HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2007-06-25OREGONCITY OF SPR'NG SPRIi'.D G 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 www. ci. sp ri n gf iel d. o r. us ?fr,DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT June 25, 2007 CERTIFIED AND HAND POSTED LETTER Oregon Dear Mr. Hail: Lawrence LeroY Hall 435 South 39'h Place Springfield, Oregon 97 47 8 Re: Notice and order to comply with The springfigi-{ Building Safety code.Administrative code Relative To The Unsafe And Substanaara iuilaing at 435 South 39s Place, Springfield, As a result of a recent inspection, the City of Springfield Community Services Division' Building Safety, has determined that the structure io.ut.i ati-he above referenced location' also known as Lane County Assessors Map #l7123f ++, ia* lo t Ol6l2,for reasons below' substandard and unsafe buildings as Jescribed in the Springfreta Building fafetV Code Administrative Code' Lane county Assessment and raxation rerords reveal thut yo,, are the ownsr of this property' Section 203 of the springfield Building safety code Administrative code crassifies structures which are structurAtij inlaequate or d;;;;"; to human life as unsafe' Section 1001 of the Springfield Housing'Code siecifies coniitions constituting substandard buildings' The following conditions include but are notTlmiied to conditions existing at the structures identified ulo"., "f""rsiffing them as substandard and unsafe buildings. 1. The structure is open and accessible and has created an attractive nuisance' No person in charge of prop.tty shall permit an open, "1.^*l stnrcture which is attractive' dangerous and accessible to children or which is ui"a for habitation by trespassers. The structure must be secured to Prevent access' 2. Damaged roof coverings and broken windows allow for weather infiltration' Every structure shall be weather protected to protect structural components from deterioration' 3. The property is not currently served with water service' The Housing code requires that each residence shall be provided with hot and cold running water' 4. The property is not currently served with electric service' Where there is electric power available within 300 feet of the building, such building shall be connected to electrical Power suPPlY. 5. Section 5.002 ( 1 X4X 1 0) 4.410 and 4.41 6 of the Springfield city code' . Improper Storage and removat oidrua'organic matter and debris. ised materials. Stored, damaged and/or inoperable vehicles. Lick of adequate garbage and rubbish storage and removal' Because the improper storage *iaitpJtitioiof waste creates a potentially serious public health hazudd.ud orguric-matter *i d.b.it must be stored in covered leak proof containers and be removed a minimum of once every sevex (7) d.aVs' It.is unlawful to park, store, leave or permit the parking or storage of any licensed or unlicensed motor vehicle which is in a rusted, wrLcked,-partially dismantled, inoperable or abandoned condition, whether attended or not, or any destruction derby vehicles or race cars or any Lawrence LeroY Hall 435 South 39s Place June25,2007 PageZ kind, upon any public or private property wlthil the city, unlesscompletely enclosed within u t.guiffi"r^itted Uuitding it ut is whoily or.entirely enclosed except for doors for use for ir$..r or egress. Nothinfherein shall_prohibit the storage of one (1) vehicle not in violation of otheiprovisions oittti, code, where the same is screened from public view within a tegatty p.r-itt"a building or behind a six foot (6') solid fence' Nothing herein shall prohibli th6 parking or storirig or a licensed, operable legally parked' recreational vehicle. Section 204 (b) of the Administrative Code provides procedures where the Building Official may ;"q;;ation of tfre premises when cited defici"n"i", represent an immediatehazardto life, limb, property or safety of the public or its occupants. The structure is currently unoccupied and tfr" o..upuncy of this itructure may not take plaie-until the above mentioned unsafe and substandard ionditions are corrected and approved by this office. Section 2OZ of thespringfield Housing Code requires that structures classified as substandard must