HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1994-01-31d-1-- - S]>IIINGI:IELE,ftmagRESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections: 726'3769 Of fice: 726'3759 Zfr, JOB NUMT]EI] 225 Fif tlt Strtrct Sprlnglicltl, OrcUon 07'177 rnx Lo'n suRDrvtsroN, --Lj sQ l'la.f i-e LOCNTION OF PNOT'OSED WORK -&R3S.A&5- Ll\AOt\ bb t7023141NSSESSORS MAP: LOT:\a BLOCK: owN ER: -S!e-v1Dq Pa'lna- --plr()Nr:: 344-9270 zw: - 9740L0regonslnrIctrY: -E-ug-qne - - ADDRESS:889 Randal I Street DESCRT BE woRl(: -- construcLlupler----- NEw - X--- REMoDEL ADDlrloN ot llF_nDEMOLISII MECHA NICAL: -,. - '-- ELECTRICAL: --*- C E.N EI']AL:Steve DeP t)t-UMBING: - Pl loNE 344-9270 EXPllll:S 4/ t0/ e4 (loNs;1. oc)NIllACl()ll / 59757 ADDRT-:SS qlqq_-889 Rqnda1,1 -St, , - Eugene CONTRACTOR'S NN ME ouAD AREA: - -3RNC - , oF BLJGS,--- l-- - - oCCY GRoUP:.- R3 & M # OF STORIES: - 2 - WATER HEATER: -E-- - -- - _ OFFICE USE - LAND USE: - -LU0 // Ot. UNITS: - 2- CONSTrI. -l'Yl'E: VN llEAl' SOtlllcr: BE tIANGE: ------ -E-- - FLOOI) PLAIN: -. - ZONING CODI]: _. MDR ltc)FBt)nMS: 2 + 2 SECONDn HY lll-:A1: I 9 00t: h uc SOUANE [-l TemPorarY lilectriclr Sitc lnsPecliotr - To lle tnade alter excavalion, btrt prior to setlinO fornrs' Underslab Plunrllirrg/ Elaclrical / Mechanical - Prior to cover' Fooling - Alter lrencltes arc excavaled. ions rccluestecl lletorc 7:00 a'rn. wlll bc owinq work daY. Filral Plunrbirrg - Wlrcn nll plrrrnbinl; worl< is cotrtlllctt-'. To request an lnspection, you must call 726-3769. Thls ls a24 hour recording' All inspect nracJe thc same workinll day, lnspectlons requeslec! after 7:00 a'm' will bc tnacle the fctll REOUTRED INSPECTIONS ffi Rough Mechanical - llrior lo I i-ll;.-, (.()vct. tI Foun<.tation - Aftcr fornts arc erectcd but Prior to corlcrctc placcmcnt. Urrclerg;routr<l Plttnrbirrl; - Prior to Iilling trcnclt. | .,-l Urtderlloor Pltrrrrbirrg/Mocltanicalt-'lu Prior to insulation or dccking' Masonry - St<.'cl lot;:rtlon, b<'rtlt! bcatns, grotttitrg' Post and Bcatrl - [)rior to floor insulation or dccl<ing' Floor lrrstrlation - Prior lo decking. SanitarY Sewer - Prior to fillittg lrench. Storm Scwer - Prior to lllllng trench. Walcr Line - l'rlor to lilllng trcncll. Rouglr Plumbing - Prior to covcr. Elcctrical Service - Mtt:;l lrr-' approvc(l lo obtailr pcrrll;lltr)lll electrlcal l)owor. J---l Fireplace - l)rior lo f;rt:itrt;U rnatcrlals :rrr<l ltatttirtl; ltt:;1t. ITI Frarrrirx, - l)tior lo r;r)vttr'' ll-l WatllCeilitlg ltrstrl:tliott - lirior t() LAJ cover. l-X I OrVwntl - lrtior lo l;tltitrtl' Rough Elccttic:rl - Prior to cov()r Wood Stove - Altcr 'll''t rll;lli,rl lrrserl - AItor firclllirco ;tplrttrv:tl and installaliorr of tttrit. Sidewalk & DrivewaY - AItttr excavali()rl is coln;rlr.ltr-'' [ottrtl; and sub-base rnatr-:ri:tl in pl;tt:tt' Fonce - Wltr:lr c()ltll)l(:lr)(l Slreot Tt'ecs - Wllcrr ;rll rt:tlttitlrl trees are plarrted. x-l lil Firral Btril<lirrg; - Wlttrr all rec;ui rt-'tJ ins;rc'c Iiotr:; Itave llctltl a1r;ltttvctl atr<l lrtriltlirrrl is r:trtrrl rlr:lt:tl. tl O llrcr