HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-08-31#?/m TRS" T I 9,4,4 JOB LOCATIO LANE COUNTY PERMIT Acreage or Lot Size Contractor's O.S. # Partition ing APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRE ss CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRES s lail permitto ( )Applicant ( )Owner ( )Contractor. ( )Prefertopickup. Call \I/ATER SUPPLY SEWAGE DISPOSAL ) Completed Subdivision : Lot Block- OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS (owner, etc.) when ready Phone- Phone-- Phone- s.t. # STRUCTUBES NOW ON THE PROPERTY . ' ' THtSpERMtT tS FOR # B EDROOIIS-# PLUMB ING CON NECTIONL- THlSPRoPERTYlSWlTHlNoNElVllLEoFTHEClTYoF.PLUtVlBlNGBY I hereby certi{y that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: -owner o{ record; -contract purchaser; - potentiat buyer; ----:, realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the ownerl I am authorized to act lor the owner of record, and that 9id owner is aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to complY with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. Fee Paid $Signature ( INEWADDRESS () FACILITY PERI\4IT TO T RANSPO RTATION DEPT.- ! SPECIA L PMT. AR EA. ININ. ELEVATION Date - SANITATION ) BUII-DING Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet Maximum Depth Date: Type of Construction -Group -Fire Zone Use Classification Comments: Comments By L. By:Date: PLANNING REOUI REMENTS SATISFIED. By:Date Date lssued ZONE SETBACKS: FRONT SIDE FACING STREET (FROM C/L) INT. SIDE YARD REAR (FROVI P/L) LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 97401 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE C55.1 3 BLoG.PERMIT_WHITE; BUILDING-GREEN; PLUMBING-CANARY; SANITATIoN-GOLoENRoD; oFFICECOPY-WHITE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EAST 81 \VENUE, EUGENE, OBEGON 97401 \ rtltlonlng l-- f]eendins f]comptetedParccl No._ Par tltloninq Reouired Other t rtTEn POLLUTION CON"ROL I o( Sltee-- llca Slt. fnspactlon (r) 6DS Conltructlon [-J Hew ! nepalr Nunb€r ol Bedroonst Comncrcla l,/Indus 1-lo!Employee I AVERAGE PROCESSINGDMSION Current Zon HF UI €C \6q-G'Y(r CONSTRUCTION PERIIITS AND INSPECTTON(See abovc lor I of bedroorns./l of employeea) t] .'.tobt lc Horoe ' t] permanent e Tcmporary Renewa I Sq. Ft. valuatlon rEE s t ,1, + E C} F' s s TotaI vrLuation S , Pluinblng fixtures at t -- Sewernater Conn. at t 5 Each I Each 3 al St6ts Surchargo Planc Check Fec Change o( Occupancy TOTI\L BUILDING PERHIT FEE Hlnlrnun ttructural, oetbacks I FroE centerlinq of etreet: Front Ext sl SroI[ lntarlor loe lincs: Side I Conto'l plans toa PPI cut ------=-to apPltcant PUBLIC I.ANDS tion PUBLIC I.'ORKS acility Pernit E}IV L HEALTH Subtotal S_:r s ot, -{5\"6s bre coLrnty Carh_ AfFIDAVIT: Il thlswlll be used for agrfor no otherthts appl Roc'd by AI, to tural building, I hereby thls bu ing Iotred by zoning and,/or the State Building , andt the statencnts and other information su ted onthat I have the following legal intercst the rchaser;lessee i holder of an exclu ve optlonperson r.,E5-hag the f6lflouing legal lnte st! , or that the of record is knowledgea of this am own I fur ag y with ll ppI icoble re t in9a Applicant's Signat THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND DOES NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO BUILD. ION AAOUT THE PROGRESS oF YOUR APPLICATION. CALL PERI'IIT CONTROL, 687-1357 (687-HELP) il!r-l- /* Address Mlnlmum Elevation I s Jtfo I s q_-, s C I ron t FOR tl fl fl I I I II I ! i Ilc.ee Prlnt - Rcrum Anplr.