HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-03-03UEb posr rHls pERMlr oN MAIN BuILDING AT slrE e/L- CONSTRUCTI ON PERIVI IT + ^,IUB ADDRESS: Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor,s OS # Constructi on approved this permit -rrJ 2,v,\ TRS, TL: Subdivision' : Thispermitforthereferencedpropertyishereby result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane county's lnfraction ordinance, and/oi other remedies allowed by law' Violation can Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Total Construction Value: + Bedrooms: md rorkatr ) Water Su PLANNING DIVISION +t Plumbing Fixtures:+ EmploYees Zoning: Partitioning + N/linimum required structural setbacks, from: side exterior: ; interior property lines Parcel + centerline of road, front: ;rear PropertY line: na ParcelSize: * [6 centerline of road, &,& Spec ial lnstructions Fo r information call 687-4394, WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + lineal feet of drainfield Sp . lnstallation sPecifications: required; max. dePth of trenches ecial lnstructions: gal. min. sePtic tank caPacitY; Setba cks nte rtor property lines ge of road right-of-way ildi ng foundation P .,.1U Septic Tank 10' 1"0' 5', 50' Drainfield---T6-- 10'' 10' 1 00'Well s, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PE RM ITS/INSPEcTIoN DIV]SION For information call Type of Construction: GrouP I nstructions: l-3 Itsqd*tffii fsitallrtte rhitt bt ufgt* Xllrt*Ll.*rirrn ioemctl.onrr between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Fire Zone: Use Classif ication: For plans information cal For i ons (see back rlS between 8:00 it) call 687-4065 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 pl m.I of th lane countY Directions to Site: ttltn/llrytriltrB^cbp- DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COUCTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUIL-DING^-.^, iis ensiarH AVENUE, EUGENE, oREGoN 97401 By:il!l-.- S tTE INSPECTTON AppRov r o Reuenxs D DrsAPpRovEo D Dare h,a , I Nspecron \ \ i-OUNDAT ION I NSPECT ION APpRov E D Rruanxs D Drsaepnove o [-]Dare I rsprcton |.-RAMING Appnov e o Rrlraaxs I NSPECT I ON D DrsqppRovq, D Drrr I Nsprcron LAI'H OR SHEETROCK INSPECl.ION Appnovro REulnxs D DrsAppRovc o f-1 Dar r I rspEcron !-/ Dtsappnoveo C_J CTRTIFICATT OF OCCUPANCY rIr.lAt. INSPFCTION Ap pRov e o Rruanx s Renoy ro ! ssur RrueRx s D Nor Rraoy ro lssue D DrtE I rusplcron LN I HspecronDare l- - o Dote Permit No. CURB CUT PERMIT IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMTSSIONERS OF IANE COUNTY WHEREAS, the ottoched opplicotion hos been fully considered by the Boord of County Com- missioners of Lone County, ond it is the opinion ond iudgment of the Boord thot the soid oppiicotion should be gronted, ond thot o permit should be issued, now, therefore, it is hereby. ORDERED, thot o permit be ond is hereby issued to for plocing, building or constructing the following focility: upon the right-of-woy of County Rood No.Mile Post in strict conformity to the exhibits ottqched hereto, ond subiect to oll terms, conditions, ogreements, stipulotions ond provisions contoined in the opplicotion ond permit, the Rules ond Regulotions Gov- erning Focilities to be Permitted upon County Rood Rights-of-Woy, os set forth by the Lone Mon- uol 50.190(2) ony omendments thereto, ond ony other opplicoble regulotions, low or ordinonce. Speciol Provisions: I. Drivewoy will be constructed in occordonce with the ottoched drivewoy opprooch specifico- tions (Drowing M98-50). 2. Permittee will be responsible for the immediote removol of oll mud, dirt ond debris from the roodwoy ond right of woy coused by his operotion, leoving the roodwoyond oreo in o neot, occeptoble condition. 