HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 2019-12-20OREGON Web Address: www.springfl eld-or.gov Building Permit Commerclal Plumbing Permit l{umber: 81 1-19-OO2813-PLII| ryR Number: 811038576908 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfleld, OR97477 54t-726-3753 Email Address: permitcenter@springfield-or.gov SPRINGFIELD b Permlt Issued: December 20,2Ot9 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Commercial Type of Workl Tenant Improvement Submitted Job Value: $0.00 Descraption of Work: Install mop sink, dishwasher, hand sink, prep sink and grease trap, double sink (Bates Cateri Worksite Address 1420 3OTH ST APT 1 Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel 1702303400201 Owner: Address: Alan and Sandra Bates 1420 3OTH ST SPRINGFIELD , OR 97478 JOB SITE INFORMATION LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN FORMATION Business Name DRAIN RAIDER ROOTER SERVICE INC - Primary License ccB License Number 191218 Phone 541-338-8848 PENDING INSPECTIONS Inspection 3999 Final Plumbing 3500 Rough Plumbing 36 10 Grease Trap/Interceptor Inspectlon Group Plumb Com Plumb Com Plumb Com Inspcctlon Status Pending Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work' Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www, bu ild i ngperm its.oregon. gov Call or text the word 'schedule' to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811038576908 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search'epermitting" in the app store permits expire if work is not started within lEO Days of issuance or if work is suspended for 18O Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances goyerning this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. Granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-OO1-OO1O through OAR 952-0O1-OO9O. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (503) 232-L947. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 701.O10 (Structural/Uechanical), ORS 479,540 (Electrical), and ORS 693,O1O-O2O (Plumbing) Printed on: L2l2O/79 page 1 of 2 c : \myReports/reports//production/o 1 STAN DARD h"- Permit Numberi 81 1-19-OO2813-PLM Page 2 of 2 Fee Descriptaon Technology Fee Dishwasher Interceptor/grease trap Sink/basin/lavatory SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: Improvement Cost - Local Wastewater State of Oregon Surcharge - Plumb (LZo/o of applicable fees) Printed on: 72/2Ol19 Quantity 1 1 5 2L6.32 2898.5 L427.83 Total Fees: Fee Amount $8.7s $2s.00 $2s.00 $ 125.00 $216.s2 $2,898.50 $t,427.83 $21.00 $4,747.4O Page 2 of 2 C : \myReports/reports//production/01 STANDARD PERMIT FEES SPRINGFIELD b Transaction Receipt 81 I -1 9-00281 3-PLM IVR Number: 811038576908 Receipt Number: 473351 Receipt Date:12120119 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54t-726-3753 permitcenter@springfield -or. govOREGON www. springfield-or. gov Worksite address: 1420 30TH ST, APT# 1, Springfield, OR 97478 Parcr-l: 1702303400201 Transaction Units date 12120119 1.00 Qty 12t20|t9 1.00 Qty 12120t19 5.00 Qty 12120t19 1.00 Ea Description Dishwasher lnterceptor/grease trap SinUbasin/lavatory State of Oregon Surcharge - Plumb (12o/o ol applicable fees) 224-00000425603-1 034 224-00000-425603- 1 034 224 -00000 -425603- 1 034 821 -00000-21 5004-0000 Fees Paid Account code Fee amount $25.00 $25.00 $125.00 $21.00 $8.75 $2,898.50 $1 ,427.83 $216.32 Paid amount $25.00 $2s.00 $125.00 $21.00 $8.75 $2,898.50 $1,427.83 $216.32 12t20t19 1.00 Automatic Technology Fee 204-00000-425605-0000 12t20t19 2,898.50 Amoun SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater 