HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1986-08-01ti: .. RESIDE- TIAL.. APPLICATTON/PERTTI? 225 North ith Stneet Sprtngfteld" Onegon 97477 Buildtng Dioision 7 26-37 s3 Job Iocaticn:3 s 'Aesesaors Map tt t AO ) 3 /Iaz Iat fl SPRINGFIEL.D C bz-oe Sttbdi'uieion: Antet: Address: Additicn -fu ,//o/c- t-_l Describe Hork:e^t; l^.,^^(C*+e,tt^g-) RenoCel Date of tonx?actors ceneral C4) 8^ ( -Kt ff Zuc Date: Value -( - O T/+ Plwtbinc SLectrical tieciur.ie,zL Construetion Leruiet !-! is the responsibililV of tne permtt hol.d,er to aee that aL! itspections dte nal,e at the p?ope? tiln., that 4s.aft c,l,l-sss is vsaraAi2 -trom the at?eet, anC tltct the permtt eard is Located at the f"ant of the DroDeptutzuild.ing Diuicio- aopro"*ed pian sic.LZ remain on the Buildr-ng st tc 'at aLL- tin;;:" ?.2oCfD'/.?g Foq I.ysP?gnil3i--qyES?:CALL726-3769 (reeorder) stdte you! City desigra.xed. job nto;:ber, job a/:ir:ess, tyTe of irsoec=icn :j,7"::"1--1-a,al.en gou.uiLL be reatiy for inspcetion, cont"dcvcts cl, outners nctne Lni pitore nutbct,.' -p.qrn"r, teleiliei be:cre' z:co ci':rLL be made the sone dcy, ?equests naie cftet ?:00 an ttill be naCe the ncct :sotking aay. g 00fiw6Icut' City Desigated Job Number fs ---] s::: r.'j-c-:ji::J-:,.. I ezcaoaticn, but IO7m3. Io be made after prLor tc set up of iiisL,LATION/VApOR B.ARRIER MSpXCTIC)J : ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn ed. required oapor borie?s @e in placebt* befoz,e oty Lath, Wpsum bcarC or m.LL eouering is applied, aad beforeoty insulation is concealed. r: DRYWALL filSPIC?I?N: TcalVer-aii creyuii-ts Ln be nade place, but ptior to cng ta?Lng MASONR!: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or uetticcls in a.ceordorce uith A.B.C. Section 24L5. WOODS?OVE:@a.After install,ation is 0P ::cv!) Sanitary seuet capped =t progerXg Lit:e Septic totk y"ned and filled tith Vatei Pinal - hhen abct"te :utens ate cdfi)Lete: and uhen Cqtolition is conclete or. si:t:-tute noueC ani pnr.rLses eieanei up. -l UilDE.CSLAB pLutBrilc. qLEC?qIC,1L &I |ECI!.!.;:IC;L: To be maae before inu_-,/b?K LS COOeled. I ropr.rnc t routtotrrcn: To be np,CeI aftetl xreneizes are escauated and. fonns ate enected, but ptiot, to pou?ar.g ccnc?eta. - ultDgRcpoultD pLuMprlc. sswEp. ht.A?ER. ) DR4IIIAGE: To be nnae prion to fil-Lir4 irenehee. 1 awtlrtoaR pLUr.Enc & HECIANTcAL: -) To be maae pricr to installation of floor insulction or decking. 1 posr AttD BEAI4: To be nad.e opiot to) Asca*acl;n o;' f-toon inst;-tazion or &ckittg. - ROI]Cil PLI]IDI!]C. ELENPTCAL A InECH- I - w:til these inspeetions lunte been node arui aoproued.. I PLPEPLACE: Px,Lot to plceirq factng -) n1terials and before froning inepel-tion. 1 fnal:tnc: I'tust be tequested aftet ) app"ornl of rough plttr,bing, n1"i*i-cal & neelunieal. ALL roofing btactttg e ehinmcys, ete. rrust be . conpleted. llo lprk is to be can- . cecled unttl thie itapection laa-''beet rad.e anC appwoed. CURB & APPRCAC.