HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-04-18r\oTrFiED .4-IE-81' ?.cce'-it !.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s itorth st;t streeA.?Lr cAru,Y /PERl"trr Spr-ngfield, 1regon 97177 Building ?iuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFIINGFTEI.D Date: PLwbiu |Lectr|ccL Co48t?rc";rrr Lilz!_ I^t ia :he reaconeibi-Li;9 of .the perzrt; holdat b see lhat al! inspectiorl.s @e nad,e at lhe propet t1h€, tl3ct ash ddtess is tea;ai'>efron the streec, cnC that the pexzrit cad, ie l,ccated at the froat'of th,e crooetttt. '3uiUir4 T|uiciot ctpro"'ed pbt shc.il rena-in on tllE tsuildinb s-Jtc bt "1t'#Zi.' 49eE2UP9t ?oq \rsPSfIClt.l-i-C{zst:CALL726-3769 (yecorCer) state lout City desigz,zteC job m.c,ber., jeb .,ti-ess, tupe 1371e1ccC c--ti .u::en gou iLL be reaiy ybr ir-spcction, Corltrdctcr" ctr A.z.:s- r,-rr. -crd. pirnte auzbct..' e"qrirru ruZeii;'ed''zLL be t=de thc set:s C.cg, re'fres:s na;,e cfta ?:00 cn viLL be noie the nest.,ntking'dcg. Iour City'Desigra.ted, Jab ,tlunbe: Is: -S4L:stnt of inspec2icn belcre ?:O0 - a\ \L\ te bt il 17ffr qru, Asoesoors :rq I l7b->'Zt Job bca'-icn: strbd,i.isicn: lar fuJilion brlorfttt il^+ 1v\r 'L:rer..' Ad*o.sa: c?qq N. ?1fr qlrat 746*+56 IPlone ;*-lrl,, Deecribe Work: 1I\ conqlro.tian o{ q nQ,tP tr i-!er"r.otrIuon \ t*-SU,.n1 JM E )lqs *6' *1C.r-t ,-l v,h,/ 5500 -Data of App lia,:icn ACI!ticn RenoCeL *\a'/nq n,A*-cercral Wtel fIUlslS L1 l'--] Sr-i.I l:ts?irn:t :I la'"ffi;i; - 1'crrns. wo-ilsL-A3 ?:1,:/srxc. zL?c:Prc,it,iACi):liCAL: ?o be notie beioie cnytrrt is covcted. To be tnie aflet p}*zcr tc ae, u? ol 'lC:l: to be taCe s crs e.ccud.ted crd, i]SLILA?IO N /VAPOR BARRIIR I IISPICTIOII : To be tm."i.e after aLL insttkticn ei required oqor bo-Jera @e i,n pIaee b-ut before ag la,th, ggpsun boatC or rnLL coueting is aglied, otd. befcre oty irsulation is concealed. Sanilcy seoet eqced =t propet4i lite Septic totk gttpeC a;d frlleC uith gr.i;ei fcr:ns cte etecceci, but ptio" topurir4 cancteta. ;-l nTtF6?r,rlD ?aL?,t3::tc. .sjrr.?. zlrs.?.J Lir4 zrncice. ' uuc*s:ccR ?aagn:c I :1=czAltIC;!:r t lo be iDE. pricr -,o tnszallatzon of fbor inaui.c.tiot or deckilg. V st .t;to zt::t: ro bi .aie p''-or to; I ffiffiioi fioon iwuitior cr dzckitq. r 30t.cE ?ai13!:!C. aEr9!:Aa ) itrici- ur-='-L ;hese -Jr.scecaioz,s h;va. beer,naie z.l qprcie=. Fi.?:?r,l?:: 9-:Ior -a TLcc-Jr4 !cc-.r€nccertzia crd. before frz:tirg ineoec- iP-tul!i!C: iits: be reclected af:etqprc,ta! of rcugh pltrcir4, electr!- ca.L J aeci,anical. - AL! rcoiittg braelrq ! chilacgs, etc. llllsc- beconttlezcd. :!o .)cr< is to be cctt- - ceclad. uncll Jhis irscecictt is.a'been ruie anC cppaueZ. DRY,IALL flSPl1lOll: Tc be nude aiter aLL i*1,.tall is in pla,ce, but ptio" to ang '"apirg. ,VAS1l{?l: Steel Locatiott, fund. beans, atouting or oerticcls in accorbtce ,'nxh U.B.C, Section 2415. UO2DS?1'E: Aftet installation is anpleted. t CAB t APPRCACE .4P.o.CN: After fontsse etecxeC irut prior to patrJng conc?ete. SIDITALK d 2RITLA!: For aLL cott- ct, e t@-Eim s treet r-igizt-of-,xa, f,o be naCe a;'ter aL! ezca- uating eattolete I fon u:ork & eub- inse ntter,)al in place. ?!NC9: llhen conplete -- *ouiCe gates o? nouable sectians thtoughDtt? ',L - i{hen &cue itees ate cc:,toletei uhen iencl:.ticn is eatplete brct o"- aouo.C at pretaees e\ea>z,ed. up. @ri Age Ill Fi;:Ai P!.U:.:g!::c !I:I;L :.!E,A:ITCAL ?IIAL