EER + 11.2 IEER Fan System: FAN SYSTEM 1 - Compliance (lVlotor nameplate HP method) : Passes Fans: FAN 1 Supply, Constant Volume, 4000 CFIU, 2.8 motor nameplate hp RTU-3 (Single Zone) : Heating: 1 each - Central Furnace, Gas, Capacity = 235 kBtu/h Proposed Efficiency = 80.00% Ec, Required Efficiency: 80.00 % Ec Cooling: 1 each - Single Package DX Unit, Capacity = 120 kBtu/h, Air-Cooled Condenser, Air Economizer Proposed Efficiency = 11.2O EER, Required Efficiency: 11.00 EER + 11.2 IEER Fan System: FAN SYSTEIV 1 - Compliance (Motor nameplate HP method) : Passes Fans: FAN 1 Supply, Constant Volume, 4000 CFM, 2.8 motor nameplate hp RTU-4 (Single Zone) : Heating: 1 each - Central Furnace, Gas, Capacity = 235 Ot,rrn Proposed Efficiency = 80.00% Ec, Required Efficiency: 80.00 % Ec Cooling: 1 each - Single Package DX Unit, Capaclty = 120 kBtu/h, Air-Cooled Condenser, Air Economizer Proposed Efficiency = 11.20 EER, Required Efficiency: 11.00 EER + 11 2 IEER Fan System: FAN SYSTEIV 1 - Compliance (lMotor nameplate HP method) : Passes Fans: FAN 1 Supply, Constant Volume, 4000 CFIV, 2.8 motor nameplate hp Project Title: Duluth Data filename: H:\_2019\19.1NT.021- Duluth Trading Rollout- Springfield, OR\07 CALCS\0S ENERG\ MECH.cck Report date: 10114119 Page 1 of 6 RTU-5 (Single Zone) : Heating: '1 each - Central Furnace, Gas, Capacity = 200 kBtu/h Proposed Efficiency = 81 .00% Et, Required Efficiency: 80.00 % Et (or 78% AFUE) Cooling: 1 each - Single Package DX Unit, Capacity = 102 kBtu/h, Air-Cooled Condenser, Air Economizer Proposed Efficiency = 12.00 EER, Required Efficiency: 'l 1.00 EER + 11.2 IEER Fan System: FAN SYSTEIV 2 - Compliance (Motor nameplate HP method) : Passes Fans: FAN 2 Supply, Constant Volume, 3400 CFM, 2.0 motor nameplate hp RTU-6 (Single Zone) : Heating: 1 each - Central Furnace, Gas, Capacity = 100 kBtu/h Proposed Efficiency = 81 .00% Et, Required Efficiency: 80.00 % Et (or 78% AFUE) Cooling: I each - Single Package DX Unit, Capacity = 60 kBtu/h, Air-Cooled Condenser, Air Economizer Proposed Efficiency = 14.00 SEER, Required Efficiency: 13.00 SEER Fan System: FAN SYSTEM 3 - Compliance (lVotor nameplate HP method) : Passes Fans: FAN 3 Supply, Constant Volume, 2000 CFIU, 1.0 motor nameplate hp RTU-7 (Single Zone) : Heating: '1 each - Central Furnace, Gas, Capacity = B0 kBtu/h Proposed Efficiency = 81.00% Et, Required Efficiency: 80.00 % Et (or 78% AFUE) Cooling: '1 each - Single Package DX Unit, Capacity = 36 kBtu/h, Air-Cooled Condenser, No Economizer, Economizer exception: None Proposed Efficiency = 14.00 SEER, Required Efficiency: 13.00 SEER Fan System: FAN SYSTEM 4 - Compliance (tt/otor nameplate HP method) : Passes Fans: FAN 4 Supply, Constant Volume, 1200 CF[/, 0.8 motor nameplate hp Section 4: Requirements Checklist ln the following requirements, blank checkboxes identify requirements that the applicant has not acknowledged as being met. Checkmarks identify requirements that the applicant acknowledges are met or excepted from compliance. 'Plans reference page/section' identifies where in the plans/specs the requirement can be verified as being satisfied. Requirements Specific To: RTU-1 : ,gr 1. Equipment meets minimum efficiency: Central Furnace (Gas): 80.00 % Ec V/ 2. Equipmentmeetsminimumefficiency: SinglePackageUnit: 11.00EER +1'1 .2 IEER V/ 3. Energy recovery ventilation systems. lndividual fan systems that have both a design supply air capacity of 5,000 cfm or greater and a minimum outside air supply of 70 percent or greater of the design supply air quantity have an energy recovery system. Plans reference page/section V/ 4. Hot Gas Bypass Limitation. Cooling systems does not use hot gas bypass or other evaporator pressure control unless the equipment is designed with multiple steps (or continuous) capacity modulation. Plans reference page/section V/ 5. Supply air economizers shall be provided on each cooling system and are capable of providing 1O0-percent outdoor air, even if additional mechanical cooling is required to meet the cooling load of the building. Systems provide a means to relieve excess outdoor air during economizer operation to prevent overpressurizing the building. Plans reference page/section: Requirements Specific To: RTU-2 : y 1. Equipment meets minimum efficiency: Central Furnace (Gas): 80.00 % Ec V/ 2. Equipment meets minimum efficiency: Single