3. S'idewal ks w'il I be constructed in accordance with the attached s'idewal k specifications and drawing M98-49. The Standard Curb Type shall be constructed unless otherwise specified. This permit is revocoble ot ony time, ond will be strictly odhered to ond no work other thon thot specificolly mentioned obove is hereby outhorized. This permit sholl be void unless the work herein contemploted sholl hove been completed be- lnspected ond Approved lore , l9-,.Expires l9_. Approved by Boord of County Commissioners By Dote By WHITE - OFFICE FILE YELIOW _ REAI ESTATE PINK _ PERMITTEE ORANGE- BUILDING & SANITATION DEPT. Direclor of Public Works c74-129 -r;;4 Lane Countg Date: O8-Jan-L99O I,IARILYN KORDON OR OCCUPANT L224 SOUTH 39TH STREET SPRTNGFIELD, OR 97 478-95OL SURTECT: WOOD BITRNING APPLIANCE PERMIT APPLICATION No. BP 461--80 Your perrnit application for a wood burning appliance has expired. Each permit issued by the building official, under the provisions of the Building Code (Oregon State Mechanical Specialty Code) shalI expire by limitation and become nuII and void if the work authorized by such permit j-s not conmenced within J-8O days from the date of such permit, or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 1-80 days. No permit shall be extended more than once. [Sec. 303 (d) oSMc] Section 305(d) OSMC states: rrlt shall be the duty of the person doing the work authorized by a permit to notify the building official that such work is ready for inspection. rl In addition, Section 303(c) OSMC, says: rrThe issuance of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of other ordinance of thejurisdiction. rl Recently, dD agreement was made between Lane County and the cities of Eugene and Springfield resulting in the creation of an 'UrbanTransition Area' where the respective city codes apply as well as the State of Oregon Building Code. Since the cities and Lane County utilize the same State of Oregon Mechanical Specialty Code, the section references listed above apply in all jurisdictions. If your address is within a city Urban Transition Area or within the city lirnitsr you must make application for any anticipated permit activity for a wood burning appliance (or other activity) with your city'building department'. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have guestions or feel you need clarification, please feel free to call me at 687-4466. Roger Build McGuckining Official, Lane County LAND MANAGEMENT DIV/PUBLIC WOBKS DEPT. / 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE, OREGON 97401 I (503) 687-4061 t FAX # (503) 687-3947 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JoB ADDRESS: 1224 south 39th, spfd, orego! coNsTRUcTloN PERMIT # Lc-/t61-80 TBS, TL: 18-02-06.4.2 # 1100 Subdivision: Wlllsr€tte Uanor, 3rd, Lt 14, Elock 4 rki. nprmit for the referenced property is hereby aPProv€d. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can JJju"fiin ."ro""tion of this permit, citaiion under prcvisions of Lane County'i lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. yn Kordon, same as above**Telephone: 746-L52L Telephone: same Telephone: / Total Construction Value: I Woodstove, Schrader. Structures now on proPerty: house and workshop. # Bedrooms: na +t Plumbin Aopl icant/466 t.tt'Maril Owner/AdA.t-ttt: same Contractor/Addresd; Contractor's OS + / ronstruction approved by this permit: Water pl na PLANNING DIVISION Fixtures: na +Em na Parcel Size:n6 na; centerline of road, na na Zoning: na Partitioning + na Parcel + Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: na ; interior property lines: na ;rear property line: Special lnstructions: norle For information call 687-4394, Candi WATER POLLUTION CoNTROL DlvlsloN Site lnspection + na lnstallation specifications: na na lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: na Special lnstructions: none gal. min. septic tank capacity; Setbacks-Iefr--'r o r P ro Pe rtY I i n es -.rge of road right-of-waY auitaing foundation Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' Drainfield-lo- 10' 10' 1 00'between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.,Wells,other water sources CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION For information call Type of Construction: 5-N Group: R-3 Fire Zone 3 Use Classification: SFD/Woodstove Woodstove lnstalLation sha1l be installed exactly in accordance with the ICBO and the mfgts installation instructions. Inspection of existing fLue requlred by butldlng in- spector. I nstructions: For plans in For i formation cal[,5,g7-3 ons (see back of this 767 rm '^site:Jasper Rd to South 39th, approx. 4 blocks. it) between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., call 687-4065 betweerr 8:00 a.m. and s'OO d'H kfr lane county OEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT...II ISE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING-...'C EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: Hans Etlin/lky 6llr-lIz 4ox DEPARTI1ENT OF ENVIRONI'IENTAL MANAGEMENT PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I ? {1-Job Address Appl ication for LS Structures now on the property itfi }i#pfi $. fi sii'$.$niiriqf i:iif, irf'*F*,!?.t#|:it;, i$ffiEfd:lffii t-t , -{na,rilvn lGrlo".Wcation is for an agricultural building it will ode Chapter l0 (zoning) and for no other purpos of record;con tra c t pu rc ha ser l authorized to act Tor ttre owner, who is lnowlEZgeabl e r,$.i.t*.'. / / :iFIlEli:t#ii. , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and e. I have the following legal interest in the property: I es see lder of an exclusive option to purchase; i cati on z1 Affidavi t: I If this appli, Lane Cqnfty C, l/ owner ---du1y , ;hoof this appl Si gnature/Address Tel When permit is ready notify: 0wner hone or L-l Applicant fl Owner 17 Contractor !y:ma iI z1 (zip) 's Ern 0ne Con trac tor Phone Phone ntractor's OSR# If Commercial Resident'ia'l : SI test holes ready ::.!::::i:t::.::i ,,:EEei!' sffi fi6$$ii*:fi*r:i ti,ri.i : .#,iiOA!,ii$GgF:.I,gSi. , , , ,,, : : ::,ir::.::': ::: ::: : ::::::: ::::: : : : :::i:::.:':ll. - ,l:#.::r,Ut,,,:,hod :: - ;*iIiilfiirlrrilfisjiii .r$lisi:iii ll Existins, BP # 17 Proposed, SI # /r{- *riii#tiiiifi*:: :ffi# :+.tiq.fi::::$l'ffi$ii ::$s+ti Fee $ $ Total Va.luation: $ $ /_/ Received by Water Supply $_ Su btota l each $ each $ $ $ $ $ at at 4% State surcharge Pians check fee Change of 0ccupancyExisting _Proposed _ Year Instal led PERI'4IT PR0CESS I NG Zone Minimum setbacks: t, front Parcel # TOTAL Parcel Si $ Part. # t, si int.rea r Comme To be typed on permit CP& I To be typed on permit By Da te Group Fire Zone Use C assification lzldp 6 WOODSTCVE INSTALLATION SIIALL BE INSTALLED EXAClLI IN ACCORIAI{CE fffH f.C.S.O. AND TllE MANUFACT'IJRSR|S INSTALLA TION NSTRUC T1 ONS. By Da te For plans informati 11 (area inspecto tec / SI Pl ans to CP& I t,jPc set(s) - set(s) Da te Requ i red Hold Slip to PCC Da te Cornol etedj-LA Date to PCC /_/ /_/ &I tJ,4. Pl anni ng Publ ic Works /-/ Elevation /-/ nla /7 Address /-/ Facility Permit Environmental Heal th FOR INF0RI1qTI0N about progress of your application call c74-L7L permit Control Center 687_HELp GB7-4357) Plumbing by # of employees -- Va l uati on $ \ LANE COUNTY, OREGON ! DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CGIFIFIECTIGIN NGITICE CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTION DIV. JOB ADDRESS /ZZ4 S 37 DATE 5_t z-xa4 TO NOTE BLDG. PERIVIT L.r,. FIE-INSPECTIctN FIEOUIFIEEl _ Flrone ciElT-4oEiEi FoFl APPFIoVALW-epa^-+;7 A-?Yp#r It I NS PECTOR ( -73 ,1, APPL I CAT ION Name Address p The above appfication is being held for the following reasons: HOLID SI.IP /r, ,/ ,7ric,UV lane countY6l!l-.