HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6414 01/20/2020fff WHEREAS,, the City Colunci�ll is, authorized by Springfield' Development Code (SDC), Article 5.7'-100 and Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS,) Chapter 222 to, accept, process, and act upon annexations to the City; WHEREAS, a request to annex certain territory was submitted on October 181, 20 9, said territory being Assessor's Map Township 17 South, Range 03, West, Section 15, Map 40, Portion of Taxi Lot 6100, wh�i'ch is addressed as 51010: International Way and is generally depicted and more particularly described' in Exhibit A to this, Ordinance, WHEREAS,1 in accordance with SDC 5.7-125.A and ORS 222.111 , the property owner initiated the annexation action by submittal f' the required application forms and petition for annexation attached hereto as Exhibit B, to this Ordinance; WHEREAS, this annexation has been initiated in accordance with SDC 5.7-125.A and ORS 222-7 WHEREAS, the territory proposed for annexation is within the Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan more commonly known as, the Metro Parii) and the Springfield Comp,re!h�ens,ive Plan Urban Growth Boundary and is contiguous to the ci'ty limits. (SDC 51.7-14,0.A), WHEREAS, the annexation is, consistent1with the Springfield 201301 Refinement Plan,— Urbanization Element requiring annexat,ion�, to the City of Springfield as the high,es,t priority for receiving urban serv,ices,, WH I I EREAS, in accordance with SDC 5.,7-15�O.,A, upon annexation the Urbiani'zae Fringe, Overlay District (U'F-1 0) will cease to apply to the property and the underlying Lew Density Residential zoning will be r,etained'- I WHEREAS, th�is, action is consistent with the intergovernmental agreement between Lane County and Springfield regarding boundary changes dated May 21, 20081 WHEREAS, the appl'icant and City have executed an Annexation Agreement (Exhlbit D) that addresses thetiming and financial respons,ibility for provision of public streets, sanitary sewer service, and other Gsk '10w19a M19TITO To 1 a o IMM NOW,'THEREFORE, THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDAINS Ac, -3, FOLLOWS: I Section, 1,. The Cornmon Council of the City of Springfield does hereby approve annexation oi the eld-nalane Park and Recreation District, following described territory to the City of Springfi' and Willat said terr"itory being more particularly described in Exhibit A to this Ordinance. Sect�l*on� 2,. The Common Council of the City of Springfield does, hereby approve withdrawal of �i the foillolwinig described territory from the W'illakenzie Rural Fire Protect�io�n, District, sa,id territory being, more particularly described in Exhibit A to this Ordinance. Section 3. The with i dra,wal of territory described in S�ect�ion 2 above from the Willakenzie Rural, Fire Protection D;ist�rict shall' become effective Ju:ly 1, 2020:. I Sectio -n 4. The City, Manager or the Development & Publ�ic Works Director, o;r their designee shall send copies of this, Ordinance to affeicted State and local agenicies as required by, SDC 5.7-155. Secfion 5. Severability Clause. If any sect,ion, subsect�ion, sentence, clause, phrase or portior N f this Ordinilance is,, for any reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of compieten�t jurisdiction, such portion sh!alll be deemed a sep�aratie, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the! validity of the rernaining portion hereof. Section 6., Effective Diat�e of Ordinance. This, Ordinance shall become effective 30 days from the date of its pad ayor, o;r upon the date of its'filing with the Secretary of State as provided by ORS 222.180, whlichever is later. I AD01PTED by the Common Council of the City of S,pri'ngfield this — 21 _day of January 2020, by a vote of. 61 - for, and 0 1 against. APIPRO�'T'ED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 2 i 202071 day of J,aptiary W 000AIIII Izz Mayor C r. i mtv R.. n pr� - Mr Abdorder REVIEWED & APPROWn 7, )'� AS' F'O, RM OFFICE OF CITY A1J1UhNt'­'Y Exh,ibit A, 1 of 2, 4,112119T1w Situated in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 15, Township 17 Soiuth, Rangei 3 West of the Willamette Meridian and described as follows - COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of the aforementioned REVISED PARCEL I; THENCE along the East boundary of said REVISED PARCEL I North 000'00'i 3,9"' West 486.05 feet to a point on the existing Springfield City Limits boundary, as said boundary is enacted under FINAL ORDER 1045 (C SP 95-45), and the TRUE, POINT OF BEGINNING of this description*, I THENCE, leaving said East "boundary and running along said existing Springfield City j. *I boundary the following (4) courses; I 1. West 551.80 feet; 2., South 405.59 feet to the North leern of International Way, 3. Along, the North margin of International Way,, being a curve to: the left having a radius, of 103,4.010 feet, the chord olfwhich b!ears North 88"49'19" West 44.84 feet, a distance [01HRIMMIMM I [I a, v - Am Iff I of 4i4.8,4 feet to a point marked by a 5/8" rebar witin yellow plastic cap marked "BRA,NCH ENG. LS 2609111 4. Continuing along said North margin of ffiternational Way South 890'56'08i" West 27.0.1 feet to the Southwest corner of REVISED PARCEL I being marked by a 5/8';rebiar with yellow plastic cap marked "'BRANCH ENG. L,S 2609 11, 1 plill;IIII AM PI IWOU10119MRSIM 3 �/ ""////�///�//////�//i"////////,/,///, gfol M=s OCT Page 8 of 16 akm Womflil, N 0`11 'M/ � Plimil 0"MR110113,11 Exhibit B, 2 of 87 rm is u -subm*tta�l meeting and i su�bisequent Thiis application fo sed for, both the required pre colm�plete application submittal. Owner signat�u'res, are required at both stages in the application pro!cess . I'M not be laccepted., An, application Without the Owneri origiina�l signature wo P:re--Subm I ittal MEM IMWL IN =3 WIMMM•2 DMI'llMl � Diate Received Rievised 4/81/14 A Appli'locatilon Fee [SDC 5.7-125(B)(15)j Refer to thei Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculiation formula. Fees ,are based u1pon the area of land being annexed Copies, of thie flee scheauiel are avaiilable SNA' the Development Servilces Department. Fees aire payable to the City olf Springfield. A I "`To! init�ia�ltan annexation by consents from property olwners as expilain�ed below, complete the lip attialched Peon Signature Sheeit (refer, to Form 1). (Photocopies may be submilifted @ Pre SubmiWal, Wl'th original copies I of aplicatstt lan ubmi pal). i XIM , J11 ...... ..... s-4 Owneris Wiorks,heet information on the Petition Signiatu!re Sheilet can also be found on Form 2, Owners and Electors 10 w ted @ Pre-Subm"ttal wt'l oril , na/ copies @i Worksheet. (Photocoplimeis may bie submit time oif application subm]"Ittal)'. ✓ si W-1 Copy of' Prellimmuinary Ti !tile Report (required at application submittal) Title Repolrt has to be issued within the past 30 days, idocumenting ownership and' listing all enclumbrances, Datel Receive- ReVised'4/81/14 BJ 0 Paige 10 of'16 ARM,P Inrr 91 ORS 222,,,173 Wa'I'ver ForM ESDC 5.,7-125i(B)(8)] Complete the attiached waiver (Form 4). The waiver should be signed by each owner within the proposed annexation �areap. I 0 Pubi'lic/PrIvate Utiollilty, Man A plan describing how the proposed aninexation area can be served by key facilities and services must be pirovid'ed with the Annexation Agireement. Planning and public works staff'will work with the applicant to complete the Annexation Agreement. al criteria as specified beloiwi. A,ll annelxation rieq�ules,ts R -I Wri'I*tten Narratilve addressing appirov I must be accompanied with a niarrative providing an e�xplana�tion and justification of resonsie with the criteria stated in the application (a�lsio staited below). [SDC 5.7-125(13)(13) OThree (3) co�pli'es of the previously requli'red in�form�a�tion. Date Received I OpIgg"Di BY ALL PLANS AND ATTACHMENTS M�US,T BE' FOLDED TO 81z i RU 'I R�11',�or F,` DS111 Revised, 4/8/14 B3 �,0194 - 9 I loraw Lo W 'WO ... ............ (This form 'is NOT the petition) (Pleas,e include the narne and address, of ALL owners regardless of whether they, sigIned aannexation petit,ion, or not. OWN E RS ilgned Property Diesignation Assessed Imp. Signed S' NO (Map/lot number) Name of Owner Acres 'Value 1Y N Yes 17-03-15-40-00600 Kielly Rich,ardson 8,3 7 Y R ies Sports PropertLLC ... .... . .... . .. .......... II it 7 li TOTASII LS : TOTAL NUMBER OF OWNERS IN THE PROPOSAL NUMBER OF OWNERS WHO SIGNED PERCENTAGE 01F OWNERS WHO SIGNED 100% TOTNL ACREAGE IN' PROPOSAL 8.37 to be annexed A,CREAGE SIGNED FOR 8.37 to be annexed PERCENTAGE OF ACREAGE SIGNED FOR 1 0100yo TOTAL, VALUE IN'THE PROPOSAL VALUIE CONSENTED FOR D�at,e Recelived PERCENTAGE OF VALUE CONSENTED FOR Revised 4/8114 BJ Orl"'ginal Submil-Ral 13 of 16 ORDINANCE NO,. 6414 liq !Illiiliii! 11!111�� 17 0 (Compliete all the following questions and provide all the requested infor iati n. Attach any responses thialt require additional space, restating the question or request for information on addiffionall sheets.) Contact, Person., R,ick S,a,trle E-mail: rick schirmersatrexorq a Existing Plan Designation (s) CIa, s Industria MP-LJS 0 Existing Zoning(s): CaM,,P,US Industrial a Existing Land Use(s)- Maulfactuirbg8yqLq������........ -S� a Applicable Comiprehensive Planl(s)s _F di N e Applicable Refinement Plan(s): Gatewav ReIfilan I Is Prolvide evidenice that the annexation is consistent wlith the applicable cornprehensivIe plan(si) and ainy associated refinement plans., SeeAttached' Are there development, plans associated with this proposed' annexation? Yes Nio If yes, describe. The applicant is proposing a 130,0001:sf wamhouse, --mxrmnaio�nn an 81 Is the prolposed use or development allowed on the property, un,ider the current Plan designation and zioning?. Yes No Please describe where the piroposIed annexation is contiguous, to, the city lirng§ (non -c ntious annexations cannot be approilved under 5.7-140, Criteria). Cr BI (D (D Springti , eld. 74o t16 (D Revised 4/8/14 RJ Page 1 fif � CL ORDINANCE NO. 6414 /m/m/affiffi/m/ 'M, W////////-////////"-" 0' *,aw/W//rM/Mo Does this, application include all contiguous property under the sarne ownership? Yes If no, state the reasons why all property is not included'." I I io n, Check the s,piecial districts and oithelrs tha�ti provide service to the annexat area: El Glenwood Water District 0 Eugene School District 11 Springfield School District 11 Pleasant Hill FPD El EU D 0 Willarnalane darks and Rec District 0 Rainbow Water and Fire Dis,tri�ct 0 Pleasant Hill Schooil District 0, McKenzie Fire & Rescue 11 Willakenzie RFPD 0 SUB 0 Other I 01 Narnes, of persons to whom staff notes, and notices should be sent,, 'in addition to pr,. applicant(s)1, such! as an agent, or legal,I reesentative Rick Satre Schirmer Satre GTYP (Name,) (Name) 3715 West 4th Avenue, Suite 2011 (Address) (Address) Eugene, OR 97401 (City) (Zip) (Zip)i (Name) (Address) (City) (Zip) Revised 44 BI (Name) (Address) (city) (zip) OCTI 8 2019 Page 15 of 16 0 iii M. 0 0 1 1 N 4 , ",'milli I'll 11 0 WAIVER OF ONE YEAR TIME LIMIT FOR ANNEXATION P'URSU�ANT TO ORS, 222.173 er of the time lirri't is for thie f'ollowii�ng descr*bedi This w:a�ilv I i i I I property 17-03-15-410, 00600 500 International Way, Springfield,, OR 97477 Map, and Tax Lot Number Street Address of Property (if'address has been assigned) 40 Date S1 niat�ures oif Le all OwIners, Please pnnL-Qr!t ame Sli n�atuire Kelly Richardson R Sports Properties LLC I I LCCG: L:kBC12008 BOIUNCt-iANGE'TRANSITIONJAPPLICAi7�IO,N FOIR�ISIISPIU�NGF]EI.DIIO,-03-08 UPDATED FO,R'M.;kPRE--SUBMrrTAL ANNEUMPPLICR9N 10-07-M. DOC Last Spvvf: April 0, 2014 eceived 0 CTI 18 2,919 Revised 4/18/14 BJ Page 16 of'16 On"ginal Submiftal � " ORDINANCE NO., 14 October 25, 20,19 RICHARDSON SPORTSI LLC 500 INTERNATIONAL WAY Annexation Map 17-013-15-40, Lot 600 THE SITE, AND EXISTING CONDITIONS Metro Plan: C,ampus ladustrial Refinement ;Ga�teway, Refowilent Plan,, Plan Base, Zone,, Campus Industrial oveday DdWing a r 'W te zone'. Protection & Floodplal Oveday E�xcerpt SfWingrield Zoning Map September 2018 .......... "I i Exhibit B, 11 of 87 R lic hard son S po,rts — 500 International Way Page 4 of 7 Annexabon Application Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 0060O MeMo of Understanding Recorded Apd"I 12, 2012 Al EqgpThe aftcted territiory is locateid lwilthin the city 11 s, urban growth boundary and is contigUOUStO the cfty limfts on 'Its eastem and southem, bounidaries. Given this, critenion 61.7- I 40(A) is miet., o I fflft lum M, M, 801mgyp e r S-Wrem Group -West 40' Avenue,,Sufta 201, Eugene, OR 9740T-'7(­5-l4l) 686,AS,40,* Fax (541) 686-4577 Original Submittal )k.00!041pRPM;N9"0. 6,41A Exhibit B; I �,of 8. Richardson Sports,, - 500 Internabotial Way age 7 of 7 Annexation Applictation Map 17'"'03-154011 Lot 001600 ,Qcto.beir 2.5 management. These pollicilex will be reviewed during Site Plan Review and are not, applicable to the Annexation pirocess., MW Novermber 1c,992 METRO PLAN: Applicable AjotMB6gg policies and finidings 'in 4,;uppiort of this annexation request are a:s f6flows,01, In N"I 127 Palky 10. Annexation to a city through niorrnal processes shallconfinue to be the h4heist 19 phority. 4: E QLtc Y.M. Ultin7ately, lanid within' the UGB shafil be annexeld to, a CIty an,d provided with the requilred level of uirban facifitl*es and setvices. T'be subject sitleils inside undary Spriingfield's Urban Growth Boand will' be provided with the minimum level of urban Wiesand services. See resploinse to Section Ci below.; sc,"I"lirmer Satre Groupo 375 West,41,h Averve, E;ufte 201, Eugene, OR 97401 �al (54,11) 68645440s F&W, ItA- ��5 I'Mol ax/'� Exhibit B, 13 of 87 R -P�age 6 of 7 ichardson Sports — 500 International Way Anneistilon Application Map 17-03-15-40,, Lot 006,00 October 25 201 Given, the above, crifterion 5.7-1,40(B) is met. L MIAM I It I EILLEM Sanitary.,, ,Sanitary infrastructure is adjacent to the site in International Wayandthe future Maple Island Road corri"dor. Water-. Water'lnftastructure IS aval''lable ion the site. Water is currently prol,vi�ded by SpringfJold UtIffity Board (SUB).'There 'I's an existing 3 -Inch wialter meter that supplies water to It'he existing Richardson Sports Wfifilty. Date Recelived r%'r Schirmer Satre Group , 375, West 401 Avenue, SuRe 201, Eugene, OR 974101 1, (541) 6864540a Fax 445.TA, Exhibit B, 1A of 817 Richardson Sports — 5,00 International'Way Page 7 of -7 Anniexafion Application �Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 10106010 October -25, 2 '19 Streets: International W'ay is classified as a Major Collector per the TSR. A future! Maple Island Road is prqjected to; exten�d up the east Id "'i prope". Excerpt -As Development Occut Spdngfield TS 11151201 Police and Fire: Police add fire sierviceis are provided biy the:Cfty of Springfield and Eugene -Springfield Fire to the Portion of the site already annexed. Upon annexation, the remainder ofthe site 011 have! access to t�he same., M 711 11IFFIiii '-MmIlAn'] DO Whom! oppftabloj f1stall #Yoacts to!the Cl�e,have been mftated throoghl an Annexaftn Agireemeht lor othier mechanism approved b,y the Ci�e CouncM Res,ppinse, An MOU regarding annexation for the Richardson site was generated in 2012. The main takeaways ft6rn that, MOU'are summarized above. The existing, recorded MOU i anticipated to servie this annexation request., A It la 10M OWL AN U730 9 Date Received ., O + ;EupjIq>','0R 97402, „Mr , Ilk, r w ,. .'r ci 1P 00I A^ wpor�fi on, n " fia"soniht ���� �""• ase; parc M�",." wr a� i °aVuw .filIw. & .r * w �c . , .r. m alm,w �is.E bit A, 40 Lo rlin Knowhas -i, 7031.15. t .600 and &'k bed %ffie' R,*gW dek," TiMph AI; 'Mlostof the'de plop6d land 'qrca'is *thivihe S fi'cld I-' fia6hed W.. . .r . , .. ." JMw A � • '� Y�.� w-Piopp 'LY..P N�� I„ "� .....i „ "NLE- tl n an&B L n ePW n m le. .. wmr +w ••+«w•wr u. xwp, r• My �� ,w - .,ns "�". •'M • ++ ,' a e� r '. ,„tl xw« w. *§di6fional'fimits of 1 'WI pximate, tothe jUn h ��tbeijrNan.growth « , .w.. .,„,,rlr,„. rte ,� _ n. .+ ��i,-t%tb­ ,^���.:�.��,.«rrw�►rm-- mac".�..ww w Vii_ .., � � �01 ffdii� ', �' , 1 submitropprty., PRIPA 'V. 'inibe- futurc afio -to anne B Rakhardso May-appA�c n X t�e Pert fol v �Tro an tyto , o, - _ .' 'Rk ardson and" c Ci de 'wp �� " �" � '. fhe µ tion e c -; t,.. w � � :the bo-n- ... .�p dl�-o­n­" , ... " "", �ffida: 'Pt t �* .# +�.wr w..- �. " k ,.� ��' n r" �+pn�"' fl. r ^��fig;zohiiag d 1, +w +�' �"pw. se n. ge l specifi ereta, signa, on, anc.", a,sho' lia,,q 0 0 .w `tl�° iire 9"I'b' " tl' s atia cons'l en"t., sucliichan ' S.. 10 4�jd . n I Exhibit BI, 161 of 87- rc re Mi w ii a all 11 It 0 to G. Ek�&Pt"as-pro�videdpyageemeiol,� ';e,,,C-ityreqmre,s,own,ers��prpposm,g annex, properties ua* ihe,Gatm Ao realo make finanGial codffibuiionsl-assist ijn� funain off Ite gy ig transportation l-uvrqvemenl§. E. EK t a" idicid by" a*g'- dat thd, Ci�y reqtures owners -pro osingir to annex propert-les.i s prpv reem T . buti,6ns, to * ass i, fbndin w- ihe Gateway &1pa- to make Ananci Al coint n. Ist in I ., -.1 1 - I'- .. - . 01 sforin:waf�rl rovements. g - this, Nowt.,*refbre based upon be�-fbr m . -Re'-d"M*. wbich ��p6tfficalyl` inane:: part e.,o�f I R ows�, griee; .AO��EMENr 6 r mP r . �a Obli �itip Ric "ar'dson., 'Oh�'1'§tdiit.:�m,th,tb6,-a�bblve recithh Ridhai&bn, a !�116 gr�e pleff6 "Aid bbfi` rM Date, Received 31-2 712 0 12 2 Mill v MWILIF.01 Amil q 4D will AW Exhibiit B, 17 of 87 I; 1911 list, qa�# 45' LIP -1,11 Pim"IMININ Wwj ins .......... ............ OCT 18 2019 312:712 0112: 3 bif 9' ii//,i„/l„/,/,i,.,/,//,l///ri//,,,firii//,ll//„/ilii,ii,//„ii,./�/i.,//,c�,,,.// %%/ // %i///% //iii//OOOiiiiii o/ o / /iiiiiiii //,ii/,,,///...i,,//,...../,//%/i..,,///.//i%i/.,,.././/.�./ii/,r,,. / //,.////////�,.,////ii/ �/i/i.✓/i/,,./ii/ ///aaa/� //,,,/o/ /a�,. / , % � /� % //„ , //,,, ,,, �, /%////��////,/%///%%/ //,,,,,,,,,,,/ ///////%/i , i /. / %%i ✓/%///i// %/l ,, / ,////i/i✓ii ///, /, , , //„ / /���//l , ��//�///////, i, ,//%%/%/l / /I/,/, ,,, , „ / , ri/, , // , ////ll , // //1,, /l , l/ a/, li/, /„ //ice/, , ,, / „iii//, i / a / Exhibit, BI 18 of 87 �o „ . , ” VNN' I'll A.1 11111111 111111111 i ,N. � I � � �: � .�. � �► I � � � I� SII i r i "VWON Aidvilri OICT 18 20:19 012 4 oIf 91 On" OR NAN Exhibit B 19 of 87 YID y� fWIFAP 0 4F ,,pert describeddiasecuon I -i 10 of thisAgr -sh�flb�, deemed t* ffiffill, Rkhardsonsobligations under.-Re6tal awn I'Ilia 1110 Nil all, is, M M a , Ila 3�2-71-2'012', -5--of 9 Original Submiffal., ORDINANCE O. 6414 17 Exhibit, B 2,0! of 87 Is Oblinion rit widi eabolve s dif-C CO'h-sisitc A, R�titalk, City"a' gr IS 4 01, M-, m M IL Q 1011 wI W a OCT 18 2019 -312 7'' 12 of 9 j al Onginal Subm"tt ORDINIANCE ffU.7TTT— NA/k/k/m, 21 of 87 Exhibit B,, or Im m IK V 0 Ali LIM lip to; mu 'y POOT)c oopdtdtioln.,,,Cit.�:nd'R:ihdrdsdn,.�hbB,i�bd' ry raie with 11 e ikunp, men 1he-va" n'ous matter&coniaihcd:her6M*.-. 6 b�,, MoidffibA�biv,OfAg�� f MM Agredimen'OL in 0-difidd r Y Date Received onginall Submi I ORDINANCE NO,. 6414 Exhibit B, 22 of 87 lit 04 10-M All INAMR-44 FOR 19MAU.11-41 -M RA 0,1096 MUwr S )UNWIMURM 111-WORIMM-MAIMM lei an -DATED. ddg.Y. 1& 20:12. A t-meiit INVITNESSW1=0F Ithe.Aiplicaiatahid ity naye,- exectited, tbi -gre of -the, - fi�sf .....NNW ablovew-n*ften� R S P ORT S PROP 4w, col Na LANE, issf; III in in loin imm I in MI - $1 1 - .312 712 0111 sm qtgy P 1i CbWm,Lss1*"0,hEx%lT � u Original Submittal 3RDINANCE NO. 64144 P/d/b/l/l/m/m/0 I Exhibit R 2,3 of'87 ,Clrry ff D py; lGino Grimibl'dij, qity,-Manager STAtE­ b� OktO,614 SS (JouNw OF LANE 0.111 b m" e�� ihe, BE IT REMEMBER 1E3, wig on thi& day of Md,kth A vt ef6re, *thin unders*gned, A, n6thry, -wi public ,in and r for sm"d t ounty and State, .,personally appeared 1he I ry evidwi ence an aijab"'Orimald id i Wh696 iddfitit� W6�s pfbv'&d't6 n -.6h, �Mi*§ 6f, -S-At"§fabt6- d M, who b��y sworn, tVid s4y t:hat. he 1�1 1he" city' (it th�6 -wiih n4tembmo6y me ....4gerco, oration and does--ackno,Wle4ges' sa"A instrument to b& the free act -and aced. of said,munici !al rp eorpor�ition, and that ffile seal affixedto sa'id=*tment is, the Corporate seAl of saa`d rnumq�pal t�drpofaion':, aAd thk, s di d ihst-Whdht w- -as" sfig-ned an'd �eat�.d 'in behalf of §Aid M'UM`cipd1 cotn .potatib)nbya4tW'1*tyqfit C'tPC6tincil IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 1, have hereunio set my hand and affixed my pfficial seal the da and year last above wntten. NoTAR, -BIAC FOR-OR"EGON L GEAL "'10f) W. 442954 COMMV*10 MY COMMISSION, EXPIPEVI22,4013 R, ) . . IPATO 1& AP P RIOVED 6. TO FOR46, DATE.. OFFICE OF GITY ATTORNIEY IN w7l Exhibit B�, 25 of 87' DCSC�IP*rlox 6�r TAP,16T 4--.0001 MAP r�e)3�SqO EXMIT Ai Parcel i Land Parfition Pilat No. 914-POSOO! �as platted an'd r&ord,ed in the Lane County OTegon, Partition �uords. ""'t WAOR 'I Date Received LEGAL, 1: OICT 18 2019, On-Afflummmaw oil /ii ai r m C, a pm 5/0 N 111 / , TITLE NO. 026195�01 1" ESCROW NO. EU 11, --3007 tAXA-CCT'-.