Package Unit: 11.00 EER + 11.2 IEER 1/ 3. Energy recovery ventilation systems. lndividual fan systems that have both a design supply air capacity of 5,000 cfm or greater and a minimum outside air supply of 70 percent or greater of the design supply air quantity have an energy recovery system. Plans reference page/section: J 4. Hot Gas Bypass Limitation. Cooling systems does not use hot gas bypass or other evaporator pressure control unless the equipment is designed with multiple steps (or continuous) capacity modulation. Plans reference page/section y 5. Supply air economizers shall be provided on each cooling system and are capable of providing 1O0-percent outdoor air, even if additional mechanical cooling is required to meet the cooling load of the building. Systems provide a means to relieve excess outdoor air during economizer operation to prevent overpressurizing the building. Report date: 10114119 Page 2 of 6 Project Title: Duluth Data filename: H:\_2019\19.1NT.021- Duluth Trading Rollout- Springfield, OR\07 CALCS\0S ENERGY\IMECH.cck 1 1 J J J Plans reference page/section: Requirements Specific To: RTU-3 : 1. Equipment meets minimum efficiency: Central Furnace (Gas): 80.00 % Ec 2. Equipment meets minimum efficiency: Single Package Unit: 11.00 EER + 11.2 IEER 3. Energy recovery ventilation systems. lndividual fan systems that have both a design supply air capacity of 5,000 cfm or greater and a minimum outside air supply of 70 percent or greater of the design supply air quantity have an energy recovery system. Plans reference page/section Jt 4. Hot Gas Bypass Limitation. Cooling systems does not use hot gas bypass or other evaporator pressure control unless the equipment is designed with multiple steps (or continuous) capacity modulation. Plans reference page/section U/ 5. Supply air economizers shall be provided on each cooling system and are capable of providing 1O0-percent outdoor air, even if- additional mechanical cooling is required to meet the cooling load of the building. Systems provide a means to relieve excess outdoor air during economizer operation to prevent overpressurizing the building. Plans reference page/section Requirements Specific To: RTU-4 : 7 1. Equipment meets minimum efficiency: Central Furnace (Gas): 80.00 % Ec 7 2. Equipment meets minimum efficiency: Single Package Unit: 11.00 EER + 1 1 2 IEER .1/ 3. Energy recovery ventilation systems. lndividual fan systems that have both a design supply air capacity of 5,000 cfm or greater and a' minimum outside air supply of 70 percent or greater of the design supply air quantity have an energy recovery system. Plans reference page/section J 4. HolGas Bypass Limitation. Cooling systems does not use hot gas bypass or other evaporator pressure control unless the equipment is designed with multiple steps (or continuous) capacity modulation. Plans reference page/section u/ 5. Supply air economizers shall be provided on each cooling system and are capable of providing 1O0-percent outdoor air, even if- additional mechanical cooling is required to meet the cooling load of the building. Systems provide a means to relieve excess outdoor air during economizer operation to prevent overpressurizing the building. Plans reference page/section: Requirements Specific To: RTU-5 : V/ 1. Equipment meets minimum efficiency: Central Furnace (Gas): 80.00 % Et (or 78% AFUE) 7 2. Equipment meets minimum efficiency: Single Package Unit: 11.00 EER + 11.2 IEER 1/ 3. Energy recovery ventilation systems. lndividual fan systems that have both a design supply air capacity of 5,000 cfm or greater and a minimum outside air supply of 70 percent or greater of the design supply air quantity have an energy recovery system. Plans reference page/section: Jl 4. Hot Gas Bypass Limitation. Cooling systems does not use hot gas bypass or other evaporator pressure control unless the equipment is designed with multiple steps (or continuous) capacity modulation. Plans reference page/section V/ 5. Supply air economizers shall be provided on each cooling system and are capable of providing 100-percent outdoor air, even if additional mechanical cooling is required to meet the cooling load of the building. Systems provide a means to relieve excess outdoor air during economizer operation to prevent overpressurizing the building. Plans reference page/section: Requirements