| AppON: After forns@,;Ztect;A-bltt pii to pottrtng . l FTilAL PLUI4BIIIC FTilAL IECHAIIICAL FIIIAL ELEORICAL eoncrete. gfDEitALX & DR|,,WAY: For all con- erete pa'oing uithin street right-of-txA, to be nade after all esca- oating canplete & forn usotk & sub- fu.se natettal in pla,ce. g lZlgEt hhen eonplete -- ptouiCe lA) gate6 op mouable aectians through - b.u.t. ALL pro,ieet conditions, such ae the i.nstallation of etteet trees, co:toletion of ile required Lardsccpirq' atc., tast be oatisfied before the BUILDI\I7 FIIiAL can be requested. FIiIAL BUILDLNG: The Final BuiUing fnspection rzrat;t be requested cfter the Pinat PlmbingElectrical, otd. tteciurical fnspect:iorls 'irloe been nad.e ad'approved,. t!obi licnes Blocking otd. Set-:,tp Pltnbing connections -- aclrey ol. ucler ElectricaL Ccmnection - Blockin-2, ae-.-u. and. plwnbing conneetions m:st be apptc"*bi before requesting eleelrtcal insptectio- Aeeessory- BuilCing Pital - After pcrches, skirting, decl<,s,ete. @e conpleled. Page 7 of 2 l 'ALL |IANHCLES AltD CLEANOWS Wgl 8E ACCESSTBLE, ADJASil.;E TO BE tt4DE /lT UO CgSa TO erly AA-+ ) tr JOB "" tb O.EsQGso LAR Acc€ s s R Ee.- /Corst:decroons:[at Sq. Fi€. i of Lct Caserage ! of stories lotal Height ?opography Interior _ Cor.tter _ Panhand.Le _ CUl-de-sac iieat Ha LACC tpt Faces -Enerou Setbaeks DI House Caraae Access. No"th Eas t South toue West ::r:.1 Building Volue & Permit ?his pertnt t is granted on the erpress eond.ition trat the sairi eonsttwction sha.Ll, in al.L respects, eonforn to the Ordinance edopte,l 6iy the City of Spr-ing field, ineluding' the 2oning C,d itani e, r e oulcting thL ccn s t rui tiZ n otd .use of buildings, and ma.y be suspended or yeuoke! -ot "-y time upon oic-l.ation of @ty prcoisions of said ?rd,inances, TOTAL VALUE LUC!n^r<- x l'aLuc Euild:r.ng PerwLt State ?otcl Cltarges :::i.' :esiienti.al (i bath) znitatry Seuer Stdte Slg,ci2e,ae Date Paid: Receipt # Sigreti FE.a!.,a^: Plumbing Permit No person slall constntct, install-, alter or ehanae anu neD cy e:istircc p-Lunt2irq cr drainage systen in ahole or in part, "urles"s sueh person is'theLegal possessor of a oalid plwnbet,s License, e.seeot tha.t a D'e?scn may Ccpltnbing uork to pyope"ty uhieh is oumed, Leased or operateti'by the ippli-cant. s t.'- I I I e Ca tL-Electricol Permit l{nere state La) "eoui?es tiu.t the electrical uork be done bu en liectrieci Contracxot,, tize eleetrical portion of this pernit sitcll not, 'ce tcii ur..,::-;tize 'tabel ius been sigmei by the Elecxtieal Conxrccacy. ;s/Ezteni Circuits Total Ci:ctces '-;.t _'. - a:--f.1j .l lViechoniccll Permit zi"arct Hood )oisto!e CeuaLk Pen:it issumec Meciwnical Pennt -- Ei]CRCACH\.:E:]T -- PLan Tatal Cnanoc: I HAW CAREFULLY EXNIINED tle conpleted acpT-ication for pernit, cnd d.chereby certif_y that aLL irfonnetion hereon is ttue ani cotreex, cnl ffurther ecrtifs- that any arti aLL uotk perforned shatl be done ;., n.eor- tiance tritlt the 2rdinances of the CitA of Springfietd., anC the Lcxs of thestate of oregcn pcrtaininc to the wtk cescribcd herein, cnd ti:tt uo cccu- PAnqy ditl iie naCe of ant st?ueture uithout pennission of the Euild.inc Di-oision. f further certifi; that otly eontrac"to"s a;-d enplcyees uho arle ineonpliance uith 1RS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this pz,ojeet 43e Z bile llcnte (i, {. oo TAL A,',!OUiiT D!J|:I S- 02 / Date _16 .r.L-CO G- ILTCD I