HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1988-08-23tfi..RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATi --/PERMI?225 North |th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 BuiLding Diutsion 7 26-37 53 "tob Locaticn: Assessore Map # Subdioision: Address: City SPFIINGFIEI,.D 7 t:l1o( lr/ uq0 t--t DescrLbe L'ork: l,leD .qdditicn RenoCeL Date of AppL rr Plurnbing I'1e nical (-{_ g-09 Date: VaLue DRYIIALL INSPECT?N: ?c be npde afier. an@natTls in place, but prior to any taping. MASINRY: Steel Location, bond 6iffilg*orting or oerticcls in acconclance uli.th U,B,C. Section 241 5. WOODSTO'IE: ccmpl;TA. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH AP.|?QN: Aftet fonns are erecteC but pt'ior to pouring concf,ete. SIDEI,IA|K & DRIYEHAI: For aLL con- ;t,ete paufiAthf; street right- of-txA, to be maCe after aLL erca- oatinq conytlete & forn u>rk & sub' base nrateriul in plate. ta4ten conplete -- Pt'ouiCe fii6i or nottable- sectians through P.U,E. ALL pno;je<:b Ltondi.tions, such as Lhe i.nstallation of styeet treee, co:plction_of the ,.qu?-nn| Lanclsccp-ir.g, ata., tmtst be satisfied before the BULLDINC FINAL canbe requested. 1INAL B7ILDINC: ,Ihe Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final Plwnbing Electrical, anC Mecharicol fnspections hq)c been made atd approtled' ' It ia the re1ponsibility o! tle penrit loldet, to oee that aLL inapections ate rnade at the proper tine' that acch addreas is t'eadab'-e fnan the atreet, and tlat tha pet'trtt card ie Located at the front of the -propet'ty.tguilding Diuicion apptoted plan.s?aLL remain on tha BuilJinq Sit; at alZ tines. PROCnDU1E FoR INSPEZII9N_E9WS!-;CALL?26-3769 (tecorder) state youn City desigru_ted iob notber, iob aCiaees, \Ufe-of inspeclicn eadyforinspection,Contnactct,sc-namers-rwnecndplnnenwnbet,.Requestar,eceixedbefcre7:00cltiLL be nade the eante dcy, "equests ncde aftet 7:00 on urill be nade the ncot:mrking dag. - ^ yout' CitA Desigr.a.ted. Job l'ttmbet' ," ?f ONI tl INSIJLATION /VAPL)R I]ARRIER INSPEC?ION : io be m<tCe after aLL insuleticn and required uapor bawie?s ote in pl.ace but befctre any Lath, Wpswn boaz'C on rnLL couering is applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. SI?E INSPECII)N: To be nade aftet' .s"a"a;Tt", b"t pz.ior tc set up of forne. UNDERSLAB PLUI,IBINC. ELECTRICAL & MCHAIIICAL: ?o be made befoz,e any 6it7i-iottered. FOONN} & FOUNDATfCN: Io be traCe after trenchea are ercauated and forms are erected, but ptiot, to pouring ccncrete. UND,RCR1U\]D PLUMEINq2 SIWER' W'A?ER, innt44911: To be maCe prior to fil- TiS-iFenahes. UIIDERPLOOR PLUI.IBING & I|ECIIANICAL : o1 floor insulation ot' decktng. POS! 4!P Bq4M: ?o be nade Prior to Tiilfr|ilGi-of floot, insulation or deckirtg. ROIJCH PLU!4BII|C. ELEtrRICAL & IIECH-i GllTthese irapections hatte been made and approuei. FMEPLACE: Prion to placirq facing materials and before froning inspec- tion. FRAI'IINC: I,tust be requeeted aften apptortal of rough plutnbing, electri- cal & necltanical. ALL roofing btacing E chinmeys, etc. mtet be eompleted. llo ucrk is to be con- cealed until this inspectLon