Specific To: RTU-6 : gr 1. Equipment meets minimum efficiency: Central Furnace (Gas): 80.00 % Et (or 78% AFUE) V/ 2. Equipment meets minimum efficiency: Single Package Unit: 13.00 SEER V/ 3. Energy recovery ventilation systems. lndividual fan systems that have both a design supply air capacity of 5,000 cfm or greater and a minimum outside air supply of 70 percent or greater of the design supply air quantity have an energy recovery system. Plans reference page/section: 7 4. Supply air economizers shall be provided on each cooling system and are capable of providing 10O-percent outdoor air, even if additional mechanical cooling is required to meet the cooling load of the building. Systems provide a means to relieve excess outdoor air during economizer operation to prevent overpressurizing the building. Project Title: Duluth Data filename: H:\_20'19\19.1NT.021- Duluth Trading Rollout- Springfield, OR\07 CALCS\OS ENERG\ MECH.cck Report date: 10114119 Page 3 of 6 Plans reference page/section: Requirements Specific To: RTU-7 : 7 1. Equipment meets minimum efficiency: Central Furnace (Gas): 80.00 % Et (or 78% AFUE) 7 2. Equipment meets minimum efficiency: Single Package Unit: 13.00 SEER V/ 3. Energy recovery ventilation systems. lndividual fan systems that have both a design supply air capacity of 5,000 cfm or greater and a minimum outside air supply of 70 percent or greater of the design supply air quantity have an energy recovery system. Plans reference page/section Generic Requirements: Must be met by all systems to which the requirement is appticable: 7 1 . Calculation of heating and cooling loads. Design loads are determined in accordance with the procedures described in the ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 183. Alternatively, design loads have been determined by an approved equivalent computation procedure. J 2. Packaged Electric Equipment. Specified packaged electrical equipment has a heat pump as the primary heating source. Plans reference page/section: D 3. Cooling equipment economizers: The total capacity of all cooling equipment without economizers must be less than 240 kBtu/h. This project lists 36 kBtu/h capacity without economizers. That portion of the equipment serving dwelling units and guest rooms is not included in determining the total capacity of units without economizers. Plans reference page/section 7 4. Equipment and system sizing. Heating and cooling equipment and systems capacity do not exceed the loads calculated in accordance with Section 503.2.1. Plans reference page/section V/ 5. HVAC Equipment Performance Requirements. Reported efficiencies have been tested and rated in accordance with the applicable test procedure. The efficiency has been verified through certification under an approved certification program or, if no certification program exists, the equipment efficiency ratings are supported by data furnished by the manufacturer. / 6. Thermostatic Controls. The supply of heating and cooling energy to each zone is controlled by individual thermostatic controls that respond to temperature within the zone. Plans reference page/section: J 7. Heai pump supplementary heat. Heat pumps having supplementary electric resistance heat have controls that, except during defrost, prevent supplementary heat operation when the heat pump can meet the heating load. Plans reference page/section: V/ 8. Set point overlap restriction. Where used to control both heating and cooling, zone thermostatic controls provide a temperature range or deadband of at least 5"F (2.8"C) within which the supply of heating and cooling energy to the zone is capable of being shut off or reduced to a minimum- Plans reference page/section: 7 9. Optimum Start Controls. Each HVAC system has controls that vary the start-up time of the system to just meet the temperature set point at time of occupancy. Plans reference page/section: 7 10.Off-hour controls. Each zone is provided with thermostatic setback controls that are controlled by either an automatic time clock or programmable control system. Plans reference page/section: 1r l l.Shutoff damper controls. Both outdoor air supply and exhaust are equipped with not less than Class I motorized dampers Plans reference page/section: J 12.Freeze Protection and Snow melt system controls. Freeze protection systems, such as heat tracing of outdoor