MOIsILE I-IOME INSPE TIONS Firtal Elcclrical - Wlren all r:locttical woll< is cotttl-llcle' Pltrrrrbirrg Cotltrecliorrs - Wlten hotrtc has becn contrr-'cted to watcr and scwer. lxl LJ I]j II til ril Lil l'- 'l Rlockirlg alrd Stlt'U1r - Wlrr.lrr alll-J bl,-lct.irtg is cr-rtrtlrlctr-'. m tl l' "l Eleclrical Conrrecliolt - Wlten | - J l.ll<lcltirlg, scl'l',p, arl(, l)lurlllrin{, insJrections ltavc l'rcctt apptovr:tl antl tlre horno is conneclcd t<l Illo :iervic(] Piltlcl. IJ Firral - Altcr all rerlttired ln:;;:ccti<>ns arc a1:lrrovecl ittttl porclres, sl<irli rrrl, tlecl<s, arr<l ventinl; lt;tvc Llcr.:tt installetl x v 1 kr Firral Mecltatrical - Wlrrlrr all rrroclr;rnical work is cotrlllloto. Curbcul & APlrroach - Af tr-'t fornts arc err.'cted btrt llriot Irt placement of concrcte. Lol l:tt;cs Lot s<1. ftg. l-ot <:ovct;rgc Topograplty Total lreigltt l-()t lyl)() -. --- - lntcrior - --- Conrr-'t. -.-- Panlrantllc -..-- Cttl'clt:'sat: 5()ll);rcl(s - P.L-- N GAN ncc rll l-HE l'2l:lot']OSt:D WORK lN Tl-lE IIISTORICN L DISTRICT, ON ON I'I.IE HIS'TORICAL REGISTER? --._ -. lI yes, t]ris zrpl:lication rnust l)e signctl :rnd approved by thc Historlcal Coorrlinator prior to permit issuance. N PPROVED: 2ZL rJ W E BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT Tlris perrrrit is grarrted on the cxpress conditiorl that tlte said con:itruction sltall, in all respects, conlorm to the Ordinance adopted by tlrc City of Sprlnglield, including the Developmcnt Co(le, regulating lhe construction ;rncl use o( l-luil<1ings, an(t nt:ly be susllendcd or revoked at any tilne upon violartion of any provisions of said ordinanccs. Plan chcck [:cc: . Pg-f -l1q-t],r l'lirrrs l lcvlcwcrl l.iy [);rtt: Date [);ticl Rc<:t:ipt Nurrtbcr: llor:t:ivctl By: -2,0Q0 BUILDING PERMIT LESS FOUNDATION (A) 400 N91 SO. FT. 1560 ITEM Mairr Garagc Carport VALUE 87,67,2_ 5,640_ Tolal Valuc Rull<lirrg l)rlt tttiI ljet.' Slirlr-l liltrclt:tr11r: 'folirl l't:r: x $/so. Fl. 56.20 14. 10 Syste[ns Developrrtcnt Chargc is due'on all undevcloped properties wlthln tlrc City litrtits wlriclt are being irnJ;rovccl. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CI{ARGE (SDC) (B) 2 , 146.83 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Planner - Mel Oberst ITEM Fixtu res Resldential Bath(s) Sanitary Sewer Water 'Stornt Scwer Mobile l'lontc [: l.: t: I N0 FT. FT. l:T. PLUMBING PERMIT Plunrblrtg Pcrrllit St:rtc Sttrcltitrge -fotal Cllar0e Obta'ined wi th Foundati on Permi t (c) MECHANICAL PERMIT l.u rnacc Exlraust t'loo<l (2) Verlt F.rn No 4 Wootl Stove/ lnscrt / Fi re1;lace Urlit Drycr Vcnt 2 6,00 Mcchanical Pelrnit (D) 9.00 12. 