HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1987-01-20#.. RESID*{TIAL.. 225'North |th Street Spri,ngfield, 2regon 97477 Building Ntsision 7 26-37 53 Po# /czsz- -0/c- br-t*^td l-vt qq< | trl ( SPFTINGFIEI.D wLb6'y O Date: GeneraL : It ic tte respontibitity of tle pernrit hotd* b aee tlnt att inapec?iona ee nade at the prc?e" tine, tl,at each addteee is reaCabie fa n tle at?eet, @d tltat tha penrrit cati ie lacated at the frant of the propdtAiauttaiw uuicibi approt;ed pthn shall remain on thi a"+.|ai"g- si.t"'ot oll'l,rrn".- PROCEDUPE FOR IIISPEOI1N ffiqWs?:CALL726-3769(recordet) state your Citg des.Lgnated job mniber, job aCdteas, type of i,nspeelicn tequeeted ard uhen gou uiLL be ready for inspection, Cortttaeta?s o! Astters ranne and plnne rutmber. Requests receixed befcte 7:00 61t'"ill be tmde the sane dcy, ?equests nad.e aftet ?:00 @n urtll be trule the nest:,ntking day. ,eit Job Nurnber ,", g ?OC43Da^,..--) r---^^+:^-- rout' city Deaigr'ated Job Nwnbet' rs"- Job Iocaticn: Aesesooz,s Map #?az Lat #70 Subd*tision: A.met: zip Date of AppL' n Net) + Value-70 - Descr'ibe Work: Addtticn RanoCel )^c-a, Mealunical Page 1 of 2 SNE INSPECTION: e-.aoa;lo;;Tut ?o be rrude afterprior tc set up of forms UNDERSLAB PLAMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCHl-llfCAL: ?o be made befote any btork ia cooered. F))?ING & F)UNDATICN: Io be naCeAf6ffihe-s at,e eccaoated ard. forns ate erected, but prior to pouring ccncq,ete. UND9RGROUIID PLTJMEING. SEWER. WATER, DRAINAGE: ?o be nade pz"iot, to fil- @--renchee. UTIDERFLOOR PLUMBING & I4ECilANTCAL : o7 floor insul,ation or decking. ?ilIAL PLUMBIIIG PINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPECTTON : To be nade after aLL insulaticn ed required oapor boriet s @e in plaee but before any Lath, Wpsum boatC or tnLL cooering is applied, and. before ay insulation is eoncealed. DRYWALL INSPECIf)N: Ic be nade after,-dT@ls in plaee, but prior to any taping. TUSONRL: Steel Location, bond beons, gz,outirq or oerticals in ancordotce ttth U,B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTO-,'E: @ntpT;t;a. After installation is CURB & APPROA,CH APPON:After forns ' pouringee erecteC but prlor to concrete. SIDWALK & DR|IWAI: ?ot, aLL con- e"A; pa1rfrffi st?eet right- 2f-tny, to be nade aftet aLL eaca- oating canplete & forn wrk & sub- base rruterial in place. OR Sanitey saner capped et ptoperfu Line Septic totk y,r;tped and. fi.Lled trith gra;tel Final - lt1ten aboue itens are ecnpleted and uhen Cq,oliti,on is canplete o! st?uc- ture mooed otd prenrLses cleaneC up. Hcmes B1.ocking otd Set-up Plmbi.ng eonnectians -- aaie? otd. r,tater Electrical Comection - Bloeking, eet-up and plutnbing eonnections rrust be apprcxed before requesting eleetrLcal inspectiott Accessory BuilCing Piral - After pcrches, skirtittg, deeks, etc. ee completed. POST AID BEAM: ?o be made pr'tot, to ffitWof floot, itpulation or decking, ROUGE PLAIBII'IG. ELECTRICAL & MECE: ANICAL: No uork is to be cotseted wzbil these inspections lmse been nale attd appt ooed.. FIPEPLACE: PrLor to placirq facingmatettals ard before ft,aning inepee- tion. PRAI'|fNG: lifust be requested aftet cpproual of rough plutnbing, electri-q,l & nec?anical. ALL roofing' btactng & chinmcys, etc. tntst be iconpleted. llo wrk ie to be eon- ....- cealed until this tnspectton las ?been nnd,e anC apptooed. ALL project conditions, such ae the installation of slreet ttees, conpletion of the tequined Landscapit^.g, etc., rmtst be eatisfied before the BUILDfiIG FLNAL ean be tequested. FINAL BAILDI\I?: The Final Building Inspection m$t be requeated after the .Firal Plunbing Electrical, and Meclunical fnspections hq)e been nade and approued. \44 *ALL MAITHCLES AND CLEANOATS MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTI\EN? rO BE I"L4DE A? NO COS? lO Cny l-1 yt\ce: when complete -- Prouide L) @A or mooable sections thnough nP.U.E. t-J T q45 A), 31ra t//l Address: 44 S A./ . 