eiiher 6e repaired ortemolishid. Therefore, this is your notice that you must secure permits to either rebuild or repair the structure where it is deficient' or demolish it. Section 104 of the Springfield Building Codes Administrative Code requires that the ."pui., must compfiwitfi the provisiois of the Structural, Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical Specialty Codes. If the building is to be rebuilt or repaired, plans-must be submitted to this offrce and permits obtained within 30 days of this notice' If the structure is to be demolished, appropriate permits must beobtained from this offrce and demolition must be started witfiin 3b days-of the date of this notice and must be completed within 60 daYs. Any person having any record, title or legal intereg! i1 $e building may apge{ from this Notice and order to the Building Board of Appils, provided that he appeal is made in writing and filed with the Building official within twenty (zo;'days from tlre date of service of this Notice and Order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waivertf uU right to an administrative hearing and determination of this matter. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated' If you have any questions' you may contact me at 726-3666. Robert Castile Building Inspector Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Code Enforcement Lisa Hopper, Building SafetY Joe Leahy, City Attomeys Office Springfi eld Police Department AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGONI I,SS County oflane I I, Guy Dixon, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: L I state that I am the Electrical Inspector for the Community Services Division, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. STATE OF OREGON, CountY of Lane On June 25,2007, GuY Dixon to be his voluntary act. Before me: appeared before me, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument Oregon My Commission )aar I state that in my capacity as Inspector, I posted at each portal of the structure commonly f.""*" +iS Soutf, :itn Place, Springfield.Oregon also known as Lane County Reference Number l7l23l44,tax Lot 0i6l iu "opy of the original of the attached certified and hand posted 1etter addressed to Lawrence Leroy Hall, 435 South 39t" Place, Springfield, Oregon 9'7477 onJune 25,2007. @ MY NANCY MACHADO NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON coMMlssloN N0.380103 COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 18, SEALOFFICIAL 2008 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGONI I ' SS. County oflane i I, Steve Graham being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am the Plumbing Inspector for the Community Services Division, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as Inspector, I photographed Guy Dixon posting each portal of the strucrure co*mlnty Lnown as +JS South 39s Place, Springfield, Oregon also known as Lane Counry Reference illumber 17123144,Tax Lot 01612, a copy of the original of the attached certified and hand posted letter addressed Lawrence Leroy Hall, 435 South 39th Place, Springfield, Oregon on June 25,2007. STATE OF OREGON, CountY of Lane On June 25,2007, Steve Graham personally appeared before me, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act. Before me: Notary Public for Oregon My Commission AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON) ) ss. County oflane ) I, Lisa Hopper, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: l. I state that I am the Building Safety Managemart Analyst in the community Services Division, Development Services Depar0ment, City of Springfield' Oregon' 2. I state that in mY caPacitY as Building SafetY Management Analyst, I prePared and mailed the attached-original and copy of the Certified Letter which is addressed to Lawrence LeroY Hall, 435 South 39e Place, Springheld, Oregon97478 by both regular and Certihed mail delivering said letters at the U.S. Post Office with postage fully prepaid thereon on June 25,2007 STATE OF OREGON, CountY of Lane On June 25, 2007, Lisa Hopper personally before me, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be her voluntary act. Before me: My Commission )cw{ @ MY NANCYMACHADO NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON coMMrsStoN No,380103 COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 18,2008 OFFICIAL ( ( I I i:l a t , I t t a. 