-7 /#;c /r*.4 /7 rr fl fr I {d Yrr"/-E{( rd / -r/-a-l ( // (*- --/V'at 4L;-a.\ -7 1.:{/ ,/*-,f.,''I // L.( (t.l / g/x--c./r c.-c-/ Di v'i s 'i on /41 'y' -'.- Si gnature Date Te1 ephone This application will be held until If the information required above has not been furnished by that-Eate your application will be cancelled. Buildinq fees paid for permits cancelled under these circumstances will be prorated according to the work that has taken place as of the date of cancellation. ENVIEONMENTAL MANAGEM ENT DEPAETMENT ]25 EAST 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE, OREGON 97401 form C74-139 .v./zz La,ne Count Authori ion for ZATION 9AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: tion *- Parcer *- Parcel si c L side rearinteri Date : rnstallation Record rssued? fl ,.= fl "" Maximum Depth of Trenches COMI1ENTS: COM}IENTS I pr,aus EXAMINATION Em; Speci fications s. r. *B. P. # Group Use caIIon : ldll[ READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY Setba LineaI !'eet of tlr:ainfield fl pr,arwruc,zzoNrNG: Minimum l COI'LUENTS c L, OFFICE USE ONLY !n Applica Permit ,R"ia"ntia1 Industrial Public PROPERTYPROPOSED USE ConunercialBLOCK,ARCEA ztP37 SP EC IF ICEDWORK - Proposedst SUPPLY AND ADDRESS TELEPHONE NWBER AND OSR fa(: t f:rther str thatandandtruecorrecthereon1Scea1thatJoahdreLyrtifyhcPERMITFORCOfilPLETEDTHEEXAMINED,YHAVECAREFULL ntauthorizedagecanprEchaseofrecordtrthetnpropertynterestthehavefollowinglegal StatetheandoLawsthe Ore9onoltance9Lanethw1ordlCoMtythcbeINdoneworkandcertithatfyanyISTONur-of lhe .vlUTthethoulmlBui ldingsstonofwlpetrcturebewilfnadethatandheredescribedTNworktothe forrta!ning IthaE the exemptibasred70ORSo55xemptanda5e ffect rcfulIanforce qur byBoardBuilderstrationthethcertithattherfyre9r READHAVE ANDonusedrhiect.7aLORS WIu >)be proj11WIarewhoan&d conpliancesubcontractorsloyeesenphereonthaEandonlynotedrS APPI,ICATION 1- n;*{c BY LANE COUNTY Der oRS 4 DATE NT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687.4061, EASTSTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSL .TOR INSPECTION INFORMATION C1L.,'C, OQA. RURAL ADDRE z MzT xD s VALUE TELEPHONE NUMBtsRbza IinfomationI of I I tr ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHL,L,'I' COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS tlllLL BE REJECTED! 1 I q.- E e L5++Q-3.r Spn?n*{ield Dr 7'lvqs A. v CIf,Y STATE ZIP CODE e31- 371t 7st- 3?? tmHOME-TELEPHONE #BUSINESS TELEPHONE #HOME TELEPHONE-T 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS J2 ( IF DIFFERENT F 3 rvlae e PAFIeEL NUMBEFI (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation (RIQUIRED IN TIO I't)or from tax statement) 6 M MW_NSE"IP RTNGE SEETI_OII MINSHTtr RANGE SECTT0-N TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: W ZON I NG ffi ZON I NG ACRES 4 SUBDIVISTON ('if appl icable)LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (s;tate exactly what you plan to do) 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE:xrl OY\u v d u_c t,( ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: L4-33 LAND MNAGEMENT DIVISI0I' / 125 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE, 0R y740.| / 687-4061 €' PERSON MAKING REQUEST MAILING ADDRESS MAILI.}IG ADDRESS- R+ ZONING ,l-/ ,\)- J|utF.F f---*ClG. rttFf rbrTVf l#riIISE* d.Itia.-k.. Y II h N Nl) AJo I