(atlon to I"c.pt lonlFt llhon Conl'lett'd OIOIER (IF DIFFTiRENT) ADDRESS ,-PPLICATIct I\I I ty. AlrJrolntnk[t Dat.' Offlce Uee Only 5 IP a E I 6o Er Bd oz 2o PllONE -tv CONTRACTOR 32 ACTOSIS ORE. STATE }iAIL COMTI.ETED PIlRHIT TO A.Pt,I-IC^NT Ir croR (clRcLE oNE)[ _l PREFER TO prCK PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY (ree 1al; t yPe/of amlngi col@rclal or indutrlal; v6c8nt; etc.) DESCRIBE STRUCTURES NOW ON I}IE PROPIIRTY. NOIE A}I S]'RTICTURES TO B!: DEH()LISIED. 3. IH}IEDI,ATE PI,TNS FOR THIS PROPERIY (THIS APPLICATION) ^RE: dr L le 4. FUTURE PLANS: I 5, PLOT PLAN. Sketch (a) all roads (b) borndarles of property (c) proposed s*ate d1s posal areas (e) exlstlng/proposed dralnageways, streare, creeks, any f rees!andlng elgrs, parklng areas, exlstlng/proposed bu1ldlngs (d) exletlng/we1ls (f) exlstlng/proposed drlveuayeother pertlnent features. If coamrclal INDICATE DIMENSIONS, r .-l (g) easenents (h) or 1nductr1al, ahou Er l- oE roo F] oz a .a* E a tna oz >to q FI i I i.l I i I I I I'I ,l I .i , I,..-t-. I.l I 6. TOTAL I.O]' SIZE OR ACREAGE 3. I.IETIIOD OF SEI{AGE DlSPOSAL --- l. stTE INSIECTTON T!:ST I|OLES READY (DATE) IIROPOSEI) HA [:R STIIPI,Y EI,ECTRICITY FIJRNISIIED BY NATUML GAS BY WELI-SPR INC STRI:AH. .- LAKE -, . PUBLIC9 l0 ll t2 l3 l4 T'IRE DISTR ICT SCHOOL DISl'R PLWBIliG BY tti*****t**t*t*tt*lt**tl*tlt*iil Do NoT UIRITE BEl,ow THIS LJNE *it*r*r***r**trrrrrrt**rt***t*t EEFORE YOUR APPI.ICAI lON CllN BE PROCESSED YOU MUST TURNISHT __-8!xll PLOT PLA.\S LEGAL DESCRIrTION (DIMENS IONED) bre carrty D,lTE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EAST BTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 8Y 6r\-- ill; i i I I I l I ^JA+s' I I I I ':'l t I I i I I ,l V-?*-(<- A .c lo :laa :.-4,.rd ' It;/Pn' ' i fr I t, I I -E }t o J . .,- _l I,I b - _ _ _, h-,€L- .{gafa; J...-- I II ,-*i-l .ri )irr;;,'", + !;r.ili"i".,i: )t1t) I t- t -t r I +. r'i .- \ &r 9, i I I l I I a I -i ,/ L* L\ Il_. It II I t ,t- I I I I 'l J ;ii i \ I \ tI I I i J l( Y rl\ ^r -.-..,A- ir-!i b J 1 I I i \_< I i-i It*r i I It [ti '-t.r ii): ,,!,".; /7-Z-/7-.f- T.t. 4grc PLAI.iIJ I;iG FROI,I: rLOOD PLAI:i ;#.:IAGiHL;iI DtPARTl.lEllT CF PIJDL I C ;J0::,S PH9;it - 60r- -4195 SUBJECT: BUILDII{G PTPJIIT IIUHEER SUBDIVISIOI'I Pt RiII T PROCI55 IIIG OIHI R 27 ?o -28 PARTITIOII I.IUi43ER ) OTHE R SITE IiI FLCC] HAZARD AR[A. YES it,l x DITAILTD STUDY APPROX I IIATE STUDY riOI A SUBSTA:{TIAL II4PROVEHEIIT HiNIITUM FL00R ELEVATI0t{ REQUIRED SITT III OESIG:iATEO FLOOD HAZARD AREA IXTRA PRECAUTIONS HAY BE APPROPRIATE. RICOFT'ITNOAT I O}{S: DAIE BY I LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EAST 8 AVENUE,EUGENE, OREGON 97401 AVERAGE PROCESSING ,q he county t\tNc DIVISION Curront Zon tlt lonlng l_ f]pendtng f]cornpletcd P.rc.l No. Oth.r r llIIEI ?OLLLTfION CON?ROL I o( sltcr ll6v 31t. Inrpoctlon(rl EDs Con.tructlon [-'l Ncu f] ncpalr Nunbar of Bedrooorr Qornarclal/I - I ol Enployecr €<-)\5c{ '\"tY ilF .D €r. \D coNstRtctloN ptRrllts AND INSPEC"IOT{(Ser abovc lor I of bcdroorar,/f of cnployror| E] :robll. Horr' t fI p.rnencnr t] ?omPorrry t] Rencyal(-- Slructurc Sg. Pt. V!luotlon t,,E + ro o tr, I 3 ?otrl vrlunt,lon s . Plurnbtng flxturet .t t _ Seuory't{rtcr Conn. trt t Subtot,.l at Stat. Surchorga Planr Chcck Pcc Changc