piping and heat exchangers, including self-regulating heat tracing, include automatic controls capable of shutting off the systems when outdoor air temperatures meet code criteria. Plans reference page/section: 7 l3.Separate air distribution systems. Zones with special process temperature requirements and/or humidity requirements are served by separate air distribution systems from those serving zones requiring only comfort conditions; or shall include supplementary control provisions so that the primary systems may be specifically controlled for comfort purposes only. Project Title: Duluth Data filename: H1_2019\19.1NT.021- Duluth Trading Rollout- Spring{ield, OR\07 CALCS\OS ENERG\AMECH.cck Report date: 10114119 Page 4 of 6 Plans reference page/section: / l4.Humidity control. lf a system is equipped with a means to add or remove moisture to maintain specific humidity levels in a zone or zones, a humidity control device is provided. Plans reference pageisection: / 'l5.Humidity control. Where a humidity control device exists it is set to prevent the use of fossil fuel or electricity to produce relative humidity in excess of 30 percent. Where a humidity control device is used for dehumidification, it is set to prevent the use of fossil fuel or electricity to reduce relative humidity below 60 percent. Plans reference page/section 7 l6.Humidity control. Where a humidity control device exists it is set to maintain a deadband of at least 10% relative humidity where no active humidification or dehumidification takes place. Plans reference page/section: 7 l T.Ventilation. Ventilation, either natural or mechanical, is provided in accordance with Chapter 4 of the lnternational Mechanical Code. Where mechanical ventilation is provided, the system has the capability to reduce the outdoor air supply to the minimum required by Chapter 4 of the lnternational lvlechanical Code. Plans reference page/section 7 l B.Demand controlled ventilation (DCV). DCV is required for spaces larger than 500 ft2 for simple systems and spaces larger than 150 ft2 for multiple zone systems. Plans reference page/section: V/ lg.Kitchen hoods. Kitchen makeup is provided as required by the Oregon Mechanical Specialty Code. Plans reference page/section: V/ 20.Enclosed parking garage ventilation controls. ln Group S-2, enclosed parking garages used for storing or handling automobiles employs automatic carbon monoxide sensing devices. Plans reference page/section: J 21 .Duct and plenum insulation and sealing. All supply and return air ducts and plenums are insulated with the specified insulation. When located within a building envelope assembly, the duct or plenum is separated from the building exterior or unconditioned or exempt spaces by a minimum of R-8 insulation. All ducts, air handlers and filter boxes are sealed. Joints and seams comply with Section 603.9 of the lnternational Mechanical Code. 1t 22.Low-pressure duct systems. All longitudinal and transverse joints, seams and connections of low-pressure supply and return ducts are securely fastened and sealed with welds, gaskets, mastics (adhesives), mastic-plus-embedded-fabric systems or tapes installed in accordance with the manufacture/s installation instructions. Plans reference page/section: 7 23.Medium-pressure duct systems. All ducts and plenums designed to operate medium-pressure are insulated and sealed in accordance with Section 503.2.7. Pressure classifications specific to the duct system are clearly indicated on the construction documents. Plans reference page/section: Plans reference page/section: 7 25.Air system balancing. Each supply air outlet and zone terminal device is equipped with means for air balancing in accordance with the requirements of ltt/C 603.17. Discharge dampers intended to modulate airflow are prohibited on constant volume fans and variable volume fans with motors 10 horsepower Plans reference page/section: 7 26.lManuals. The construction documents require that an operating and maintenance manual be provided to the building owner by the mechanical contractor. See long description for specifications. Plans reference page/section, V/ 27.Air System Design and Control. Each HVAC system having a total fan system motor nameplate hp exceeding 5 hp meets the provisions of Sections 503.2.10.1 through 503.2.10.2. Plans reference page/section: V/ 