00 __ __27..04 10.00 . _--1-35 _ __ _xB_-35 lssuance State Surclrarge Total Permlt By signature, I st;rte .rtl(l ;lUre(,, tlrat I ltave carcf ttlly cxatnitrod tlre cornplctecl altplication ancl do ltereby certify tltat all inlonrration lrereon ls truc and corrcct, and I lurther ccrtif y that any and all worl< lterlormetl shall bc done in accordance with the Ordlnance s of the City of Springf ield, and the Laws of tlre State of Orcgon pertalning to the worl< describecl lrercin, ancl that NO OCCUPANCY will l.rc made of any structure witl'rout pcrmission of tlre Buildlng Satety Division. I lurther ccrtify llrat only conlractors and crnployees who arc ln compliernce witl't ORS 701.055 will llc ttsed on tlris pro jcct. I f urther agree to etrsure that all recluircd inspcctions are requestcd at the proper time, that each address is rcadable from the strcet, that tlle permlt card ls locatcd at tllc fronl approved set of lrlans will remain Slgnature Datc €r of the property, ar1(l ttl on thc site at all tit during construclion MTSCELLANEOUS PERMTTS Mobile Home State lssuance State Surclrar(te Sicrewark g:4 t, curbcut ,jr)r - ,, D() rnolitiorl stato surcllar0c Plan Check Fee Total Mlscellaneous Permlts (E) 20. 00 ffffi VN LIDN'ION: NECE,IPT NUMB q R.- TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding eloctric (4, B, C, D, ;rrttl E Cornbirrt:rl) DATE PAID AMOUNT RECEIV nECf:lVt:D B' 312 JOB NO.Qtg NAME OR COMPANY: LOCATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET (coMt'IERcIAL & RESIDENTIAL) *- Nelnt DOPDEYDEVELOPMENT TYPE:Mo BUiLDING SIZE: I. STORM DRAiNAGE IMPERVIoUS SQ.FT. 2 NITA -C IT NO. OF PFU'S (See Reverse) 3 TRANS PO RTAT I ON 2 NO OF UNITS X TRIP RATE X COST PER TRIP SIZ l?gb x $0.1e2 PER sQ- FT. X $39.78 PER PFU x $401.05 x $401.05 x $40 I .0s sQ. Fr. 2 X X X 0,3 $ $ 4 suBTorAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2, & 3) $ l151ca ADMINiSTRATiVE FEES BASE CHARGT (SUBT0TAL AB0VE) X .os TOTAL-CITY SDC 5. SANITARY SEWER-MhlMC NO. OF PFU'S ZZ $13.62 PER PFU + $10 MrlMC ADMIN. rw- Sbolb! (Use PFU Total From Item 2 Above) Mt^lMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) Kip Burdick SDC Coordinator TOTAL-MWMC SDC TOTAL SDC jg 12 lleBts $zt+u g, * l$45 61 FIXTURE UNIT CALCUIATIOT'I TABLE: ruumner of New Fixtures X U' For remodels, calculate only the NE[ additional fixtures) NUMBER OF FIXTURE TYPE NEW FITTURES Bathtub....... Drinking Fountain...... Floor Drain.. I nterceptors For Grease/Oil /Solids/Etc""""""""' I nterceptors For Sand/Auto Wash/Etc"""""" " "" Laundry Tub/Clotheswasher Clotheswasher - 3 Or More-., :quivalent = Fixture Units (N(?TE: UNIT FIXTURE EQUIVALENT UNITS -4- 2 1 2 3 6 2 6 b 1 3 2 1/Head 2 2 1 6 4 Mobile Home Park Trap (1 Per Trailer).""""""""' Receptor For RefrigeratorAVater Station/Etc"""" Receptor For Commercial Sink/Dishwasher/Etc" Shower, Single Stall......--....- Shower, Gang............. Sink, Bar, Commercial Urinal, StallflVall.......... L -T- Wash Basin /Lavatory, Single..L 2 Water Closet, Public lnstallation.- Water Closet, Private....-E lVliscellaneous: TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS 2Z cREDlr CALCUI-ATIoN TABLE: Based on assessed value. lf improvements occurred after annexation date in table' calculate credits separates- 2 ,8\X$29 se 1 Credit for Parcel or Land Only lf Applicable lmprovement (if after annexation date) (Rate X Assessed Value)x$ (Rate X Assessed Value) CREDIT TOTAL = $ RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR STORM DRAINAGE * Year Annexed Rate per $1,000 Assessed Value Year Annexed Rate per $1,000 Assessed Value 1979 or before 1980 1 981 1982 1983 1984 $2.83 2.76 2.71 2.60 2.46 2.33 1 985 1986 1 987 1988 1989 1 990 1991 $2.16 1.90 1.60 0.25 0.87 0.50 0.16 IMPERVIOUS AREA = TOTAL LOT SIZE X RUNOFF COEFFIC]ENT au ?