of Occupancy TCTTAL EUILDITIG PERHIT TEE }{lnltnun rtructur!I ratbackr 3 Pror cantarltnc o! atrG.tr Fronl E.ch t f.ch 3 t t 9, 3 Exte(ior Sld.;i;;j]g\ilri)utt- pp f r cznrffffiB-?u s IdTpFTI-c a n t ffi"-ErGvlrton Pc rnl t ot, Froo lntrrlor lot lincrr I Conra,l plana ,hGet to r 1puBr.rc anos/, PUBLIC h,ORXS for no oLhcr tural purpoaes as alloyedfurther bertify that thc re3a clllty EMvI HEALTII Carh Crrt -_ {-nGcrd by \'d\ t s AFFIDAVITT If thl It lr for an agrlcultural bu 1ldlng, I h€reby declI prrmgrlculvlll be used for a 69!:*t thltby zoning and/or the StatG Building.t!tctncnta .nd other lnformatlon Bu lng and onth18 sppl Pro!€rty:to Pu purPorc. tjon e{arot ury tru6 and acc\rrata, and trecord, _ bontract purauthor i zei[-iir act f or . hat I have the followlng I cAaI int.r.st thechaeer I Learee;holder of rn axc vc optlon t pcrson wE-o-het the f6Tl,owing Icaal ln stt r or that the of record 1e knowledgca of thiaam no owne r furt a9 rc y with ll I icabk tre t ingCApplicant.r Signat Tllrs rs YouR RECEIPT, AND DoEs Nor crvE you pERMrssroN ?o EUTLD. oN lBouT THE PROGRESS Or YOUR APPLICATTON, CALL pER!.rrT CONTROL, 587_a357 (687_HELP) to t /-z- JtfD I I I I I t I I I $ Addr6!s lmuro Etevatlon s s SC) s I ) :)$ \ t 3tr w-, ror i pe. (' q tl t_l LI - llr.rr l'rlnt - h.rrrri Anpll(.tlon t(lb..lt loolrt llhr.rr Cool,lct r,d IPL ADr,tI ss ovxlr (lt Dt[FE!(ENT) 4. FUTURE TLANS: Altnol hl !x.tt I)dt r \PPLIGATI c] N Offlcc U:c Only ('!ry 64cfdzQqHr 0 Itto {F k r{ IHI o ztP ADDRESS RHIT T0 Al'l't.r ER/coN'nl cloR ((.lkclf, oNE)[--] r,RtFER T0 plcx I'ERTY (rorldenr lrl i t ypo .of fa rrtrlt coEre lrl or lndut rlat; vacant i atc. 2, DESCRTBE STRUCTURES NOIJ ON T11E ptot'ti'r1y, N()lI A,N\ S',l HucruREs ro 8]: DE!,|{)LlllltEt). [| xrtt coln'r.rrriD PE I. PTESENT USE OI' PRO 2' cANT/Or.t r -/2tz4! l. IHHI:Dti\TE f LINS noR 'lHlS PROPERI-I ( f illS Apt'l.t(:A,f toN) ARE: CabT:L.{z__ drI )la 5. PLOT PLAN. Sketch (a) all roads (h) b<rrndarlca of property (c) exlstlng/pproposed sryrte dlspossl arers (c) axls tlnt/propored sells (f)(g) oast:mnts (h) dratnagevaysi straaas , creeka, sny othar partior lndurtrlal. ghou frcestand!ng rlgns, parkl nt ir.r!, INDICATE DIImISIONS. roposed bulldlngr (d) extrt taglexfutlng/propoccd drl veuayanent fertures. If cocrcltl t E l' F ;1 E (, atqI o .to oE F !t FI oz Ft 6 6 1 9 l0 t2 I l. 14, TO AL I.OI' SIIE OR ACRFr{(:E II()l,OSEt) l.lA f t:R St,t,H.y fl .[(]TltJCtT] FlllcirsItD BY SITI: INSI,ECTION TI:ST II(,LES READY (DATE) { HElltOD Or SrUA(;E t)tspos^L_-____*._ uELl._ sl'RtNc_- s.l.R[:AX_ _ LAKE _ . PUBL]C I t'- I t i IiATUML (;AS LY TINT: DISTRICT SCll0()1. trlS'tRtCT PLI.'HE IN(; BY r'trtrr"tlttrtttttttlltlrtltttl D0 NoT tit"RIT!l BELOT' THIS LtNE rrrrrrtrr..rrtttrtrttrrrtttrrtt lEFoRl: YouR ll'Pl'lcAl lox c]\N BE PRocEssED You Hl-rsT !'UlL',llsH: ,-_--,8!xr I PLoT pLANs LEcAL DEscRIpTIoN (DrMElrsloNr:D) ldne aourty 6r\- L ANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 BY 7c STATE c'4-/4- < '<lt. t' I I I I I l, I 'I ..1-: .i .,1 I :l :, i, ,i I \ I t ! ti :it t Rn S"o..-.Q. PI I I t I I \ I \l- ? I Ij \.)Y't' & Ar---'' i 1-,- I \) t'\o I(> \-2s ..s ras,rl ,7 -og'/?Job Location (Street, mile post Plot Plan Subdivision Lot_ Block FOR SANITARIAN'S USE ONLY: dsystem Approved fl system Disapproved fl Needs Correction COMMENTS: 44, Signature:Date /7 FOR INSTALLER'S USE: Trench DePth Filler D ept h Below Tile Tank capacity lJ-rO Gftl Manufacture Nt',fl Measured distance to well from tank--:l-\o\ -(2 - from drainfield J- ,82 -+ /92 -l-)od Aoznt /-{tvezu oF oxszttttt€to - /5O' r --l t o t 6 0 1\) r-5t llIr ,01 tl\ I I -L{s;,* o l l- o u.IuQ' ' .