-N*0" 1519735/1834561/1518743 MAPfrAX LOT NO. 17.0315 4 01600! *tER1qA­'T10NAi; FAPiR-*t-6M0AN Y 6ork" Corporattioni' (;ran tdri �ohvcys, �ndw4rkan,ts'to` R SPORTS PiROlPlERTIES'LLC, an Oregon Umite&Liability.Comp� tee;, rc ibe 6)lowing dcscribed, reul roperty ftee ofcncurnbs, except as s.ccffically sci f6nh hereini: SEE EXHIBIT -A WHICH IS MADE X PART111EREOF BY -THIS REFERENCE,, 40 4 ! 14 , ) p I , I t jaM E"'� �. Kithofollowing, encurit6fmces: EASEMENTS OF RECORD. 1411 .'ft'C0NDIT16'14S-RESTRIC1 IONSA. .� ; ei;bmoidie'�tils$6,,475,000.0,0 ASPA1DW/T0,AN I.ATOR PURSUAN'TTO IRC 103 1. 401 0 L6 Iftted —day of Vol , 0 00 INT'90t�,VIONALPAFYEWCO' fIANY 13Y. WILLIAM R. KIDWELL, ATTORNEY-IN'FACX S,61� 10fIu Couit'y of 45'. V. MIS, ilnstru�cnt)vus �k4owl d d beforc m,16dn `,2012 by-WILUAM, R:. KfOVIELL7, P . .......... A. AwORX" IY-l"N" FACTFORINTERNATIONAL PAPIER'COMPANY,* l re sse my commission expuv,s. INTERNATIONAL, PAPEiR'COMPANY Until i1c,11hange is mqucstid "6400 POPLAR AVE., tak stat�nts sbailte :MEMP141S, TN'38197: sent tb*lc follow' adidress-, ,6RANTOR'S NAME AND'ADDRESS] *,,*!SAM`E`AS GRANTEE0,1*,* RSPORTS, PROPERTIES, LLC After recordin" g re -tun 'to,. CASCADiE TITLE"CO.. .. . .. .. .. .. TUGENE'OR'97402' i'l, I WILLAMETTE EUGEN 'ORANTEE'S NAMEANOADDRESS �'OR 97401 am OCT 18 2019 ofigmai, subroil a R/o/a/m/momm 2� 'as P!atte ane Colun'ty Oe�goh Pailition'R P efJ - LaM Pattitkin"Plai"Nod' I 94,-P0500 d and retoiddd*dthe L eco s,, W,✓ -r MMF ,NJ impMiw All =�a�. OCT 18 2019 lap . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thi's Po,Wer O'f 'AttbrnOy- shall be, iWdIli,ctove as of'the date hereof, a6d'sliall terminatt'dO 'December 31,, 201,3,. 1 INIWITIYESS WHER.E0Fj I h�ve,hereuntio se't my hbnd th.lis _.��doy�bif Nove mhber.,'20171. e'&-�!Jkk, �'Pinckney Assist4nt Setretary, �j "7, Sharoh R., Ryan spew= nldrVicb'Pr6sideAt a-nd,SLkr6taey Ofiginal Submiffal.,.....-V�.- ORDINANCE NO. 6414 .• /..... / / %.% „//. .,%/... //tea........ /i/ii% ..%/.// / /i //%/ // %/// �/// �.... / // / / .,... r//iii C // iii rr/ice/ii/i��ii.,/..// // // /���%/,.... rr� .. //. ... /iii/ %/.. /, /.., i///...... I mmamgm� STATE 01F TENN ES,S EE " . IN WITNESS-WHEREOF,.1 a n etiny.. hand and i *gfteln. 4� 4 rZY Notky .,� Y rY� y s _' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Itave hereunwiset-my-hand on aind affixed the corporitese of intellm ailiphAl, Pa' per "Co'i m" qp ".ofNov&nb6r; 2011* w" �� rcSIEAL40, wl1941 Af ~~ .° original'__- "17 Exh�ibit B, 31 of 87 CEO Ell"", -WI RIM 1 0 LO K*M "I I E x h 011 bit C Exhiblit B, 3,2 of 87 7 doom= WA N 1� �CASCAD'nj STATUS OF: RECORD TITLE, REPORT ,SCHIRMER SATRE GROUP Date: Oictober 04, 2019 ATTN: HALEY CAMPBELL Our No: CT 0315630 ,375 WEST 4TH AVENUE,, SUITE 201 Charge: $301 0-010 EUGENE,, OR 97401 As reqUeStledr Cascade Title Co. has searched our tracthe following described real property: ( A T T A C H E D ) Iv we find the following*. and as of. SEPTEMBER 27, 2019 at 8:�00 A.M., R SPORTS PROPERTIES, LLCt an Oregon Limited Liability Company Said property is subject to the followl,nig on record matters. - 1. Pro:pe!rty taxes in an undetermined amount, which are a lien but ayable, including any, assessments collected with taxes'to be lev'ied for the fiscal year 20119-20,20. k 2. RIghts of the Public and governmental bodies :i.n and to an ' y portion, of' the pireraises herein described now or at any time lying ble-1ow high water mark of the McKenzie I River/Maple 1sland Siloilgh,, including any ownership r�ights which may be claimed by the State of Oregon as to any portion now or at any 'time! lying below the high water m,a r k �. 3. Any claim as upon the assertion that: Said an or any part thereof is now or at any time has been below the oirldi,nary high water mark of the McKenzie River/Maple Island, Slough. Some portion of said land has been created by artaLficial means or has accreted to such portion so created. ,Some Portion of said land has been brought within the boundaries thereof' by an avulsive movement If the McKenzie Rilver/iIaple Island Slough, or has been formaed by an accretion to any such portion. 4 Easements, notes, conditions, and restrictions as shown, set forth, and/or delineated on the recorded Land Partition Plat No. 94-P01498, and Land Partition Pilat No. 94- P1015010, Recepti,on No. 1994-E-104998, and Reception No,. 1994-P0500, Lane County Oregon Plat Relcordsi. Date Received MAIN OFFICE F L0 R E NC IL,Qj-El CZ VILLAE PttAZA OFFICE 811 W11.1AME-7MI S. 715 HWY 101 * FLORENCE, REG SIN 97439 4750�GVGJ AMOPSTE100 97 SUITE F,UGL-�NREGO E, ON 97401 NIAILING: PO BOX 508'P FI-ET.JGE N In, ORENCE, ORFGON 97439 P11: (541) 687-2233 * FAX: (541)485-03017 P14: (541) 9197-8417 * FAX: (541)997,8246 PH,: (541) 653-9622 * FAX: (541) 844-1626 Original Submifial ORDINANCE NO. 6414 Exhibit B, 33 olf 87 Omer No. 03156301 Page 2 5. 'Notice of Ann�ati,oin Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded May 6, 1994, Reception No. 1994-0349371 and Waiver and, Addendum recorded May 6, 1994, Recieption No,., 1994-034938,, Lane County Official Records,. 6. Conditions for Public Utility Easements (7 foot) , including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded May 6, 1994,1 Receptlon No. 1994-034940, Lane County Official Records. 7 EasementI *'ncludi,ng the terms and provisions thereof, granted United States of ,f I I America, Department of Energy, Bonneville Plower Administration,, by instrument recorded February 28, 2006,lReception No. 2006-0113404, Lane County, Deeds and Records., 8. Public Sanitary Sewer Ear -emend, including the terms and provisions thereof, gra to the City of Springfi'eld, a municipal corporation, by instrument recorded September 16 i 1, 20081,l Receptic.-)n No. 20018-052244, Lanand Records. 9. Easement, including .the terms and provisions, t , granted the City of Springf2i_eld, a municipal corporation of the State of Oreqon, by Instrument recorded February 251, 2,010, Reception No. 2010-0!09308,)., Lane County Deeds and Records. 101. Memorandum Of Understanding For R Sports Properties, LLC Regarding Annexation Agreement and, Development, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded April 1,2, 2012, Receptlon No. 2012-017170, Lane County Deeds and Records. NOTE: The property address as shown on the Assessor's Roll is-tl 5001 International Way Springfield, OR 9174�7 NOTE: Taxes i ,, Account No. 151817431, Asses oz's Map No. 17 03 13 4 0, #600, Code 4-78 201.8-2019, in 'the amount of $120,092.00,. PAID, IN FULL. Taxes, Account No. 1,51187351, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 '15 , #6010, Code 4-01, 2018-20191, in 'the amount of $4,,5114.98,,, PAID IN FULL. Taxes, Account No. 1834561., Assessor's Map No. 17' 013 15 4 0, 4600, Code 4-04, 2018-2019, 'in the amount Of $11,548.5l3l, PAID, IN FULL. Taxes,, Account No. 185,81636, Assessor's Map, No. 17 03 15, 4 0, #600-9011, Code 2018-2019, in the amount of $371,384.43, PAID IN FULL, (Imprlovement only - Assessed to Richardson Sports Inc.) This report is to be utilized for informati'.on only. Th.is replort'is nolt to, be used as a basis for transferring, encumbering or fog eclosi'� the real p.roperty described. Theliability of Cascade Title Col. Is 1... tett to the addressee and shall not exceed 'the prernium, plaid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO.,,, bly: rh/'ec: T.1'.tle! Officer: KURT' BEATY " OCT 18 2019 Original Slubmiftal ORDINANCE NU7r�`� Order Noi. 031-5630 Page 3, PROPERTY DESCRIPTIO14 Pa,rcel 1 1 ,,, LAND PARTITION PLAT NO., 94 P0500,. as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Partition Recordst in Lane County,, Oregon. ALSO the following desc,ricel of land: Beginning at the most Northerly Southeast corner of Parcel of LAND PARTITION PLAT NO., 914-PO,498, as platted and recorded in, the Lane County Oregon Part_ , t 1' loin Records,, said corner also beingNortt-beast c,orner of Parcel 1 of LAND PARTITION PLAT NO. 94-'PO:500,, as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Partition Records.- and thence, running along, the undary between said Partition Plats South, 89 59,1 06"' West, a distance of 623.70 feet to the Northwest coirner of said LAND PARTITION PLAT NO. 94-'P0500; then<�e leaving said boundary and West along a Northerly pro"ection of the West boundary of said running North O�" 00" 319" j I LAND PARTITION PLAT NO. 94-PO500, a di,stance of 389.95 feet to a point on the Northerly boundary of said, LAND PARTITION' PLAT NO. 94-P01498, said PoAnt also being a point, loin the high water line of the old McKenzie River Channel, now known as the Maple land Slough; thence u,pstrearn along said high water line and alon,q *the Northerly boundary of said LAND, PARTITION PLAT, 'NOI. 94-PO498, South 60i' 46" 21"' Easit, 315.52 feet and South 6,70 3,3f 301'r Eas6.94 feet to, the mos,t Northerly Northeast corner of said LAND PARTITION PLAT NO. 94-P0498; thence leaving said boundaries and running South 39"' East along 'the mast East boundary of said LAND PARTITION PLAT NO. 94-P10498, a distance of 91.87 feet to the point of beginning, all t1ile above described property in Lane County,, Oregon. I If hl'11m I On"ginal Subm1fta1--1A&-- ORDINANCE NO,., 6414 r „i r ✓ / " /// riri///// . rr //%/ , „� / /iiiiii % r r /ii ,i r ' r.. //iii r.... rr�rr / r ,, -- /a/I ✓,, ii//,,,/, %/// //% / ,✓/ %/, is / ,rr<, ////�/G,,,rr%iiG //oiG/. ria, r /r r/rr � i r/ / /,,,///�/,,,,////// <� ///%///%///%irr /ii///„i „ % r ori,%r/� /iiOi, ,✓%//,,, rr �,,r,�//% „ ,,,1/�/ ,,,/////// „�, „/i//////,, // r���crr�/i//i ,........., / r ,,..,.,r �..../, �,,,,., ...,,, ///„/. ,,,,,,,.,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,r, ,.. i,/ r /.,,/// //l., //i,,.✓i/r„ r, ii ,,,,,,,.,, ,,,,,,,.,.,r�i//,/,%,.l//„ ///,.,..,, ,,, ..,,rr ,,,,,,/ /.., % _. /i ,. r, ,.....// /........ ,r�. ,r / r..... "A'r a ✓;� r s / it �Ja ?� / /i r / �rtra A�a4 ��r�ri: �a +rr. � �✓ „gym !�c,,,r ✓ ��,,, ,,. .,,,, t, � „,, ,�, ,uv, a%✓, v.. �,., ,r��,�:r �,��i .,, �.��,, ,. ��.,. uua e„k, ��„ !� � ��✓ l � dl � l Y Y 1, MDI Alb � f ✓ A w'd/ � ! n / (J //!: �.�i�;ult,� i� id«Y�” y'a.ur�, r, („gar NI r �Dr :� xs � �,; e ua � % v r�,�. "✓� ,� � i/ r uu. y010000 0 0 oocloob)@01000100 I A 60 14 -09 AG 0 GAI 91 wg: i�ry u � F W+ a roy: n yµ. '"gym , . I SE COR .'oIDLC 44 ..* �w s. ” I w.. F NO,RTA L37NE 06���45 .” w a 9 glll , d 4 9S ON I ,BONNE�IILLNE POWER, ADMINISTRATION M SIL COUGAR '',"TAT ON ail i w 11. 0 ....... . . Exhibit 36 of 8fj N ti Oix MO ,,,,,r /// c/ r ..