HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-12-11- iSPECTION LINE !5-37 69 ob Address Legal Description OF SPRiNGFTY ION APPL I CATI i ELO ON/PERI'IITcotlB I 726-3753 EIIERGY SOURCES Hea lJater Heater Range. So. Ftq. l'lain_ Sq. Ftg. Access._ Sq. Fto I'lew 0ther Add A I ter Rep. Chan ge/Use -OJ 0)3 t3 mt\'S'f: l'i'( oQ LDo Address \nl Phone n c .e., Build Singie Ii\ I Constructi on r \ Addre s s Phone \ DESIGN TEAI4 name address exo t res Primary Structura I E l ectri cal Mechani ca l name addres s t l aq nn exDt res ohone no. Genera L , I (1( 3 .I Pl umbi nq El ectri caI I'lechani cal PLUIIB I NG ELECTRI CAL MECHAN ICAL FEE CHARGE NO FFF al.ra pnF NO FFF |.HARGF Each single fixture Residence of sQ FT furnace/burner to BTU' s Relocated building (new fix. additional) Floor furnace and vent S . F. P.es i dence ( I bath)SERV I CES Recessed wal i Snace heater and vent Duplex (l bath) each Additional bath Temporary Constructi on Apol iance vent sena ratp A tlater service 5C),C han res i ge in existing dence Stationary evap coo I er a Sewer 50 multifamily, corrn or I ndus tri a I Vent fan with sinole duct Storm Sewer JDIf)0f amp s.Vent systern apart from heatino or A.C. COMN./IND. FEEDERS Mechanical exhaust hood and duct- Instal I /a l ter/rei ocate distrih^ feeders tllood stove/heater 0f amps. ISSUANCF OF PFRI,lIT TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES I.IHERE STATE LAll REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valil until the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Division comp tha Sta app cat on r oerm t, and do hereb.v certify at all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify t any and all te of Oregon w0 rk oe rformed s ha I I be done I n acc0 rd an wl th t he 0rdi nance s of the CityI be madeof Soringfie of any struc Board is in I d and the Laws of thet the permi and effect oe rta 'I n 'I n s to th e wor k descr 1 bed he re 'I n an d tha t NC OCCUPAI'ICY wl I tu re wl thou ss 'I on of the Building Division. I further certify that my registrati required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basjs for exemption is are in comcliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. 0n v/l th the Bui I der S ful I fo rce noted hereo n and t ha t only subcontracto and employee tlAl'lE (pl ease IGNATURE DATE E USE Oi{LY zone-\$)(--rypel Fire Zone Bedro ts S o. Ftg. l'la in xr Valu Load Sq. Ft!. Access Val ue Flood Plain Storie 0cc.y Group S x, Val TOTAL VALUATI q. Ftg 0the r BUILDING PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges Plan Ck. Cornm/lnd 65/"/B1do Per Fee Svstems Deve Charqe (1.5q opment Plan Ck. Res 30%/81dq Per Fee PLUMBING PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges Fence Dgmo ELECTRICP,L PERI1IT Charges and Surcha rges Sidewal k A/C Paving Curb Cut Total Cornb. Permit I,IECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Surc ha rges TOTAL bq53? t ) )\ oa\Pnn 3 t \ (r tnnp no - New circuits alts. or extensions COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal Description 1. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 432. example- Lot l. Block 3, 2nd Addition to S[rTnlTie1d EstatesC. Name, etc. of owner and construction IenderD. Energy Sources 1. examo'l e-2. exEmpl e- Square footag example- 1250 sq example- if new check add, etc. hea t/cal ceilin or forced qir gas wate ea ec tr ca !el-el- q. foot garage - if addition, e or valuation e foot ho use, 500 s e E 1 2 project, check new II. F. Building permit informatjon:1. example - construct singie family house with anattached garage ?. examp-le - remodel existing garage into family room3. example - convert single famiiy-residence inio - restaurant (change of use)G. Value of work ai defined in Section 303 (a) of the.. Structural Specialty CodeH. DESIGN TEAM AND CONiRACTORS To avoid design or construct.ion deiays, BuildingDivision Staff must be able to contalt appropr.iitepersons_regarding design information or job iitecorrections, etc. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrica.l SchedulesA. Lxcept where blank spaces occur in the descriptionportion of the Mechanical and Electrica.l Schedulei,the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes iOjii.nt_ to-the appropriate item(s) to be instal.ledB. Full PIumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedulesare available at the Building Division1. To conserve space on the-permit form the schedu.leshave been abbreviated2. II the item(s) to be installed are not covered onthe abbreviated schedules you should consult theful i schedu lesC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAp, the label must be delivered to theeiectrical contractor for signature by his e.lectriiai - supervisor. The general coniractor ii not authorizedto sign the electrical labelApplicant to sign and date Hhenever possible, the .initial application will be used asa.worksheet only. Where possibte, Building Oivision Siaiiwill.prepare a type wr.itten copy and returi it to theapplicant at the time the actuai permit is issued for hissignature, Fees and Charges P'lan check fees are due and payable at the time of theapplication, and no plans wiil-be processed until thesetees are paid. Al l other fees and charges are due andpayable when the permit is issued. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY III IV V PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFiED BEFORE OCCUPAI{CY: PERMIT VALIDATION Permit Clerk \\q * Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project information : PLANS REVIEWED BY: datenameS1gnatu re c!ruoF 225 PIITII S'I?EEf, SPRINGPTBLD, oREGoN 97 477 INSPBCTf0N REQI EST. 726-3769 oPPICE: 726-3759 1'.OP INSIALI.ATION2f IJGAL DESCRIPTION EI^ECTRICAL PER}fiT APPIJCATION Ctty Job Nuuber 7a ./z,E 3 COI{PI.ETE TEE SCIIEDTIIJ BELOV A $ 8s.oo $ 1s.00 Each Hanufrd Home or -Modular Dvelling Servlce or Feeder $ 3s.00 B SPRII iELO One Clrcult Tvo to ten Circuits Each Addtrl ten orportion thereof Nev Resldential-Slngle orHultl-Family per dvelllng unlt.Servlce Included! Items Cost 1500 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500sq. ft or portion thereof % Sum Permits are non-transferable and explreif vork ls not started vlthin 190 diysof lssuance or lf vork is. suspended for180 days. 2. COFTnACTOR INSTAIJATION OITLT Electrical Contracto Address Lot' -/-uw_Lu^6,Phone bY'|,21>l '/ -qTqDL Supervisor Licenie Number 3423 5 Expiratlon Date 0, constr contr. Number ZD' LZq C. Explratlon Date 0 ture of lpg Electrlclan Ovners Name, Address ci Phone OgNER INSTALIATTON The installation is belng nade onproperty.I ovn vhlch ls not lntendedfor sale, lease or rent. Ovners Signature: DATE: Servlces or Feeders (10 Branch Circuitslncluded). fnstallatlon, Alteratlonsor.Relocation: 100 anrps or less S 35.00101 anps to 400 amps - S 60.00 .- 401 amps to 600 a,nps - S 9o.oo601 amps to 1000 "rps- S13o.oOover 1000 amps/volts - S3oo.oo' -C. Temporary Services or Feeders' Installatlon, Alteratlon or Relocation 200 amps or less / S201 amps to 400 a,nps * iOver 401 to'600 amps - SOver 600 amps or rbOOT'Its s Branch ClrcultsD. E Nev, Alteratlon or Extenslon per panel ee nBtr a56IE 35.00 40.00 80.00 $ 3s.00 $ s0.00 s 1s.00 Hlscellaneous (Servlce/feedrir not included)-Each lnstallatlon Pump or irrlgatlon S 36.00Slgn/outline Ltghttns- s ge.oo Signal Clrcult orlimlted energy panel 0 STIBTOTAL OP ABOVB 5Z Stite Surcharge TOTALRECEIVED 5 s 36.00 st I <C-6 /.