- RESID ENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections:726'3769 Of tice: 726'3759 sIDt llN(;F tLL[)9Mafl_JOB NUMBER 225 Flftlr Strccl Sprlngfielcl, Orcgon 97477Zfr, LocAroN oF pFroposED woRK: {lJh3 q tA.,3S \*x1 TAX LOT: ASSESSORS LOT:BLOCK suBDtvlstor.r: l=i5n-Mar..i-e- lons retlucsled l>clorc 7:00 a.trt. wlll bt. owing worl< daY. l_l Firral l'ltrntbirrc; - Wlrcn itll lrltrrrtbin g; worl( ls ct.rtttplctrr. 1o rcrlucst an insl.rection, you lllust call 726'3769. Thls ls a 24 hour rccortlinl;' All inspcct madc the same working clay, inspcctlons requested after 7:00 a'ttr' will llc rnndo tlrc toll REOUIRED INSPECTIONS l---.] TcmporarY Electric ll l'_..l Site lnsPecliorr - -[o bo made L-J 2J1sy cxc.valio6, btrt ptior to setlinll lorttts. Understab Plunrbirrg / Eleclrical / Meclrartical - Prior to cover' Rotrglr Mccl-ranical - l'rior ltt cover. Rouglr Elecllical - l-tirrr lr'r cov()r. covcr. Firr:rl Elr:ctrical - Wlrcn ;rll r:lr:t:tricitl w<rt k is t;otrtlrlott:.ll MasonrY - Stccl location, bond beams, groutltrg. m Foun<Jation - Alter [ortrts are ereclcd llut Prior to conclete placement. tn Urrctcrgrouncl Plumtrirrg - Prior to lilling trench' m Underlloor Plunrbing / Mechatrical - Prior to lnsulatiorr or dcckitrg' Post and Beam - Prior to floor insulation or dccl<ing. Ftoor lrrsulation - Prior to decklng. [_-l Frarnitrg - l)rlor Io c()vc'r' | _] otltcr---- Wall/Ceiling lnsulatiorr - [)tiot t(r m t:] rl Footing - nftcr trenches arc excavated. SanitarY Sewer - Prior to f illing trench. Stornr Sewcr - Prior to lillln<; trench. Waler Llrre - I)rlor lo fllllng trench. Rouglr Plumbing - Prior lo cover. Elcclrical Scrvicc - Mttst lrt: apprclvctl to obtairr l)crttl;ltlollt elcctrical powcr. [----l Fireotaco - [)rior to lacltrgU malerlals ancl lrarnirrg lnsJr. | 'l Firral Mecltrrriical - Wlrcn allI I rrrcclralical w(rrl( is corn;llete. | .-l Firral Btrildirrrl - Wlrcn alll-J requitecl lnspoctiorts llavc boctr approved and buildin<; is <:otnpletccl. MOBILE HOME INSPE TIONS tl Blocking and Set'UP - Wltr:rt all blocklrrg Is colrlPlclc. l--1 Plurnbitrg Corrtrectiorrs - WltenlJ lrorrrC 5as ltcen COnne6te(l lo wator and scweI. [-l OrYwall - Prior to tapitl(J [--l Wooct Slovo - Af tcr lnstallatit'rtl lnsert - A(tcr firclrlace altptr-rvitl and lnstallatlotr o( trrrit' Curbcul & A1>Proaclt - AIlcr forms arc creoted lrut ptior ltt placetncrrI of concrctc. Siclewalk & Drivew:rY - Af tt:t cxcavati<ltt it; cotttllltlte, lorttt:i atrd strb-lr;tsc lttatcri:tl itt pl;tt;rl Fotrco - Wllerr c()llllll(llr'rl Streol Tt'oas - Wllr:rl all l'rtrlttilr-'(l trees arc plarrletl. l' -l Electrical Cotlllecliott - \AJlrnn | --l l.llockirl!1, sel'Lll), irtttl lrltltrrbinl; irrslrcclions ltavc l-leotr al)provc(l an<l tlre llorrtt-' ls cotlrtectc(J to llte l;ctvice;lattel. I - I Final - Altr-'r all rctlrtiretll--l inspcctlons are approve<J and porchcs, sklrtlntl, clcc[<s, antl vcrrtln0 ltavc been lttstallctl' ctrY: -- Euge]l.e- Pr'roNti: -- 344=927 0--- srArE: - 0regon zrp: - 9.7-407' ADDRESS: __q8_9._Ban da l l--!Lre,qt-,-_ _- -- ow N E B : __!