'i r:J |l T* I -4 t I i - GG"_ \ f I n l- ri\r i .,{ "l.t d- I ''*.J a b a I I{ -?t\l" - { + .'I 6 "+.i"t - 'tt i l{t a* ), .Jl I.^--E i {# f'r"t- . t't r a r'i rlr r a. a i I FrL I t t'.\ I itr.l" - ]F-ff' r I + -r rr Iar, + a I Z f,/I -;ffil ffiF 1., \- i-!,:lit. \t ,rf E#l; E b---l c G tE ,--Fr klbefl :k? ,l TL3 f-t t ttr.t t ' 'r{[ h'{i!r .g L' l.r "" - l- t{-, I.1"r.'l t. . ''' .' .-'.{a' I .i,l+f*' tLI ,r' :'ri'3fi._ f. a t .tl #.t !a .(r t trtr a tJ al a I I, at tt' '1 {,d, *\F. ,- tr .t t'- a E*It, :tPf itnltJ' 1 t t t { a ;i!r td,t I a a a .t I Il I ,, ,t*l. I I l F 'I --.a q t= -+H.r g/ fa May 17,2007 CERTIFIED LETTER Lawrence Leroy Hall 435 South 39th Place Springfield, Oregon 97 478 Re: Notice and Order to Comply With The Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code Relative To The Unsafe And Substandard Building At 435 South 39th Place, Springfield, Oregon As a result of a recent inspection, the City of Springfield Community Services Division, Building Safety, has determined that the structure located at the above referenced location, also known as Lane County Assessors Map #17023144,TaxLot#01612, for reasons below, a substandard and unsafe building as described in the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code. Lane County Assessment and Taxation records reveal that you are the owner of this property. Section 203 of the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code classifies structures, which are structurally inadequate or dangerous to human life as unsafe. Section 1001 of the Housing Code specifies conditions constituting a substandard building. The following conditions include but are not limited to conditions existing at the structure identified above, classifying it as a substandard and unsafe building. 1. The above referenced location is occupied and currently without permanent electrical service. The occupants are supplying electrical service to the unit by use of an extension cord from 425 South 39th Place. The Oregon Electrical Specialty Code states in Article 2l0.25 "Branch circuits in dwelling units shall supply only loads within that dwelling unit or loads associated only with that dwelling unit." By using electrical power from another unit, both units are in violation and the use of the extension cord shall cease immediately. Where there is electric power available within 300 feet of the building, such building shall be connected to electrical power supply. 2. Section 5.002 (1X4)(10) 4.410 and4.416 of the Springfield City Code. Improper Storage and removal of dead organic matter and debris. Used materials. Stored, damaged and./or , inoperable vehicles. Lack of adequate garbage and rubbish storage and removal. Because the improper storage and disposition of waste creates a potentially serious public health hazard, dead organic matter and debris must be stored in covered leak proof containers and be removed a minimum of once every seven (7) days. It is unlawful to park, store, leave or permit the parking or storage of any licensed or unlicensed motor vehicle which is in a rusted, wrecked, partially dismantled, inoperable or abandoned Dear Mr. Hall: Substandard Building 435 South 39th Place May 17,2007 Page 2. within a legally permitted building or behind a six foot (6') solid fence. Nothing herein shall prohibit the parking or storing or a licensed, operable legally parked, recreational vehicle. 