✓ - rrii%/ /�i / - ,,,r /i .,, , , ,rrr iio////ii /ilii /iii „ ' / //... /iii//// / // r ////,.,. r,,, ,r... / //ilii/,. // /iii / /✓ // / � .,,. ui�r / //// r„rrr %%/... //% /...,,; %///. /.../i /. / ,,, / „r ' r/ii .. iii / r '.. ,,,,i�-> // %/ /i / i /i / t l //%%%%/ /iii / .. /i ✓ //� / ///,/i/ii r / / ro, ,rr '„rrr /iii ////r /// ,,/ // /��/ // // /r / / r i // / /i /, �,,,,, / r /i, rirr/ „//// _� // //..,. //,/r///////.J//%// %... , i,rrr , ,% ,,, ,,,,/ ,//....%/i „%%/.,,//r,/, ,,, , ,/ ,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,/r�,/r// / ,,,,,--..,/„ �� // //% _...,%////// .,., ,i rr .% / ,r,,,.✓i„ rr,/rc,,....%/,r/r./,r..,.,// r„r,,,,,,,l,,,i. i //// �.,G ///,///�/� /� , ,/rrr..: /%//,._, % /rrr/r,,,.../ /// l/,,./r, / %/.,..,�/ „r, l/ / ////l%/,/ // /,.J/.. r/r/„ /%._./ „%/ 1. ,....,. //_/. l ,// .....,,,..oi , /l..//, ,/,...... „ / /....... Iwo ww 0 Will 0 W segiininin �,lat.,la-,p �t,2,4i65.,06�i��feet��;.-E�kst.I II orthW�66,t.corner.:�o�t�,t,nie'�; br6l gin 1 4 t RA gill imp 9Inning,.at,a f Wild W46'. 4 Lo R MP, Q-1ci6 0 vgt;, % "M begibrilhg-in-La 66,C M.ib Sic EXC EP.,.dlrT,,: That::pol d e*" r 47, (Cou�nty Road No. 2,09) xnt. 'tft �4 411; let �a,4, 0 vtj A�- -,,0 ;5 P. 4 le q C14 I .tt.Wry IJ f c ci C) X ;M Ott 0— IN %0 > w. I All 11- 41 1 ;16 14 I All a ak;. �Nl e,L Pill �;"L--"'i ".,,aln -,,,( ee n g- Alt . III :� I a:cibwldd ah;;_4" foreig „x �,_.Ialiar ILI " 0 , ��­IV � " I ­­ ­ - Z,l No ijA a-"wx ma 'a 14 "A 7 v, �j 4 0— -v'l IV411 �Z �;j 61 A', tla "w �E rfl 'P, 4 _p 10' N % A'j `.;Il :44 J*Py„w«ary f I al, ,,I Pj� it, V AV tyy P. yr mly_� 'Comm s REI tAj(j,*,( . ....... . J:41 U. ta,l I 'a. W; IN w N� AMMM" �C, INis a a, If sxll sm wlix ;.-o .0 .a Z N, lit, tNi '11 ol &I T'l f4l _ 1 qi , Oe a. t" � - j� , 1: 1. - . N4 ;No � N IN it ;If" '. )a , ` IN 'v 05�4 W 1; 96 Na L a Z, a > .7� ax Zr, AIN a Ile % N WA- IA 40 Nr ;a IN V, bn ;I '**@A' No as N "UN Aa all a MX a. IN a— al All a' C'I 0 4S ll� 0 ".4 '44dX "O',l AMZ )AT � 11, �.,N q -It ei t;, NI Ol a'. al, mxrmwfj;F"IN, all't 1,—.6 J I V A 1P. -V "It W, , IN IN, 1*41 IN 0,01�l"e N, IN 4%147 Lr INN rxr, 4 �V r a -4. IN t% A N, V. PA. j 'e" -Z! 4, ?0- 0 w, will N, IN I A 40 wfb a 1. x I fall ot Q 1 Exhibit B, 4,41 of 81 w ^" r. nIM•"IPw w .. .w n. w w w ww nu n. d �a .�w n i w up y w "` '�w�' fwe " y.a 'fir h �i' n ne mµ"r. ».d 'i 'r Wv #4 � �wwr:. ,A, * aw� w;w W n y 9L.�' '^un �"�w a. ✓ J w " w � �,N.w y„.r 'i �4d". w`'. w Were '� �dw, ww� "awn 'www aV9 r `ww �w'w t wP «r �a �y j'qy w 'k", w� « .« IC +fi i� $ .. ,n" . x t- .�..,„ .m n r 6 �.w '""AAl,�y "" w w �m,,*y..* ro««" *r �e w;wx °y y u^'µ'y " '+ti� w.. '' '" L :41Yr A w »., y� NZ a ... ".� i.n .da n. 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LIMIT Date Recelved"", mw MRA, ... .... 111,111,11e,rr1,1�"IIIII,1111,,,�,,���,�l,�l���Ifl,l!,ll�ill?������1,1�Il,�l�l����ll�ll�,���l�71"1�l,��"riil/ ,,,,,%ilri<,,l��1"1"",I'',",, On"ginal Submiftal ORDINANCE NO. 6414 i:34 -EXHISIT "A" ........... T 1703. L op mot Original Subm"ffall ORD'INAN�CE NO�. 6414, �tl "J �N I r w .A " Q iii / /////// ./, �. .. ,:. / ,,,,% /... .., / �, /. ,,,,� ,/.....,,,, „<, / ,,, ,,,r.: /„ /, ✓i ,/i,'/,,,i//„ , /irr. /rill /i./ / _.,,,/... ..... /.... /... �/ic,, //,,...ire ..�.../,.. /,,,,,.. i/%,✓.... ,....../r/_./ii ExhibitBl, 149 of 87 a 320 a .3 94,. rI .x. rvi wd' wW ""r9M � ., '�+, n,. •raRw „:" '�'�„�i„l y' �4 P 'l of cit ew "nd this' -"IL (Xay"„ of ": „° . " ".a � "� . BON -A �'" � - d ,�. 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(6l #,- #4 ex u to , Y- W% *4 14 ru >- 4 2L tu (b CD W cc q d 0 LL UJI go MAI V) Ir li— "Wz r I I �l — txc).[Dlt o" "4u !m�-Zjl t-qLo 1 (B Li M ON :r G ta cc No I F+-- 4. M I s,:x cc $ w, 10 tz Z) cv 14 f, 44 C) ;2: lcr4 0 G "llqlu Q tj 2 W. /irii� r r r,�rrrrr: /�//////i„�,, , . ,✓ �, %/,/oc....,, �r / rii,,,; ,,,.., , iaiiiii/i /viii /iiriiiii / /l// ,,,,,, ,,., i,, ,,,,,///�/✓,�,,,,rn�an/%� ,,,���,.,ar,/%///���r, f//%, /„ /„%„!!,rr//�/„rr,,,, r �� r %, ExhI i 7 60 of 7 OCT 18 2C 0 9w SO . .... . ... ma/A Lo M I cc a , 6Z 40 IWI rj 'Wit U. re C13 S CL LU C�J -q r4 f�, I CK' cr cc ZE uj lAi 4W LA aq kni � tj ul at C'. OUT FUJIiI -zi :1 -) IzIti, Li or 3 n AMR tr rx Uj z cc �l ci Z w 0 G, 01 YJ Pr t- )w u 12! UJ rt. J4 1uu q L z 10 cl Z rx i. � 44T N . �j LJI uu� :L! 2! Z; 0. co kj 1p� C% s- Ex to, l ice f4i Q Q Q st -4- qq IwN civ Ld oz r4 q -0— CL wq Lj 14L Ix wo. Ali gx U4. C cn v kk C% cu U, ta- w of- T p tz ct N .4, o 2, l5q 0 ;k In U to I tu w to w tj � 4� tv Q: zi I I a) c V yup GCON �2 tq U Iq >z Cc) -qj: Nko vi to ul (�A cc 411 � �t x CL #,-� �� 0, �6- I-. )WI - 0 IZ tZ ;z t C4 Cc r4 CL 441 — fir, u e iiq Li = Q q, 10, q Z to LJ S3 N 4W 1; UA U4 :r k'o IR , M at W� blq UJTM ca 14 ca 0. *1- wli Wp q 'n CL rz "�;l IQ4� call 6,0"r. 10 tal a LZ q (D ca 0 ORDINANCE NO. 6414 //- IM �' A hw Alew �-Imfmw�ll�lomlll a /v (/m/m/0 1071111 AnER RECORDING, RETURN TO BonnevMe Power Administration TRFT'-3 P.O. BOX 3621 PORTLAND, OR 97208-3621 � ...... ....... I of4 Date Received OCT 18 o . . .. . .. . .. . . ... . .. . . . // �: 1111111113TRIT! T! Ili I InIvIllpill" I As described in Exhibit B, attactied hereto and, by Nis referience made a part hereof v oil .......... Ibe GrMtor also hereby grants, and conveys, to the United States a perpewal, non-cxclusive casement for access road purposes in, upon, and across the following-descnibled. land, to-va"it: C-iCU-45-AR-i4 - A, right-of-way 20,feet Wide and approximately 180 feet long.' over and along an existing road, over and across that piart of the El�ah'W.i Rhea Donati'lon, Land Claim Noi. 44, Section 15, Townslilp 17 Sioutl�, Range 31 West, Willamette Menidia-ti, Lane County', on Oreon, as enerally shown gg Exhibit C7 attached hieretio and by this! reference made a pilart, hereof. Lead Tract No!. C' -C U -45-A- 1 50R 1 2 of 4 Date Received 4 4 The, grant shall include thei night to enter and to locate, construc4 use, rriahitaii�l rep* and reconstruct the road or roads, together with cuts and fills as needed. The Grantor reserves the higress, an I right to use the access for i d egress inslofar as the sme is located on the land, of the Grantor', such reserved fight to be exercised in a miamer that will not interfere with, the use of the access by the'Unitied States. liq The abovcAisted access may be used for (access to and ftorri, any existing or ftiture transmission f2ticill'ities of the United States. Iiii 1 1 1 11 Z 114111 O'Me Grantior agrees to satisfy of record such encumbrances, including, ta,x�es and assessments., as I" ay be required by the United States and, to obtain such curative, documents as tnay be requested by the Unit�ied States. The United Staties shall pay all colsts incidental to the prepamfioin and recordation of this instnnnent and for the procurement of title evidence. 'ALI e Provisions hCTCOf shaH wurc to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors) and assign,s of the Grxflorand upon the assigns of the United Stateis. IM 43 OWNFYI 1 FAj L,ead Trad No. - C-CIJ45-A-1510R] 3 of 4 Date, Receilved Original Submiffal ORDINANCE NU., bii The rights hereftl released, are no longer required, for electricpower transmission purposes, and are released pursuant to ffie Acts ofAugust 20, 19317, (50 Stat. 732) 16 U.S.C. 832) as amended, and June 30, 19491, (63 Stat. 385, 40 U.S.C. 4814) as amended, and regulatioris and delegations of authority issued pursuant thereto. Y By Title- Title- By Lead Tract Nol. C-CU-45-A-150RI 4 of 4 U.S., DEP' ARTMENT OF ENERGY-BONNEVILLE POWER, ADMMISTRADION CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT Washington, Oregons Idaho,, Mointana, and California State cf.-A-I�Eu—) &4- �/ 1$S - County of W /0� ) On this day of 7&y jXU 45 before me personally 20_�e appeared �% J CffA�L �. ��}ti �%C?/illD known to me, or proved to me oxi the basis of satisfactory cvIdence,, to'be the of the corporation that executed, the within instrument or t1he plers;on(s) who executed the within instrument as authorized agent(s) on behalf of the corporation- acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same- acknowledge Swd instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of siaid, corporation, fOT fllCuses anil purposes therein mentioned- and on loath stated that be 1 -51 authorized to, executil said instrument and that seat, if any, affixs the corporate seal, of said corporation. Notary Public in and 4r State of 013 (SEAL) RC 9 4t, ih A'A dl -,04 SL My Co ion expires 11ro "I r, Mmissi 4, PATRICIA.Mi. KERN Notairy Public, State of' New York No. 4-1-49Z14814 Qualified inqWa4�County BPA MUMMA 2005 Commission Expires February28,20,P-9— Exhibit B) 67 of 87 Bonnev'iffle Power Administration -Exhimbint; A Cougar -Station "'S,"' No. I Transmission Line Release of Easement Tract ID. C -Cu- 150 That 100 foot w'de Transmission Line ri ght of way for the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Cougar -Station "S" No. I Transmission Line- described in Ifistrurnent No. 89569, recorded January 28, J960, Records, of Lane County, Oregon, being'a portion of the North 6 chains of the Abraharn Landes Donation Land.C] a] M No. 45, To, w"nshi,p 17 South., Range 3, West, Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oreg�on. Trac�t JID. C-Cu-,15�01 contain*S 1.4 acres, more or less. r n X Exhibit B,1 618, of'87 Exhibit B e A right-of-way 100 feet wide over and across part of the Elijah W. Rhea ... . . Abraham Landes �. .442 and part of the,w. mow. '. No., 45, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, descn'bed as: Parcel I of Land Plaftition Plat No'. 