las been nade and appnotted. FTNAL PLUMBIIIC FINAL MECIIANICAL Pcg:e 1 of 2 IZL-7 16, bt ttDZ t(*L tgn 7 2-Phone EJec E.rica 1 S trpervrtrilgj]ec t r: i c ia rr DEMOLITIO!] OR :IOWD Sani.tary seaer capped. tt property Lire Septic totk yar:rped and filled urith grattel Final - t'lhen abcoe itens ate ccmpleted and uhen Cetnolition is eonplete o? st! 2- ture moued and premises cleaneC up, e Hcrnes Blocking and Set-up Plunbing connections -- sader and ualer Electri.cal Ccrtnection - Blockittg, set-u. and plutnbing connections rntst be apprcoei before requeeting elecltical inspeetiott AceeseoPi Building Final - After pcnches, skirting, decks, etc. are conpleted. rl FINAL ELECTNICAL rAt,L ttANHCt,ES AND CLEANOUTi: lttJST BL- ACCilSSIBLT, AD,tUSTltEltl T0 BE ttlDn !.? N0 C)ST T0 CIvv Oumer: t--l @^ General tr E T trr SOLAR ACC.ESS REQ.-JOB NO.cL-CO Bedroons: Building Volue & Permit This permit is glranted on the espfesa cond-ition tlnt the s,zid consttaction shalL, in all respects,- ".itfii'to the Ordinance adopted l:iy the City of ipil"gitnti, inclluding' the 2oning Crdinanc-e, regulat-i_r'tg tltiz ccnstmtcLicn oird ur"n of 'build1ngs, and mey be euspended or reuokeC at ctty Lime upon oic- Lation of an11 prcoisiona of said ordinances. Aceess. TOTAL VALUE Total Clntges toteth t VarTEMFTG DC DT House Topography Lot Faees - 1,5 r Building Permtt Signed: Receipt # Date Patd: PLan LOT TYPE _ fnterior _ Co?ner _ Panlnndle _ Cul-de-sac % cf Lot Catenage_ # of Stortee Total P.eight Iot Sq. Ftg. Plumbing Permit No pez.son slull consttuct, instal!., alter or elwnge _cny neD-cr eristing i1r-tli or drainage systen in ahole or in pott, unles.s such pet'son is the iegol {os"es"o, o7"o uLlid pl*,bnt"s Lic-ens-b, eecept that a pelson naa 4o ptirot;.ig uork to property ,hi"h i" oumed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Plumbing Petnit NO,CHARCE State ITEM Firtures Resilential (1 bath) Saai Seuer Electricol Permit vhere state Lau requires ttnt the electrical uork be done by an Eleetrical Contractor, the electrical portion of thi.a permit stall not be ualiC until the Label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor' Total Na,t/Eatend Circuits Sen;ice NC EEP CIIARCE * Mechqnicol Permit I'lcodstote Vent E@t Ealntet HooC P?TJ I S Permit Issuance llechanicel Pernrtt I HAW CAREFULLY EXAMINED the cotttpleted application for permit, and do herebg certify that aLL infornation het'eoi ie true an'd cot'rect, an'C f fu,th"er certiiy that any ard aLL uork perfor-ned slnll be done in accot-'dance "rtth thb" ordinanebs of the City of Springfield, atd the Laus of the state of o"egon pertaining to the uork cescribed herein, and tlnt No occu- pANCy Ltttl bZ rwZe of any structute uithout permisei_on of the Building Di- oision. I furthen cbrtiiE that only conttactors and .enplcyees uho are in eazpliance uith cRS 707.055 utLL be ueed on this pt'oiect Permit Total t:a.s- At T)TAL Al"t1UNI DUE: t TaLe,1er * D1.te I ,00 -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sida,talk ELectricaL Mobile Hotne Curbeut thi,n Carnca Cnrh.rf tleee.ssot u State /h^,,.L!,^.*,k-sirr{rd /