HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1989-03-03P. GFIELO {i,, DflELOPMENT SEAY'CES i.Dt,t i't,ts7 EAi ioN rl-r i r. lJ i tr.L'tLtt tV:- _:i : .'. c.^S 225FiFTHS:::ii SP R i ^:G F I E LD. CA :,-J :; r 5031 Zi : -' :': i !.----.*.- r,i j: -i,', i::: ,.,:'. - i:,,,:.. - March 3,1989 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Patrick Bitner 267 #? S. 40th Street Springfielo,0R 97478 c6 Dear Hr. Bitner: The property_listeo on the attached form is in violatfon of a Sprfngfielo CityCooe ano/or Oroinance. Rather than issuing a citation or takinb infreoiate 1elalaction, it is the City's standard practice to inform citizens oi the violatioiano request that it be correcteo within a reasonable time. The attache<t form specifles the violation, the corrections necessary in order tocomply with the applicable Cooe/0roinance, ano the date by which yo-ur correctiveaction must be completed. In the event that you have not taken corrective actlon by the assigneo timedeaollne, the matter will be referreo to rhe City Attornly's 0ffic6 for furtheractl on. -l Thank-you for your attentlon .to this matter. If you have any questions regaroingthis letter, the violation, or the requireo corrlction, pleisd contact th;Springfie'lo Planning an6 Builoing Department 17?6-3ls9i.' copy: .'ioe Leahy, l.ssistant City At-"or.rey Tl:- .9lcere1y, ; .t';,.t t- /u,- / i i t - i. {r.a_ it-/' .,/'acki e Murooch .,Associ ate P'l anner/Cooe Enforcement @-'"' (i, ,t\li I F**tu Ci ty of Sprf ng f i e'l o Development Services Pl anni ng and Bui 1 oi ng Department 225 North 5th Street Springfielo,0R 97477 DATE: LOCATI ON: SPECIFIC VIOLATION: REQUIRED CORRECTION: INFORI,TAL CONFERENCE : DEADLINE FOR COMPLIANCE: I NSPECTOR: cAsE #60 Copy to: Property 0yrner - March 3, i989 ?67 #2 S. 40th Street Section 5-1-1 (3) (o) ano (j) of the Springfielo City Cooe (copy attacheo). Two inoperable vehicles and many vehic'le parts are located in public view at this 1 ocati on. In an effort to eliminate conoitions which may aoverse'ly affect cormunity economic stability ano to promote pleasant neighborhoods, used material s ano inoperable vehicles must either be removed or screened from view by "a structure or enclosure of a permanent nature affixed to the grouno" (builoing orsolio fence). If you wish to meet with the Code Enforcement 0fflcerto further discuss the violatlon, you may attend anlnformal conference on March 16, 1989 at 9:00 a.m. atthe Plannlng and Bu:ilolng Department, 225 N. 5th Street, Springflelo 1726-3759). If thls tlme ls not convenlent and you wlsh to scheoule another tlme, you must do so prlor to 4:30 p.m. of the oay before the scheouleo conference. Thirty (30) oays frorn the oate of this letter orApril l, 1989. Jackie Murooch Hay Sharr ?3?5 E Street Springfielo,0R 97477 (