-! g_V g _ De P,a-1 D EScR T B E wo Fr K: - Ep un-da tlol--an d-ulderf 'l oQ-r -p-lumbing o n ly f o r Iu p l ex NEW X HEMODEL ADDITION DEMOLISIJ -o'rflEn GENERAL: ---Stqvq Depalqrq---- -889-Randa,l-l - Street' ' ADDI-lF:SSCONTRACTOR'S NAME PHONE 344-9?70-. EXPIFIES 4lr0l94 - ()oNliT. coN I rlncroR ' Eugene 59757 1)LUMBING: MECHANICAL: ------ _ OFFICE USE - LAND USE: - 1120 , OF UNITS. 2 CONSTN. TYI'I-' . VN FIEnT SOUnCli: - BE RANGE: . .-. E I:LOOD I)LAIN:. -. zoNlN(; CoDti:.-MDR r ot= lJDtlMS: 2 + 2- SECoNDA HY tlEnT: 0 - 3RNC 1 R3&M L::91 ca h u nWNIER HEAI-E,I]: - l;oun tl[:, t: OUAD AREA: -- ;I OF BLDGS: - OCCY GFIOUP:.-- z OF STORIES:.-L -E Y rl E tl r rl tl Lot lat;cs Lot sct. ltg. Lot covcrage Topograplty Tolal heiglrt Lot -ly1Ll -- lrrterior -__ Corncr ---* l)arrlrandlc --. Cul-de-sac Setb;rcks P.L. 1 ro TllE PIIOPOSED WOFIK lN THE I.IISTORICN L OISTRICI, OR ON TFIE HISTORICAL REGISTER? _- lf yes, this appllcatlon must be slgned and approvccl by the Historical Coor(linator prior to permit issuance. APPROVED: N ._9 Gnn ACC BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT Tlrls permlt ls grarttcd on tlte cxpress condition that the silid constructlon shall, in all respects, corlforrn to the Oftllnance aclopted by the City of Springfield, including thc Dcvr-.loprncnt Co<lc, regtrlating the construclion and trse of buildings, and tn;ty l.rc suspenclcd or rcvol(ed at any lilno upon violzrtion of any provlsions of said ordinances. Rcceipt Nunrber:-. Plarrs [lcvicwecl []y Datc Plan Check Fee: Date Paid Beceivcrl By - Foundatjon 0n1y (A) X $/SQ. FT.VN LUE 2 ,000. 00 Total Value Building Perrnit Foe Statc Surclr;rtge Total Fee 2,000.00 - J2-.50 1. 63 34.13 BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. Main Caragc Carport Systerns Developrncnt Charge is due on all uncteveloped properties wlthin tlrc City lirrrits whiclt are being inrprovecl. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (R) ADDITIONAL COMMENTSPLU MBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures llesirlsrrtial tl;rtlr(s) N" 1 eaCh {i;rrritrrty Scwr:r [:l' I:EE 182.40 (c) *IU.A0 __ -_-3-12 _ J9A-52 Plumblng Pennit State Surcharge Total Charge Watcr Storm Sewer Mobile Honte !:f. Wood Stovc/ lnsert/ Fi reltlacc Unlt Dryer Vcnt (D) NoVent Fan Mcclranical Portttlt lssuance State Surchar0e Total Permlt By slgnature, I state and agree, that I have carcf ully examined the completed alrplicatlon and do herelry certify that all lnformation hereon is true and correct, and I f urther certily that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with tlre Ordinances of the City of Sprlngfield, and the Laws of tlre State of