HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-03-31!.. REsID. ITIAL.. zzs Not th stt, stonffPLrcATr,N/PERI'Er Spz"LngfieLd, )z'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Aesessors Map #3 SPFIINGFIEI-D Tc,s I"ot # S:ubdivision: Aozer: I edan""", 2 ci Additicn 1 lr I 44), Deecribe Hork:heofufu Ir 6, ,f ,r4lnRemoCeLsnLe Hone Date of GeneraL Pltmtbiru El,ectrtcal Conslmretioa_Lendg!_ QTAd TilcDaant4^r. escau;i;;;-ilt forms 3/-( ?o be nwde aftez, pr.iar tc set up of Value Iout City Desigr.ated Job Nunber fs TNSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPECTTON : Io be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn a-d rcquired oapor burie?a @e tn pLa.ce but before ary Lath, Wpsun bcatC or rnLL couez,ing is applied, and. beforeay insulation is concealed. DRWALL INSPECII)N: Tc be nade -. after aLL d.tgn)all is in place, but ptior to any taping. \IASONRY: Steel Locatiott, bond beans, grouting or tertieals in aecord.otce tLth U.B.C. Section t400DSr0vE: anpleted. After installation is Q* CURB & APPRCACH APPON: A,fteT foTnsue erecteC but prior to pour.irq cottx,ete. SfDEWALK & DRfr,EWAy: For aLL cott- crete paoing trithin street fight- of-txA, to be naCe after aLL erea- oating sonplete & forn vnrk & sub- base rwterial in pl,ace. Oa- 4 Date: I^t ia the respono'ibi_Lily oi the perwtt holl* to eee tlnt aLL inspectiot'ts ate nade at the p?ope" tine, that each address is rendabief.y,!-tJp otreet,. and, tltat the penrit card is laated at the frctzi of the property.*Buiuing Nuiciot approxed pTbt svtcll remain on tha Bunlding site at aLL' tines.- ?iOcEDUPErPoR, IySPEII2N,W7EST.ICALLT26-3769(recotder) state your Citg designated job rurnber, job aliress, type of i,nspec;i.cnrequested a.td ahen gou uiLL be ready fot, tr,speetion, contrdctcrs o-r olmez,s ncrneLnd pToie rwtaber. Eequests reLeti:La befcre'?:00 s.tt'iZL be nade the sante dcy' "eEests nad.e after ?:00 on trill be nwde the nest uotkirg day. 8?DatZ rr ANDERSLAB PLL'\.IBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHIIIICAL: To be matie before any ttOtk iS coOeted. FOO?fNc & F)UNDATfCN: Io be tnaCeAfier. tl,encG; ar';-Acauated and forms ate eteeted, but ptior to pout Lilg ccncreta. UNDERGPCUI]D PLUMDINC. SIWEP. W,ATER, DRAfilACE: To be nade priot to fil-Lirg trenches. UIIDERFLOOR PLUT,,IBTNG & I4ECHANTCAL : 'l'o be maa.e prioz, to installation of floor insul,ation or decking. P?ST AND BEAM: To be nade prlot toinstallaticn of floon insulation or dccking. ANICAL: Ilo uotk is to be eoreied w:til these inspeetiors haue been nade ond appz,otsed. FIPEPI,.ACE: Prton to plccir4 facingmcterials and. before froning inspee-tion. ( I pn$:tnC: Must be requested aftent I approual of rough plttrbing, eiectti-cal & neciunieal. elt z,obfing btacing I chittmeys, etc. trust be . eornpleted. ilo ucz,k is to be con-. cealed until this inspeetLon has'been made anC appto.*ed. ?ENCE: gates h4ten conplete -- ProtsiCe ot, mouable seetions through(. u,F B ?