2S.Allowable fan floor horsepower. Each HVAC system at fan system design conditions does not exceed the allowable fan system motor nameplate hp (Option 'l) or fan system bhp (Option 2) as shown and calulated in requirement details. Plans reference page/section: 11 29.lMotor nameplate horsepower. For each fan, the selected fan motor is no larger than the first available motor size greater than the brake horsepower (bhp). Report date: 10114119 Page 5 of 6 Project Title: Duluth Data filename: H1 2019\19.1NT.021- Duluth Trading Rollout- Springfield, OR\07 CALCS\05 ENERG\ MECH.cck 11 24.High-pressure duct systems. Ducts designed to operate at high-pressure are insulated and sealed in accordance with Section 503.2.7. ln addition, ducts and plenums are leaktested in accordance with the SMACNA HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual. Plans reference page/section: / 30.Large Volume Fan Systems. Fan systems over 8,000 (7 m3/s) cfm without direct expansion cooling coils that serve single zones reduce- air-flow based on space thermostat heating and cooling demand. A two-speed motor or variable frequency drive reduces airflow to a maximum 60 percent of peak airflow or minimum ventilation air requirement as required by Chapter 4 of the lnternational Mechanical Code, whichever is greater. v/ 31.All air-conditioning equipment and air-handling units with direct expansion cooling and a cooling capacity at ARI conditions greater than- ol. equal to 1 10,000 Btu/h that serve single zones have their supply fan operation controlled according to code specific requirements. Plans reference page/section V/ 32.Series fan-powered terminal unit fan motors. Fan motors for series fan-powered terminal units are electronically-commutated motors- and have a minimum motor efficiency of 70 percent when rated in accordance with NEMA Standard fMG 1-2006 at full load rating conditions. Plans reference page/section: V/ 33.Hot Gas Bypass Limitation. For cooling systems <= 240 kBtu/h, maximum hot gas bypass capacity is no more than 50% total cooling capacity. Plans reference page/section: Section 5: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed mechanical alteration project represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed mechanical alteration project has been designed to meet the 201 4 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. , Chapter B, requirements Version 4.1 . 1 .0 and to comply with the Kathryn Duytschaever lo Name - Title Section 6: Post Construction Compliance Statement tr HVAC record drawings of the actual installation, system capacities, calibration information, and performance data for each equipment provided to the owner. tr HVAC O&M documents for all mechanical equipment and system provided to the owner by the mechanical contractor. tr Written HVAC balancing and operations repod provided to the owner. The above post construction requirements have been completed. Kathryn Duytschaever Principal l\rlechanical Designer-Name Signature Date ORECTON re EXPIRES: REI.IEWS:nfu fi PRO Project Title: Duluth Data filename: H.V019\19.1NT.021- Duluth Trading Rollout- Springfield, OR\07 CALCS\0S ENERG\IMECH.cck Report date: 10114119 Page 6 of 6 COMcheck Softwa re Version 'l'L'o lnterior Lighting compliance certificate Proiect lnformation EnergY Code: Project Title: Proiect TYPe: 90.1 (2016) Standard OUIUTH TRADING COIvIPANY Alteration Construction Sile: 3320 GatewaY St Springfield, OR97477 Owner/Agent Allowed lnterior Lighting Power A Area CategorY 1-Retail:Sales Area Proposed lnterior Lighting Power A FixturelD:Description/Lamp/WattagePerLamp/Ballast Retail:Sales Area (20507 sq'ft') LED, F1A-L: PENDANT FIXTURE: Other: LED: F2: NEW 2X4: Other: LED: F3: NEW 6'DOWNLIGHT: Other: LED: F4: B'STRIP: Other: LED: F5: TRACK LIGHTING HEAD: Other: LED: F6: DIRECT LIGHT: Other: LED: F7: SCONCE LIGHTING: Other: LED: F8: LED FRAME ROPE: Other: LED: F9: FITTING ROOM LIGHTS: Other: LED: F12:2' PENDANT: Other: B Floor Area (ft2) 20507 1.22 Total Allowed Watts = Designer/Contractor: Sheetal RoY nirtll engi n6ering Consultants 2OO W. Monroe Street Suite 1750 Chicago, lL 60606 c Allowed Watts / ft2 D Allowed Watts (BXc) 2501 8 2501 9 E (cxD)B LamPs/ Fixture CD # of Fixture Fixtures Watt' 108 I 28 151 589 53 B 23 6 6 21 38 12 50 12 55 I 1 19 25 2268 344 336 7505 7068 291 5 72 32 114 150 Total ProPosed