liifPrc;L ALL prc;ecx condi:icns, sucl es che i.nstcllct'-on oJ's:teet ,rees, 2g-lerion o;'the req-uired iarasccclrg, .tc,' last be sa*siied beiote the tsUiLiI,:C iIiAL can be reqested, ?:IAL tsUfLJI:lC: iA.e F'lnai 9uild,in4 Insoection rust be yeouestai :i:er the i,!.ttal ?LunbingileccriecL, orc t"leciu:"-iczl inscec=icns jtgue been naie arri'cccrouei. i!cnes tsLocking ord, Sac-up Plwbing connec=icns -- saie? orC uater EteetrtccZ Ccnneccion - Blocking, set-u= ord. gltnbing eo.nrcctions n:;st bL qprot:aC before teques+.')ng e'l-eclrical insoec=io;z Aeceseorl Builinng ?ir.zl - Aft* Vcrehes, sblrting, d,eci,-s, etc. ae ccroleled. 'Aii:lAl4clls AltD cLgAttows:!a9! gE.tcclst:31l, .qD,;asr:!a:i::o st:IIDE:,.! !t0 i2sr ?o crly ?ci'e 1 of 2 -Oil'i {or V ,,ou-tr" ro,,n ?as I )-aa 9 ']r;tz:u-! L llo"a4 .1aru t-est \o 5 Uest qq I i --::.r,...,?i'aLue !.1cin Accesscg -J!a! vALiL s.D.c. I.5: co (.\c\ St gted: ;:o r L3 I L.-A-L.L Res'jc.attial (1 bcrh) Se.ter $.N :iO. | .tJi i.:i_aGe llau/E-tend. Citetits Seruice \\\ ,,,1C. *harct EooC Vent lct 'JcoCsto:se tJ F. ?t De=osit Stor=ze !:*l,ntEr=:zee Pc:*it SUexLk L-I /8..ore Jo B No g( loa (/soLAt...ccEss REQ.-L-CO G* iat Sq.q 2 cJ' r*x Caverz.ge ../ii,xaricrI of Stor)es io;al larghz ?ogogqhl Corqet ?cnic:rile CUL-<ie-sac al, t aai -- Fees -- Teat JODE Building Vqlue & Permit This pertrtt ia gra*ed ot the eqrees cotdition ttat the said, constntcliorsiull, in all reseects, eonicrfl to the Crdinance tCocte,i by the Ci;1 ofSg1.nqfiel,l., ittclud-ng lhe Son"Jng Crdinanee, regtlcti*o ;hL ccnstrixiZnctd.use o1'builciin4s, old n=y be aucoetuied or rbvckeiit u,g tine ylon uic-ktion of a4 prcuisions of ZaiC 1riirances, Plumbing Permit to- person sha_ll cotzstruct, inatcll, alter or citatqe cna nea cr eeistir-g glur,b-irg or ircinage sgstai in aiole or in part, iurtesi such person ie' theLegal.possessor of a ualid olunberrs Licens'e, e.ce?t th.ct a pZ:son ra.7 dopltc,biitg work to properry ahich is odred, LeZaed. o:r og.rzt"i ig- tn" qeii.-@tt. Electricol Permi t \rhere stale i.an nequires that the electnical uork be &ne by ae llectrz.calcor.l;zwctor, Lhe electz'tcal poz-aiott of :his pez.:nit eb,c!1- rct- be oali.c ui;ci.ithe Label lae been ai.gned fu the Electr|cal' Contracto". Euidirq Perftit lotcl Chrgea PLwHtq Pert;it 1 Perrtt Stcte Pemrit fsstt?ce le:ianic=L Perrat -- z;ic;cAC:t:.:a:!7 -- *Ncx \\s.lJJ\6D 1 Mechqnicol Perm;f ne?e f EAW CA-RE?ULLY gX.+\filED tle comolete-d oolicaticn for pentti:, crti Cclere'oy cert'ify that aLL info=,atibn hereon- is tmte onC oZrrr.;', ,*t I f,etker eettii'g that any arC aLL xork cenfonred alall be dote ia acccr- dance tith tha Ordinsces of tha City oi Springfietd., otd. ;,hz Lai;s of iZet State of 1regcn pertainino to the wrk Cescribcd herein, od. :iu.s nO icc:.t- F.tXC:t ''nli ba ts,i.e of dry strwctrra uithcut gerntssion c7'the 3uiiding D.t-tision. ! !\lsthq certify thz,t o:tLy contraclors a-.d. xtplcgees uho eZ i;.:6.-oltance urth CRS ?07.055 aiLL be used on this project ),lobiia itarc 4\- -441 7 ..6tt.fr ^rt-- . 