Oregon pertalning to lhe work describcd lrcreln, and that NO OCCUPANCY will bc tnade of any structurc without perrnission ot tlte Buildlrrg Safety Divislon. I furthcr ccrtity tllat only contmctors ancl ctnployees who arc lrr cornpliance wltlr ORS 701.055 wlll bc u:ied on thi:l project. I lurtlrcr agrce to cnsurc that all rcquirecl inspections :rro rcquested at tlre proper time, that each address is rcadable the permlt card ls locate(l at tl)c f ront the approved sct of plans wlll rernaln S ig nalu re Date Q-t6^F lrom tlro street, ol tlre proper an on the site at ll r s during construction. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Moblle l-lonre State lssuance State Surcharge Slrlewalk ---- lt Curbcut ---,.- lt Demolltion Statc Surcharge Total Mlscellaneous Permlts (E) VALI DAI'ION: NECEIPT NUMBEN D.ATE PAID AMOUNT R NECEIVET) I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (exclutling elcctrical) (A, B, C, D, arrd E Cotrtbincd) 2?5.65 BYr. IV I'ISE E MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace . Exhaust Hood -ADDRESS-283 N 40TH ST 285 DESCR: DUPLEX -OWNER_ STEVE DEPALMA 889 RANDALL STREET EUGENE, OR 9740L -INFO- NEW RESIDENTIAL LL2O OO1-02 g-FOUNDATIONS ONLY OO2-OO5-PLUMBING OO3-OO2-BUILDTNG PERMIT OO4-OO6-MECHANICAL OO5-087-MECHANICAL ISSUAN OO6-013-SIDEWALK O07 -OL?-CURBCUT OO8-061-RES PLAN CHECK OO9-OO4-ELECTRICAL 010-070-sDc/sroRM 011-071-SDC/SANTTARY oL2-07 2-SDCITRANSP 0r-3-073-SDC/ADMTN O]-4-055-REGTONAL SEWER BUILDING DIVISION JOB# 930928 -LEGAL-LOT 18 BLOCK LISA MARIE 0000000000000 344-9277 0 _ENERGY- HEAT]"-BE 2- HzO_ E RANGE_E INSULATION PATH- FINAL -VALUE- 933L2 93O92O / 940613 -STATS-BLDG ZONE MDR STORIES FLOODPLAIN BEDRM OCC GRP R3 UNITS sQ FEET t-960 CONST TYPE VN 1 2 4 2 QUAD AREA 3RNC sEQ-REQUIRED pERMITS- -------FEE--SURCHARGE--DATE--RECPT--CAT-------VALUE -CONTRACTORS- GENL-STEVE DEPALMA CONTRACTOR PHONE_344_927 O PLMB- ELECT-HAUCK HAMMER MECH- DESGN_ r-.63 93091532 t82 409 27 l_0 L4 L4 20 L70 342 875 539 87 301 50 40 00 00 00 80 80 00 00 72 16 81 88 26 9.L2 9 20.45 9 0.00 9 8.50 9 0.00 90.00 9 3 09r.5 40r-31 4013 1 40t-31 401-3r- 4013 1 4 01- 31 4013L 4 0131 4 0131 4013 1 4013 1 4 0131 LO27 6 LO27 6 LL499 LL499 LL499 LL499 LL499 LL499 LL499 LL499 LL499 Lt499 Lt499 LL499 601 510 103 520 613 6L2 500 2, 000 91 , 31_ 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t-.35 90.00 90.00 90.00 9 0.00 90.00 90.00 9 SEQ_MINIMUM INSPECTIONS + REQUIREMENTS-- -_EXP DATE---ACT DATE- 001-002-FoorrNG OO2-OO3-FOUNDATION OO3-02 O-UNDERGROUND PLUM OO4_02 1-UNDERFLOOR PLUMB OO5-13 1-UNDERFLOOR MECHAN OO6-OO5-POST & BEAM OO7-OOg_INSULATION FLOOR OO8-02 6-SANITARY SEWER OO9-027-STORM SEWER O1O_024-WATER LINE O ].1-02 3-ROUGH PLUMBING O 1-2-O 3 I_ROUGH MECHANICAL 013-042-ROUGH ELECTRIC OL4_0 A_ELECTRIC SERVICE 015-OO6-FRAMING 016-OO9-INSULATION 017-011_-DRYWALL O 1 8 - O 9 O -DRI VEWAY/CURBCUT 019_091-STDEWALK O2O-02g-FINAL PLUMBING O2L_O g-FINAL ELECTRICAL 022-03 g-FINAL MECHANICAL 023-01g-FINAL BUILDING 0?4-OLA-SPECTAL NO OCCY UNTIL SEWER OK/D. 940 r_07 