Watts =20804 lnterior Lighting Compliance Statement Compliance Statementi The Pro posed interior lighting alteration Project rePresente d in this document is consistent with the building Pla ns, specifications, and other calculations su bmitted with this Permit aPPlic ation The proposed Version 4.1.1-. interior lighting systems ha've been designed to m eet the 90.1 (2016) Stand ard requirements in COMcheck 0 and to comPlY with any apPlica ble mandatorY requirements listed in the lnsPection Checklist. Sheetal RoY \s /rS/\a Datel,lame - Title n \rnuntrtu Data f\\ename: \\[\]H ]R\U\NG CO\IP NN\ H\ 2019\19'\NT.021- Du\uth Tradins Ro\\out- riinirrtrt' cbMpnuv sPRINGFIELD' 0R'cck RePort date: Lo114/19 Springfield, OR\07 CALCS\05 ENERG\DULUTH Pase 1of 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 COMch eck Software Version 4. L.1.O Exterior Lighting compliance certificate Project lnformation Energy Code: Project Tiile: Project Type: Exterior Lighting Zone Construction Site: 3320 Gatewav St Springfield, OA glUl Allowed Exterior Lighting power A Area/Surface Category area of facade wall or surface LED 3: F10: EXTERTOR GOOSENECK: Other: LED 4: F18:EXTERIOR WALL SCONCE: Other: Exterior Lighting Compliance Statement Sheetal Roy Na me - Title 90.1 (2016) Standard DULUTH TRADING COI/PANY Alteration 2 (Neighborhood business district) Owner/Agent; Quantity 550 fr2 Designer/Contractor: Sheetal Roy RTM Engineering Consultants200 W. Monroe Street Suite 1750 Chicago, tL 60606 B c Allowed Watts / Unit D Tradable Wattage E Allowed Watts (Bxc) 55 Total Total Tradable 0.1 No Tradable Watts (a) = B 10 12 Proposed Watts = 0 Total Allowed Watts = 55 (a) wattage tradeoffs are onry ailowed between hadabre areas/surfaces. Total Allowed supplemental watts (b) = 400(b) A supplemental allowance equal to 4oo watts may be apprieo towarJ compriance of both non-tradabre and tradabre areas/surfaces.Proposed Exterior Lighting power Fixture tD : Description I f-amf; / Wattage per Lamp / Baltast B6DE Lamps/ # of Fixture (C X D)Fixture Fixtures Watt. 2 BO 24 n compliance statement:.The proposed exterior lighting,alteration project represented in this document is consistent with thebuilding plans' specifications'-ani-ot-nii.ii.irr"ii*r-submitted *iih il,:. permit uppiiiution.-r-r,-".propo_sed exterior righting:l'r,:Iri::ATilf"?iltr|:,ffi::[iiji.,;ff[.tTr.#n3i:;:#l:," in coMcheck version 4 r t oand to cdmpry with \oAs,A'1ureDate xteraor Lighting PASSESE Project Title: Data filename DULUTH TRADING COMPANY H:\_2019\19.1NT.021- Dututh Tradi TRADING COMPANY SPRINGFIELD, Report date: 10/1411 9 Page 2 of 6ng Rollout- Springfietd, OR\07 CALCS\05 ENERG\IDULUTH OR.cck 1 COMcheck Software Version 4.1,1.O lnspection Checklist Energy Code: 90.1 (2016) Standard Requirements: 78.0% were addressed direcfly in the coMcheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen. For eachrequirement, the user certifies that a code requirement witi be met and how that is documented, or that an exceptionis being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. Additional Comments/Assumptions: Project Title: DULUTH TRADING COMPANY Report date: 10/14/19 Data filename: H:\_2019\19.1NT.021- Duluth Trading Rollout- Springfield, OR\07 CALCS\05 ENERG\IDULUTH Page 3 of 6 TRADING COMPANY SPRINGFIELD, OR.cck ch circuits of 3o/o. n aS brand npprovedpla fosized m xtmua dm iENot Observable Not Applicable EComplies nDoes Not Plans, specifications, and/or calculations provide all information with which compliance can be tdetermined for the electrical systems and equipment and document where exceptions are claimed. Feeder connectors sized in accordance with I Plans, specifications, and/or calculations provide all information rwith which compliance can be ldetermined for the interior lighting land electrical systems and equipment land document where exceptions to Ithe standard are claimed. lnformation iprovided should include interior jlighting power calculations, wattage of lbulbs and ballasts, transformers and lcontrol devices. Requirement will be met4.2,2, 9.4.3,9.7 lPR4l1 EComplies EDoes Not ENot Observable flNot Applicable Plans, specifications, and/or calculations provide all information with which compliance can be determined for the exterior lighting and electrical systems and equipment and document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. lnformation