HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1988-05-11UcekeK -ff- Lane County Authori zattort SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FOR LOAN FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application/Permit f I,OTIPARCEL P SECTION FRCPOSED USE OF PROPERTY f; nesidential [l cc,*urercial n lndustrral PubIic loba s,'3q*s 57,SQa*to.€;srcs larr? !,OCATION ADDRESS STREET ZIPL'I']'Y CURRSNTLY ON PROPERTY I qa *5 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - BE SPECIF1C S€p+i.- lfg15fu<,.L',6r.1 €oa- €Hn LoAr.r. DECI.ARED S VALUE # oF sroRrES t # OF ET,IPLOYEES= OF BEDROOI4S3 WA?ER SUPPLY Proposed is ti OiINERTS NAME AND ADDRESS R.ict^e,ra.q, <. L.r.r*, t " \i^'. {,rr TELEPHONE NUMBER 3s CONTRACTORIS NAME AND OSR #TELEPHONE NUMBER ) (NAIqE AND ADDRESS)B;,; I.,:iJ ci. c-hnrrr Q*a- F-:s.r'e'z€ t3 S.-rar,.., p*LSl^.TELEPHONE NWBER GtB -:co i I IIAVE CAREFULLY EXN,iINED THE CO|.'IpLETED APPLICATION t'OR PERIIIT, ar,d {lo hl.relrrl certifi, thit all inforaation hereon is true and correct, and have the following legal interest in the property,florr"t of recordi []c<r,"ra,,,; prrchaseriIauthorized agent.I flrther certify that any nd all work perfomed shal"l be done in accotdair.i. hiir, th,i ardrr)ances of Lane couty and the Iaws of th€ state ofpertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY witl tE nade of ail strrlctrrre without the pemission of the Building Division.ther certj.fy that reqistration with the Builderrs Board is in full force and effect as required by oRs 70I.055, that if exenpt the basj.s for elis noted hereon, and that only subcontractors ild employees who are in conpliance with ORS 7O1.055 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ A},lD CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY.t':-y'3r*tBill Judd -NAME (please print)STGNATURE that I Oregon I fu- READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION'IAS BEEN BASED ON TIIE EOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Minimum setbacks, CL, frorrt - tr, =ido- 5-3-88 Installation Record Issued? fl Y"" Installation Specifications , I pr,nus EXAMTNATToN: COI4.I.lENTS: Date: NoSANITAUON: S. I. *B. P. # Grour, Use Parce1 #ParceI Size cor.!\lENTs inter:-crr rear fl pLaNuruc,zzoNrNG Gallon Tank Lineal Feet of t)rai.nfie ld Zone Partition # .f-//ff BY SIGNEE (per ORS DATF LANE COUNTY DEPARTME F PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687.406.t, 125 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INI'ORMATION cL4-25 RW fon Date tr ttaximrm Depth of Trenches SETts.:'CXS AliD OT:::R Cr-::DITIO:;S Ci APPROT.'iL I1UST BE STRTC?:I o!S:Rl.'aD. \TIOLATION CAr R:SULT rN REVo- C-:':IO:j OF TiiIS Pl:nillT, CIT;TlC:; Ur"D5F P1IOVISIO)iS Lri Lil:E ---rL:;lr''.; INFR;aTION OFDi:,'i:.iC!1, ;ttr-D/OR OTUER REIIEDIES AI,LOI,JED BY LAW. D liiiEN R!.fD)'iaR Il:SP:CTIOi", C."::, a,3r-.i0r;5. if ]1I)"'Ii:'i:.i CF ii L:;,ST 21 IiOL:iS.1D!,..l:laE ),OTtCE f OR IuSpItC-1'Itl'J irFI'-liJils .ti-Si' irll G1V'r':- :l-slE- tru:1Io;ral rnicrif,t:orL .cf dy: .crmit numtrer, _lob aldress, typeof inspeclion, when it wrL.I be ready, y6xr aame and pionL- nurier, ani anv spccial Ctrccticns to srte. BUILDI\C DI'.'1J1,\\: REQUtIaD I:iSPECTiSNS : I. FoundaLioa i!!!:!!lgl: To be made after trcnchcs are excavated and forms L-rected and when aLlr.ab;l;l;aor LFe tNndation are.ielivered on Lhe -ob. i,nere.cn:rete fr-on a ientral mixingplant (cotmonly t-ermed "transit mrxed") is Eo be used, neteriaLs need not be on the _job. 2. Concrete Siab or Undel-aloor InsDection: To be maie ai|-er all in-slab or under-fIoor bulldingEErvl-e e'i-u1p-rmt, condnit, pj-pirxlressoraes, ani otre. anciLlary equrpment items are i-nplace but before any concrete is poured or floor sneatning rnstaLleC, rncluding the subfloor. l. Framing & rnsuiatim Inspections: To be made after the roof, al.t framing, fire blocking, andbracang are tn rlace ard all pipes, fireolaces, chimne!'s, and veits are comp-Iete and aLl roughelectrrcal anci plumbing are approved. AIl wall -insuiation anC vapor barrier are in piace. {. Lath anC/or c},psum Bom ]".!