HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-08.. RESIDt-r{TlAL.., APPLICATION/PERTLIT 225 llorth ith Street Sprtrqfield, ?regon 97477 Butlaing Diuiston 7 26-37 53 SPFiIHGFTEI.D Date Jab Loccticn: Assesoo?a ;'!d? ll rI r6a3\rl\razr.ot- D5qO };ner .1C&ess Dl^a c . !L' : Desctlbe llot k: sO Vai.ue l--l {",",r,- iate of )pplica !icn RqtoCel GeaeraL )leclvricaL DT],IOLITIOlI Sdni:a1 seter eqped:t ptcoetiy Lite Septic tank p:i:ped ad fiLLeC uith Ez,atzl Pinal - i;4ten abcue itens ate ec,tpleteC o:C ahen dencli:r)or ts ecnclele Zt sit-tt-tute ratsed dri cre=:lses elbaned ut. !1Cn2S tsLocking od. Set-up P|;/nbing connec.tions -- 6dnar d. aaner Electr.Jcal Cauect4on - Blcekitq, set-ui and. plunbing co?tneetiofls nr;st be cppz,cr:Zd before request:.nq eleclical insceetior: .4cces;o,g Buildu"q Pinal - !,fter :crckes, sktrting, dec?s,etc. oe ccnoleled. I-t i8 the respottcibility of -tha penrit hotler to see that alt inspections @e nad.e at lhe pyoper tin., t!.at "^sl1 .-,l,ira-ss is readahl-e:.y.-t!y st"eet' er"4 ;iac the per+rtt card is Locale<i at the,"?cnt of the properiy. '3uilCirg ?:.:sicron zp=ru-ed ptZn sitcZl pedain on thi irl,la-:W' Sile at aLL iines. ?!?oc'Dt'tPg- !c4 IlsPlrrcil ,19=1|FST.'CALL 726-3769 (recorCet,) state gou! City desigxeted. job nwrber,, job aCiress, type of inspee=icn ::.Y"1-11_T!-ui"._en iiau fiLLL be reaiE fo-r inspection, cont"dctc?s o-r a,n ts'rw,,"'na pn"1n ni,unber. -pequests reZeii:'ed. bZfcn"-'z:00 an'"7'LL be nacie the satze Ccg, ?equests naie after ?:00 en oiLL be naCe the nect gotking d.ag.sc 3qo Constrtclicrt Leryier FT1IAL PLU:481:IG FI;IAL :IECiIATICAL ?!:IAL ZLiC:?ICAL |ilSULATIAII /'/APOR tsA.RRIIR NISPICTICN : To be naCe after aLL insulaticn ani required oqor borie?s de in place but before ory lath, Wpslnt bcatC ct rnLL couering is cpplied, crui before @tU ":$ulation .)s concealeC. you" City Desiqr,ated Job Nwnbey !s: DRYVALL INSPIC?f?N: Tc be nadeafter aLL at-guall is ,in alaee,but pz,ior, :Lo ctty taping. 14A50!lR!: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or uerticals in aeeordorce ,,)Lth U.ts,C. Section ,t00DSTatn: r*i ^L^; After "Jt-stallation is SilJ j.vSF tlli.Y: lo be rru,ie aiter ezccuation, but prtcn ,o get uo of AID|RSLI.3 ?LL'I.EI:IG, ZLiC?RIC,IL 1iSJi;-:iiC;L: io_ ce nace be)ote cny 1,bnu . a PCC!:JGJ ?0!-')tDA?12!t: lo be tuieciier =renci",es are e.caJated ar.ti fcrna ate erectei, but pricr topouring ccnc?et€. --1 u:tDiRc?cu:!, ?:L,.!er:;G. ssEp. lt.1:t3.tj Lirg trer.ckee, ANDEPFLC)R ?-2U:,3 XtG 1 )tiClANrCAL :rc!@oi fLoor "l,neukiion or decktng. ?tst A;lD 3EA!,!: lo be ncCe ??-:o? toiliiiffii-cf i1.oor irsuition cr deckinE, F.CI.'C:l ?:'X,!?::!G, !:ZJ?PIC:L t :,rC9-Aili:).:: .l;o ';crt ls tc Ze couered.ut:til ;hese insceeziar-s )tane bec:r naze crd. zogtcied. !!?.r?\ACi: h4ar .,o pia.cnrq fac'tngncreials :rd. before jroilr4 inspei-tLot. !R4.':i:lC: ifust be tecuesxed cf)erq-crcvai cf tcugh pltu.birg, electr.j-caL I necisnicti, AL1 -n.-:-^braclns a iniJ.rsr," "ii."