HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1981-06-01-- RESIIEN!- -r. -- COI,IBINATIO}I /APPLICATION PERMIT FECEIPT I SPRINGFIELD CITY O! SPRI|JGFIELD , o a .tdwo <fu a6r?fr sPRr:lcFrELD, ?RECOll 97477 tsuildirg Diuisiot 726-37 53 %"r/E*, /rop ,%, bcl /,s bdJob Location: A3q il /lbfu- 9- Subdiui sicn: Asaagsors tb? tt 17 -DZ-3t_ti_r@ tot # DVD, L -7i,lz R Eur7o.tlAfite!, Addteae 439 .t/, +oZ f,f Ph.one #6*3+il ci Deae?iba ilork i a.1 AdCition Atsnt/L wooJ tTotl{ W Ranodal CortlacEo"s tiarc Addtese Li scl Ect;.tes Phone # lleetdaL tteciunical ConstnEtion Lctden REQUIRED INSPECTIONS !t ls th€ responsibility of the permit holder to see th3t a]..L irspections are nade at the P:roPer time, that each address is readabLe frsn thc street, and that tha pernit card is located at the f:ont of the PloPertya .{11 raanholes and cleanouts arc tc be adjusted at no cost to the Clty SITE I}JSPECTICN:;ffi;ffi-ii; for,ns. EINAL PLUI,IBING FINAL ELECTRIC.TL HTNAL MECHANICI.L To bc made after grior to set up of EIREPLACE materiaLs DRWAI,L INSPEC"IICN:ffilll6frffiis Prior to placiag facing and before frasing To be made in pJ.ace, IIOODSTOVES: After installation !I@ea. UIIDERSLAB PLUI{BrNG, ELECT-o,rC.qL 6 HECHAIIICAL: To be nrade before anyi6iFco.,ered. tioa. FRA}II!{G: approval Must be reguested after of nough plunbing, ca1 6 mechanical-. A]'i roofing, bracing 6 chirnneys, etc. must be conPleted. No work Ls to be con- cealed until this inspection has been nade and approvcd. CURB t APPROACH APP.ON:i!.eE;cteaffi concrete. After forrns to pcuring FOOTIIIG 6 FOUUDATION: To be made ffi;EE;E-::cavated and forms ane erected, but pricr to pouring concrete. I,}IDERGROUND PLUHBI}IG, SEITER, I{ATER, DRAIIIAGE: To be nade prior to fiJ.- Ling trenches. MIDERFLOOR PLUI'IBI}'G 6 I.IECHANICAL:@"rfloor insulaticn or decking. POST 6 BEAH: To be rade prior to frsta-ii#n of floon insulation or Cecking. ROUCH PLUMBING, ELECTP.TC.{L 6 MEC!{- AllCIlL3 llo vork is to be covered GEthese inspections have been naCe and approved. SIDEWALK 6 DRIVEIiAY: For aLl con-6.6ffii6 street right- of-way, te be l?ade after al,.} exca- rating ccmglete 6 forrn rork 6 sub- base trEteri31 in place. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION : required vapor barrnielrs are in Place but before any 1ath, gypst!! board or wa1l covering is applied' and any insulatiou is concealed.OTHER INSPECTI0NS: may bc required in accor:dance t ith Building CoCe, to be. indicateC in ;Ians or by no- tice fiorn Building Inspector. A1I proj required but prior to any taping. }IASoNRY: Steel tocation, bond Effi}:.outing cr verticais in accoFdance with U'B.c. Sectiou 2r+15. ect conditions, such as the installation of street trees, coEPletion of the , landscapingr €tc.r must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDIIIG: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final P!.urnbing Electlical, and Mechanical Inspections have been maCe a:rd agprcved llo occupancy of the premises c3n be made until the Fiaal Buifding Inspection has been made and appnot'ed, and