=+}elr To be made after all lathing and ql,psum board, jnterj-or a-Eererior, i---inllme uu:-EE-o?e any plastering is appliec a.,t berore- gypsm board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. 5. Pinal Inspection: To be made after the bultding is complete anC bcfore occupancy. APPRoV-\L REQUIRED. :lo work shalI be done on any part of'-he building or structure beyond the pointindicated in each successive inspecti-on without:ir.t otLlining tie r.proval of the building offrcial.Such a.proval shall be gj-ven cnly after an inspection siaiL ha./e been maCe of each successive stepin the construction as inij-cated by each of the inspecticns requireC NOTE: atl buildinq "ermils require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: Block l"lall: To be naCe after reinforcing is in place, Itut before 3nv qrout is poured, ThisIrspecrfo is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no apprJval unt-ii the ptunbinq and electrical inspections have been nade and approved. I'lood Stove: To be nade after completion of nasonrv (if appLicabLe) and when lnstallation j,s mlet4 Installatlon shaIl be in accordance rci!i an appioved, nataonal]-y recognized testi-ngagency ani the manufactulerrs insLallation instructions. , Ilobj-1e Home: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approvedsewer or septic svstem for seiback requirements, blocking, footinq connection, tiedowns,skirting, and plwbrng connections- 1. Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirenents for mobile homes or asrecomended by the mailuf acfuier. 2. Mobile hone mj-nimum finish floor elevation shalI be certified when required by a flood-p]-ain nanagement fetter. 3. Ilobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting sha1l be instal"Ied and ready fcr inspec- tion uithin at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shalI be instalted Per enclosure. Swiming Pool: Below grade when steel is j-n place and before concrete is poured. Above graderEm Frc1-E-istdllLC. A B C APPROVED PLANS:.IUST BE ON TEE JOB SITE AT ALL T]T4ES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERXIT IdILL EXPIREIF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITI]IN IBO DAYS, OR IF I,,)ORK IS SUSPEI.]DED OR AB}iNDONED FOR }IORE THAN 18O DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION I'IAY OCCUP. IP TTiIS PER]'IIT I,iAS ISSUCD ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMAIION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PtiST THE POIt,lT Or REQUIRED INSPECTiONS wILL DO SO AT TIIEIR OwN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE Permits shall be effective for one year from the Cate of issuance. Upon compleLing the construction for which a permit has been issued, the permit holder shall-notify Lhe Lane County Department of Planning and Comunity Development by submitting theirstallation record form. The Department shatl inspect the construcLion to detcrmine if itcomplies uith the rules contained in thi,s Civision. If the construction does compl-y with suchru1es, the Department 5ha.l-I issuc a certifi.cate of satisfactory completion to the permiti hoLder.'rf the constructidn does not comply {ith such rules',-the Departmeit sliaIl not':fy the dermitholder and sha1l. requlte satisfactory completion before issuinq the certifrcate. Failure tomeet the requirements for satisiactory complctlcn ulthrn a reasonable time constitutes a vio-lation of oRS 154.605 ro 154.'145 ancl this rule. 9etbacks - Subsurface Sewaqe Drsposal scptic rank SEIfi!]q l'ron: Irterior prope!!), lines i0, i0' EC,le oi road r1:iit-of-way 1.0' L0' Ilirilurnq foun(:atloi 10 t iiells, othcr water sources 50' t00' SEI{AGE DISPOSAL SYSTE}IS - Mrs Challe Real Estate Srr SeA De t uc ()) A ) ffi Srel'.- -nru J So,r+x tsl*}" 5\- 83 Swain Lane / Eugene, Oregon 97404 / (503) 688-7023