=L"'J * . ccrryLeted, :lo ,cr< ts to bz con- - cecled until this insoeclcn i"a.e'beett nwd,a cni aporo,-eC. I concrete. SI)IWA.LK t )RI',EiAI: ?or all eaz- crete pauin4 uixh:-n st?eet yiaht- of-,,aA', tc -be naCe after all- L*ce- uattnq canolete & fotr"t ,;ork & sub- base nctem)al in plaee. CUP.B & ,A?PRCACII APPON: ae ereeteC but pz,iot, A|'tet fornsto pcur.Jng I lttrlC!: ,n4ten conple'Le -- *ouiie gates o? nooable eections through P. U. g. IALL T4AIIHCLES AIID CLEATICI]TS ]IUS? BE,ICCESSIts'E, .4D,IAS7]E:JI lO 38,\L"DE I.? !]O::ST ?C CrY ALL project condiJions, such as the "-nstal,lacion cf st,eet ,?ees, :o:alexion cf taereqtired kndsecpirg, ctc., ntuat be satisiied. before the euiici:E FI||AL =cn be reqesteC. a) :{ilAL B.urtDrllc:. Tne Fi.nel, Build,ing lnsoection tlast bc- requested, ;fter the ,ainal ptutnbing\-/ ll'eetricaz, o,l, llecha.rical rnspecticns 'i,auo iteen mad.e- arrd, euorouad..I ?a:e 1 of 2 d t/- +dr,*-t-rfu ac. #?hcne T u D-na 9 JOB NO SOLAI .CCESS REQ.-L-co d Mechq nicol Permit tseitcons: Lat laces - Df !^..^^Access Range lnt Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Ccuenage LCT lWS _ fniez'ior _ Corner _ Pcniuruile CUL-de-sac ! of StorJes ?otal Heighc ?ogography :!i:l :{VaLue ?c!.4L i,t LU' S.D.C. 1.5 c e Building Vqlue & Permit This penrrtt is granted on rhe acD?ess eondition that the said.construction shz.Ll, tn til rescects, eonfctm +-o the Srditwnce adopted. by the CLfl cf Sprt.ngfield, tncluiing :he ioning kdinance, regulatirtg tha ccnstntct'.cri anri use oi cur.kiings, cnd n=y be ;uscend.eC or retsckee at cn! tlne upcn oic- Latton of .my prcoisions of sari Crdircnces. r4 r eset tJ !o+-al Changes i'!o L 1AEUS !i:;ures Resiiznt'ial ( I bcth) Seaer Plumbing Permit Ilo perecn shcll cor,stntct, instalT-, a'!,ter oz' change cny nea cr ecisting pluinbing cn dtainage sylten tnliwle or in pott, unless sueh person is the legal poseessor of a ualid plwnberrs License, escept that a ?elson nay do plmbing riork to prope"tl uhich is ofiled, Leased or opercted by the cppli- ccrtt. Plunbing Perrtt 9tate Suteh.arge Neu/Ezterd Ciratits Electricsl Permit Were State La,t requit,es t|"a.t the eleetz;"cal uork be done by an Electz'ieal Conttactor, the electr'ical portion of thia 7ermit sltall not be ual'iC until tle label ius been signed by th.e Elect'z'icaL Contractor. F3E Ezltanst HaoC Vent ?qt vcoistoie J o o Pevmtt fssuance i4ecilanical Pennt -- i:lczcAcv;.!t:!! -- Sectr|t4 Daecsit Storage i4a:-ntencn:e Permit Sidatalk ileecyt cal La.bel Mobile Eome rJ/,trlrilt-*tll n^fr 17 t trhrt\tfr alta. a-tl.\) tu':VVLlt UVe.3/-ao.I PLcn E:anir.er I HAW CA-REFULLI nxA-lliil\D tl"e conaleteC cppLication. ior permit, ad da hereby cetrif'g tha.t aLL o)nfo:natton hetecn ls tnte at^-C caruect, ar,C' f fuz,lh-er cettifE lhat ang en4 aLL xork p'etforned shall be done in accoz'- danee :,tith the- Ord.intt'tcZs of the Cily of SprLngfield, ani >he La:; of the* State of 0regcn per-baining to tl..e ,)ork Ces*ibeC heretn, cnC :ict !10 1CCU- PAilcf vtLL be ,naZe oJ' ctty ;tructute ai'.hout permisaion of the Suildir'E 9t- uision. I f,;,z,ther :ertii'g th.-et only ccntractct's o;d enplcye-es ahp ctz in cx,pliance ul.th CRS 701.A55 aiLL be used cn this proieet 4q-"Lr 0.r.-/U frr"*v- Zcze: Cceutancu Cro,n:lioe/'Consx: laie -