a CERTIFICATE 0F OCCUPANCY HAS BEE}I ISSUED BY THE BUILDII:G DIVI- SICN AND PCSTED ON THE PREI,IISES. PROCEDURE FoR INSPECTIoN REQUEST: Call 726-3769 (reccrder)state your City designated job ;unrber, job adz,ress, typL of inspection requested and when you will bo ready for inspec- tion, eontracto?s or Osners nane and phone nunbers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. nill be nade the sare day, requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be road.e the next uorking dav' youR crry DEST.NATED JoB Nu{sER rc,7/07qf ziP I z4>7 t--l Getural ,a) I Page 2 I JOB :'III}IEER.R.EFERENCE NIPIBERS L-COG ,-, Lot Faees: DT Houee ,il"ed€ Ilorth South [,leat occLrP.{!{cY cRor_rP :,'cte" He4te? ZONE BEDROO}!S So'-.:":es ;rte0thet TYPEI COIJSTRI]CTION SetbacksLot Scuate Fta- :" 2f IJOE Coltef ed. :i" of _Stortee'-'ctaL HeLdh! -c?ogrqa,! Lot Type Inteior Coznet Tlt"l.s oenntt is gtotted on the esp?€ss erndi:':on thct the ;.zid eo?lstntet,aon shall, in ali 'tes?ecie, eonfon to tiu }ydinaneee ,liopted by the Ct;7 o;' Spzlngfield, inol:tiing the Zoning 2tdinoee, reVtlatlng:7,e ccn- etrtction and. usa of b"tildinge, oti tay be s'teperd.ei on ranoked a! ozg tine upon oiolaticn oi drl gro.si- eione of dai.d, Ctdittotcee. BU ILD I N C V ALLIc / PERIIIT PLut Check lee tld # Date Paid . Ftg. Sarage Ftg. Caqon! TO?A|, CH.4RCES Sutehnooe PLI]MBING PMTLN Saser No pe?eot ahaLl, conattuct, inattll, ellet cr ehoqe dry neu or eaiatittg plunbing or dtzinage sys-.qr inulcle or in pet, Latlese sueh peteote ie :he legal pogaesao" o! a ualil. plurber'e Licerae, .-acezt ihat a pelson ncV & phnbing dork to pyc?ev?! wiach is ottrad, Leaed o" operated bg the qtlicant. 5IETE.4.L State Sutclutge ?ATAL CAEGES ELECIRICN PERI,III !!a,t o" l,llete Sfu+.e ta't requitea that the eiaot-lcai, uor.k be done bg an Electrical Cctttractot, tha elecL*)cai por-tiotl cf tlria pe*nit sllall not be uai,i.d, untii the la-bel lu,a been sigaed bg the ilec*iccl Ccntueto". The Eleetytcal, Safety Ia,t does not requ-:ye c ?elsonto obtain a Lieetae ae ot ,zlectrleicn arl/cy elee-triq,! co,tttd,ctcr b make ot electrical ina=:Llatica on p"o?e"ty uhich ie ouned bg h*rce1i or a -atbe: oflrta itrnedicxe iadly ulrieh is not u*enied ic;" sale-, Lease cr rent. Cq:st?uc:ion SUg?O|AL MECEA!|IC.4L PSMIT Esl@/st Hood, Vent ?ot l,lood SABTAHL ElICRCACHMElE Seeur)1eposit !.lainenque I gAW CAREPUUY EXAMINED the cotpleted applicatioa fot peztrit, a|d, deh?ntV ce*ify tlat atl infonation hereon- ie tzae otd, coitect, crd, I Ptln, c*t.)fy that @ry awl aLL tnrk petfonted shall be fune i., aooot-dance utih the rbdinowgs of th1 cita -of sprtngfield, and. the Lan of theState of 1rcgat pettaining to fhe wtk deeqibe.d hetein, md. tt@t NO OC-cWAnCI vtLL be mde of dtq Bta.ctwe vttlput pemrrlesicn of ttu BuildingDi,sision.. I f,ttth* obti,ig that ottlg eottrac'tote -ra ,WLA.Z"-f,rb orcin carpliance ttLth 2RS z01.0SS urill be used oa.-his ptoject. Petmit AltoultT D!!E Sidettalk llectrical tnbal AI,lOUtl? DUE I Aiuisian qplsed plc,t slull rqtein on the Building at aLLtines.f,@J ) aa