61 1 -00000-448024-8800 't2t20t19 1,427.83 Amoun SDC: lmprovement Cost - Local Wastewater 6 1 1 -00000-448025-8800 12t20t19 216.32 Amount SDC: Total Sewer Adminislration Fee 719-00000-426604-8800 Payment Method Credit card authorization: 02321G Payer: Sandra L Bates Payment Amount:$4,747.40 Cashier: Thayne Smith Receipt Total $4,747.40 Printed: 1/15/20 1'l:5'l am Page 1 of 1 F I N_Transaction Receipt_pr lr r- Crrv or SpnrNGFIELo, ORrcoN 225 Fifth Street o Springfield, oR 97477 o PH(541 )726-3753 o FAX(54 I )726-3689 Plumbing Permit Application Ba&qr\ NS{"J S\Cis DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit ,.o., fr-()(Ril +? uW Date:tdts t7h, This permit is issued under OAR 918-780-0060. Permits are issued only to the person or contractor doing the work. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. FEE SCHEDULE Description Qty Cost ea. Total cost New residential I bathroom/l kitchen (includes: first I 00 feet of water/sewer lines, hose bibs, ice maker, unde(Ioor low-point drains and rain-drain packages) $333.00 $ 2 bathrooms/l kitchen ts2l.00 s 3 bathrooms/l kitchen 8613.00 s Each additional bathroom (over 3)$r32.00 $ Each additional kitchen (over l)5132.00 $ Residential fire sprinklers (includes plan review) 0 to 2,000 square feet $102.00 $ 2,00 I to 3,600 square feet $163.00 $ 3,601 to 7,200 square feet $243.00 $ 7,201 square feet and greater $324.00 $ Manufactured dwelling or pre-fab (circle one) Connections to building sewer and water supply $r02.00 $ Commercial, industrial, and dwellings other than one- or two-family Minimum fee $102.00 $ Each fixture $25.00 $ Miscellaneous fees 100' storm, sewer, water line $r06.00 $ Each fixture, appurtenance, and piping ,+$25.00 $r< Storm water retention/detention facility $r06.00 $ Irri gation systems/Backfl ow $2s.00 $ Piping or private storm drainage svstems exceedins the first 100 feet t2s.00 $ Specialty fixtures t25.00 $ Reinspection (no. ofhrs. x fee per hr.)fr02.00 $ Special requested inspections (no. of hrs. x fee per hr.)$r02.00 $ Each additional inspection: (l)$102.00 $ Medical gas piping Minimum fee $ Enter value of installation and equipment $ -. Enter fee based on installation and equipment value.$ DEPARTMENT USE (A) Enter subtotal ofabove fees (Minimum Permit Fee $102.00) $1?r (B) Investigative fee (equal to [A])s aer (C) Enter l27o surcharge (.12 x [A+B])$ 9l,d (D) Technology Fee (5% of[A])S BrS TOTAL fees and surcharges (A through D):$ t9 LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Zonrngapproval verified? ! Yes n No Sanitation approval verified? E yes f] No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION ! Government .QommercialE Residential JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site address: / 491, -?fu <f city: SPG State:42L zw:y'//ffi Reference Taxlot. DESCRIPTION OF WORK I PROPERTY OWNER t<I .?/4 "<Name: Al*^t 7 S'A;) Alrl) State:np:4"11141.cft{a'( Lrv)() won$Ql-4n qc Fax: E-mail: is or onmade of my Signature: exempt owned This Business name: Address: Fax E-mail BCD license no.CCB license no.:Hklf Plumbing license no. ^-l Fc-r.-tr*, fB tast edited 7/ I /20 I 9 bjones Ll1117,4o ztPqv//,.) /City,Q-42n -u Print name: ll4N-Tl +f,, ,rl/Ll 6{ -\QO, oS- S H scab = rFr. qpto$o'yn0,t. 5,,'tK'rr^f, rlAnil ;ghtL h tn *llr ;ftil{^ ('Lu or' SrIK(4' r $a f) t4 Q4 (/\ UJ J-- 0 ;l- p6,r King LOT It S hnL F;Y/sl,9x5rx(Ittf^l ffis,'rr f1 L OinS Axrf / Y h r s 0r4 e F{ F of W:TMt+ [3 ssI{-t t\x C c c ki R A,fbpt_c n3 i,1 -I-le.c\-qxl(srJN 0@- I PreTtff6le I fa9tz I I Charc GBA a,rbo(g e. 2 n tt ,(f ir ir I