930924 940513 94042L 940404 94 0 31_ 1_ 9403L4 940309 940309 94 0 314 940 31-8 940406 94042L 94042L 94 052 3 940523 94 0609 94061 3 BRANCH SEQ--INSPECTTONS -COMMENTS------- -----DATE---RSLT--INSP OO],_02 ]--UNDERFLOOR PLUMB OO2-O2O-UNDERGROUND PLUM OO3-OO3-FOUNDATION OO4-042-ROUGH ELECTRIC OO5-044-ELECTRIC SERVICE O O 6-02 3_ROUGH PLUMBING OO7-OO6-FRAMING OO 8-03 I-ROUGH MECHANICAL OO9-OO9-INSULATION O]-O-024-WATER LTNE OLT_027_STORM SEWER 01-2-01_l_-DRWALL 01.3-091-SIDEWALK OL4-027-STORM SEWER 0 1 5 - 0 9 0 -DRr VEWAY/CURBCUT 0 1 6 - 0 9 0 -DRr VEWAY/CURBCUT OL7 _O 26_SANITARY SEWER 01.8-02 g-FTNAL PLUMBTNG O]. 9-04 g-FINAL ELECTRICAL O2O-02g_FINAL PLUMBING O2 1-03 g-FINAL MECHANICAL O22_O1g-FINAL BUILDING 023-01g-FINAL BUILDING WALLS A/H C/N FINAL 930924 930924 940LO7 9403 09 940309 940311 9403L4 94 0 314 94 0 318 940404 940404 940406 94042]- 94042L 94042L 94042L 940513 94 0 516 940523 940523 940609 94 0 610 940613 WIR 28oK 28oK 25oK 50oK 50oK 28oK 38oK 38oK 38OK 28POK 28 38 46 28 46 46 38 28 50 28 OK OK OK OK OK OK NR OK OK OK 28 59 59 NOTOK OK Ci,TY OF SPR OBEGO'U 225 EI,rr,E SlRBEf, SPRINGPTELD, OREGON 97477 INSPBCTION RE0UEST: 726-3769 OPPICE: '726-3759 r)rro SPRINGFIELE, as submttted has the iequire sPecilic land uoe ETACTRI CAL PERHIT APPLICATION City Job Nunber BEB SCMDUI^E BELOS A Nev Residential-Single or MuIti-FamilY Per dvelling unit. Service Included: I tems The lollowing Proiact zoning, and does ttot epproval. Zonin llar lopt fa1.OP IAGAL DESCRIPTION Permi ts non-transferable and exPire 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Hanuf'd Home or Modular Dvelling Servlce or Feeder Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amPs - 401 amps to 600 amps -- 601 amps to 1000 amps- 0ver 1000 amps/volts - Reconnect 0nIY 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amPs - Over 401 to 600 amps 0ver 600 amps or 1t)O0 voTI Cost Sum g Bs.oo l-cc" $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ ss.0o $ 80.00 s see rrBrr aE6G- cog if work is not started vithin 180 days of i""u"nce or if vork ls suspended for 180 days. 2. COI.IITACTOR INSTALI,ATION ONLY Electrical Contracto r f[*. Address a ,,,,'a i 'i,, B c D. 00 00 00 00 00 00 50. 60. 100. 130 $ $ $ $ci ('\?b Supervisor License Number $300(')$40 Expiration Date Constr Contr. Number Expiration Pate ,-3-9 Y Slgnature of Electrician Owners Name Address Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation , ^.- a Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel one Circuit S 35'00 Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit - $ 2.00 Hiscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/OutIine Light ing- Limited Energy/Res Limi ted uner[y/comm -SUBTOTAL OP ABOVB 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL 27 Phone 2D The installation is beirig made on ptop".ty I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, Iease or rent. Omers Signature: Ci ty OgNER DATE: B 5 $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 s 36.00 RECEIVED phone 7'i'( lttJ le/ti L/U"i ) @