3 E T f/ phone: 72 b-jqVe ZWtL llhn), 'trelQLtL^ ( //JY I L Z ^*Lt%JOB NO.AL A E SSR ERoS a.L-CO BeCtoons: Lot Faces -- Tloe'Enet ctu Sourees Setbaeks lleat Df IIouse Ca?aqe Aceess.Water lleatet North Raflge East Eireplace South Woodstoue I of Lot Couetage_ # of Stories Total Height LO? TWE _ Interiot _ Cormer _ Panlwndle _ Cvl-de-eac Lot Sq. Ftg. lopogaphy Ilest -- Fees -- SQ. FTG x Building Vqlue & Permit This penntt is gr.anted on the ezprels condition tl@t tlle sciil. eonstraction shall-, in aZL iespects, conforn to the 7rdinance adopted tiy the ci.tg of Springfield, inctuding the Zoning CYd'lnance, regulating the ccnstructicn and, use of buildings, otd may be suepended or reuokeC at cr,! time upon oic- T,ation of dry prcuisione of eaid Ordinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c Building Permit PLan State Date Paid: Receipt #:Total Clnrgee Signed ITEM CHARGE Plumbing Permit No pereon slnll construet, inetall, alter ot ehange anA ned cr esisting plutnbing on dtainage systan in uhole or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnbet,'s Lieense, escept that a pe?son nag do plunbing uork to propenty uhich is otrrted, Leased or opetated by the dppli- eant. Piztuz,es Resid,entia,L (1 bath) Sa,ter Plunbing Pernit State N at tr/Ett end. Circuit s Electricol Permit Wlere State La reqtires tlnt the electri-eal uotk be ilone bg an Eleetrieal Contractor,, the electrLcal portion of thds permi-t slnll not be oali.C. until the Label ltas been signed by the Electrical Contractor,.Semsice 60 .l State (. ?otal ZO * E*hanet Eood. FEE CAARCE I ,+ Mechqnicol Permit Vent Fdt llcodstotse Pemdt rssuqnce MeclnniceL Permit Sec,rity Dzposit Storage I'bintenance Perwit CYtbcttt Si.da,talk Electtieal Label Mobile ltane (. PLan Esaninet I EAW CAREFULLY ELAMINED the cornpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL infornation hez:eon is trae and. cotrect, otd I futtker eertify that ang ard aLL uork perforned slall be done in accor- dance rttth the 1rdinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laas of the* State of Oregon pertaining to the uoz,k Cescribed herein, qnd. tlat N0 O1CU- PANCY till be nade of an7 st"ucttne uithout pemniaeion of the Building DL- oision. f further eez,tify tlat only contraetors ord e:nplcyees uho a"e in conpliance dith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this p,oject ?otal TOTAL A],!OUN? DUE: *3(.7n (a Date -{1 Total Charoes State Swchmqe Penee THE HOUSING AUTHORITY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES AGENCY OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON PURCHASE ORDER NOT VALTD tN EXCESS OF $100.00 Unless Approved on Llnes 1&2 Below Mail Invoice to: HACSA of Lane County Attn: Larry Abel 177 Day Island Road Eugene, OR 974OtdFffrr--6..-zs2-D Shoi.r PO/l on Invoice, ShlPment or Correspondence Check Appropriote Boxes: .g{aterial Picked Up fl Ship Prepaid to Agency El NET tr - Discount INVO DATE ,rv7o._r) QTY.uNn PIICE Dtsc. %NEr A iOUXT^CCOUNT COOC CHAIG€D Divis ion/Ob i ec t /Program ot/ 3,/ ,)- e DCSCRIPTlON flr-"-7- fr€H./7 "Scller wqrrontr thot roduct rold or rryicc rendcred lo th. but.r lholl confiom lo the rtondordrthe p 651,Boond under thc OregonAa of l97C 29 U.S-C PL 9l-596) ond by O buyer moy return the Product $ordoei not conto'n to lha OSHA qndlor OSEA lto rolbr which do not onform u rhc oSt{A/oSEA :tandordr ond/or tcaulofiont nusl br correctcd by thc :aller ot tho regon Worlc/s Cornpcnrtion ndordr ond/or regulqlionr, fhc r rcoronoblc tim.." "NOTE: Thir purchor rubiea to oll opplicablc provirbr e required in the operatlon of this Agency and s they represent are an aPP roved budget charge. /-sqi2- ..2/r/2/{/*Z-9* Jtf -t- 3?4-./ NET TOTAI. by rho U. S. Drportncrr of lobor undcr frc Ocepotio nol So{'*y ond Heollh SB,l{-ORS 654.001 ro 55.1.295 ond 651.991). In thr evr nt lhr product rolC af tho olle/r oplion ond at:cltcr'r lrPanr. Scruicar per{ormed by thc or buyir al buyor't Grpln- io tha aYtnl rcller foilr ro aoko rhc op o_ notoriolr or rricrr o nd/or rcgulotiom prcmulgotcd Sofc Employmnr Aa of '1973 (: proP The the riot! (orr.crion within o of ORS BY DAIE 2 APPIOVED BY l_ c-14-28 OATE I hcvr brrn r*rivrd or pcr$onrcd old hcve bccn ocrrprd. DAII P0#Ne 102s2 oer= /* r? o.--?V Y" INVOICE NUMBER )