94"PO500, as platted and recorded in'the Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane.County, Oregon. Also the'following described parcel of fand:.Beginnink at the most Northerly Southeast comer of Parcel I of 1,and Partition Plat ti No. 94-PO498, as platted and, recorded in w said comer also'being the Northeast comer of Parcel lolf 1�and Partition Plat No., 94-P10500, as 01atted and recordedl"n the Lane C'ounty Oregon Plat and thence, running along the common boundary between said pailition ur stanbe of 70 the Northwest comer of said i ., w Partition Plat No. 94-P0500-thonce leaving said boundary and running w w d Northerly ar w I boundary i I Partition Plat .94-P05W,'a distance of 389.915 feefto a, point on the Northerly* boundary of said Land Partition Plat No. ,. -PO4918, said point also bei'ng a point on the, high water line of the. loild McKenzie River Channel now known as the Maple Island Slough; thence upstream along said high water line . along, the Northerly boundary of wl`Partition w I . I .. S-60046"21'"El, 3115-52 feet and .67'033'50"E-1 . q most Nordierly 31761.94 feet to of i Partition Plat 94-PO498; thence, leaving said boundaries and running . S-00*00'39"E, along the most East boundary of said. Und Partifion, Plat 1 i . nt of Be 1Iginn*ng, all in, the above described property, in Lane County, Oregon. The boundaries ofsaid right-of-way Date Received w OCT 1812019 . I I ORDINANCE NO. 6414 ..rrr r r. / r r; / / / rr ,,,,,✓ /,,,, /„ rr r „ , , / rr r „ / /.. r « Exhibit Ex' h im b '10 t EI lie 50, feet on each side of, and paralli�,I with, a survey r M rv. w w « «line as Surveyed, and staked .. on the ground for the Bonnevilk Power,Adn`U*nIktrahon (BPA) Cougar -Stat 'Loin "S p . « . The survey 11"ne is described with reference to the OregonState-Coordinate System, South Zone, (NAD "127) as follows, Beginning at BPA survey equationstation 6n the o * ignmem,I I tion 11,ginal BPA al"' t I I II *s equ'vaJen't to sta . A ial,ignmen,t, and which Point ofbeginning bears S,33`52`55"W, a distance of 76 feet from the . northeast comer of The Abraham Landes Donation I Claim, No. ro 1451 folmierly known, as The Ashley C. Stevens Donation Land Claim 45, located in Section 15,rownship 17 South, Range, 3 . West, ,. Willamette « 4 feet,, to surve a distance of 100 1.4 feet., to survey equation station 132+46.8 back, which s II iv . I,I distance s1,0916.,8 feet, to survey « . I « .,said relmated BPA .. ,, thence K.06*52" 1 I""'E, a distance, of 76.3 feetl to the ton-nin'tis, of the, alignment, Eugene Water & Electnc 13oard McKenti.6-Substation Dead End,A which51 . .feet frorn.theClaim « aforesaid northeast comer of The Abraham Landes Donation Land . .m « u � q s W xr L w.s. s : contains i.' «6 acres, more or less. 2 of 2 Date Received a: r X a e e w w m 20419 9 'nal Sui YV� op6q , bmiftal 'ANCE NO. 64n r. /,/� l//////,//,//�,/�l/�//,/a//////i/„�,, i, /i//,,, , l/,r,,/,/,,,,,rl/////,,,,/ 1, --,,../ii/./%/ / ia,,..✓iii.. i,, i,i/ii r /i/ii/,. /i � ,/ of rig /,/////,//,rr/// / /r,,,. ✓ ,/,/// ,i ail „r /ii/,r yr /% ./, /ii/i,,,,ri✓/ //i / ,r rr//� / „/.,,L//,�,�. /. ,,,�.../„ice/r /... ,/1 ,,,, ,r.////, „�., //a ,.. ,,, ..,. ,_.. ,,, ..i/ ,,,,,,, ,;,,,,' ,� „. ,,,, ,, ,,, ..,. ,,, rr� ,%�//_, „ //` /...,,,,,,,/,i//%G,,,. / r��..../// ,/i ////G%/G//vi /,,,,,, /G ,,, /, �� .///O/// �.%/✓///I///%%/r./..,,,,, ,,,i//1�../,//a/,/„/,,. �//,,,•, aar Exhibit ,, 70 of 87mW µ a V I d µ ' IGS' 01 w- *”ujED cm I µ ' IGS' 6j 53 Z L41 f� w- *”ujED cm 2. 1. uj ru � ed OCT' 181 4� w SII I. fx WIT > uj sw w wl -j tni r1% 0 V) Co Ln LO w Z -j C) ln� LA- tA- 00tol V) 13 10L CL in Z 010 zo LJ )ZU- (CAL 0$- 01 < U. 13rcr wo, ok X 0 Ln It, A 0 - - - - - - -- - - uj Co 3 —0 �j . ...... ............. . . . . , m 1611sal Amo 011,16,110ald Ilf Exhibit B, 71 of 87 I z C3 Z Z Ck Cy W Lj v - 'C C, p: W Lj > 0 w ;r 01 3: z < 0 "K Lei U: jr NI Z lo�,Lolt L r, C) Ln U1 C Ir- > z (Lnopl V1 w ul ca V11 i;mu ived OCT 1 �81 20:19 I W, V),z — o z Z 00 ,e (D 0 NMI 4f, CA tn Oil mom 0 M W-0 C) 0 Cr i(D JO tn (A uj 5 0 I 0 �fj 0 Ca 00,911 z 0 cc liol Ca J: uj I z C3 Z Z Ck Cy W Lj v - 'C C, p: W Lj > 0 w ;r C4 3: z < 0 "K Lei U: jr NI r, C) Ln U1 C Ir- > z (Lnopl V1 w ul ca V11 i;mu ived OCT 1 �81 20:19 I W, .............. . / Exh,ibit B, 72 of'87 I T 0/m/offiPm � a ////// // Grantor's Name and Address,: Shorewood Pack,agi inig Corporation Grantele"s Name and Address: City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street :5 * ng'fle, " l�d I OR 97477 I After recording, return, to,: Joe Leahy Leahy,, Van Viactor & Cox, LL,P 2231 A Street, Suite D Sprilngfield, OR 9174771-4500 I Tax Map 17-03-15-4, Portion of Tax Lot 600 (on the date of'execution-N. gyy - M-1--, AL SITUATED in the City of Springfield,, Lane County', State ofOregon in the Southeast 1,/ji of' Section 15, Township 1,7 South, Range 3 West olf'the Willamette Mer*ldian and iescribed als follows.: Jill IMEN IMBIrm mo lop BEGINNING at the poinit, of'intersection of the least line of'Plarcel 1, of Land, Partition Plat Number 194-,PO500 as platted and record;ed May 16, 19,94 In the Land Partition Plalt Records of Lane County, State of Oregon with the north 11 1 ne of the 7.,00 -foot wide Publ,lic Utilities, and Public Slope Easement,that, filles along the north mc of Received M I oUBLIC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT— Page 1 OCT 18 2019 "S Olngj , � =I iF Ir 5I �1.;" '��. a �'�tltl r , 4 �"^"',. J Y! Ar, (. a ,,, � �. , ,. * , 70, 1 -o 1p' e - ts 1, Gra,ritee! aissumes' the' rliskbf any such use df th' rty and sha"11, at i expensel, take all reasonable necessary protective meIasures, to prevent loss or to 'ts property ge and the property of Grantori or othier persons thereon onI ,i'ama �?,cciount of su,ich use. J. to 0 lot 10I PUBLIC SANITARYSEWER EASEMENT — Page I OCIT 18 2J IJ On iflal Subm" 9RDINARE N' I is 40 mroll IRA .... . . . . . 1,111,1"'Imoltalmll 6. All of the teirms, consil"Ideration and obligation hereof shall extend to the TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above easem�ent untill the said Grantee, 1 i ts successors and assigns forever. INWITNESSi WHEREOIF, the Grantor above named has hereunto set its, hanid'aseial nd 0, thIis A4.% d'a y o f Xex 0 0 8. Print Titleo V '' mm PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT —Page 3 OCT 18 2019 AI w . ti -, M, nem o Akry 9 CrTY OF SPRINGFIELD. Byq Dennis, P. Ernst — Clb/ of Springfield, Surveyor M/City/Pworks/Sanitation/ *UBLIC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT — Plaige 4 1 lw= Tax Map & Lot Ntmibw 17-03-15-40-0060m (on the date of execution) I SEE E)GHBIT "A," ATIACHM 14ERETO AND INCORPORATED B Y R KAV J R E N E TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above easement unto the &-fid Grantee, its successors and assigns fbmver, III, THE; CONSWERKMN for this, conveyance is, Eighty Seven Tliousand Seventy -Three DoUm and no/1100ths, ($817,073.00)., Signed by authority of the Board of Directors this.y of 20,10. /I STATE OF )SS. County of a Y, St OOD PACKAGING CORPORATION on 20101 pmongly apWwed the above-nmod VLl Y, 9 0 pa.) IVA and who being swom, stated that they Pmsiderit mupammmy 10 Date Received Page I — EAMMEENT OCT 18 2019 NAK - OU=c Transit DisL lM3ftt=l Way -Pion= Park -MY - 41%)Io�Vs\EaInt 1229019.htm, � Ammo . . .. ... . .. . ,,"""////g�////// ............. //// "'q/'�"/'/'/ ................... 11,;�f�Ill�111,�1,1,,,�ll�Ill�711�I , "g Exhibit B, 78 of 87' of Shorewood Packa9mg Corporation (fonnerly Shorewood Packa9mg Corporation of Oregon), and d W this conveyance! was voluntarily signed an behalf of the corporation by authority of its, Board of Dtirectors, before me, w III u. ........... By* Date.. City of Springfield Surveyor nSOW- V 90W . . . .... . ....... Exhibit B, 7'9 of 87 The, widffis; M' feet of ft strip of 'lan,d havin described are as, follows.- L, 22+3,5.72 POC L 22+91,55 PRC 47400 ft tap * along a 11077.96 ft radius curve, ffmg right, to 47.00 R L 2,2+9 1.55 PRC L 23+60.0:71 PMI 47.00 ft tapezing along a 953.01 ft radius curve, left to 147.00 ft L 23+60-07 POC L 2,4+53.00 POC 47.iOO ft taperm*g on a stryj& line tol 40.20 ft M lz MiA M Page 1, — TEWORARY CONSTRUCTIONE, ASEMIE,NT OUme Ihmit Dist. 13438\lntml MpPiunccr Par - 4TMocur=ts\Exhj'bft A to Vasm=Lhtmi OCT' 18 2019 Original Subm'IffaIAVV ORDINANCE NO., 6414 L, 2,4+53.00 POC Li 254-47.,90 POC L 25+47.90 POC L 25+73.75 PT L 25+7335 PT L 25'+86.50 POT L 25+86.50 POT L 26+00.0�O POT L 26+00,00 POT L 26+25,00 POT . . ...... ...... ////// ri Exhibit B, 810 of 87' Fage 211 — TEMPORARY CONMUCTION EASEDIEW NAK - OV-a=i TYwalit Dik 1,3438\lntml'W4y4Nonca Pukvay - 47\D=z=tAExbft A to ilwthtrn /W/P�/ /�///,/ 11 �_'_ I /",—�/�,///,,'-,,—"'�//�/,///""/,//;/"--, - ..... . . . . . . M­"I'�Ilelll , ///,/ September 13, 210191 LE I GAL DESCRIPTION ANNEXATION FOR R SPORTS, PROPERTIES, LLC Branch Erigineerm*g Inc. Project No. 1.9-348 Situatedthe Southeast 1/4, of Section 1.5, Township 17' South, Range 3 'West of the Willamette Meridian and described as follows: All that certain real property, being a portion ofREVISED, PARCEL, I of Land Partion Plat No. 94-PO5OiO as said REVISED PARCEL., I Is, described M" Exhibit "A" of' that certain IndiVidual Warranty Deed recorded February 3, 1995 on Reel 203as Document Number 9507626 'in the Lane County Official Records, Lane Co-unty, Oregon, and as, shown on that clerta 'in Final Map, Boundary line Adjustment for Leona M. Rice and Harold E. Rice, as said Final Map was filed on December 21,, 1994 as County Survey File No., 324,84, Lane C ounty`Su veyor's Office, Lane County, Oregon, said certam" real property being more par tictilarly described as follows: COMMENCING at the -Southeast corner of' the aforementioned REVISED PARCEL 1, THENCE along the East boundary of said. REVISED: PARCEL I North 00*00'39" West 486.05 feet to a point on the existing SprM*gfield City limit,<; boundary, as said boundary is, enacted under FINAL ORIDER 1045 (C SPI 95-45)1, and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of' this, descriptlorl,o THENCE lea�dng said East boundary and running along said existing Spriingfteld City LbrAts boundary the following (4) courses-, I t THENCE 1.e1aVM'g the North margIn. of International Way and the ex-i[sting Springfield City Llnu,*ts boundary and, running alon,g the, boundary of said REVISED PARCEI. I the following (4) courses; FUGENE-SPRINGFIELD SALEM-KE17ER r 3101 51h Street,, Springfield, O,R 97477 1� p: 541.7461.,0637 1 f: 541-746.0389 1 www.branchengineoMlxlr� 4, J Exhibit B, 82 of 8,7 Annexation Legal Description September 13, 2019 I., Along the West 11"ne of' said REVISED PARCEL I North 00"0:0'39" West 1103.912 feet to a point on the South&ly ordinary high Water line or , Maplie Island Slough being marked by a S/8 IT rebar With yellow plastic cap marked 461 IT# BRANCH ENG. LS 260,9 1 2. Along said, ordinary high water line S�outh 60"46'21"East 315,,53 feet to a point marked by a 5/81" rebar with yellow plastic cap marked "BRANCH ENG. LS 2609 3. Conti"nuing along sai'd ordinary high water line South 67"33'50" East 37'6.94 feet to a point markeldby a 5/8" rebar With yellow plastic cap marked d9BRANCH ENG. LS 2609 101 being the Northeast corner of said REVISED PARCEL 4. Leaving, sal"d ordiary high water Iffie running along the East line of said REVISED PARCEL I South 00*00'39" East 401.30 feet, returnm*g to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this, descri'ption. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND - UIVEYOR OREGON MI I � I 12io 2011' DANIELiADAM NELSON 84832,LS MIMIM, 901TAIM MU, Branch Engineering, Inc. mill 119 22019 Exhibit B, 83 of 817 anci�a, ElI N E E Isina J19;7 �'eptember 13,,2019 LEGAL DESCRIPTION NORTHERLY PORTION OF TM 1, 7-03-15-40 TL 600p R SPORTS PROPERTIES, LLC Brianch, Engineering Inc. PrIojec�t No., i9l-348 A parcel of land situated M* the Siolu,th,east 1/4 of Section 15, Townsbip 171 South, Range, 3 West of the Willamette Meridian a,nd described as follows:, I 0r1g1*ng6§bWftEi NIW4'14 i Date Received OU .18,20,19 tri W. ILI viluffidl ourif"Juall—XTY.— rr,... ...... Exhibit E EXHIBIT A LOCATI , ON 'MAP jw n: cq -SZI 0&0 ow 4'4 -IAIT 14 TIOArQ ORDINANCE NO. 6414 a �, / � /m / / /�, / I/ /O./w/ RIM i mm 9/� Ova mm/ /�//X////�,;/,���,��//�//�/�,/"//,//�/,/��//////// .......... / RICHARDSON SPORTS, LLC 5010 INTERNATIONALWAY Annexation Map 17-03.15,A0, Lot 600 ' 7"l Provider.: Current: Future: E A s tin g Fa clil 'I t li e s I ** City of Sprlingfield. City of, Springfield. Service Extenisi on'll Existing Infrastructure will confinueto bel utilized, City of Springfilelld May 2009 ftstewater Provid,,er: Current.- On-site: Public, - Uty of Springfield. Off-Sitblic - City of Springfileld., Future.- On-SlIte: Publl"ci, - City of Spflngfiel Off�Sfte.- Public— City of Springfiell Existing Facilities-, Public.: Existing publi'le systein in International 'Way. Date Received OCIT 18 2019 Sidiirmer Satre Group. is, 37!55 West 41 Avenue, S 201, Eugene, OR 97401,* (641) 68"540 �rqn;A Sub Mal 4 ORDINANCE NO. 641,4 ............... ...... .... . ter,ir,i� // Exhibit B, 8�6 of 87 RichardsonSports - 500 International'Way Page 2 of 2 Annexation - PubliciPrivel"Ite Utility Plan Oc,tpb _4 Ser0ce Extension: Public4p Existing public ystern in International Way. Transportation Provider: Streets*, City oSpOngJeld. Transit: Lane Transit District, (L'TD). ExIst'ing Facill"fies".: Streets., The exIsfing street 'nearest tiubject property, and avallable for qq� o Electric Service Provider: Springfield Utility Borard (SUB)', 10 Existing Facifitles., extsting electric infrastructure is on and adjacent to thel subject, property. Service Extens! Ion.- Thle existing electhc serVice will remain', 91 Public Schools Date Recei , ved The site 'is served by the Eurict. Annexation will not changle thils. OCT 18 20 Schirmer Sat m Group * 375 Wemst 4"' Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 * (5411') 686-4540 1# On ginal: S, ubmittal I ORDINANCE NO,. 6414 ANN' �g;"� ... . . . . . . . lgg� ............. .. ...... . /�//// §lf ro HE IF s,hould you have any, _4 ...... . . . mm/ m,"'wo, p7m ,///A/4mmwm /­/,/,1,,1�///_/1,,,, , """ /, // /,,�/� . ........... �;� " /4 US, ...... ...... File Name-. Richardson Sports Annexation Applicant's, Representative,: Rick Satre,, Schirmer Satre Group 0, Cali eNumber. 8: :119 -000250 -TYPO Proposal Location, 500 international Way (Map 1, 7-03-15 -410, Portion of Tax Lot 6 ) W, 3,m1ml I �W,�m mom Ap I 'cable Comprehens 've Plan - Gateway Refinement Plan and SpringfieN 2'030 Refinales. t Plan Application Submittal Date.- October 18, 2019 Associated Applicat ions,: 81.1 -19 -01001.001 -PRE (Development Issues Meeting); 811 -19 -000,239 -PRE (Pre -submittal Meeting), CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S DEVELOPMENT IZEVIEW COMMITTEE �'POSITION REVIEW OF NAME PHONE Pr 'ect Manager 01 Plan,nin, g Andy L*mbl*rd I 1 541-726-3784 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trans portati on 1 Michae Uebler 541-33� 76­1� Public Works Civil Engineer Streets and Utilities l�� Clayton McEacher,71 Nu 1 i��l�u ii 5411-726-I� 10130, Deputy Fire Marshal Fire and Lifie Sa f�t Ii hifli Er c P I *ps-Meadow 5141 -726-22931 AIC Building Offici.al Robert Castile 541-726-3666 EXHIBIT Ciji Page 2 of 7 I # Review Process (SIDC 5.7-115): The subject annexation request is being reviewed under Type IV p�rocedures, without Planning Commission consideration. 0 Development Issues Meeting (SDC 5.7-120). A Development issues Meeting, (DIM) Isi required of all public agency and private landowner -initiated annexation applications, unless waived by the Director. Pinding. A Development Issues Meeting tor the subject antlexation req. uestwas held on May 28,, 2011.91 (Case 811-1 191-000 1 00 -PRE). Conclusion-. The requirement in SDC 5.7-1,20 is met. Finding: The property owner who owns all, of the land and real property, and full assessed value of real property in tlie contiguous territory, has, filed an application and petition requesting annexation to the City of Springfield (Attachment 2, Exhibit 13). Conclus"on: The ap i ion �requirem n -- I , pl cat' e is in SDC 5.7-125have been met. .. . .. . .. . .. . �//////#, `� .. ... ...... //4/0'/­?�/// Newspaper Notlice. Notice of the January 6, 20120 public hearing was published in The Register -Guard on Diece�mber 23 and 30, 2019. Posted Noticeil, Notice of the January 6,, 20201 public hearing was posted in three public places in the City'.. along the property frontage on Inteniatilional Way; at Springfield City Hall; and on, the electronic display 'in thie -foyer of the Development and Public Works office., Notice was, also, provided on the City of Springfield website. Finding.- Upon annexation of the subject territory to the City, the underlying Campus, Industrial zoning will be retained, but the Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF ­10) will no longer apply. Due to, this change, -the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD)i was, notified in writing of the annexation proceedings prior to the public hearing. Notification to DI..CD regarding the proposed annexation was sent on October 24, 2019. Conclusion.- N'oti'ce of the public hearing was provided consisterit with SDC 5.7-1301. Recommendation to City Council (SDC 5.7-135): The Director shall forward. a written, recommendation on 0 the annexation appillication, to the City Council based on the approval criteria specified 'in Section 5.7-140, Which are provided as follows with the SDiC requirenients, findings,, and. coiiclusions. The Director"s recommendation follows SD,C 5.7-1401, Criteria. Crifterlia (SDC` 5.7-140): The application may be approved only if the City Council finds, that the proposal co�nforms, to the following criteria.* A. The affected tierriotory proposed to be annexed is wlithin the City"s, ur�ban growth boundary- andlis 1. Contiguous, to the city, limlits; or 0 2. Separated from the Clity only by a public right of way or a stream, lake or other body of water,., Findingr.: The subject annexation territory is located within the acluiowledged urban growth boundary (UGB)i of the Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Pll'ani), and as more speci,fically detailed in, the, adopted Springfield 2030 Refineinent.Plan ­. Urb(miMition Element., The property requested for annexation abuts, the Springfield city limits, along the northeni, easte�rn. and, southern boundaries., Therefore, this annexation application meets the statutory definition of contiguity as -found in ORS 222.11, 1(1). Conclusion.- The proposal meets and complies with criterion A(l), Subsection 5.7-140. B. The proposed annexatlion is consistent with appllicable policies in the Metro Plan and in any appilicable refinement plans, or Plan Districts; Finding.- The Metro Plan was acknowledged by the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) in 0 August,, 1982 andhasbeen subsequently amended. The annexation area is located within the acknowledged UGB of the Mcaroi Plan andas, more splectfically delineated by the S12ringfield 2030 Refinement Pkin. Territory within the delineated UGB ultimately will be! within the City of Springfield,. Finding: The 'territory requested -for annexation is entirely within the City's, acknowledged UGB. Finding. In Deceniber 2016, Sip ing eld adopted the Sprinq a' ri , fi , field 2'01301 Refinement Pl' n - (Ji-banizationElement as Springfield's comprehensive plan in compliance with Statewide Planning Goal 14, Urbanization., The Urbanization Element explicitly retains the.MM-o Plan's, liong-standing urbanization policy criterlafor approving annexations. The Urbanization'Element has been acknowledged, by LCD,C. I Finding-. The territory requested -for annexation is within. an area that is zoned and designated fo�r Low Density Residential (LDR) use. The! adopted elements of the Spring 'field 2030 Refinetnent Plan apipily to areas within the Springfield UGB, part ICUlarly the Urbanizcition, Element adopted by Ordinance 6361., At present,, there are no proposed changes to the zoning or plan designation for the property, although the Urbanizabile Fringe (UF -I 01) overlay will ble effectively removed upon annexation. . F a inding: 1"he continued annexation of properties to, the City of Springfield is consistent with Policies 27 and 29 of the Springfield 210301 Rqfinement Plan - Urbanization Element, which will result in the elimination of special districts, within the urbianizable area. The Springfield 21030 Rqfinement Plan --- D-banization Element relcognize that as, annexations, to the City occur,, the special district service areas win I , diminish incrementally and eventually will be dissolved. Finding,: The territory requested for, annexation i's currently within the service area of Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District. The rural fire districthas a service arrangement with Eugene/Springfield for provision of fir�e response to unincorporated areas of north Springfield. Aftler the public hearing, and upon Council adoption of the annexatlon Ordinance, the annexation area will 'be withdrawn fro�m the Willakrenzie Rural Fire Protection District cotisistent with ORS, 222.520 and 222.512,4 and the combined fire and life safety departments of the Cities of Eugene & Springfield will prov.11de fire protection service directly to the annexation area. Finding: In accordance with. Policy 33, of the Springfield 2030 Refineinent Plan Urbanization Element, SUB, is the exc,lusive water service provider within the Springfield city limits,. Finditig:l In accordance withPolicy 34 of the Springfield 2030 RefinemenrPlan - UrbanIzIation Element, when unincorporated territory within the UGB, is provided with any new urban, se�rvice,, that service shall be provided by one of the following methods in this priority order. a) Annexation to City-, or b), Contractual annexation agreements with City,. Findlng.