HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1989-03-21SPrlINGFIELO DEVELOPMENTSEBY'CES ADMINISTRATION Pt/NNING / BUILDING PUBLICWORKS M ET ROPOLITAN WAST EWAT ER M AN AGEM E NT March 21, i9B9 Mrs. Arl en Zi 1 koski 3238 North 16th Street Springfielo, 0regon 97478 Subiect: Proposed builoing addition on property located a Street, Assessor's Map 17-02-31-41.01700 225 FIFTH STNEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (s03) 726-375s Dear Mrs. Zil koski : Your builoing permit application was forwardeo to me for iand use review as are all construction permits. The Springfield Deveiopment Cooe requires Site Plan approval be grante<l for all multi-fami1y, conrnercial, semi-public ano public or inoustriai new consturction prior to the fssuance of builoing pernrits. Site Pian review is broken oown int,o categories baseo on different factors. Construction involving iess than 2,000 square feet is reviewed under Type I Minimum Devel opment Stanoaros. I have enclosed a copy of the nervly adopted Minimum Development Standards which will be reviewed as part of your site plan subrnittal. These standards were recently revised by the City Council go into effect April 5, 1989. I have encloseo the appropriate forms for your use in applying for Type I Si te Pl an approval . The app'l i cati on encl oseo wi'l I provi de you wi th the information necessary to apply. The oeaoline for submitting for site plan review is every Frioay. If you have questions regarding this process please cail the Planning & Devel opment Department. Coroi ai 1y, d cyn ia L. Harmon Development Permit Cooroinat,or copy to: Lorne Pleger, Plans Examiner Gary Karp, Associate Planner Gregory S. Mott, Development Co0e Aoministrator "6r*.;;;-\,) \ <-_