*',(-,s>- -l I:lI _l FTUAL PLUINIrc FIIIAL I,IECTIANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ALL pnoject eonditions, sucl" ae the installation of street trees, conoletion of tietequired Landsecping' etc., mtst be satisfied befote the BUILDINb FII|AL can be requested,. ilNAL BUtLDIN1: The Final Buildirq_ Inspeetion mtet be requested cfter the pinal plwnbingElectrteal, ord Mecharical fnspections ltaue been naie- and'oppround.. OR Sanitoy seuer capped ct properfil Litce Septic totk pa-ped ann fi.lled tith gra;sel Final - h1ten abcue itens ate cclnoleted atd uhen Cer.tclition is eonplete Zr sttac- ture notsed and. pz,errises cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking old. Set-up Plutnbi.ng connectione -- aaner otd uatet Electrical Ccmnection - Bloektng, eet-uc an"d. plunbing connections m;st be apprcr;bC before requesting eleetrteal inspectiol Aeeessory- fuilCing Piral - After pctches, skirtirq, decks,etc. are cornpleted. Page 1 of 2 "tob loeaticn:332 Phone zip: 14echarieeL 'ALL |4ANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTttEitl TO 3E tttlD| A? NO CCST TO CI?y tr ur / JoB No. 8?02 /Z-soLAR Ac^Ess REe.-r--co# Beiroons I-ot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Couerage # of Stories Total Height Iopography IYELI Sdni Seuer PL'JmbLno Perr,:1,t Nas/Ectend. Circuits Sem.tice Total LOT TWE _ Interior _ Corner _ Panhand.Le CvL-de-sac Reeeipt #: * l" Plumbing Permit No pe"eon sLaZL constmtet, instalL' alter ot ehange cnA neu cr ecisting _pLtnbittg or drainage sAeten in alnle or in pa.rt, unless sueh person is the Legal pbssessor of a ualid plutnber"s Li.cense, eceept tTnt a pe?son ^ay 42plmtiing uork to p?opertA uhich is oumed' Leased ot operated by the dpPli- cant. Electricol Permit Whev,e State La,t requit'es tlwt the electt'ical uopk be done by an Electtieal contractor, the eleetrical portion of this permit shall not be oalic until the Label has been signed by the Eleetrieal Contractot- Mechcr nicql Permit s bha/at EooC Vent Fan llcodsto;le Pemtrit C'urbcut Sida,talk Permit Meelnnical Pe"nrit -- ENCROACHMENT -. IataL ttical La.bel Mobile Home Plant Erantnez'Date I HAW CAREEULLy ,XA.ILINED tle conpleted application for permit, and. do ieiety inlt;.fa that aLL info:'nation het'eoi is tt'ue and cotrect' att'C r fut,th"er eertify that any ard aLL uo.r'k perforned stwll be dote it aecor- dance tith the'OrdinaneLs of the City of SpringfieLd, and. th_e Lar,s of the iiate o7 lregon pertaining to the ttork Ceseribed hetein, cnd' tlat No occu- peiCy ,itt b"e nade of any" struetuya uithout pernissi,on of the Building DL- ui"ior. f further' "'n"t;.iy thet only eont?actots ai';d enplcyees uho are in eonplianee-uitt OaS 70L.055 uiLL be used on this project o stl/wl rz Lot Faces -Enerqu Soutces ?uoe lleat P.L t^,,d^Cdraae Access Water lleatez. North Eost-FirepLace South Hoocistoxe West -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This penl,t is gnanted on the erp?ess condition tlnt the said.eonsttuction slwll-, in atl rbspects, eonform to the ot'ditnnce adopted 6iy the City of Springfield, ineluding the Zoning Crdinanee, tegulathq the ccnstructicn and use of buildings, cnd may be suspend.ed or retsokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of dty prcoisions of said 0z'dir,ances. Signed: I?EI.I x VaLue CHAP,GENOFEE s.D.c. 7,5 c ?OTAL VALUE Building Pennt ?otal Clwrges State Stu,ehege n-+ ^ D^.') . Check Fee Pi.rtutes Resid.ential (1 bath) llatct CiiA.RGENO.FEg Res- Sa. fta. I LL Furruce PTU t S L-/s.oov-- o 5.ao T)TAL AllOUllT DUE:*30 (rO Signed Date (" C,