HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1986-08-11.. RESIDE.-TIAL..?ceeict c SPRINGFTEL.DAPPLICATION/PERTE? 225 North ith Stneet SprtngfieLd, Ot,egon 7Z4ZZ Building Ditsision 726-37 53 "tob [acaticn Aasesso"s \tap fl stbdiuision: A.mer: Address * 0/__.'tr|,ry ge) Additicn RenoCel a ,,oorrn uoo"f-r \ -Kb C DateDatc of Apo Licaticn Val-ue sc. i r-7 ( Ttr Iae Iat # 0 7 fl Phone: ,-^r ^ GeneraL Pluncirn Slee L t.le:i.,.tt'.ic.zL I Construeticn Leruiet !: is lhe resconaibility of tie permit holder to see that aL?. inspections ate nade at the prope" tine, that ecch ,;r,,4ness ie vsa:a-e-_2irom the at?eet, anc tlat the penrtt eatd is. Loeated. at thi f?cnt'of tto oioo"rty. - 'zuildrY Diuisioz ac-proxeci plan sicll tenain or-tiu Ei:iii"b'!ii" "" aLL times.r'lc:'13""'5 Fn? iitsP""rrcil.E-Z-?||?ST.'CALL726-3769 (reeord.er) state uou" City d.esignared job nw::ber-,1.;1,i"1'^"!-".-5',at'":en'gou -uiLL be reariy for ix.socexion, contrdex"i"- ", a)ne"s ncsne cnc i'rone nutnocr. "LLL oe naae the sane dcy, ?eouests nctie cfxet z:00 an tiLL be nace t,+.e-)cc;;"k;;''L". (to o-ss (p , job aibess, t'lre oj irsoee=icn Peoues=s receitec be;cre 7:!3 c-. lcut, City Desigra.ted Job Number Isl l l l l x l l .: l X J--: i.-,'S-ai;:--r.1,: To ce macie after€rcald.ti.cnt cut prtcr b set up of lorme. I!]S?!CTIC)J : ;U aL IENCC: Men conplete -- fuoviCe aatea o? mouable aections through P. U.E. macie bei'ore cn11 o,tlDtr.i. ?ICI]:It. .Tdbe tm.Ce are escauated andate enecxed., but prior to POUTPIr,g ccnerex€. oe naae requ:-yed uqoor ba,riers az,e in place but__before ozy Lath, gEpsu\ bcarC or LaLL coue?ing is c:ri;red, cnd. beforeoty insutation is <::-;cealed. .F '- -DRIHALL IIIFP!C?IC:,.: -c be nade a1'ter aLL Cryuail is in plaee,but prior to any taping. MASOII!?I: SteeL Location, bond beans, atouting or uerticals in aeeoz,dotce Lrith U,B.C. gection WOODST),TE: After instatlation isarnpleted. CURB & APPRCAC\| App)N: After formsee ereeteC but prion to potring conc?ete. SfDEWALX !, DRftTHAy: For aLL eon- c?ete pauirq uithin stz,eet tight-of-tx!, to be made after aLL isca- oatinq carrplete & fotn utork & sub- base rmterial in place. Sani;at1 seser capnei:t propetty Line Septic tank p:rcea and filled vtth grc.-ei Pincl - trthen cocue itens are cclaZeteiati dten iencl'-tion is eo::=Le:e o? st-rr-tuye nauei anc ptetrtses cleanei u>. tlcbile ticnei eouct,ed. afte:: form;; AiIICAL: -. untlL th' ma.d.e and. FIIIAL PLWBIIIC FINAL I{ECHA\IICAL FITIAL ELEENICAL ttencnes. ;,lo 'ao?k is to Dc cse inspeetiors lnue been approued. -[ or to 1 uaomrzocR !,LU:BritG & titcltAltrcAL: -t 'J2 be maae ppic" to instalLation of floor insulciion o? deckina. POST AllD BEAU: ?o be nad.e priot toinstallaticn of floon insulation ot, decking. FIPEPL.AQE: h-iot to plccixg lacinomcterlals arul before frarting inspee_tion. FPJllIllC: ltust be tequested after approual of rouoh plunbing, elect?i-cal & neciunieal. ALI roofirq braeing I ehinmcys, ete. m.tst beeonpleted. lto uctk is to be con-cecleri unttl this inspeetton l,rr,s been nade anC apptoued. l