3. Damaged roof coverings and broken windows allow for weather infiltration. Every structure shall be weather protected so as to protect structural components from deterioration. The broken windows must be replaced immediately. Section 204 (b) of the administrative Code provides procedures where the Building Official may require vacation of the premises when cited deficiencies represent an immediatehazard to life, limb, property or safety of the public or its occupants. Notice is hereby served that the property is being posted to be vacated by 9:00 a.m. Monday, May 21,2007 due to the potential hazards to the occupants resulting from the above cited conditions. If you do not vacate the premise within the time frame specified, the City may seek compliance with the Building Safety Codes through legal recourse, which may include Municipal Court proceedings. Once the property has been vacated, occupancy shall not take place until the above mentioned unsafe and substandard conditions are corrected and approved by this office. Any person having any record, title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this Notice and Order to the Building Board of Appeals, provided that the appeal is made in writing and filed with the Building Official within two (2) days from the date of service of this Notice and Order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing and determination of this matter. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. If you have any questions, you may contact me at 726-3663. Sincerely, Guy Dixon Electrical lnspector Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Springfi eld Police D epartment Springfield Utility Board Code Enforcement Cheryl E Armstrong/Beverly E Broaddus 85321Nestle Way Pleasant Hill, Oregon 97455 Resident, 425 South 39th Place, Springfield, Oregon cc: PLID Letailed ProPertY RePort ite Address:435 S 39TH PL LANEcouNwREGIoNALLANDINFoRMATIoNDATABASE 16'12 Special lnterest Code: Page 1 of5 ITax Map -lt- Tax MaP S Map & Tax Lot #:17'02'3'14'0 A&TAccount#:0125185 PDF VicinitY MaP DetailMaP tl J u L-/ i! m 4E ct u, fi -ter0 B Street Name State PostDir Zip Code 97478 Update Date: CEm€t{i, Street TYPe PL ZiP+4 6692 Unit TYPe c020 Carrier Route st E q !a F -"{'T*r+ Site Address State Plane Coordinates Y-Coord:875496 X-Coord: 4271779 Site Address lnformation House Suffrx Predir 435 s Mailing CitY SPRINGFIELD Create Date: 1986'09'25 Land Use Land Use Code and DescriPtion: Use Code and DescriPtion: Zoning Zoning Jurisdiction: Parent Zone 1'. Boundary lnformation General lncorporated CitY Limits: Urban Growth Boundary: Fire Protection Providers: Node: Plan Designation: 2000 Census Tract: 2000 Block Group: Year Annexed: Annexation #: Approximate Acreage: SPR SPR N Display Current Metro Plan MaP 1902 7 1960 Unit 39TH OR Land use information has not been field verified' Code: DescriPtion: 1111 SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING S SINGLE FAMILY please verify zoning information with local iurisdiction Lane county overlay zones are not currently shown in RLID' Code: DescriPtion: SPR SPRINGFIELD LD LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Please verify boundary intormation with local jurisdiction' SPRINGFIELD SPRTNGFIELD 0.21 4, .tp://www.rlid.org/reports/Main_report_rlidstar.cfm?taxlot id:101609&site address_id:138317&prop_... 612212007 Convert to I I ,c 4rl Page2 of 5 BLID Detailed ProPertY RePort Approximate Square Footage: Environmental Findings Metro Flood Hazards: Metro Wetlands: FEMA Flood Hazard Zones FIRM MaP Number: 41039C1161F Code: x Soils Soil MaP Unit Number: 32 9,148 Please verify environmental information with local jurisdiction' SoilTYPe DescriPtion: COBURG.URBAN LAND COMPLEX Country UNITED STATES Note; Some parcels may extend onto adjacent F'IRYTllt Registration q'eYeen 91c^el boundaries and flood hazard zones is approximate. c"r;r;ty';;;['"o ,r" ur."a-onin" liti""i "itv limits and mav not reflect boundaries at the ffiHfr#$ffiu"1"'ii'FiRil;;';ffi'rpffiilI:: Paner Printed? (Y/N): 415592 1985'09'27 Y DescriPtion: Areas determined to be outside of 500'year flood' Percentage of Tax Lot: 100 schools code: Name: District: 19 SPRINGFIELD Elementary School: 545- DOUGLAS GARDENS Middle School: 1353 AGNES STEWART High School: 560- SPRINGFIELD Service Districts LTD Service Area: Y LTD RidC SOUTCE: YES SPRINGFIELD DEPT OF FIRE & LIFE Ambulance District: EC Area: EAST/CENTRAL Provider:iAfEfV SoilWater Conservation District: EAST LANE SoilWater Conservation District 0 Zone: Political Districts Election Precinct: 102402 County Commissioner District: 2 SPRTNGFIELD Coun$ Commissioner: BiLL DWYER State RePresentative District: 12 State Representative Name: E' TERRY BEYER City CouncilWard: SP4 City Councilor Name: DAVE RALSTON State Senate District: 6 State Senator: WILLIAM MORRISETTE LCC Board Zones: 3 EWEB Commissioner District: Lane Gounty Assessor's office I Account Number: 0125185 I Map & Tax Lot: 17'02'3144'01612 Property Owner Ownerl Name: HALL LAWRENCE LEROY OwnerAddress: 435 S 39TH PL City State SPRINGFIELD OREGON Taxpayer Taxpayer Name: HALL LAWRENCE LEROY Taxpayer Address: 435 S 39TH PL Zip Code 97478 )tp://www .rlid.org/reports/Main_report_rlidstar.cfm?taxlot_id=101609&site_address id:138317&prop_... 