provided should include exterior lighting power calculations, wattage of bulbs and ballasts, transformers and control devices. Requirement will be met.9.7 IPRBIl lENot Observable jEtrtot Rpplicable flComplies EDoes Not 1 Hi lm ct (Tier 1)Medium lmpact (Tier 2)3 Low lm act (Tier 3) Section # & Reo.lD Plan Review Complies?Comments/Assumptions 2 CommRough-ln Electrical lnspection 12O-Amp receptacles are controlled by ' lan automatic control device. At least 50% of all 125 volt 15- and mCo CSpli Does Not lflNot Applicable ENot observable New buildings have electrical energy use measurement devices installed. Where tenant spaces exist, each tenant is monitored separately. ln buildings with a digital control system the energy use is transmitted to to system ally. control h tcrap and displayed iEruot npplicable I EComplies EDoes Not ENot Observable Mandatory lighting controls (labeled as 'REQ') and optional choice controls (labeled as'ADDl'and 'ADD2') are :EDoes Not ,nNot Observable ENot Applicable Requirement will be metAutomatic control requirements prescribed in Table 9.6.1, for the appropriate space type, are installed mplies implemented I EL2 ]2 lndependent lighting controls installed per approved lighting plans and all manual controls readily accessible and visible to occupants. EDoes Not ENot Observable ENot Applicable Requirement will be met.lies lDaylight areas under skylights and ,roof monitors that have more than ,f SO W combined input power for general lighting are controlled by flComplies iException: Requirement does not apply EDoes Not I, ENot Observable l Eruot Applicable rhotocontrols lEL13l1 ncomplies EDoes Not ENot Observable Requirement will be met.controls for exterior,Automatic lighting lighting installed. ,Et',tot Applicable ,EComplies ]EOoes lrtot ,flNot Observable ;Etrtot lpplicable Requirement wlll be mettSeparate lighting control devices for9.4.1.3 lEL4l1 specific uses installed per approved lighting plans. Additional interior lighting power allowed for special functions per the approved liqhting plans and is automatically controlled and separated from general lighting. .Ecomplies tEooes Not ,ENot Observable :Etrtot Rpplicable Requirement will be met9.6.2 IELBIl Additional Comments/Assumptions: 3 Low lm act (Tier 3)1 High lmpact (Tier 1)Medium lmpact (Tier 2) Project Title: DULUTH TRADING COMPANY Report date Data filename: H:\_2019\19.1NT.021- Duluth Trading Rollout- Springfield, OR\07 CALCS\O5 ENERG\IDULUTH Page TRADING COMPANY SPRINGFIELD, OR.cck 101141t9 4of 6 Complies? Section # & Req,lD 8.4.2 lELl0l2 8.4.3 lEL112 1.1 2 Furnished as-built drawings electric power systems with of system acceptance, Requirement will be met Eruot icable liesfor in 30 days 8.7.1 I Ft 16]3 EDoes Not ENot Observable Furnished O&M instructions for systems and equipment to the building owner or designated representative. Requirement will be met. tFl]" 8 iEoo"t tttot Complies nNot observable ENot Applicable lnterior installed lamp and fixture lighting power is consistent with what is shown on the approved lighting plans, demonstrating proposed watts are less than or equal to allowed watts. see the lnterior Lighting fixture schedule for values.Complies !Not Applicable lFt 1811 :!oo"t Ittot L-lNot observable Exterior lighting power is consistent with what is shown on the approved lighting plans, demonstrating proposed watts are less than or equal to allowed watts. See the Exterior Lighting fixture schedule for values.9.4.2 lFl],9]1 tENot Observable iENot Applicable EComplies flDoes Not At least 75% of all permanently installed lighting fixtures in dwelllng units have >= 55 lmAlV efficacy or a>: 45 lm/W total luminaire efficacy. EDoes Not ENot Observable ENot Applicable Exception: Requirement does not applylies9.4,4 lFt2oll Additional Comments/Assumptions: 3 Low lmpact (Tier 3)1 h lmpact (Tier 1)Medium lm ct (Tier 2) Project Title: DULUTH TRADING COMPANY Report date Data filename: H:\_2019\19,1NT.021- Duluth Trading Rollout- Springfield, OR\07 CALCS\05 ENERGIDULUTH Page TRADING COMPANY SPRINGFIELD, OR.CCK ]-01t411.9 5of 6 Section # & Reo.lD Final lnspection Complies? 2 Project Title: Data filename: DULUTH TRADING COMPANY Report date: 10/14/19 H:\_2019\19.1NT.021- Duluth Trading Rollout- Springfield, OR\07 CALCS\05 ENERG\IDULUTH Page 6 of 6 TRADING COMPANY SPRINGFIELD, OR.cck