5 5..'q \. qr 5. {, { iiec'-r.Jcci Lcbel SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public tVorks I 885- I 9BS Springlield Centennial year November 19, 1984 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Platt 555 North 39th Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Dear Mr. Platt: The Springfield Building Code Administrative Code requires that, in order for apermit to remain valid, construction work authorized by it must begin within 180 days from the date of purchase of the permit. If work is suspended or abandoned during the course of construction for a period exceeding 180 days, the permit wjll automatically expire. If a permit has expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a project has not exceeded one year, a permit to start or resume work may be purchased for one half the fee requ'ired for a comparable new permit, provided that no changes have been made in the original p'lans and/or specifications. If a permit has not yet expired and a permit holder anticipates the need for moretime to begin construction work, the Superintendent of Building may choose togrant a one time extension of the permit not to exceed 180 days upon receipt fromthe permit holder of a written request explaining why the extension is necessary. The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records with regard to construction activity associated with your permit. Please advisethis office of your intentions with regard to the permit by ten (10) days from the date of this letter. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfie'ld Building Safety Division at 726-3659. Si nce re.ly, Li sa pper Building Safety Division attachments 225 North sth Street o Sprinsfield, Oresong7477 .5O3/726-3?05 JOB ADDRESS: 555 North 39th Street LAST ACTMTY DATE: May B, 1.984 OTHER: NO INSPECTION RECORDED: CURRENT STATUS OF PERIIIIT: VALID: However, your permit will expire on If you wish to request an -extension of your permit, please notify this office in writing prior to the above mentioned date. xx EXPIRED: Your permit expired on November B, t9B4 .* If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit must be applied for. *If the "expired" box, above, is checked and we do not hear from you by Novemher 29- 1gB4 (ten (10) days from the date of this letter),we will clear our files of all related information with regard to the permit. JoB #: 840266 _t' UNITED STATES POSTAL SEBVICE OFFIC1AL BU$il838 sEr{ DER lt{StRUCTrO}ts Prlnl yolr 0am, tidrut, ud aP Godr li $n tp.6 brlou,- CmDld! lras t, t, l, .ilt a or tb il,!n.,. AttrGlr b liut d trtlch I rpx! paillb, oth.rub. rtlh to b.cl d rilkL.. Endoo..rucb "R.lurn RlCclB Rtqul|bd". .dFcant l0 iloDir. RTBRN ? ollllll '"h."-r-r.rr.=a -rEqrsa--..* 'qrr..--:d --.-*. PENALTY FOR PRIVATE usE 3rc0 DE PARTMENY OF PUBLIC WORKS 225 lqonTb| so &krrr t spnilcrteuDr oREGo\g7 477 (Clty, State, and ZIP Code) -o @ ato 3 qc€ @@ ,m{G7z !motr!-t . SEiloER: Cornplets ilems 1, 2, 3, and 4. Add your address in the "RFIURN T0" spac8 0n reverse. (coilsulT PoSIrrtAsTES FoR FEES) tollowlng sorvlcs ls requostod (chock on8). Shotv lo whom and dals dollv6rBd D Sno*ro*n r, dal0, andaddross otdellvery.. z. E nrsrnrcrrD DELlvERy........ (no rssfichd &twty lec t8 charycd ln Ndltw, b rN tswn ',ccht tec.) L Tho 6 TOTAL E-I55 _a _0 3 3. ARTICLE ADORESSED Mr. Pl att 555 North 39th S eet l. wFe or srHvmr: Dneesrrnro EcenrrnEo Eapness urr- Errsunro Dcoo ARTICLE I,IUMEER P329 964 1,45 (Alsay!obbln slgnatur! ol rddresro o, egonl) I ha\,o rec6hr0d thc artlclo doscrlbod abovo. SIGNATUBE EAddressse EAurhoazed z 019840v OATE 6. ADDRESSEE'S AD0RESS (ontyl, 7. UI{ABIE TO OELIVER BECAUSE:EMPLOYEE'S tNtTtAts 7a. rGFC oo rovo.la sldo)(may