6122/2007 RIID Detailed ProPertY RePort City State SPRINGFIELD OREGON Property Legal DescriPtion Township: 17 Range:02 Subdivision Type: Subdivision Name: LoUTracUUnit Number: TL 01612 Subdivision Number: Recording Number: Property Value and Taxes Land Value RealMarket 2006 59,073 2005 50,047 2OO4 41,691 2003 33'030 2002 32,068 2oo1 31,440 2000 27,340 1999 25,790 1998 29,990 1997 27,770 1996 22,760 1995 12,810 82,000 Taxable Value Country UNITED STATES Section: 31 lmprovement Value Real Market 84,400 72,430 67,900 u,420 60,770 59,580 62,720 59,730 55,820 57,550 57,550 57,020 0 Exemption Amount Regular (EAR) Tax Year 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 Page 3 of5 Zip Code 97478 Quarter: 44 Division/Phase: TotalValue Real Market Assessed 143,473 82,000 122,477 79,612 109,591 77,293 97,450 75,042 92,838 72,856 91,020 70,734 90,060 68,674 85,520 66,674 85,810 il,732 85,320 62,847 80,310 80,310 69,830 69,830 0 Frozen Assessed Value (FZNPU) Tax (See Explanation of Tax) 1,338.52 1,309.04 1,283.93 1,247.O8 1,139.36 1,117.72 1,090.71 1,102.65 1,071.91 1,067.90 1,252.04 1,096.09 Explanation of Tax The tax shown is the amount certified in october, unless a value change has been processed on the property' Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical enors and omitted prope-rty. rne. ow.ner either initiates the change, as in the case of ;ip;;6, or is notified by the department, in the case of clerical errois and omitted property. The amount shown is the full amount of tax for the year inoicited and' does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing, or previous years owing Account Status o Active for the 2006 Tax Year New Account Scheduled to be Active ' for the 2007 Tax Year (- Locally Assessed C Pending Seg/Merge Pending Value Change http:/iwww.rlid.org/reports/\4ain_report_rlidstar.cfrn?taxlotjd: 1 0 I 609&site-address id: 138317 &prop-... 612212007 C C C C r RdID Detailed PropertY RePort Page 4 of5 Delinquency Delayed Foreclosure Bankruptcy Code Split lndicator Remarks: Special Assessment Program (if applicable) Code: General lnformation Proper$ Class: 101 StatisticalClass: 130 Neighborhood Code: 41030 Property Use Type: AccountType: RP Category: LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS Mortgage Company Name: Total Acreage for this Account: 0.00 Fire Acres: Description: Current year Tax Code Area (Levy Gode): 01900 Lane county Assessn'lent and Taxation 2006-2007 Billins Rates GITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COMMUNITY GOLLEGE LANE COUNTY LANE COUNTY METROPOLITAN WW SER DISTICT LANE EDUCATTON SERVICE DISTRICT SPRINGFIELD EGONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT Sales lnformation Sales Date: Sales Price: Grantor: Grantee: lnstrument #: Analysis Code: Mult Acct?: Manufactured Structures Build ing 1 C-hameler-isltqs Account: 0125185 Map & Tax Lot: 1742'314-01612 lnspection Date: 01'22-1995 Roofstyle: GABLE Bedrooms: 3 Buitding Type: 31 STAT 130 Roof cover: BUII-T-UP Full Baths: 1 Class: S Heating: FORCED HOT AIR Half Baths: year Built: 1966 Exterior Wall: T 111 PLYWOOD Fireplaces: YES Effect Year Built: 1950 Depreciation: 23 Percent lmprov' Complete: 100 Floor Base Area Finished Area Parking Area Basement: Bsmt Gar sqft: First: g24 924 Att Gar sqft: 500 Second: Att Port sqft: Attic: Det Gar sqft: Driveway Sqft: 880 TOTAL 924 924Paved Patio Sqft: Search Results lNew Property Search lAoolications Menu RESIDENTIAL, IMPROVED CLASS 3 SINGLE FAMILY HOME http://www.rlid.orglreports/Main_report_rlidstar.cfrn?taxlot id:101609&site-address id:138317&prop-... 612212007 P-LID Detailed ProPertY RePort Page 5 of5 http://www.rlid.org/reports/lVIain_report_rlidstar.cfrn?taxlotjd:101609&site-address id=138317&prop-... 612212007