^?34*28 ONEGONCITY OF 225 FITTB STNBBf, SPRINGPIBU), oREGON 97477 INSPBGTION RBQUBSf,: 726-3769 0PPICE: 726-3759 1 Permlts are non-transferable and expirelf vork ls not started vithin 180 daysof lssuance or if vork ls suspended for 180 days. 2. COMRACTOR INSTALI,ATION ONLY Erec t ri car con t rac, rrU,Nt\-rL) SPTIINGFIEL(, BIJCIRICAL PERIIIT APPLICATION City Job Nunber COHPI,RTE FBE SCIIEDT'I;E BBLOS New Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dvelllng unlt. Servlce Included:Items Cost 3 A Sum Ctty Phone bK'l-rl&l 34333 Address Supervlsor cense Number Exp iratlon Date D 1500 sq.ft. or less Each addltlonal 500 sq. ft or portlon thereof $ 85.00 $ 15.00 Each Manuf'd Home or -Modular Dvelllng Servlce or Feeder $ 35.00 B Servlces or Feeders (10 Branch Clrcults included). fnstallation, Alteratlons or Relocation: 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps _601 amps to L000 amps_ 0ver 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only $ gs. C. Temporary Servlces or Feeders Installatlon, Alteratlon or Relocatlon tCP 200 amps or less $ 35.00 Over 600 amps or 1000 volts see rrBrr above ?tAx--$ ss. $ 60. $ go. $130. 00 00 00 00 00 00 $300 Constr Contr. Number Expl ratlon Date of Electrlcian Ovners Address Name cl Phone OUNER ,ALIJ\TION The lnstallatlon ls belng.made on property I ovn rhlch ls not lntendedfor sale, Iease or rent. 0yners Slgnature: D. Branch Circults Nev, Alteratlon or Extenslon Per Panel One Circult Two to ten Clrcults Each Addt,l ten orportlon thereof $ 1s.00 B. Miscellaneous (Servlce/feeder not tncluded) -Each installatlon Pump or irrigatlon $ 36.00 sign/outline Llghtfug- $ 36.00 Slgnal Clrcuit or Iimited energy panel $ 36.00 q3 ') = $ $ 00 00 35. 50 DATE: 5. SI'BTOTAL OP ABOIIE 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL RECEIVBD d) RSIIM REAr, PROPACCOITNT SIrMlfARy 9 / L2 / 9 6 ACCT I L450755 L995ASSESSMENT YEAR COUNEUE INDEX:F MAP EQ L7 023LL404502 AeeT X YRA X ACCT STAT SADiT PROP DESCR1T 02 31 L4.04502 NAME ADDRDEPAIJI,IA STEVELEGAL: BOFE C0138 02L992 2L76 PRESTWICH PL 92-94 ADiIIIDICATED VAIJUE BOFEEUGENE OR 14:15: 97 40 PROP ADDR: YRIA 95 YRLA 95 PROP CLASSI-o1 STAT CLASS ].. OB,CRES CYCLE ASSESSED (AV) LAND 92,060 IMPS L52, 67 O TIMBER RES NETGfrOOOX COM NETGH LAST ACTIVTTYOg. OT -9 CONTROL GROUPL4T 232 LEVY CODEl9. OO 4 ZONE TAX CERTIFIED: REAL MARKET (RI,IV) 92,060 L62 , 67 O 1995YEAR TAX: TAX DUE 1995YEAR: TAX DUE PR]OR YEARS: 254,730 ]NTEREST AS OFOg -L2.96 TOTAL BALA}TCE DUE: 254,730 OLDEST DELTNQUENT YEAR L GROSS : EXMPTS : NET: L 254 ,7 30 254,730 # INSPECTION LINE 726-37 69 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COIIBI NATION APPLICATION/PERMIT INFORI{ATION LiNL 726-3753 Job AddressT Z" / Zf ,/ [)6r,t\ I 6a* S{ Lesal Description -TL tf -OZ- 3l-(ll- \OO l.later Heater EIIERGY SOURCES Hea t Ranqe _uu.y,,*^,?s6.,, So. Ftq. l'lai n_ Sq. Ftg. Access._ Chan Add A I ter Lep. ge/ Use 0therSq. Fto l,ler.r 0wner S*""n b e?.\r-c,, 'e., Build Singlescrn raAddres s Phone Totn /-zb *rn *t*1r tte.r -ffi*)& /*r;r;5. rirrl,iwConstruction Lender Nl (if-l( N N Nr Addre s s Phone address lics. no.exD l res ohone no.DES I GN TEAI'I name Primary 'T S\t.rr b * Po\t^l\ qStructura I TEl ectni ca I ffi s-\ <.,{,\<Pq\ ".,...TBI'lechani ca l a ddress ( exni rpc )lics. no.)nhone no- )CONTRACTORS name Genera I 5q"15'1 +lwl?t l.l.r- terpr1/^4 )r ?'6pQPl umbi L*dffif il'lechani cal MECHAN I CALELECTR I CALPLUI.IBI NG FFF CHARGF N0-FFF .HARGFN0,FEE CHARGE NO furnace/burner to BTLI' sEach single fixture /aa /&* Res idence of FTSQ/o New circuits alts. or extensions