$' --t t1-, o' \\ ,t J N q \$ N tt 0.tl 0) !! O) =q'(E o) E(oz J' c(oo o. o- (!P0 { \ \ ,$ $ o0 N t * N s6 + o- cn le (x !NSTALLATION RECORD AND CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION When signed by the County Sanitarian, this certificate is evidence as per ORS 454.665 of sat- isfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above location. Return this form to: Permit Processing Section, Department of Environmental [\4anagement, Public Service Building, 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene 974O1 o IY c55-1 1 .o v .;1$ / ,TRS, T Acreage or Lot Size Contractor's O.S. # JOB LOCATIO Partitioning # LANE COUNTY PEBMIT ) Completed Subdivision Lot Block- CONTRACTOR'S NAI\4E AND ADDRESS APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRE cc Phone- OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRE ss Phone Phone Vlail permitto ( )Applicant ( )Owner ( )Contractor. ( )Prefertopickup. Call-(owner, etc.) when ready Fee Paid $-Signature ()NEWADDRESS ( } FACILITY PERI\4IT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT.- | SPECIAL PI\4T. AREA. I\4IN. E LEVATION: - STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY THlSPERlv]lTlSFoR#BEDRool\4s-#PLUMBlNGcoNNEcTloNL \AJATER SUPPLY SEWAGE DISPOSAL s.l. # THlSPRoPERTYlSWlTHlNoNEMlLEoFTHEClTYoF.PLUtVlBlNGBY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate. and that I have the following legal interest in the property: -owner of record; -contract purchaser; - potential buyer; - realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. Date - SANITATION [Vlinimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet Maximum Depth Date BUILDING Type of Construction c"r.."t, Use classification By roup Fire Zone Comments By:Date: PLANNING REOUIREMENTS SATISFIED. By Date Date lssued ZONE:SETBACKS: FRONT SIDE FACING STREET (FROIVI C/L) INT. SIDE YARD REAR (FROM P/L) LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IVIANAGEMENT, 125 EAST BTH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 97401 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE C55-13 BLDG.pERMTT-wHrrE; BUTLDtNG-GREEN; PLUMBTNG-GANARy; sANtrATroN-GoLDENRoD; oFFrcEcopy-wHrrE PHONE: 687 4394 .-.r I , TR$, TL JOB LOCATIO LANE COUNTY PERMIT // $ptoc- Qr.- Ztt*ae 5Acreage or Lot Size Contractor's O.S. # Comments Partition ing ) Completed Subdivision Lot Bloc APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRE SS- Mail permitto ( )Applicant ( )Owner ( )Contractor. ( )Prefertopickup. Call lVlinimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet Maximum Depth Phon e OWNER'S NAIVIE AND ADDRESS Phone CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDBESS - Phone (owner, etc.) when ready STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY THlsPERMlTlsFoR#BEDRoolv]S#PLUl!lBlNGcoNNECTloNS- WATER SUPPLY SEWAGE DISPOSAL s.l. # THlSPRoPERTYlSWlTHlNoNEtVllLEoFTHEClTYoF.PLUtVlBlNGBY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the lollowing legal interest in the property: -owner of record; -contract purchaser; - potential buyer; - realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to comply wilh all applicable Codes relating to this permit. Fee Paid $-Signatu re A Date ( } NEW ADDRESS () FACILITY PERIVIIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT.- () SPECIAL PI\4T. AREA. IV]IN. ELEVATION SANITATION BUILDING Type of Construction roup ire Zone c",.nn..,.".- Use classification Date B Date PLANN ING REOUI REMENTS SATISFI ED By:Date Date lssued LANE COUNTY DEPABTTIENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE., EUGENE. OREGON 97401 PHONEi 687-4394 POST THIS PERNIIT ON MAIN BUILDTNG AT SITE BLDG.PERMIT-WHtTE; BUtLDING-GREEN; PLUMBTNG-CANARy; SANTTATTON-cOLDENROD; OFFtCECOp\/-wHtTEc55-1 3 r By: ZONE:SETBACKS: FRONT SIDE FACING STREET (FROIVI C/L) INT. SIDE YARD REAR (FROIVI P/L) SITE INSPECTION Ap pnov r o Rruenx s D r sappnoveo Darr I rs re cton FOUNDATION I NSPECTION APPRovEo REurnx s Drsnppnovro FRAMING INSPECTION APPRovEo D DrsappRovEo D RruaRx s D oar r .fiJrl-JS- rNsecro*-$aal 7-7 I F,t< Dare l nseecron LATH OR SHEETROCK Ae pnov e o RruaRx s I NSPECT I ON Dr sappnovro Dar E I Hspecron FINAL INSPECTION Ae pnov r o REunnx s M DrsappRoveo Darc -{-/a -7? lHsprcroR CERTI F I CATE OF OCCUPANCY Rerov ro lssue D Nor Rrrov ro lssue D ReuaRxs Drre I NSPEcToR D SLAB FLOOR PLUMB ING GROUNO^/ORK Appnov eo Reilenx s Drr e I xsprcron GAS PIPING GROUND^/ORK Ap pnov r o Rsi{anx s D r slppnovro Dar e I Nseecron ROUGH PLUMBING Appnov r o Rexrnx s Dr srppRoveD Dat e I Nspecron ROUGH GAS PIPING APPRovEo D DrsappRoveo D Reranxs Darr I Nsercton FINAL PLUMBING AppRove o Re uanx s Drsrppnoveo Dare I Nspecton FINAL GAS Ap pnov r o Rexlnx s PIPING D r sAPPRovEo Drre I Hs pe ctoR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Rrlov ro lssue RruaRx s D Nor Rrnoy ro lssur n DnrE_I HspEcroR D Drsapppovro D D , TRS,,T Acreage or Lot Size Contractor's O.S. + JOB LOCATIO LANE COUNTY PERMIT Partitioning #-( ) Completed Subdivisi Lot B APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDR trcc OWNER'S NAIVIE AND ADDR CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRE ( Mail permitto ( )Applicant ( )Owner ( )Contractor. ( )Prefertopickup. Call-(owner, etc.) when ready Phone Phone- Phone- s.l. # STRUCTUBES NOW ON THE PROPERTY=_--.-''- THlsPERMlTlsFoR#BEDRoolv1L#PLul\4BlNGcoNNEcTloNL \I/ATER SUPPLY SEWAGE DISPOSA THIS PROPERTY ISWITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF PLUIV]B ING BY I hereby certity that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: -owner of record; -contract purchaser; - potential buyer; - realtor or agent. I lurther certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves oI this action. I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. Fee Poid $-Sigrature ()NEWADDRESS () FACILITY PESMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT.- ( }SPECIALPIV]T.AREA. I\4IN. ELEVATION: - Date - SANITATION Minimum Septic Tank Cepecity (Galloris) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet Maximum Depth BUILDING Type of Construction c",n,n.".* Use classification Group ire Zone Comments B Date:B Date PLANNING REOUI REMENTS SATISFIED. B v Date:Date lssued: LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IVIANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 97401 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE BLOG. PERMIT - WHITE; BUILDING - GREEN; PLUMBTNG - CANARy; SANTTATTON - GOLOENROD; OFFTCE COpv - wHtTEc55-1 3 PHONE:687-4394 trqq ZON E:SETBACKS: FRONT SIDE FACING STREET (F ROrvr C/L)INT. SIDE YARD REAR (FROM P/L)