-� In, accoridance with Policy 35 of the,,5pringlielcl 2030 Rqfinement Plan Urbanization Eleme�nt, the City shall not extend water, or wastewater service outside city limits to serve a residence or business without first obtaining a valid annexation petition, a consent to annex agreement, or when a health hazard abatement annexation is required. Finding: The requested annexation is, to facilitate further development of the property. Public sanitary sewer service is available alo�n 1, 1 g the International Way -frontage of the site. Finding: 71"he property owner submitted an application for annexation to the City (Attachment 2, Exhibit 13) and an Annexation Agreement has ble�en prepared for execution, by the City and applicant (Attachment 2, Exhibit D). Conclusion.-� The pir�oplosal, meets and comptles, with criterion B, Subsection 5.7-140. 0 C. The proposed annexation will result in a boundary lin which the, mlinlimum level of key urban facilities, and services as, defined in the Metro Plan can be provided 'in an orderly effielient and timely manner; and Finding-. In accordance with Policy 29 of the k�pringfield 2030 Refinement Plan -­ Urbanization Element, annexation shall continue to be a prerequisite for, urban development and the delivery of City services in accordance with the Springfield Comprehensive Plan and Springfield Development Code. Finding.: 111 accordance with Policy 31 of the 51vingfield 2030, Refinement Plan - Urbanization Eleinent, key 'urban facilities and, services are defined as wastewater service* s,to�rmwater service* transportation, solid waste management* water, service. fire and emergency medical services- police protectiom citywide park and recreation programs,- electric service-, land use controls; coininunicati.on facilities; and public schools on a districtwIde basis. Finding.- In accordance with Policy 32 of the S�pring e1cl 2030 Refineii7ent Plan - Urbanization Element, urban services provided, by the City upon annexation to Springfield include storm and sanitary sewer* waten transportation systems; police atid fire protection,-, planning, building,, code enforcement and, library, services-� and pt,iblic infrastructure maintenance of City owned or operated facilities. Finding-. `Ihe territory requested for annexation is contiguous with the City limits along the eastern and southern boundaries. Urban utilities have been extended along adjacent public streets and are available to serve the subject 0 property, adjacent properties, and areas beyond the annexation territory., Therefore, the urban service delivery ­�I� .. . . . .. ..iii r, .... . ... 0 systems are already aviallable and in place or lean be logically extended ftoin points in the vicinity to serve the 0, subject property. 11.1 addition to urban utilities, the folloIwing f4cilities and services are either available or can, be ext�ended to this annexation area: Water — The Springfield Utility Board operates the public water utility system within. incorporated areas, of north Spring,field. As noted above, SUB is, the exclusive water service provider for properties within the City limits,. Upon annexation, the property will be eligible for extension of SUB, water service to the site. 1, Electricity — SUB Electric provides service to the neigbborhoods: in north Springfield. SIUB owns and matntains electrical system inftastructure along the International Way frontage of the property. Existing e�lectrical system inftastructure with -in the public rights-of-way will, continue to be maintained by the affected utility provider. .Police Services — Springfield Police Department currently provides service to areas, oif'nort,b Springfield that are already inside the City limits., 71"be annexation territory is currently within the Jurisdicbonof the Lane County Sherliff's, Department. Uplon. annexation, this <area will receive Springfield Police services, on an equal basis with other, properties inside the City. Fire and Emergency Services — Fire protection is, currently provided to the annexation area by Eugene/Spiringfield 4 - Fire Department under contract with Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District. Upon annexation, the Eugene/Sprm'gfield Fire Department will continue to provide fire and emergency services to the subject,territory., Concurrent with annexation to the City of Springfield, the subj�ect property will the Willamalane Park & Recreation District consistent with City policy, an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Springfield and Lane County, and the adopted Wiflainalane Comprehensive Plan. L,ibraryServices, — Upon annexation to the City of Springfield, the subject area will be! served by the Springfield Public Library. Schools — The Eugene 4J School District serves this area of northwest Springfield. Based on the property i zoning of Campus Industrial and the potential future development of the subject property with warehousing and parK111gl it Is not expected that the annexation territory would generate perinatient residents or a sichool-ag�e population in the lbture. I I * ,Sanitary S,ewer — The annexation territory has, existing u " b I I �te satiftary sewer lines along the international Way frontage, The applicant will be responsible for connecting to the public sewer system and extension of private s ftary sewer lines necessary to serve: -the planned ndustrial development on the property. ani I t, Storm e: — The subject annexa ton territory is served, by the existing, private storinwater tuanagement system 'located in the northern half of the site. Should further development of the property occur in the future, rehabilitation of the existing private vegetated storniwater facilities may be requir�e fiinctionality and proper operation of the on-esite drainage system., �/""/",/,/,/�//�///',//"�/////,////////////�////// ...... . . . . . . . . . l�111111111�111"1111*1�llvlllpllllllll�Ill��11111�Ill���-,����; a I m :00901111110 11 7 M Streets — The southern edge of the subject annexation area abuts International Way, which has been developed t full urban standards, with curb, gulter, sidewalk, paved vehicle and, blke lanes, lane striping, street trees, stre lighting, and pipied sitormwater 1�4cilities. I Soilid Waste Management — The City and Sanipac have an exclusive franchise arrangement for garbage service insidea the City limits., Upon annexation, solid waste d1sposal service would be provided by Sanipc. Communication Facilities — Various providers oft-er both wired and wireless communication. services 'in the Eugene -Springfield metropolitan area. Existing providers and those entering the market have the capability to provide! serve ce to this area. Land Use Controls — The annexation area is within Springfield's urban growth boundary. Through an intergovernmental agreement between Lane County and the City of Springfield, the City already has planning and building Jurisdiction -for unincorporated areas of Springfield. The City will continue to administer, land use controls after annexation. Finding: 'The minimum level of key urban facilities, and services,, as, outlined 'In the adopted Metro Plan and the Sj)ringfief d 2030 Rent Plan — Urbanization Element are immediately available to the site. Conclusion*. The pro� os I I I I p alnieets and complies with criterion C, Subsection 5.7-140. D. 'Where applicable, fiscal impacts to the Clity have been mitigated through an Annexation Agreement or other mechanism appIr,oved by the Clity Council. I Finding: The area proposed or annexation is, part of a Campus Industrial parcel containing paved parking, lots, and driving aisles, site landscaping, and vegetated stormwater facilities. The required public utilities and services, are mmediately available to -the site, and the public street frontage on international Way has, been improved to full urban, standards,,. However, there are planned extensions of'a transportation corridor (Maple Island Road) and public utilities that would pass through the subject property. The timing, of the road and utility extension 'is not currently known so an, Annexation Agreement has been prepared that outlines, the applicant's financial responsibility for provision of public streets and utilities necessary to serve the pr�oIperty, including, extension. of p 'blic sanitary sewer. The Annexation Agreement will need to be executed by the applicant and, City 'for the u 1. 1 1 1 1 annexation action to be concluded. There -fore, any potential fiscal impacts to the! City have been mitigated by the executed Annexation Agreement. Conclusion: The proposal meets and complies with criterion D, Subsection 5.7-140. Clity Council Decision (SDC 5.7-145)-0 City Council approval of the annexation application shall be by OIr'dinance. Finding.- On January 6, 2020, the City Council will hold a Public Hearingfor the sub 0 ect annexatio'n reques,t and give tirst reading to the Annexation Ordinance. Based on the staff analysis and recommendations, and on testimony provided at tbe Public Hearing, the City Council may take action to approve, modify, or, deny the Annexation Orditiance. Effective Date, and Notice of'Approved Annexation (S,DC 5.7-155)0 If the annexation is granted second reading and ado ited b inance will become effective 30 days, a,fter adopt' P �y the City Council on, January 21,,2,020, the Ordi on by the City Council and execution by the Mayor, (anticipated on or around February 20, 2020)1, or upon act owl edge ment of filing, with the Secretary of State -- whichever date is later. „,,,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii rill/iii/.. ///, . .. .. . . I III I Ip 11'1011dr� � I MM4 ” *: SM11 a I PIP! IT J-111JORII I I II DIRECTOR'Si RECOMMENDATION, The proposal, complies, with the annexation criteria of approval listed in SDC 5.7-140, and Council 'is within its authority to approve annexatlio�n of the subject territory to the Clity of Springfield, and Willanialane Park and Recreation District and withdrawal of the subject 40 territory from the Willakenzie Rurial Fire ProtectWn Dilistrict .. . .......... //,/;�//��///////////,��/////,/��/,//�/�/;O"� . ......... . ��/ yyy [W U M � -, ii � mm IFVM�flofl� I Thi's Annexation Agreement ("Agreement") i's made between the City of Springfield, an Oregon municipal corporation ("City") and R Sports, Propertiesl LLC ("APPLICANT"). A. APPLICANT owns the parice](s) of land l�egally described in Exhibit Ai the Property, and shown on the map attached as Exhibit B. The property is proximate: to the jurisdictional limits of the: Cl*ty and is subject,tol annexation by the City of Sprl'*ngfield followling minor boundary change processes. B. APPLICANT has submitted to the:City a request for an Annexation Agreement, dated 0 1 1 8, 2019, for As,sessIor's Map No., 17-03-15-40, Tax Lots 00600. C. APPLICANT wishes to annex the Property to the City and seeks, support from the City for the annexation. 