HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-03-09vu \ IN'PECTION IINE 72C3769 CITY INFORMATION TINE 72L3753col\t8tNA TION / PENMTI ng Permit lnfo: Wirh Attochedb- 5 dresr [egol -1 Phone m e0 Ro ooo '7cc Describe Work (i.e., Buiid Single Volue oI Work: Sq. Ftg. Access.!r\-ENERGY SOURCES: Hesl - Woter Heoler Sq. ftg. Moin Sq. Frg. Other -New --Add -Alter--ReP. -Fence-,Demo-Chonge/ Use _o$e. o*11t/* - A.r d C UI o0 Addrerr Phone (lics. no.)(expires)(nome)no.)DESIGN TEAM Primo E lectri col Slrucfurol Mechonicol CONTRACTORS (nome)(oddress)(lics. no.)(expire s)(phone no.) Cjt^)-ru-fGenerol Plumbinq E lectricol Me<hqnicoi ELECTR!CATPIUMBING MECHANICAT No. i FEE CHARGE No.i I rEE CHARGE NO.FEE I CHARGE I Eoch sinqle fixture Residence of -sq. ft, furnoce/burner lo -BTU'S Relocqted building (new fix. odditionol) New circuils, olterotions or exlensions Applionce vent seporote S.F. Re:idence (I both)SERVICES Slotionory evop. cooler Duplex (l both) eoch Temporqry Conslruclion Vent fqn with single duct Additionol both Amp:. Vent syslem oport from heoting or A,C, Woter tervice Mechonicol exhsust hood ond duct Sewer Wood stove/heoter Slorm Sewer TEEDERS Heot Pump Ampr. Air hondler lo r0,000 crM Air hondler over 10,000 cFM ISSUANCE OT PERMIT TOTAL CHARGES TOTAI. CHARGES WHERE STATE LAW REOUIRES lhot the Electricol work be done by rhe Electricol Conrtoctot. rho slxtricgl portion of this permit :holl not bc valid until o lobel hos been rignad by on Elcctricol Controctor ond ottoched to the elactricul ponel. TOIAI. CHARGES I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED rhe completeri opplicotion for permit, ond do hereby certify rhot oll informotion hereon is true ond correct, ond I furthercertify ihoi ony ond oll work performed :hoil be dcne in occordonce with the Ordinonces of the City of Springfield ond the Lows of the Stote of Oregonpertoining to ihe work described herin, ond lhot NO OCCUPANCY will be mode of ony strucrure without ihe permission of the Building Division. I furiherertlfy thot my tegitlrotion with the Builder's Boord i: in full force ond gFfect os required by ORS 70I.055, thot if exempt the bosis for exemption is noted heron, ond thol only subconlrocfors ond employees who ore in omplionce wirh ORS 7O1.055 will be used on this proiect. DA' Bosis for Builder's NAA{E (pleose FOR OFFICE USE ONI.Y Ftg. Other-x -Volue - ToTAL YAr.uAT pN Z@to;@- Arl ,15 .Type/Conrt.g-A/lt lood -Sq. crorp tVI-/ sq. Flg. Access Zone OrvFire Zone Bedrooms Flood Ploin .-t Storier-Occy nilr / Sq. Ftg. Moin x Vo lue x Yolue Systems Development Chorqe (I.5%) BUII.DING PERMIT Chorget ond Surchorges Plon Ck. Comm/lnd Fee b Plon Ck. Rer e,qf-/,i"s cL{t,CC o/, .41r-kl PTUMBING PERMIT Chorges ond Surcho rges Fence Demo Totol Comb. Permit ^ 1^, '^J'L,.) , e- ETECTRICAT PERMIT Chorges ond Surchorges Sidewolk MECHANIC.AT PERMIT Chorges ond Surchorges Curb Cut TOTAT 'o Lo,g3 , - .'4 7L4- c.l (oddress) Nttr-vrDl- 2o,ca t rlc a/c p.";^. COMBIN.ATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) l. Appliconr to furnish A. Job Address B. Legol Description F. Building permit informotion:I. exomple-construct single fomily house with on ottcgoroge 2. exomole-remodel existing goroge inlo fomily roon3. exompfe-convert single foiily r-esidence into restouront (chonge of use) G. Volue of work os definecj in Section 303 (o) of the Structuro I Specio lty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construction deloys, Building DivisiStoff must be oble to conlocl oppropriole p"rron, ..g,design informotion or iob site corrections, efc. ll. Abbreviored Plumbing, Mechonicol & Elecrriccl Scheciules A. Except where blonk spoces occur in the description poof the Mechonicol ond Electricol Scheciules, the oppiicr need fill-in only the No. Boxes odiocent to fhe opprop item(s) to be instolled B. Full Plumbing, Mechonicol, ond Electricol Schedules ore ovoiloble ot the Building Division '1 . To conserve sDoce on the permit form the scheduie: hove been obbrevioted 2. lf rhe item(s) to be instolled ore not covered on the. oted scheduies you should consult the fuil scheduler C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AN CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES lll. Applicont to sign oncj dote Whenever possible, the initiol opplicotion will be used os worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Sroff w prepore o typewriilen copy ond return it to the opplicont , the time the octuol permir is issued for his signotuie. lV. Fees ond Chorges Plon check fees ore due ond poyoble ot the time of snd no plons will be processed until these fees ore ofher fees ond chorges ore due ond poyoble when is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY the op poid. I the per I. exomple-tox lot I00, Lone County Mop Reference I7 03 432. exomple-Lot I. Block 3, 2nd Addition to Springfield EstoresNoif, JIof owner ond construction lender Energy Sources I -:*E-h.u"r*l**+!F/or forqed oir sos ( ,l. exomple-woter heoter., etectricol.,'or solor Squore footoge o. rolrotioilJ.- l. exomple-I_250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot gorogez. ex.o.mpte-ii new proiect, check new_if oddition, cheodd, etc. PERMIT VALIDATION CITY OF SPR!NGFIELD City Holl Springfield, Oregon Deportment of Public Works OFFICIAT RECEIPT 0. B 560ii2 Received For Amount R c D E. (t ed 1l (t1" ( ( ( (" ( ( ( ( AUTHORIZEO SIGNATURE (t il (r (t (,l (I :.1 SHEL r= Permit CIerk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: Additional Project lnformotion: -4- tgnqmesignoture L -l\ .t.I 4':'ry4f /'-t dote PTANS REVIEWED BY: Shr'tr ir I