l o ALL project conditions, such ad the installation of a!"eet trees, eoryLetion ol t?e required Landsccpittg, ctc., ilast be sattsfied before the BUfLDniC FMAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDINI: The Final Buildittg Inspection iast be requested cfter the linal PlwtbingElectrieal, otC !,leeinrieal Inspeetzons igve been nad,e afr acprot;ed.. Blocking otd. Set-up Pltnbing connections -- a.ue? al. ucter Elecfi,ical Ccnnection - Blockin-c, set-u= anC plwnbing connections r;st be aVprcx'et beforc requesting elee:rical inspec-=io- Aeeessor; BuilCing Final - After pcrches, skirting, decl<s,ete. are conple)ed. Pege 1 of 2,ALL I,AT:HCLES AND CLEANOWS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS?:E1I? ?O BE I.:ADE I.? I]O '95? TO CT?Y ,fu, L-CO G* Lot Faees -_Elt?!gl_ founeep Tute Setbaeks P. L.House Carade Access. tlo"th Eost South Hooaatove I,lest Bedroals i-ot Sq. Ft€. z cf Lct Coterage I of Stories Iotal Height lopography _ Interiot _ Cormer _ Panhand.le _ CUl-de-sac lieat TOTAL VALUE (S.D.C. I.5 c Dui.Lding PemLt State ?otal Clarges - r :r'. ?i.t..tes ).esiiettti-a.L ( i bath) Seuer Plutbtt:a Perrtt Building Volue & Permit This pernrit is gnanted on the ezpress condition tlat the said-constntetion shall, in all respeets, eonform to the Ordinance adopte,T by the City of Spningfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, r'egulcting the ccnsttacticn otd use of buildings, otd may be suspended or reookeC dt c.r.y tzne upon uic- Lation of qnl prcui-sions of said Ordinances. Reeeipt # Plumbing Permit No pereon sltall construct, install., alter or clnnge cny neD cr e:isti.ng plutnbing or drainage systen in uhole or in part, unless such censon is the LegaL possessor of a ualid plumber's License, ercept tl"at a De:son nay dc plunbing uotk to p?opet,t! uhich is oumed, Leased or operateti by the appli- cant. FEE 1 x Value PLan Cheek Fee: Date Paid at I t.= Electricol Permit l{net,e State La; reouites ti,:at the eleetrical uork be done by an glectyieaT Contraexor, the eleeu,ieal portion of titis pernit siu.Ll tot be taiii ut:-:il tize Label ilas been aigned by tTze Eleetrical Conxrcctor. aa/Ezterui Ciretits Seruiee St.te Total /s-* ,.@ / s.60 t:: ,s a Mechonicol Permit siunst HooC ent Fot 'codsto;te aofdoe :rmit tbeut .Ceualk ,bile Hone Perw[t Issuance Mechanicel Permit -- Ei,tcRcAcHt4E!1? -- ?ataL I Plant Exaninet, I HAW CAREFALLY 9XAUINED t?te eotnpleted application for permit, cnd da hereby eertify that aLL irfotmation het,eon is true art4 correex, atz.C f futther eertify that any ard aLL uotk perfotned slall be done i.t aeco?- dance ,.ritlt the Ordinences of the City of Spningfield, atd thc Lc;s of thc State of Oregcn pertainino to the uot'k Ceseribcd henein, cnd tint N0 OCCU- Pl.ilCI oill be nade of any st?uetu"e uithout permissiot of the Sui.lding Di-vision. f further certif;i that otly eont?actops a;d enplcyees uho are in conpliance uith CRS 701.055 aiLL be used on this pr.oject f-t ,?AL A,'1OU\T DUE:'.@ 1 Signed Date 1-tL JoB No. ffl O5SbsoLAR Acc€ss REe.-