FIoor furnace and vent Relocated building (new fix. additjonal) S ERV I CES Recessed wal I Snaap hPatpr and vpnt S. F. Residence ( I bath) Duplex (1 bath) each Temporary Constructi on a Apol iance vent seDa rate v ?Y.ooAdditional bath Change in existing rp< i dpncp Stationary evap cool erl"later servi c. rf}L,*,' /6 Vent fan with sinole duct /a*2,*ra multifamily, comm. or I ndustri a'l2SewerNU^ 44a /a,4 0f amps.Vent systern apart from heatinq or A.C. \\u\ldStorm Sewer \ \ /O,G cor.il.r./IND. FEEDERS g Mechanical exhaust hood and duct /,e %,4tn<t qow fu l'lood stove/heaterInstal I /al ter/rel ocate di stri b. feeders 0f amps 72.2 :773EzF€/l/zH- &vz 44'?,*vzz. Aqnz Itun.8ntr:ISSUANCF oF PFRI1IT /Ae /1.4.&TOTAL CHARGESTOTAL CHARGESTOTAL CHARGES 6/0," WHERE STATE LAI.I REQU sha1I pot be valid untiI IRES that the Electrical work be done the label has been signed by an Elec bytri an El al Su ectri cal rpervi sor Contractor, the e'lectrical portion of this permit and returned to the Building Divisionc application for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and al'l work performed shalj be done in accordance with the 0rdinances of the City on oertaininq to the work described herein, and that NC 0CCUPAI,ICY will be made uilding Division. I further certify that my registration vtith the Builder's I{AtlE(please p IGiIATURE 0reg the B I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAI1INED the completed and correct, and I further certify that apyof Springfield and the Laws of the State ofof any structure without the permissi Board is in full force and effect as on of required by ORS 701.055, that if 'exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that 055 wi'll be used on this project.only subcontractors and ernpl are in comcl iance w'i th 0l?S 701 OLa /%-6 Tyoe/Const. 5 /Y Units lue 74Stori e s / occy croup_r4/l_.Sq ,LUAT ON . F ts. r[ai nE xE6_Z_Q=^_fu_t/a v u lue Val ueFire Zone BedroonsZ4a utyrT Occy Loa Fl ood Pl ai n TOT & Ftg. Acces Ftg. 0ther - 2+4e?- 66 Svsterns Deve charqe (1.57 bpmentPlhi Ck. 'Conrm/ Ind 65%/B1dq Per Fee 4w '"2?g{,gol,attO.!-o-C harge Su rc ha rge s BUIL P E RI.II T and aoa1o Plan Ck. Res 30/,/81do Per Fee Fence 'Q,a )n rru*zo 2 '3A/,8gylauPLUI4BIN6 PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges ffiA\Dn/\atL)Dgmo ,&g z o,48 SidewaIkELECTRICAL PERI1IT Charges and Surcha rges A/c Pavins /g?4d 6Ago Total Comb. Permit l, /{. qa Curb Cut l^3O'//, 50 4111,& I,IECHANlCAL PERl.lIT Charges and Surcharges __/18_,_?__€TOTAL \ COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal Description1. glggpl_g- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference17 03 432. example- Lot 1. Block 3, 2nd Addition toSpringfieid EstatesC. Name, etc. of owner and construction IenderD. Energy Sources ectrical cei or forced air gas ter e or solar E I uat on,. foot house, 500 sq. foot garageproject, check new - if addition, II. F. Bui)ding permit information:1. example - construct single family house with anattached garage ?. examp_le - remodel existing garage into family room3. example - convert single family-residence iniorestaurant (change of use)G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of theStructural Speciaity CodeH. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, BuildingDivision Staff must be able to contatt appropriite_persons regarding design information or job sitecorrections, etc. r'. Abbreviated P)umbing, Mechanical, & Electrical Schedules,'A. Except where blank spaces occur in the descriptionportion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules,the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacent _ to the appropriate item(s) to be installedB. FuIl PIumbing, Mechan.ical, and Electrical Schedulesare available at the Building D.ivision1. To conserve space on the-perm.it form the scheduleshave been abbreviated?. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered onthe abbreviated schedules you should consult thefull schedulesC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAp, the iabel must be delivered to theeiectrical contractor for signature by his electricai - supervisor. The general contractor ii not authorizedto sign the electrical labelApplicant to sign and date Whenever possible, the initial application wil.l be. used asa.worksheet only. Where possible, Build.ing Division Staifwill.prepare a type written copy and returi it to theapplicant at the time the actual permit.is issued for his s i gna ture. Fees and Charges PIan check fees are due and payable at the time of theapplication, and no plans wiil be processed until thesetees are paid. All other fees and charges are due andpayable when the permit is issued. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY III IV v w\qOLoU PERMIT VALIDATION Permi t Cl erk \\ PROJECT CONDITIONS T0 BE SATISFIED BEFORE 0€firPftft€x :br>zrZ/Z>orryae c* Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Bujlder's Board because: tcqAdditional Project Information PLANS REVIEWED BY: name /loXll€' ?Car4,A:R _signature date ----Jl shall be covered vi th the rock covering and SPRlNGFIELD accordance 3.100(3). SITEPLANREvIEvDEVELOPMENTAGREEHEI.]T(MODIFIED) THl S day of he relna vith Sect RECITALS VHEREAS, oD ti,e [\f day of Egd*f-, 1990, the City-approved the Final Site plan Application sriritta-ul" tr," $fo"a"afor the purpose of alloving: cITy JOTRNAL NUMBER 90-10-163. Type II Site Flan Review to consider the construction of tvo proposed fourplexes and "orrrid".ution of a Conceptual DeveloPment PIan for the remainder of the site. rhe inient is to build up to 1'67 multi-family dvelring units on this site. The property is bordered by lrlorth 40th Street on the vest' North 41st Street on the east and t'torih A Street on the =outpt (Assessor's Map 17-02-3L-4L' Tax ) Lot 100 IIHEREAS, in consideration for Site Plan approval, th?-issuance of a Building permit, and the issuance of an 0eeupancy perm:,t, as specified in the Springfield Development Code Section 31.090, Applitant agrees to compiy vith aII the standards of the Springfield Development ioa"' and Spiingfield Municipal Code vhich may be applicable to this deveiopment project unllss modified or excepted by the Site Plan Reviev Development Agreement, Pllnning Director, Planning Commission, Building official or their agents, or the Fire Marshal, vhich modifications or exeeptions sha1l be reduced to vriting. \,IHEREAS, in consideration for Site PIan approval, the issuance of a Building permit, and the issuance of an Occupancy permit' as specified in the Springfield Development Code Section 31.090, Applitant agrees to comply vlth the folloving specific eonditions imposed by the City as part of the Site PIan approval: 1. The street light shovn on this site plan shaII be installed during the second phase of development immediately south of this project. Z. The landscaping proposed for the eastern edge of this phase of development shall be insialteO "t"n the adjoining site is developed, or prior to sale of this development site, vhichever comes first. 