0 D. The Property is currently designated as Campus Industrial on the Metro Plan and i*s z,oIned Campus, Industrial on the Gateway Refinlement Plan according to the Spr'ngfield Zoning Map., Ask Two 4 I ME, I 0 After, Recording, Return tol.i Place Bar, Coide Sticker Here:- City of'Springfield Attn.- Current Development Division Development & Public Works Departme 225 Fifth Street 100014781:3:) ANNEXATION AGREEMENT — Page I oif 6 A ac HYRUM, I iiii 1111111 111! 1 111 � 11,1111 11111111111111111 �11111111111111111� III o i� wa< � � w. � �� � i aw,. � ..� d ,w ,w:; r i i Mfr. k r Nowl therefore based upion the foregoi`ng Recitals, which are specifically made a p.all of this Agreement,tbe parties agree as follows: 1. Oblig ions of ARE ' LICANT. Consistent with the above Recitals and subject to the j'ssuance of Pl* " FinaanIo l Site n ad Public T mprvement Plan approvals, APPLICANT agrees to perform, the obligations set fbrth 'in this section. I I I is a. APPLICANT shall abide by the terms and condi ions set forth *'n 1,A 1089, which 9 incorporated by reference: herem, except to the extent modified by thl*s,Agreement. To the extent that the terms of 1A 1089 and thi's Agreement conflict, the terms of this Agreement *ill p evad. wj Ir i K APPL.ICANT shall apply for. and obtal"I Final; Site, Plan approval from the City, piursuant to SIDC 5'. 12-100 for an expansion of the existing industri'al use on the Property compatible (00014781-3) ANNEXATION AGREEMENT— Page 2, of 1 11 W 10 Ail � I to Lei -a �//////////,/���;"///////,/,,.//,.///,////,//""////?�// . ........ . ... .. . . ............. 0 with the current zoning. This, Paragraph i's subject to the requirements, of Paragraph 8, below. c. APPLICAN'TwIll rehabill"tate the present stormwater facility as determined through the iew site plan revprocess d. AP( LICANT'agriees toe stab:] ish a no bu i I d area, of the site north of and inclu d ing the futuire i Maple island Farm Road alignment as shlownin Exhibit A of TA I Oi89, e., APPLICANT will dedicate a portion of the s,ite alo�ng Intemational way so that all the constructed road improvements and an additional 0.5feet will be dedicated to the, city as, public ROW. 2., Obligations of City. Consistent with the above Recitals, City, agrees to perform. the oblIgations set forth in this section. 5. Mutual Cooperation,. City and APPLICANT Shiall, en' deavior to mutually cooperate with each other 'in implementing the various matter's contained, herein., 6. Waiver of Ri,�ht of Remonstrance. APPLICANT agrees to Sign any and all waiVers, petitions, consents and all other documents necessary to obtain the public facilities and serviceis described 100014781:3) ANNEXATION AGREEMENT — Page 3 of J Exhibit D, Piage 4 of 2# OPP,i. (00014781:3) ANNEXAPrION AGREEMENT — Page 4 of 6 DATED this Z day of o Z C> .-Arill 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the APPLICANT and City have executed thisAgree ment as, of the date 0 first herein above written. STATE OiF OREGON CouNTY oF, LANE 1000:147'81:31) ANNEXATION AGREEMENT — Page 5 of 6 Dii ..... .... CITY OF SPRING L By* - Mary Bridget Smi w Manager, Pro Tem STATE OF OREGON SS COUNTY OF LANE This INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE, ME ON avwct vAl 2,1 20)Z BY OP i mob uo 49y) rl ........ ... I ........ ........ „ wM""""nw�w�w�"""""'r�ww�MM�w.�Wi��wiw�w, r""!r,:w«.�"�""� �rMNM";yY. 100014781:31 , ANN'EXAT'ION AGREEMENT — Page 6 of' 6 0 FOR,' GON /Wwo�;'/ LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0 ANNEXATION FOR R SP S PROPERTIES, L,LC Branch EngineeringProject No., 19-3i48 i �a,nch lINEERING SlAce 1927 h Situated 'in the Southeast % of'Section 15, Township 17 Sout, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian and desicribed as follows',: MOO k THENCE leaving the North margin of International Way and the existig Springfield City Limits boundary and running, along the boundary Of said REVISED PARCEL 1 the following (4) courses,-, EUGENEIE LD SALEM-KEIZER PACE I OF2 t, 10 5thStreet, Springfield, OR 1 p: 541-746.0637 1 f 541.746-0189, 1 www.branchengineeringcorn, REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL P LAND SURVEYOR J DIGIIALLY SIGNED .. ..... ....... . . ........ OREGION MAY 1'2,20111 DANIEL ADAIVI NELSON 84832LS ROOM Branch Engineering,, Inc. Page 2 of 2 oom a ap w !n ell IS OR 0 mc / //////// e t5i ' 74 ,oil C, 63, S 7,; 10,20, ATION AREA 4't IT, 89,59,2041 NS BOiNNE) COUGAR - NIS ,-)(hib"'t D, Page 9 of 20 ORDINANCE NO,. 61414 After Recording, Return, to: 01ty oif Springfie,.Jd Public Works, Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield� OR 97477 Attln:' Tecbnical Services'Di'llision, Surve',Y Section R Sports Properfiesl,, LLC P.04 Box 2440 ,Eug�ne, OiR,97402 Memo:rand,um of Understandm`g For,R SportsProperties, LLC Regarding ANNEXATION AG ",� El AINT'and Devidopli en, oil 141111911 liltIM ER 16 It.. 4 1,911,9 0. ORDIN'ANCrN 6414 �Exhibit D; P,qgel 11 of 24, D. The Propeftyi's currently designate,d as Campm, Wustrial oil the Metro Plan Diagram, e igp t mpus �ffidust eway'Refinenient Plwi Map and is zoried, a �ed Ca ri;�! (CI) �on, the Gat, Campus lndustfial (10) on, the Springfield Zoning Mapi. 0 G. Except as provided by iagreeinent, the City requires i owners rop�osing to an-nex ropertes # P P in the Gateway Area to, make fin'iancial clontfi,butions to, assist in fundi.11cy off-site. transportation 1*mproveinents. 11. Exce, as provided by agreement, the Oty requires pt ow-hers'singpropoto annex roies I . P pCA i.n the Gateway Area to, make fimancial contributlons to assist In f-uniding off-site storrnwater improvements. o Now, therefore based upon the forego,ing, Reoitals, wh-ich are spedfically niade a part, of this Agreement, the, paitiCS agrelae a -S 17011OWS.- AGRFaEAW N'T L Oblieations, of Fachardson., Consistent vfiffi, tbe above recitals Richardson agrees to perfbrm tl,.ie obligations set fbrth in this, section, "M For thep ose of this.Agreement, the mat Date'-"me,�, the later of Urp 1.1.1 the date of approval by the Sri rinafield City Council of amexation of the Proe 7 to City and the expiration oany, applicableappeal, pen*ods or 1.12 the effective date of the annexation if the Springfield CIty Councl.] actiolls, approving annexationprovi des for a, delayed effective, date. This section is suet t to .he requirements of Section 7, below. 1A The dedicafion and conveyances deson'bed 1*.n Sections 1.2 and 1 .3 shall be deemed to fulfill Richardson's obh2ationsas specifi,ed ill Recl*W G. 4.1e shall, be required to, construct axid past the cost, of street improvemeTits as described in Section 1 6- Page 13 of'2,0 Exh,ib!it�, D, MIMI I= M. nu.* s oucmit of proplerty described M* siectio'n 1. 10 ofthis Aueenien't shall be detmed to fulfill, RichaTIdson's, obligation -s under Recital 14. 1.12 Richardson agreesthat in., the, event of fature development of tbe Property any proposal for alt�mrations orincreases of stomiwater floNvs may- require'Ricbardson to obtain approvJas fro, m appiropn*ate public agencies controlling such storm-"vater fioiATs and effluilent. Potential altemative an -site treatment ofstorinwater -flows, m,l(-Fht also include Richar(ison,"s constructincr dr 13, wells oTother stitable City approved systems to reduice or c1i InInate additional aterfloxxs that require, 'treatment by public storrawater Systems. Exhibit DI, Page 15 of 20 ---- - ----- in tile client the CitYi determmes not to bonsbaxt the Nfiqple Island Road segments ,re,fe'ren,ced berein City sball vaicatetbe n*cvht of way. The City may eondition such, C- detenninaEoinuponobit�ai.,n,,iin appropri ate ailtemlaf e ri, bt-of-way necessary to implement ffie Gateway Refinement HEM. Both parties agree,-, 4. L imitationspri. the Devel ' oMent. No portion of the Proper­1�7 shall be developed prior to t,he approval of appropriate City permits,, except as desexibed here,111. 5. MWual Colp i, an, ard 1 1 4 perafion,. C*'ty d Rich sim sbg endeavor to mutually coopera-te, Nvith -jous matters contnane ea6h other in i m leraentMa I -lie vw d be, ein. P 6. Modificat'on of Agr�I a ig si,.c.,rne,d bN1 _qMggit. Th's Aggeenient in y only be modified in writh botli parfies. 312 71.2012 Tof 9 ORDINANCE NO., 6414, Exhibit D,, Page 17'of 20 'Err "'W-111!01 I � I DATED thi'3 ay f A PIA& 2011 IN WITNESS WIMREOF, the Applicant and City have executed this, Agreement as of the date first herein above written., R SPORTS, PROPIERTTE, L.L,.C. BY d7ft'� AO A STATE OF OREGON COUNTY o,F LANE SS BE IT REMEM13ERED &it oatis4 300 day of 2012 beforo me the I , a in and for Is *d County and State, personally appeared, t,he "tbin undersigned notary pu'blic " ai Wi named, Wbose identity was proved to, me on the basis of satisfactory e dence and Nvho by me duly sworn, did say 0 that IN Lc ,Ird-suln is/are the C), W r) e." of the *thinJiiam In"Mited liability company and does acknowledge said inStrMellt to be, the fi-ce act and deed of said Im''ted liability company and was signed on bebalf of said limited liability company by authonity of 'Its members. IN'TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I hAve hekeuAto set my hand and Affixed my Y' officiial seal the day aiid year last above Written. fns Notary Publi If' -o lvj� co rwnissl.on ITes ORDINANCE NO. 6414 9/00ORWOMAN/1" Exhibit, D, PageI 18 of 20 0 BE 'IT REMEMBERED that on tl*s,be'rore m—le, the day, of Par6�1 unide,rslgnIea, noItary public m' and, for ,said Cot mty and State, personally appeared the wltlm'n natted Gijao Grimaldi whose identity was proved to me, on the basis, of satisfactory evidence and who by me duly sworn,, did say that he is the City(Manager of the, with -Ln named mul *cipal cor 'nstniment to be the free act and deed of sa*d municipal at and does acknowledge said i C) corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate seal ofsaid mUD-l"Cipal 1. 0 corporationth and at said m'strument i,vas s,igned and sealed In behalf of said ipal, corporation by authority of its City Council IN TESTD\40NY WBEREOF. I have hereunto set my, hand and affixed, my official seal the day and year last above wn"Itten. 10% . .... . . . ... . ORDINANCE NO., 6414 EXHIBIT A llB ORDINANCE NO. 6414 � -/"m, " /,�,-///w///��///, ///;////,/ -",/�-//�/-" /,// /,�,/�//"��,/,///////,///,/,///////�/�/Z"//////////,/,//////////"///�////�,////////////�///////� ......... /,////,/ "MIMP R 0 ef-110 7-A�LOT 6;40 mjI9 &3, L D 6 �C r/o EXIffBIT Al Parcel 1, Land Partition Plat NQ. 94-P0500, as plattori , and recorded Uil the Lane County Oregartition Records. ORDINANCE NO. 6414