3. Five additional shrubs (5 gallons or larger) shall be planted next to each of the buildings on the street side (west). PMEl.lT The berm required to cover the sanitary sever line earth and planted vith grass to prevent removal of prevent erosion. - Y1^ AGREEHENT, hereinafter "Agreement"' is entered into this-45 , 1991 (the "Effective Date") by and betveen the CITY 0F ter ,,City,,, "na ii"i'"n p. DePalma, i,ereinal!:: "eoplicant" ' in ion 31.090, "nd--section 3.070(3), 3'080(3), 3'090(3) ' and 4 5 of the sha]l be If an additional Public Utility Easement is required as part provision of sanitary sever to this property, then that easement recorded prior to occupancy. Site PIan Development Agreement \ +d tl'\bn^o*- THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING RECITALS VHICH ARE EXPRESSLY MADE A PARTOF THIS AGREEMENT, CITY AND APPLICANT AGREE AS FOLLOVS: AGREEMENT 1' FrNAL SrrE PLAN. The applicant has submitted a Fina} Site plan inaccordance vith section 31.090 of the 3pringfierd Deveropment code. 2' STANDARDS' The applicant agrees to furfilr ar1 applicable standardsspecified in the springfield Devetopreni code and the specific standards listed inRECITALS prior to occupancy, unless eertain standards have been deferred to a 1aterdate in aceordance vith Seetion 31.110 of the Springfield Development Code. 3' cONDrrrONS. The Applicant agrees to fulfilI all speeific conditions ofapproval required by the city listed in RECTTALS prior to occupancy, unress certainconditions have been deferred to a l-ater date in accordance vith section 31.040(4)(b)of the Springfield Development Code. 4' MoDIFICATI0NS. The applicant agrees not to modify the approved Final SitePIan vithout first notifying the -ity. uodifications to the Final Site plan shatl berevieved in aceordanee vith Section 31.100 of the Springfield Development Code. 5. MATNTATNTNG THE usE. The applicanr agrees to the forloving: (a) The building and site shaIl be maintained in aecordance with theprovisions of the Springfield Development Code in order to continue the use. (b) It shall be the continuing obtigation of the property ovner tomaintain the planting required by Section 31.140 of the Springfield olvellpment Codein an attractive manner free of veeds and other invading veg-tation. In addition,plantings in the vision clearanee area shall be trimmed to meet the 2 1,/2 foot height standard in accordance vith Section 32.070 of the Springfield Developrnent Code. (c) Parking lots shall be maintained by the property ovner or tenant free of litter or dust, and deteriorated pavement conditions shall to maintain conformance r.rith these standards. ina becondition improved (d) Undeveloped land vithin the development area shall be maintained freeof trash and stored materials in a moved and attractive manner. Undeveloped land sha11 not be used for parking. 6. In addition to all other remedies vhich may be provided by lav or equity (including but not limited to penalties provided by applieable State Lav or City Ordinances), Applicant agrees that City may enforce Applicant's responsibilities by vithholding Applicant's Final Occupancy Permit, and terminating any Temporary Occupancy Permit vhich may have been granted. Site Plan Development Agreement \ 7 . Any Final site Plan approved -becomes null and void if construction does not commence vitlin one year of the date of this Agreement' rN VTTNESS VHEREoF, the Applicant and the city have exeeuted this Agreement as of the date first hereinabove vritten' APPLICANT t-75-9 | Date BY: BY: 0F OREGON, CountY of d the above named the foregoing instrument to, L99l Persona y appeare , vho acknovledged untary act.Be re me: o Pu c or egon My Commission exPires CITY BY sion Manager County of h.nu L99 Personally appeared the above named , vho acknowledged the foregoing instrument to 1r tary act.re me: ry c My Commission expires t tlr t lqy Site Plan Development Agreement \ r q/25,/qt Date STATE OF OREGON,